HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-09-02 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION 'Minutes September 2, 1998 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at the Community Center by Chairperson Jim Lewis at 7:36 p.m. Members present were Jim Lewis, Terry Skibby, Dale Shostrom, Keith Chambers, Gary Foil, Joan Steele, Curt Anderson and Joyce Cowan. Also present were Associate Planner Mark Knox and Secretary Sonja Akerman. Member Vava Bailey was absent. NEW MEMBER Lewis introduced Gary Foil, the Commission's new member. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Skibby corrected the minutes of the August 5, 1998 meeting under the "Triangle Park Gazebo Facelift" to read .... The Commission also agreed the color of the brackets should be stained the same as the posts. Shostrom clarified his motion for Planning Action 98-070 as follows: Shostrom then moved to recommend approval of this application with the condition the west elevation parapet wafts be looked at and possibly eliminated. It was also suggested that an additional first story roof be added to the rear parking entrance to create more of a sense of entry, and mitigate the effect of the two-story sidewall height... Cowan then moved and Skibby seconded to approve the minutes as corrected and clarified. The motion passed unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS Planning Action 98-091 Site Review 559 Scenic Drive Ashland Community Hospital Foundation Knox related the design for the proposed building was reviewed by the Commission a couple months ago with architect Ken Ogden. The site is located on the corner of Scenic Drive, Maple Street and Catalina Drive. Jackson County Physical Therapy currently occupies the existing building, which will be demolished. Staff is supportive of this application. Neighbors had concerns with the proposed parking accessing off Scenic and Catalina because of the increase in traffic in the residential area of Scenic Drive. Ingress and egress will now solely be off Catalina Drive. Sidewalks will be installed and trees will be planted on the three street sides. Ken Ogden stated the first phase will be the two story portion and the second will consist of the single story portion which will be at least 1,400 square feet. Future plans will involve a zone change and may also involve the purchase of adjacent property. All mechanical equipment will be in the loft of the building except the meter area. This will be visually and structurally screened. Wood siding will be used and the roof will be composition shingles, which will be textured and colored to harmonize with the building colors. He explained the doctors want patient privacy so the windows are clustered in order to allow the division of rooms at these points. The lobbies will have more massing of windows, as will the doctors' offices. Also, all the windows will have blinds which will be the same type and color. Skibby asked about the length of time between the two phases. Ogden answered the hospital foundation would like to begin as soon as possible; however, a zone change is required. Shostrom said if the second phase did not get built, he would question the simple design on the east elevation. Ogden agreed and said it would look better if the glazing was repeated and one more column was replicated. This would give that elevation more depth and enhance the Maple Street entrance. The Commission felt it was prudent to look at the project as if the second phase might not happen. VVhen asked about the emergency exit exterior stairway on the north elevation, Ogden stated he has simplified the design. The base will be concrete with wood siding. The area will also be landscaped and the screening will help reduce the visual aspect. Also, the railing will be more simple. Ogden agreed to submit the east elevation change as discussed. Knox noted for clarification purposes, it will be made a condition of approval. Chambers moved to recommend approval of this application with the condition the east elevation changes be incorporated as discussed, which would include the delineation and replication of the entrance columns, and the stair railings on the north elevation be simplified to minimize their impact on the design. Steele seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of August follow: 44 North Second Street 129 Fifth Street 241 North Laurel Street 136 "B" Street 161 East Main Street North Main/Maple Streets "A" Street Office Supply Trinity Church Rexford Smith Rickert/Leger Joseph Rodriguez Treasured Memories Ashland Community Hospital Fnd 249 "A" Street Addition Addition Second SFR Unit Carport Sign Sign Sign REVIEW BOARD Following is the August schedule for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to at least 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: September 3"e September 10th September 17th September 24th October 1st Skibby, Foil and Lewis Skibby, Bailey, Steele and Cowan Skibby, Bailey, Chambers and Shostrom Skibby, Anderson and Steele Skibby, Foil and Lewis OLD BUSINESS Proiect Assignments for Planning Actions PA # 96-086 97-018 98-022 98-082 98-034 98-039 98-045 98-047 98-070 97-072 98-075 98-091 There was nothing new to report Ashland Historic Commission Minutes September 2, 1998 Address 685 "A" Street 661 "B" Street 112 Helman Street 141 Lithia Way 221 Oak Street Holly Street 122 Church Street Between 548 & 628 North Main Street 595 North Main Street 440 East Main Street 542 "A" Street 559 Scenic Drive Meter Locations Person(s) Assigned Curt Anderson/Jim Lewis Jim Lewis Vava Bailey Dale Shostrom Dale Shostrom Joan Steele and Joyce Cowan Vava Bailey Joyce Cowan Terry Skibby and Dale Shostrom Joyce Cowan Jim Lewis Vava Bailey Grant for National Register Web Site Steele updated the Commission on the web site "grant", which will not bring in any dollars, just "glory to the Commission". She and Knox had spoken to Patrick Andrus regarding the grant and he had suggested all the property owners be notified by mail explaining the ramifications parameters of having their properties on the web site. She volunteered to write the letter explaining what the project entails. Goal Setting/Orientation Meetin_q The Commission decided to change the October meeting date to Tuesday, October 6th. The Commission will meet at the Community Center at 3:00, go to the historic power house for a tour, then come back for the goal setting/orientation meeting prior to the regular monthly meeting. Kay Atwood will be invited. NEW BUSINESS State Advisory Committee on Historic Preservation The Ashland Railroad Addition Historic District nomination will go before the State Advisory Committee on Historic Preservation on October 30th. Skibby and Foil will ride up with Knox to attend the meeting in Salem. Commission Discussion Skibby discussed the siding and window trim that has been applied to the building on the corner of Fourth and "B" Streets. No permit was required. He also discussed the two new posts and flashing on the front of Briscoe School by the fountain. No permit was taken out; staff was unsure one was needed. ADJOURNMENT With a motion by Shostrom and second by Skibby, it was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 9:23 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes September 2, 1998