HomeMy WebLinkAboutMontgomery, DonaldCITY OF SHLAND November 19, 2003 Donald R. Montgomery P.O. Box 1237 Ashland, OR 97520 Dear Donald: Just an update to keep you informed of what is happening with the Charter Review Committee. An evaluation of the formation of a Charter Review Committee is scheduled for February of 2004. We will make sure your original letter of interest is considered at that time and we will contact you then. Sincerely, rteau Executive Secretary ADMINISTRATION 20 East Main Street Ashland, Oregon 97520 www.ashland.or, us PRINfED ON RECYCLED PAPER Tel: 541-488-6002 Fax: 541-488-5311 TTY: 800-735-2900 June 9,2003 CITY OF , SHLAND Donald R. Montgomery P.O. Box1237 Ashland, OR 97520 Dear Donald: Thank you for your letter and enclosures of June 2, 2003. As one of the council goals for 2003, a review of the City Charter is being considered. At this point, we have not yet established the timeline or procedure but I will pass along a copy of your letter to Mayor Alan DeBoer, and Gino Grimaldi, City Administrator, for their consideration if a review committee is formed in the future. We will keep you informed of our progress in this regard. We appreciate you taking the time to write and for your interest in this possible future review committee. Sincerely, Fran Berteau Executive Secretary Cc Alan DeBoer, Mayor Gino Grimaldi, City Administrator ADMINISTRATION 20 East Main Street Ashland, Oregon 97520 wv~v.ashland.or, us Tel: 541488-6002 Fax: 541488-5311 TTY: 800-735-2900 PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER DONALD R. MONTE~OMERY Ms. Fran Berteau City Hall 20 East Main Street Ashland, OR. 97520 Dear Ms. Berteau It is my understanding that the City Council has adopted, as one of its goals for 2003, a review of the City Charter. It is also my understanding that a committee will be formed to conduct this review and recommend changes to have the Charter match the times and future needs of the City. As an 8 year resident of Ashland, interested in the effective operation of the City, I would be pleased to be considered to serve on this committee. My professional career has spanned some forty-five years, during which I held engineering and management positions in private sector firms, government agencies and non-profit research organizations. I believe the knowledge gained while serving in these institutions, in terms of efficient organizational structure and effective resource utilization, can be of benefit to the Charter review and recommendation process. For your information, I have enclosed a copy of my resume' which may help to assess my qualifications to serve on the Charter review committee. Should you have a need for further information, please feel free to contact me by telephone at 482-2222, or by e-mail at donml@internetcds.com. Encl. Sincerely Donald R. Montg~~ While on loan from JPL, Mr. Montgomery also served on the staff of the Oceanographer of the Navy, where he was responsible for establishing an applied research program for SAR to support Arctic submarine operations and littoral warfare. While in this capacity, Mr. Montgomery established a cooperative SAR research program with the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment focused on the use of SAR in coastal oceanography, including SAR-derived seabed topography and surf conditions. In recent years Mr. Montgomery has supported NOAA in the use of space- based SAR in environmental applications. As an element of this work, Mr. Montgomery established an Interagency SAR Working Group to identify applications of space-based SAR which support the operations of Government Agencies, and to define requirements for future SAR systems which could satisfy these Agency operations. Mr. Montgomery is currently supporting NOAA in the conduct of experiments to determine the utility of space-based SAR in fisheries enforcement applications. These experiments involve the use of SAR in ship, wake and driftnet detection methods, as well as detecting land surface changes that affect the habitat of salmon species of the Pacific Northwest. Mr. Montgomery currently serves on the review board of the Canadian radar satellite Radarsat-2 and supports NASA-sponsored radar research and applications. Mr. Montgomery