HomeMy WebLinkAboutLang, PhilipMayor Alan DeBoer City of Ashland 20 East Main Street Ashland, Oregon 97520 May 17, 2004 Hand delivered 5/18/04 to City Recorder Dear Mayor DeBoer: I would like to be appointed to the Ashland City Charter Revision Committee. My complete Resume is attached. During my 30+ years career as a human services administrator, I have been very knowledgeable about public policy issues. Through my contacts with the City over various planning, development and contractual issues, I have certianly become highly knowledgeable about the charter, its provi- sions, how it works, and its "glitches". I hope it will interest you to know that my latest involvement in public policy issues was my appointment by Gail Norton, Secretary of the Interior, to serve on the RAC (Resource Advisory Commmittee) of the local, multi- county BLM. We decide on the allocation of resources to private or public (BLM) projects, and in so doing, shape, change, and affect public policy on major land management and policy priorities for the BLM. I have worked on many committees that create, revise, and shape policy documents - both internal ones (such as non-profit agency articles of incorporation, bylaws, personnel policies, etc.) and external ones (City of San Francisco, American Gerontological Society). I sincerely request appointment to the committee in the sure knowledge that I will bring experience, expertise - and the ability to colm~unicate and work cooperativeS, to their work. PHILIP C~. ~NG, ACS~LCSW'-(Ph.D.) attachmenty Resume Philip Charles Lang ADDRESS: 758 B Street, Ashland, Oregon 97520 PHONE: 541/482-5387 (office); 541/482-8659 (residence) SOC. SEC. #: 131-30-1523 OREGON D.L.#: 5663744 EDUCATION: Columbia College, N.Y.C.A.B. University of California, Berkeley. M.S.W. University for Humanistic Studies, San Francisco. Coursework completed, working on dissertation (Ph.D.) LICENSES/CERTIFICATES: LCSW - State of Oregon, #1141 LCSW - State of California, #5500 Lifetime credentials - California Community College System: Instructor, Counselor, Supervisor ACSW - Academy of Certified Social Workers (N.A.S.W.) PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 1999 - 2000 Court Mediator-Josephine County Juvenile Services (interim position) Provided mediation orientation and mediation services to parents regarding custody and parenting plans. 1997- 1999 Program Manager- Adult Services, Siskiyou County Behavioral Health Head of team of clinicians providing crisis, assessment., and ongoing therapy/counseling to adults. Community outreach and direct services to jail inmates were special tasks I took on, as well as seeing clients and supervising the clinicians. 1997- present Private Practice- Ashland, Oregon Re-initiated my private practice specializing in clients with severe health crises. 1994- 1996 Executive Director- Crisis Intervention Services, Inc. Chief Executive Officer of a multi-program nonprofit corporation operating a domestic violence shelter, rape crisis, parent education, and child abuse prevention programs and a 24-hour crisis/information and referral "hotline." Philip Charles Lang / page 2 Special Achievements: Organized and implemented successful fund raising campaigns. Wrote successful, innovative grants involving collaborative activities with a range of organizations. Initiated and shaped a merger of the agency with two others. 1988- 1993 Executive Director - Peninsula Volunteers, Inc. Chief Executive Officer of two multi-million dollar budget non-profit corporations operating a large senior center, adult day care center, and two low income senior/disabled housing complexes. Special Achievements: Revamped/developed personnel management, business and management system. policies, endowment investment insurance policies, and donation 1985- 1991 1985 1980- 1984 Secured funding from local municipalities. Increased public funding substantially. Raised grant, corporate, business, and individual donations for facilities expansion and relocation. Founder and President - Philip C. Lang Associates, Inc. A for-profit corporation providing human services consultation, planning, training in management, fund-raising, and organization development. Special Achievements: Developed a special therapy practice working with seriously ill clients. Contracted for services with a large HMO. Executive Director - AASK America, Inc. Headed an adoption agency for challenged children. Executive Director - Bay Area Community Services, Inc. Chief Executive Officer of a multi-million dollar budget, multi- program, multi-county non-profit corporation. The agency provided gerontological, mental