HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarsh, PamCITY OF -ASHLAND APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO CITY COMMISSION/COMMITTIEE Please type or prim answers to the following questions and submi[t to the City Recorder at City Hall, 20 E Main Street, or email christeb(&,ashland.or, us. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the City Recorder at 488-5307. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Requesting to serve on: ~ ~: b/i ~'Cc) (C ommissio~~ Phone: Home Worlk F~ 1. Education Background What schools have you attended? ~at degrees do you hold? What additional training or edueation have you had that J~vould applv4o this position? · .t ,.~ -'.'--,; .1 ' ' 2. Related Expe~ence ~t pdo~ work expehe.ce have yo~ h~d t~at would help ~ou if you were appointed to th~ositiop? Do you feel it would be advantageous for you to,llave .further training ila. this field, such as attending conferences or seminars? Why? MAY 2 6 2004 3. Interests Why are you applying fbr this position? 4. Availability Are you available to attend special meetings, in addition to the regularly scheduled meetings? Do you prefi~r day or evening meetings? 5. Additional Information How long have you lived in this co~~ity? Please use the space below to s~~ze ~y additional qualifications you have for this position Signature I would like to be on the city Charter Review Committee because I believe that I can bring a useful combination of experience and interests to the process: As the staff to the Santa Clara County Cities Association (California) I worked with city council members from communities as small as Boulder Creek and as large as San Jose. The needs, capabilities, and culture of a city determine the appropriate organization; that understanding is critical to t]he re-working of a city charter. As part of my job at the Cities Association I served as the ,organization's liaison to the Santa Clara County city manager's organization. I have observed and have come to understand the dependent and often delicate relationship between elected officials and their staff members. That, too, will be critical for the charter undertaking. As a staff member to a California assembly member I worked on state-level issues with significance for local governments. I appreciate the importance of intergovernmental relationships and the demands/rewards often imposed on local governments by other larger entities. As a six-year member (including chair) of the Palo Alto Planning Commission I experienced the citizen-staff nexus from the perspective of community member. The charter needs to create a city structure that recognizes the interdependence of staff and volunteers and enables each to contribute appropriate skills and talents. I have lived in the Ashland area for more than ten years. For most of that time I have been a resident of the Green Springs community where my husband and I own a country inn. My family and I moved to Siskiyou Boulevard last autumn, and I am eager' to become involved in the City of Ashland. Ashland has been my primary community for a decade. I have become familiar with the local culture. On the other hand, I have not been directly involved with local politics or partisan issues. I am interested in the Charter assignment because I believe in the importance of local government. If chosen for the Charter Review Committee, I hope to be of assistance as Ashland reexamines and refines the structure of City government to meet the changing needs of the community. Thank you for your consideration. Pam Marsh