is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, and is the recipient of 3 NASA Group Achievement awards. Mr. Montgomery obtained the BSEE from the California Polytechnic State University and an ~LA in Management from the University of Redlands. D.R. Montgomery, R.E. Wittenberg-Fay, R.W. Austin, "The Application of Satellite-Derived Ocean Color Products to Commercial Fishing Operations", Marine Technology Society Journal, Vol. 20, No. 2, June 1986. D.R. Montgomery, Ed. "Operational Use Of Civil Space-Based Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)", JPL Publication 96-16, July 1996. D.R. Montgomery, W. Pichel and P. Clemente-Colon, "SAR Experiments in Support of Fisheries Enforcement Applications", IGARSS '98. D. R. Montgomery, "International Fisheries Enforcement Management Using Wide Swath SAR", Technical Digest, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Vol. 21, No. 1, Jan.-Mar. 2000. CITY OF -ASHLAND June 9,2003 Donald R. Montgomery P.O. Box 1237 Ashland, OR 97520 Dear Donald: Thank you for your letter and enclosures of June 2, 2003. As one of the council goals for 2003, a review of the City Charter is being considered. At this point, we have not yet established the timeline or procedure but I will pass along a copy of your letter to Mayor Alan DeBoer, and Gino Grimaldi, City Administrator, for their consideration if a review committee is formed in the future. We will keep you informed of our progress in this regard. We appreciate you taking the time to write and for your interest in this possible future review committee. Sincerely, Fran Berteau Executive Secretary Cc Alan DeBoer, Mayor Gino Grimaldi, City Administrator ADMINISTRATION 20 East Main Street Ashland, Orego~ 97520 wwv.ashland.or,us Tel: 541-488-6002 Fax: 541-488-5311 TTY: 800-735-2900 PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER DONALD R. MONTGOMERY ENGINEERING CONSULTING Ms. Fran Berteau City Hall 20 East Main Street Ashland, OR. 97520 Dear Ms. Berteau It is my understanding that the City Council has adopted, as one of its goals for 2003, a review of the City Charter. It is also my understanding that a committee will be formed to conduct this review and recommend changes to have the Charter match the times and future needs of the City. As an 8 year resident of Ashland, interested in the effective operation of the City, I would be pleased to be considered to serve on this committee. My professional career has spanned some forty-five years, during which I held engineering and management positions in private sector firms, government agencies and non-profit research organizations. I believe the knowledge gained while serving in these institutions, in terms of efficient organizational structure and effective resource utilization, can be of benefit to the Charter review and recommendation process. For your information, I have enclosed a copy of my resume' which may help to assess my qualifications to serve on the Charter review committee. Should you have a need for further information, please feel free to contact me by telephone at 482-2222, or by e-mail at donml@internetcds.com. Encl. Sincerely ...<-? .... ) .~ ? Donald ~. ~ontgo~-~'ry ~,~ P.O. BOX ]237 ' ASHLAND, OREGON 97520 ' TEL. 54]/482-2222 ° FAX. 54]/488-g359 DONALD R. MONTGOMERY ENGINEERING CONSULTANT 311 Sheridan Street Ashland, Oregon 97520 Tel: (541) 482-2222 Fax: (541) 488-9359 E-mail: donml@internetcds.com PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE SUF~fARY Mr. Montgomery is an engineer and pzogram manager with over 48 years experience in the fields of aircraft radar design, slow-scan television systems development, ocean remote sensing and space-based synthetic aperture radar. Mr. Montgomery is currently a consultant to U.S. and Canadian organizations involved in satellite-based radar systems and environmental applications. Mr. Montgomery is well established in the ocean remote sensing community and is internationally known for his work in the application of satellite remote sensing applications to commercial maritime, fishing and polar operations, as well as Navy expeditionary missions. Mr. Montgomery has been a lecturer in ocean remote sensing applications at George Washington University and the U.S. Naval Academy, and is an advisor