health services, and services to seniors and mentally ill clients. The organization had over 300 eraployees, 600 volunteers, provided services at over 100 sites, and was multi-racial and multi-ethnic in staff and clientele. Special Achievements: Found a headquarters and moved the agency. Secured funding for development of a kitchen for the large-scale senior meals program. Developed fund-raising plan. Created program for autistic residential program; secured site and funding (Alliance for Living & Learning). Secured grant and initiated construction of 12-unit transitional housing for recovering mentally ill clients. Philip Charles Lang / page 3 1975- 1980 Executive Director - Contra Costa Crisis and Suicide Intervention Service Chief Executive Officer of a county-wide, non-profit suicide preven- tion/intervention agency. Special Achievements: Built the agency from a $22K budget to $350K budget, and staff from 1 FTE to 5. Secured agency's first county and state funding. Developed five new crisis intervention programs, including walk-in service, "assertive follow-up," and groups. 1973- 1975 Coordinator - Board & Care Consultation Unit, Santa Clara County Mental Health Services Developed and supervised a multi-disciplinary unit working with residential care facilities serving the mentally ill and developmentally delayed. The goal was to develop rehabilitative and resocialization programs in the facilities and the community. Special Achievements: Developed programs based on social learning and educational models. Coordinated/co-led training programs for owners and staff of residen- tial facilities. Recruited and trained volunteers for special programs. Wrote training manuals, handbooks; produced videotapes. '1972 - 1973 Instructor - Chapman College Contract instructor for MFCC Program courses. 1972 - 1973 Psychiatric Social Worker III - Santa Clara County Mental Health Services Community services team leader, coordinator of day treatment, and direct service (individual and group therapy) provider. 1972 Executive Director - Brotherhood Way Jewish Community Center, San Francisco (interim position) 1970- 1971 Fieldwork Supervisor - U.C. Berkeley, School of Social 'Welfare Supervised second year MSW students in gerontology. 1969- 1971 Director of Social Services - California Rural Legal Assistance Special Achievements: Designed and implemented a self-help advocacy program for those 55 years of age and older. Recruited, trained, and deployed senior lay advocates. Wrote major book/training manual on paralegal advocacy. 1966 - 1969 Supervisor I - Alameda County Social Services Agency Philip Charles Lang/page 4 1965 - 1967 MSW Program - University of California, Berkeley 1963 - 1965 Social Worker I & II - Alameda County Social Services Agency PROFESSIONAL ACTMTIES: CommuniW Organization/Consultation/Training Age Center Alliance - Founding member of the Board. Secured first funding grant. A non- profit committed to developing innovative programs in gerontology (1988-1993). ALMACA (Association of Labor and Management Consultants on Alcoholism) Designed and taught their first professional development seminar (1980) and workshop on crisis/suicide management (1982). American Society on Aging "Long-Term Care: How Long? What Terms? Who Cares?"- A public policy workshop (Washington, D.C., 1989). "Eco-Gerontology" (San Francisco, 1990). "Eco-Gerontology: A New Age for Aging"- Intensive workshop (San Francisco, 1994). Berkeley Family Alzheimer's Family Respite Center Consultant (pro bono) (1988). California Legislative Council for Older Americans A senior power group organized around health care issues. organizer. Developed health care proposals (1970-197].). Major California - State - White House Conference on Aging Health Care Task Force. Authored proposals adopted 'by conference (1971). Death, Dying, and Terminal Illness Organizer and presenter at this ground-breaking conference for lay people and professionals in Contra Costa County (1976). San Francisco - Mayor's Technical Advisory Committee on Aging Appointed by major. Worked on S.F. Master Plan for Aging. Represented City at State White House Conference (1971). Social Service Workers' Union - Local 535 Organizer - Statewide and Alameda chapter. Served on Alameda and State executive boards. Drafted basic collective bargaining agreement. Chief of collective bargaining for Alameda County (1967-1969). HOUSING RELATED ACTI~'ITIES Bay Area Community Services Inc. · Agency secured a 2+ million dollar grant to construct satellite senior hoxnes--10 large- scale low-income senior developments. Subsequently spun-off as a~ independent