HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-0618 Bike MINBICYCLE COMMISSION Thursday June 18, 1998 Meeting Minutes Members Present: II. III. Darrel Gee, Ken Hagen, Landon Hilliard, Tom Powell, and Tim Gary. Staff present: Maria Harris, and Mindy Bath. CALL TO ORDER: City Council Ken Hagen called the meeting to order at 5:07 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: April 16 1998 & May 21, 1998: Ken Hagen stated the minutes would stand approved as submitted. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION: A. Public Forum No discussion was held. B. Facility Development - Oak Sreet Traffic Calming Proposal: Status Harris brought in the map of the proposal which is still in progress but had the latest plans. The commission observed and discussed situation about cross-walks, side walks and traffic on Oak and Hersey streets. -Bicycle Lockers: Status Harris is still in the process of contacting the sales man. She sent out 10 request for quotes and got 3 back. The spot for the eight bike lockers is set and ready for them. The commission discussed whether they wanted a coin operator, rent a lock or have the individual use their own personal lock. Gee made a motion to try the coin operator, which will be available from the hours of 4:00pm to 2:00am. Gary second the motion. C. Planninq Issues -Review Planning Actions: Subcommittee Comments No discussion was held. D. Future Events/Promotions Discussion was held on the problems, concerns and safety issues with bike lanes on certain streets. Hagen made a motion to send a request to Paula Brown and Mike Freemen that the bike lanes need to be re- painted and swept. E. Bicycle Safety Education Committee PAGE 1-(c:bikfeb98.Min) IV. V. Vl. -Siskiyou Wheelmen Activities: Status No discussion was held. Other: Hagen would like to order the video, video. Powell second the motion. Affective Cycling. Hagen made a motion to buy one year use of the Discussed traffic situations and bike lanes on Tolman and East Main Streets. COMMENTS: Commission or Spectators. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A. Other: ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 7:04 p.m. PAGE 2-(c:bikfeb98.Min)