to the South Pacific Applied Geosciences Commission. Mr. Montgomery's early work with the Bendix Corporation involved development of aircraft terrain clearance radar systems and radar beacons. Upon joining the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Mr. Montgomery was engaged in the development of slow-scan television systems for lunar and planetary missions, and managed the development of the cameras for the Surveyor lunar landing spacecraft, the Mariner 6&7 spacecraft to Mars and the Viking Orbiter spacecraft. Temporarily assigned to NASA Headquarters in Washington, D.C., Mr. Montgomery was deputy to the Seasat program manager and responsible for the formation and management of a commercial users program, devoted to assessing the utility and economic benefits of Seasat data in commercial applications involving such sectors as off-shore oil and gas, commercial fishing, ocean mining, ship routing and private weather forecasting. As a component of this program, Mr. Montgomery engaged in a demonstration program providing satellite-derived ocean color products to commercial fishermen as an aid in defining productive fishing areas. In 1984 Mr. Montgomery was provided, on a loan basis, to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), to serve as the first director of the Office of Ocean Services, responsible for establishing regional ocean service centers and providing ocean condition and marine weather data in support of research and operations. While at NOAA, Mr. Montgomery introduced the use of space-based synthetic aperture radar (SAR) to marine users and led the effort to incorporate SAR as an operational tool at the National Ice Center (NIC) in support of both commercial and Navy polar operations. Mr. Montgomery initiated the formation of the U.S.-Canada Ice Working Group and was instrumental in establishing a real time data exchange capability between the NIC and Ice Center Environment Canada. While on loan from JPL, Mr. Montgomery also served on the staff of the Oceanographer of the Navy, where he was responsible for establishing an applied research program for SAR to support Arctic submarine operations and littoral warfare. While in this capacity, Mr. Montgomery established a cooperative SAR research program with the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment focused on the use of SAR in coastal oceanography, including SAR-derived seabed topography and surf conditions. In recent years Mr. Montgomery has supported NOAA in the use of space- based SAR in environmental applications. As an element of this work, Mr. Montgomery established an Interagency SAR Working Group to identify applications of space-based SAR which support the operations of Government Agencies, and to define requirements for future SAR systems which could satisfy these Agency operations. Mr. Montgomery is currently supporting NOAA in the conduct of experiments to determine the utility of space-based SAR in fisheries enforcement applications. These experiments involve the use of SAR in ship, wake and driftnet detection methods, as well as detecting land surface changes that affect the habitat of salmon species of the Pacific Northwest. Mr. Montgomery currently serves on the review board of the Canadian radar satellite Radarsat-2 and supports NASA-sponsored radar research and applications. Mr. Montgomery is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, and is the recipient of 3 NASA Group Achievement awards. Mr. Montgomery obtained the BSEE from the California Polytechnic State University and an MA in Management from the University of Redlands. DONALD R. MONTGOMERY PUBLICATIONS D.R. Montgomery, D.E. Willingham, "A Study of the Photometric Conditions and Iris Requirements for a Lunar Television Camera", JPL-TM 33-151, September 1963. D.R. Montgomery, F.J. Wolf, "The Surveyor Lunar Landing Television System", IEEE Spectrum, August 1966. D.R. Montgomery, "Television in the Lunar Environment", Proceedings - Couloque' International Sur L'Electronique Et L'Space, April 1967. D.R. Montgomery, E.C. Morris, "Television Observations from Surveyor Television Camera", JPL-TR 32-1625, June 1968. D.R. Montgomery, L.A. Adams, "Optics and the Mariner Imaging Instrument", Applied Optics, February 