HomeMy WebLinkAboutCharter, JoeMa~ 2~ 04 0~:29a JM CHRRTER 541-?79-08i6 p.i Charter Anderson, LLP A?TOIINLg'~ A? LAY ~;!,1:] N. OAKDALK loU?_.C)F'OIIO, aP., ej'7'501 Tel. 541-77g-g330 · Fax F'AI]~|MILIr TR&NgMIIIGION COVER TO: FROM: RE: DATE: NO. OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER SHEET FAX NO. BARBARA CHRISTENSEN JOE CHARTER CHARTER REVIEW COMMITTEE May 24, 2004 5 552-2059 COMMENTS: Original to follow by U.S. Mail MAY 2 4 2004 1. ~ cmmmakilon n~/~ codldndd Intena~on which b ~ only for the imlvid~ m end~ totaled on this myer sheet. 2. 1'Ids comnmnic~on ml~ ~ be mid, dlssend~ or copied by lay Import other ~ the perso, or em~ ~ ~ ~ em?er shee~ $. If this was trmn~nkted in ewor l~ease immed~teDy notify the sender ~ ret~n all IxansmlKals. We will pay all reasonable co~cs you hm.' for reetwnl~8 to us our cr~manittals laxal in ew~ to you. Na~ 24 04 09:29a ~H CHRRTER 541-?79-0816 CITY OF SHLAND APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO CITY COMMISSION/COMMITTEE Please type or print answers to the following questions and submit to the City Recorder at City Hall, 20 E Main Street, or email christeb~ashland.or.us. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact ~e City Recorder at 488-5307. Attach additional slheets if necessary.. Requesting to setw-e on: 1. Education Background Wtxat schools have you attended? Wt~at degrees do you hold? (Commission/Committe~e) Phone: Home 'q6~r-~-~c/~ Work . What additional training or educa~on have you. had that would apply to this po!!ition? 2. Related Experlenee ~gt p~or work experience have you had that would help you if you were appointed to thisposit~ , . ~. , Do you feel it would be advantageous for you tos~ave further training in ~his field, such as attending conferences or seminars? Why?_ [--~r'-/-.[~2e" ~'2/_//_~~~_3,~ ,~_~ Mm~ 24 04 0~:29a JM CHRRTER 541-779-0816 p.3 3. Interests Why are you applying for this position'? '~' f ~ ~ I 4. Availabili _ty Are you available to attend special meetings, in addition to the regularly s. ched~aIed meetings? Do you prefer day or evening meetings? ~: ~.r',~- ~/,~/L't~4c4 ~" 5. Additional Information How long have you lived in this community? Please use the space below to summarize any additional qualifications you have for this position Date Ha~ 84 O~ OS:30a OH CHRRTER 541-779-0816 JOSEPH M. CHARTER 1568 Windsor Street Ashland, OR 97520 (541) 779-9330 (day) (541) 488-2817 (home) CMC Board Member, Mediation Works, 2004 Board Member, Ashland Schools Foundation, 2004 Boys To Men NW Voluteer Mentor, 2003 Small Claims Court Volunteer Mediator, Mediation Works, 1997-2000 Ashland Forest Lands Commission, 2000-2002 Medford School District 549C Budge! Committee 1999 Medford Charter Review Committee, 1998 Medford Planning Commission, I994-1995; Vice Chair, 1995 Board Member, Rural Outdoor Education, 1996-1998 Board Member, Samaritan Counseling Center, 1996-1999 Council Member, Ascension Lutheran Church, 1995-1998; President, 1997-1998 Smart Reader, Jackson School, 1998-1999 Advisory Board Member, Child Care Connections, 1993-1997 Member, Rogue Valley Civic League, 1993-1996 PROFESSION,,AL Jackson County Judge Pro Tempore, 1996-1997, 1999-2002 Jackson County Bar Association President, 2001-2002; Executive Committee, 1997-2002 Jackson County Courts, Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee, 1997-2001 Oregon State Bar House of Delegates, 1999-2002 OSB Civil Rights Section Executive Committee, 2001-2002 Member, Oregon and California Bar Associations Member, Oregon State Bar Family and Juvenile Law, Civil Rights and Employment Law Sections 1/97 to Present: Partner, Charter Anderson, LLP, Medford, OR -Employment law, family law, probate, construction litigation, bankruptcy, personal injtay, and mediation. 3/92 to 12/96: Partner, Werdell, Charter & Hanson, Medford, OR -Employment, personal injury, appellate, real estate, land use and business law. 1/91 to 2/92: Associate, Grantland, Grensky & Blodgett, Medford, OR -Personal injury and real estate transaction practice. 1/90 to 12/90: Private Practice, Yreka, California -Real estate, landlord/tenant, personal injury, probate, and family law. 7/86 to 9/89: Associate, Hellen, Partnow & Condon, Anchorage, AK -North Slope oil royalty litigation, administrative and personal injury law. 8/84 to 8/85: Law Clerk, Hon. Walter Carpeneti, Juneau, AK -Legal research, opinion writing and special master duties. ~DUCATION Juris Doctor, University of California at Berkeley (Boalt Hall), 1984 -Notes an6 Comments Editor, _Ec.ology Law Quarterly, 1983-1984. -Note, Solar Access Obstruction Nuisance Remedy: 11 ELQ 47 (1983). Bachelor of General Studies, University of Michigan, 1980 MED,!A. TIQN/FAC!!