HomeMy WebLinkAboutBashaw, RoyHon. Alan DeBoer Mayor of City of Ashland Ashand, Oregon APR - I 2004 By__ April 1. 2004 Roy Bashaw 292 Terrace Street Ashland, Oregon Ph: 482 3515 Dear Sir: Re: Ashland Charter Review Committee I would welcome the opportunity to serve as a member of the 'Charter Review Committee. We have lived in Ashland very happily for 17 years in a modest house we built on Terrace Street, and I am a native of the valley. Although 80 years old and retired, I am in command of my faculties (or most of them) and have been a member of the state and federal bar since 1949. I no longer practice, except occasionally as a volunteer (Active Emeritus Mem.) for Legal Aid. In general I have practiced about 50% in the private sector, but have developed a certain familiarity with the law of local government.* And I was on the committee that wrote the new city charter adopted by the city of Medford in the 1970s. I have no specific issues to take up and no axe to grind, except that experience has taught me (if nothing else) when dratiing a charter or charter provision, keep it simple, short and direct; avoid unnecessary process; and give the locally elected people f?om time to time the freedom to shape and to form the government that best suits them. (In other words, I believe in Home Rule). Ve~ rulyyo i ' * City Attorney for MEDFORD 12 years; JACKSON COUNTY LEGAL COUNSEL Five years; sometime city attorney for the Cities of BANDON, PORT ORFORD, SEASIDE, CENTRAL POINT, PHOENIX, TALENT; Interim City Attorney for CITY OF ASHAND; attorney for the JACKSON COUNTY URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY White City); sometime member, BUDGET COMMITTEE CITY OF ASHLAND. CITY OF ASHLAND APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO CITY COMMISSION/COMMITTEE Please type or print answers to the following questions and submit to the City Recorder at City Hall, 20 E Main Street, or email christeb~,ashland.or, us. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the City Recorder at 488-5307. Attach additional sheets if necessarY. Name goy Bashaw Requesting to serve on: Charter Review Committee (Commission/Committee) Address 292 Tei~race A~reet, Ashland, OR 97520 Occupation Retired but Active Member or Bar ("emeritus." Phone: Home 432-3515 Work Email lrba shaw ( at ) 1. Education Background What schools have you attended? Medford High School; Oregon Law School W~nat degrees do you ho~d? Bachelor of Arts, UCLA, UCLA; 1946'; Mind. net University of Doctor of Jurisprudence - University of Oregon Law School, 1949 What additional training or education have you had that would apply to this position? ~l~ase see attached copy of letter to Mayor dated 4/01/04 2. Related Experience What prior work experience have you had that would help you if you were appointed to this posit, ion? C~tyAttorney for Medford 12 years; Charter Revision Committee . for Medford (See attached certif.icate of Mayer of Medford; 3ackson County Legal Counsel for 5 years ending with retirement; During 1949-1974 city attorney for 6 other cities, district judge for 2 years, and otherwise in private practice Do you feel it would be advantageous for you to have further training in this field, such as attending conferences or seminars? Why? No III IIII ~,~,~ I I . II [11 I I_ _ IIII II ......................... -' I, I.l_~l ...... II Jlllll I,,.~ul I Illlll I -~ Hon. Alan DeBoer Mayor of City of Ashland Ashand, Oregon April 1. 2004 Roy Bashaw 292 Terrace Street Ashland, Oregon Ph: 482 3515 Dear Sir: Re: Ashland Charter Review Committee I would welcome the opportunity to serve as a member of the 'Charter Review Committee. We have lived in Ashland very happily for t 7 years in a modest house we built on Terrace Street, and I am a native of the valley. Although 80 years old and retired, I am in command of my faculties (or most of them) and have been a member of the state and federal bar since t 949. I no longer practice, except occasionally as a volunteer (Active Emeritus Mem.) for Legal Aid. In general I have practiced about 50% in the private sector, but have developed a certain familiarity with the law of local government.* And ! was on the committee that wrote the new city charter adopted by the city of Medford in the 1970s. I have no specific issues to take up and no axe to grind, except that experience has taught me (if nothing else) when drafting a charter or charter provision, keep it simple, short and direct; avoid unnecessary process; and give the locally elected people from time to time the freedom to shape and to form the government that best suits them. (In other words, ! believe in Home Rule). Very truly yours Roy Bashaw * City Attorney for MEDFORD t2 years; JACKSON COUNTY LEGAL COUNSEL Five years; sometime city attorney for the Cities of BANDON, PORT ORFORD, SEASIDE, CENTRAL POINT, PHOENtX, TALENT; Interim City Attomey for CITY OF ASHAND; attorney for the JACKSON COUNTY URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY White City); sometime member, BUDGET COMMITTEE CITY OF ASHLAND. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR CITY OF MEDlZORD MEDFORD, OREGON 97~1 ~EOFORD~S SISTER CITY: ALBA, ITALY CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATIOi~i Presented to' E, ROY BASHAW For service to the people of Medford, Oregon, as a member of the CHARTER REVISION COMMITTEE and for an outstanding contribution to our community's , future Mayor of Medford Dated' May 6, 1975 3. Interests Why are You applying for this position? Want to serve community where I have special experience, and I am happiest doing something useful. 4. Availability Are you available to attend special meetings, in addition to the regularly scheduled meetings? Do you prefer day or evening meetings? Pr ef er davtime meetings because I am more efficient then. But realize the need for evening meetings. 5. Additional Information How long have you lived in this community? ! 8 ~ear s Please use the space below to sununadze any additional qualifications you have for this position These are not l:he only things I have done, but they are the most relevant. Maybe it is also relevant that the Oregon State Bar im March 2003 awarded me a pl~e for "pro- viding the highest level of pro bono service" (an exaggeration but nice). I suppose this 'means I'll make a serious effort to be helpful. Date