1970. G.E. Danielson, D.R. Montgomery, "Calibration of the Mariner Mars 1969 Television Cameras", Journal of Geophysical Research, January 1971. M.H. Carr, D.R. Montgomery, et al., "Imaging Experiment: The Viking Mars Orbiter", ICARUS, February 1972. D.R. Montgomery, S.W. McCandless, "Seasat-A, A User Oriented Ocean Monitoring Satellite Program", WESCON '77, September 1977. D.R. Montgomery, "Seasat Data Applications by Commercial Users", Marine Geodesy, Vol. 4, No. 4, 1980. D.R. Montgomery, "Oceanic Satellite Data Distribution System, Marine Technology Society Journal, Vol. 14, No. 6, December-January 1980-1981. D.R. Montgomery, S.W. McCandless, and B.P. Miller, "The Seasat Commercial Demonstration Program", Proceedings of EARSel - European Space Agency Symposium - Application of Remote Sensing Data on the Continental Shelf, May 1981. D.R. Montgomery, "Commercial Applications of Satellite Oceanography", Oceanus, Vol. 24, Fall 1981. D.R. Montgomery, "The Use of Satellite Observations of the Ocean Surface in Commercial Fishing Operations", NORDA Pattern Analysis in the Marine Environment, March 1982. R. M Laurs, P.C. Fiedler and D.R. Montgomery, "Albacore Tuna Catch Distributions Relative to Environmental Features Observed from Satellite", Deep Sea Research, Vol. 31, No. 9, 1984. D.R. Montgomery, "Seasat Data Applications in Ocean Industries", Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, Ed A. Schnapf, Vol. 97, (New York, American Institute of Astronautics and Aeronautics, Inc.), 1985. D.R. Montgomery, R.E. Wittenberg-Fay, R.W. Austin, "The Application of Satellite-Derived Ocean Color Products to Commercial Fishing Operations", Marine Technology Society Journal, Vol. 20, No. 2, June 1986. D.R. Montgomery, Ed. "Operational Use Of Civil Space-Based Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)", JPL Publication 96-16, July 1996. D.R. Montgomery, W. Pichel and P. Clemente-Colon, "SAR Experiments in Support of Fisheries Enforcement Applications", IGARSS '98. D. R. Montgomery, "International Fisheries Enforcement Management Using Wide Swath SAR", Technical Digest, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Vol. 21, No. 1, Jan.-Mar. 2000. CiTY OF -ASHLAND May 19, 2004 Donald Montgomery 311 Sheridan Street Ashland OR 97520 Dear Don, [ have enclosed for your convenience an application packet lbr the Charter Review Cc, mmittee, if' you are still interested in participating on this committee, please complete the application and return it to my Sincerely, Barbara Christensen City Recorder CITY RECORDER/TREASURER Tel: 541-488-5307 20 E Main Street Fax: 541-552-2059 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or, us CiTY OF H LAN D APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO CITY COMMISSION/COMMITTEE Please type or print answers to the following questions and submit to the City Recorder at City Hall, 20 E Main Street, or email christeb~ashland.or.us. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the City Recorder at 488-5307. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Requesting to serve on: ~///~g/W~ ,,~;?'///,ccrz/' o'D/~,o,,,~-~gommissioWCommittee) Address OcCupation d:~./~jB~t/g. - ,..?z,a//?~-;';&z'*~>Phone: Home Work Email Fax 1. Education Background What schools have you attended? What degrees do you hold? What additional training or education have you had that would apply to this position? 2. Related.Experience What prior work experience have you had that would help you if you were appointed to this position? /5,',~,,.->,- ,,';/ ~'d lO. ~.?J ,n .~' ,~x,/ .,-?~,,~c,,d&;~ ,,~<1,~ ~c;>./~,~:Z.~/.x/~. /'~/?///,2d(>~? ,~,:'~.~,vO~-~-~d' Do you feel it would be advantageous for you to have further training in this fie:Id, such as attending conferences or seminars? Why? ~,,.~..-~ ,w,;~;,;,~,.~×,~ >w,~,,o;.*'~; -',,-/ .,~,.~5= ~5-',t:- .'~"~?,~"~. _ MAY 2 8 004 _ _ III I l I[ I 3. Interests Why are you applying for this position? 4. Availabili~ Are you available to attend special meetings, in addition to the regularly scheduled meetings'? Do you prefer day or evening meetings? 5. Additional Information How long have you lived in this community? Please use the space below to summarize any additional qualifications you have for this position Date Signature