~ ITATOR TRA ~!N .ING AND EXPER!ENCE Mediation and Conflict Managemem (40 hours), Southern Oregon State Co'.liege, July, 1996, Michael Belsky and Jonathan Lange, Instructors Member, Jackson and Josephine County Courts Arbitrator and Mediator Panels Mediator, Mediation Works/ Jackson County Courts Small Claims Mediation Program, 1997-2000 Facilitator, Talent City Council Annual Goalsetting Session, March, 1997 Co-Facilitator, Ascension Lutheran Church Long Range Planning, 1998 REFERENCE .S. Rev. Robert Larson Rev. Jim Stumbo, Ph.D. Kate Geary Ascension Lutheran Church Wellspring Counseling Center Mediation Works 3oseph M. Charhar*~ Eugene V. Anderson* *AdmiU~d in Oregon 'tAdmithnd in California CHARTER ANDERSON, LLP ATTQRN£YE AT LAW ;-;-13 N. QAKDALE MEDFnRD, OR 975131 TEL. 541-779-933El · F-AX 541-779-QB16 May 16, 2004 Barbara Christensen, City Recorder City of Ashland 20 E. Main Ashland, OR 97520 Re: Charter Review Committee Dear Ms. Christensen: Enclosed please find a copy of my resume in application for a position on the ,Charter Review Committee. I would note that I served on the Medford Charter Review Committee in 1998 and have been a student of local government structure. I sponsored a Citizen's Initiative to increase the size of the Jackson County Board of Commissioners from three to seven in 1995. I also have a deep interest in, and a working knowledge of, the principles of Constitutk)nal Law as they affect the structure of local government. Finally, I have served on several local government boards and commissions, including the Medford Planning Commission and the Ashland Forest Lands Commission. Please let me know if you require any additional information. JOSEPH M. CHARTER 1568 Windsor Street Ashland, OR 97520 (541) 779-9330 (day) (541) 488-2817 (home) CIVIC Board Member, Mediation Works, 2004 Board Member, Ashland Schools Foundation, 2004 Boys To Men NW Voluteer Mentor, 2003 Small Claims Court Volunteer Mediator, Mediation Works, 1997-2000 Ashland Forest Lands Commission, 2000-2002 Medford School District 549C Budget Committee 1999 Medford Charter Review Committee, 1998 Medford Planning Commission, 1994-1995; Vice Chair, 1995 Board Member, Rural Outdoor Education, 1996-1998 Board Member, Samaritan Counseling Center, 1996-1999 Council Member, Ascension Lutheran Church, 1995-1998; President, 1997-1998 Smart Reader, Jackson School, 1998-1999 Advisory Board Member, Child Care Connections, 1993-1997 Member, Rogue Valley Civic League, 1993-1996 PROFESSIONAL Jackson County Judge Pro Tempore, 1996-1997, 1999-2002 Jackson County Bar Association President, 2001-2002; Executive Committee, 1997-2002 Jackson County Courts, Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee, 1997-2001 Oregon State Bar House of Delegates, 1999-2002 OSB Civil Rights Section Executive Committee, 2001-2002 Member, Oregon and California Bar Associations Member, Oregon State Bar Family and Juvenile Law, Civil Rights and Employment Law Sections 1/97 to Present: Partner, Charter Anderson, LLP, Medford, OR -Employment law, family law, probate, construction litigation, bankruptcy, personal injury, and mediation. 3/92 to 12/96: Partner, Werdell, Charter & Hanson, Medford, OR -Employment, personal injury, appellate, real estate, land use and busintess law. 1/91 to 2/92: Associate, Grantland, Grensky & Blodgett, Medford, OR -Personal injury and real estate transaction practice. 1/90 to 12/90: Private Practice, Yreka, California -Real estate, landlord/tenant, personal injury, probate, and family law. 7/86 to 9/89: Associate, Hellen, Partnow & Condon, Anchorage, AK -North Slope oil royalty litigation, administrative and personal injury law. 8/84 to 8/85: Law Clerk, Hon. Walter Carpeneti, Juneau, AK -Legal research, opinion writing and special master duties. EDUCATION Juris Doctor, University of Califomia at Berkeley (Boalt Hall), 1984 -Notes and Comments Editor, Ecology Law.Quarterly, 1983-1984. -Note, Solar Access Obstruction Nuisance Remedy: 11 ELQ 47 (1983). Bachelor of General Studies, University of Michigan, 1980 MEDIATION/FACILITATOR TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE Mediation and Conflict Management (40 hours), Southern Oregon State College, July, 1996, Michael Belsky and Jonathan Lange, Instructors Member, Jackson and Josephine County Courts Arbitrator and Mediator Panels Mediator, Mediation Works/ Jackson County Courts Small Claims Mediation Program, 1997-2000 Facilitator, Talent City Council Annual Goalsetting Session, March, 1997 Co-Facilitator, Ascension Lutheran Church Long Range Planning, REFERENCES Rev. Robert Larson Rev. Jim Stumbo, Ph.D. Kate Geary Ascension Lutheran Church Wellspring Counseling Center Mediation Works