HomeMy WebLinkAboutWilliams, DavidCITY OF , , SHLAND November 19, 2003 David F. Williams 1023 Morton Street Ashland, OR 97520 Dear David: Thank you for your letter of October 28th addressed to Alan DeBoer. I apologize for not having replied sooner on his behalf. One of the current council goals is to consider an update of the City Charter and an evaluation of the formation of a Charter Review Committee is scheduled for February of 2004. I will make sure your letter of interest is considered at that time and we will contact you then. Thank you for your interest, and I hope all is well. Excecutive Secretary ADMINISTRATION 20 East Main Skeet Ashland, Oregon 97520 w~v.ashland.or, us PRtNTED ON RECYCLED PAPER II Tel: 541-488-6002 Fax: 541488-5311 TrY: 800-735.2900 1023 Morton Street Ashland, OR 97520 October 28, 2003 Mr. Alan DeBoer Mayor, City of Ashland 20 East Main Street Ashland, OR 97520 Dear Mayor DeBoer; Early in 2003, several of us met with you to discuss possible changes in Ashland's City Charter, and a review of the Charter later became one of the City Council's goals. Possible Charter amendments discussed briefly during our meeting with you included a move to a City Manager fo__,-m of government and having the Parks Manager report to a City Manager rather than to the Parks Commission. At the time of our meeting, 1 believe you favored retaining an elected Parks Commission as an advisory body if the reporting relationship for the Parks Manager should change~ At our meeting, you suggested that those of us who might be interested in participating in a Cha~er Review Committee (if that's the correct name) let Ms. Fran Berteau know. Personally, I've been preoccupied since April with my wife's illness (cancer), but it still seems worthwhile to try to get something moving with respect to possible City Charter Amendments. If you and others agree that now is the time, I would be interested in serving on such a Committee. Best Regards, David F. Williams CiTY OF :ASHLAND May 19, 2004 David Williams 1023 Morton Street Ashland OR 97520 Dear Dave, I have enclosed £or your convenience an application packet tbr the Charter Review Committee. !F you arc still interested i~ participating on this committee? please complete thc ~pplication and return it to my office by May 27, 2004. have any questions, ple~tsc i'~c1 fi'cc to cou:[act mc. Barbara Christensen City Recorder CITY RECORDER/TREASURER Tel: 541488-5307 20 E Main Street Fax: 541-552-2059 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or, us CITY OF --- -/kS H LAND ~'~ 'PLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO /Ii tCITY COMMISSION/COMMITTEE --ll~ ...... t~wers to the following questions and submit to the City Recorder at ~ ~treet,C~t Hall or email christeb~ashland.or, us. If you have any questions, ~e feel free to contact the City Recorder at 488-5307. Attach additional sheets if necessa~' Name Requesting to se~e on: ~~t r t.,'~ (CommissioffCommi~ee) Address OcCupation (~' 0.~-.a: ]~~.-~[~ 0. t,v-~'~n~e: Home Work Fax 1. Education Background k%~[ [~¢ ~at schools have you a~ended? ~-ck ,' ~. What degrees do you hold? (, What addition~J~train{ng or educ~t4on hale y~)u~had tt~at w~!~ apply t~this posiiion? 2. Related Experience What prior work experience have you had that would help you if you were appointed to this position? Do you feel it would be advantageous for you to have furthe~traininl~ !n this fi~?ld, such as attending conferences or seminars? Why? - 3. Interests Why are you applying for this position? :I 4. AvailabiliW Are you available to attend special meetings, in addition~t? ~he regul~ly scheduled meetings'? Do you prefer day or evening meetings? k~,~ % I t ;~ '~ c~ 5. Additional Information 0 "'kgi'k- ~'~ How long have you lived in this community? Please use the space below to summarize any additional qualifications you have for this position Date