corporation: Satellite Senior Homes, Inc. · Agency initiated program of Oak Better Housing--acquisition and rehabilitation of homes, with subsequent "resale" to low-income families. Secured $500,000 HUD grant to construct 12 units for mentally ill returning to community (an independent living center). · Developed a residential program for autistic young adults. Found prh/ate home and secured funding to develop it as a 6-resident facility. Peninsula Volunteers, Inc. · Agency operated two HUD sponsored low-income senior housing developments: Partridge Place and Crane Place (30 and 95 units respectively). These are, respectively, HUD 202 and HUD Section 8 developments. · As Executive Director, secured county housing and community development funds to rehabilitate Partridge Place. Private Initiatives Since 1985 have rehabilitated 16 units of affordable housing in Ashland[ and Medford, Oregon. · Have worked with community development groups, private individuaJts, and City of Ashland on development of affordable housing. · Knowledgeable about all phases of design, planning, construction, of individual and multiple housing units. · Informed about private and public sources of funding for housing. FROM : Philip C Lan9 LCSI~ PHONE NO. : 541482558? Mag. 18 2004 05:42PM PI lJ.t:TlJ >/. >III.LKIk2 May 18, 2004 Barbara Christensen, City ttecorder Charter Revision Co~ission Application (541) 552-2069 Dear Barbara: When Z turned in my ccver letter and Resume a few minutes ago, :[ was given the information about the work of the Co~m~ssion and an applical:ion form. I a~ FAXing this form to you - please append it to my letter and Resume. Thanks and best regards, PHILIP C. LA/~G FROM ' Philip C Lan9 LCSW PHONE NO. : 541482538? Mag. 18 2004 05'43PM P2 CITY OF ,-ASH LAND APPLICATION FOR APPOINTNIENT TO CITY COMMISSION/COMMITTEE Please type or print answers to the following questions and submit to the CiIT Recorder at City Hall, 20 E Main Street, or cmail christeb~,ai~hland,onus. If you have. any qu¢,,stions, please fee/free to contact the City Recorder at 498-5307. A~taeh sdditlon:~] shee~s if necessary. PHILIP C. LANG Requesting to serve on' charter Revis ion (~Commttce) Address OcCupation human servioes admin.) Retired (therapist, real-estatePhone:Home 482-8659 Wo£k 482-5387 . Emait .... ph!!iD0m'Lnd. net Fax 4~2-529.7 What schools have you attended? What degrees do you hold? College LeVels Columbia Coll. e~e.,' s~nf~rd, ~rof. Schl of Psychq.C- Berkeley A.B., MSW, (Ph.D) · , ~hat additional training or education have you had that would apply to this position? 2.., ,Related Experience (see b~r~.for<~.additional rem~rk~ What prior work experience have you had that would help you if you were appointed to this position? Please see my complet~ Re~__~ee, l~eviou.~ly submitted. In ray t>rofessional work I was involved in public po.Iicy making in fields cZ human I administered agencies that had. at times, over 100 contracts (which I negotiated) wi___~~i__~, C0~nt.y, orate, Federal agencies i have ke~t up with public policy issues not only in my field, but significant to Ashland {viz= l$lanning. ........ ..w_Q~. ~ ,; .gr~s. g=anrs/axrair DO you feel it w0uId be advantag¢0'us ~0r you to have Iumher trainmg [n'~rscqSetd~ such ~ending conferences or seminars? have had many years of this kind o.f training, along wi~.% my experience. ~~kel&ted F. xi~erience; I have sat .on, ~eaded, staffed dozens and do=ens of these ~nds of ~o--ittees in my ~ar~,~. ~~ FROM ' P~,itip C Can9 LCSU 3. Interests Why are you applying for this position? caring about Ashland's ~uture. I am very .conc~rned,~__invo~_'w~d wight_and My family and I have been blessed by being in Ashland, and we have be~n busy "giving back" (affordable housing, ray wife~ , professional and volunteer work with the County and non-profit. 4. Availabilit~' counse//ng at Ashland high school - a few examples). Are you available to attend special meetings, in addition to Ibc regularly scheduled meetings7 Do you prefer da), or evening meetings? Either are o.k. My schedule.is extremely flexible. 5. Ad ditional _Inf, ormafion I4ow long have you lived in this community? I~volved ~ince 1985, l%ad ,,a, ~e~idence here since 1992. Please use the space below to summarize any additional qualifications you have for this position _ S~0__e. mY Re~Uma. Knowledge of ~he cha~tar (working knowledge! ), knowlecl~e of many aspects Of Ashland City operations, high intelligence, ability Do work cooperativmly an~ oreativell~ with others, ~o see "beyond the box", a great - d~sir~ to c'on'LmibUte. A com~aitment to strengthening the ~ole of ~overnment, and ci~i~gen involvement. Date