HomeMy WebLinkAboutRiedeman, MichaelMAY 26 004 CITY OF SHLAND ,PPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO CITY COMMISSION/COMMITTEE ii ii i Please type or print answers to the following questions and submit to the City Recorder at City Hall, 20 E Main Street, or email christeb@ashland.or.us. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the City Recorder at 488-5307. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Name Requesting to serve on: Address ~ 3 ~ Occupation 1. Education Background What schools have you attended? What degrees do you hold? (Commission/Comanittee) Phone: Home Work Email Fax /q - :4,,,,5 What additional training or education have you had that would apply to this position? 2. Related Experience What prior work experience have you had that would help you if you were appointed to this position? Do you feel it would be advantageous for you to have further training in this field, such as attending conferences or seminars? Why? r,% o5-t' -+cq ir, trx~% ~ coy; ~d 3. Interests Why are you applying for this position? c;4; Z.e~,c. 4. AvailabiliW. Are you available to attend special meetings, in addition to the regularly schedulecl meetings? Do you prefer day or evening meetings? 5. Additional Information How long have you lived in this community? Please use the space below to summarize any additional qualifications you have fi)r this position ~ Date Signature 24May2004 City Recorder 20 East Main Street Ashland, OR 97520 Dear application reviewers: I am submitting this as my letter of interest to serve on the Charter Review Committee. I feel my experience and abilities are well suited to this committee, and I am eager to serve my city in this voluntary capacity. I feel the city charter, which establishes the working procedures for our city's form of government, is a critically important document. I would like to serve on the Charter Review Committee to cooperatively ensure that the charter be maintained or modified so that it best serve the people of our community by allowing citizens optimal governmental access so they may establish a civil representative governance. Some highlights of my personal experience, which may be relevant to this appointment, would include: · I have attended and/or observed many city council meetings to gain an understanding of how city government works. · I currently manage the business of the SOU Library Administration office and establish working procedures, which involves the development of functional systems for various programs. · I researched, developed, wrote, and successfully implemented government agency policies and procedures in various realms including health and safety, telecommunications systems, space planning: and remodeling, vehicle usage, furniture, equipment, building security, mail delivery, and emergency response action. · I have served as chair and facilitator of three committees: a state agency Committee for Equity and Diversity, Health and Safety Committee, and now the Emergency Management Team for SOU Library. · I graduated from the University of Wisconsin - Madison with a degree in English and Creative Writing, and have contributed technical editing to a magazine so I am experienced with carefully combing over the details of documents. · I oversaw the construction, layout, design, and furniture installation of a 28,000 square-foot state government facility renovation to accommodate all operational needs for a department of 95 staff, and I followed through managing the relocation of the 95 contented staff. This entailed extensive meeting facilitation, technical comprehension, cooperative negotiations, and critical analyses. · ! received two significant performance recognition awards from Wisconsin State government for my "organizational skills, attention to detail, and sensitivity to the input and needs of department employees in managing the complex relocation of this state department." · I served as a Legal Assistant for Jackson County, Oregon in 2000, so I am familiar with certain legal procedures as well as how governmental procedure and law affects many citizens. · My familiarity with the SOU environment may allow me to represent that segment of the community. · I now administer recruitment, hiring, and payroll coordination for about 60 students, which keeps me in touch with the youth population while payroll coordination demands meticulously accuracy. · I received training and counseling experience with suicidal and runaway teenagers and their families... experience, which continues to prove useful in dealing with many varied personalities. I appreciate your consideration of me for the Charter Review Committee. My full r6sum6 is included. Sincerely,. Michael Riedeman 632 Iowa Street Ashland, OR 97520 Home phone: (541) 488-3199 E-mail address: michael~muzzybeat.net Phone: (541) 488-3199 Michael Riedeman Resume 632 Iowa Street, Ashland, Oregon 97520 E-mail: michael(~muz~'beat.net Related Work Experience Management Assistant - Administrative Professional 2000 - Present Southern Oregon University Library Ashland, OR Manage the business of the Library Administration office: direct communications, produce reports, maintain databases, create forms, manage file systems, and assist with personnel matters. Coordinate Library purchasing, accounts payable and receivable, capital and supplies inventory. Provide administrative support to the Friends of the Library: manage membership database ;md correspondence, deposit dues and donations, record meeting minutes. Administer student assistant recruitment, hiring, and payroll programming for 75 students annually. Supervise student assistants and delegate work assignments. Direct recruitment advertising, communications, personnel documentation, and interview scheduling. Oversee building, equipment, and furniture maintenance and repair. Legal Assistant 2000 Jackson County, Oregon - Office of the District Attorney Medford, OR Reviewed and analyzed police reports, classified criminal charges, and assigned cases to Deputy District Attorneys. Responded to a high-volume of information requests from police officers, prosecution and defense attorneys, victims, witnesses, and suspects. } Programtned police report data into computer database system. Facility Relocation Manager 1998 - 1999 State of Wisconsin - Department of Employment Relations Madison, WI ~ Oversaw the layout, design, and construction of a 28,000 square-foot facility renovation to accommodate all operational needs for office space, technology, and furniture for this department of 95 employo:s. ~ Facilitated meetings, directed assignments, and maintained public relations as department liaison with the architect, facilities designer, lessor, contractors, technicians, department management, and move coordinators. ~ Managed the relocation of department staff and resources; sale and purchase of department furniture. Facilities Management Coordinator 1996 - 1999 State of Wisconsin - Department of Employment Relations Madison, WI Directed and implemented department space planning and remodeling, telecommunications systems, security, health and safety, emergency response action, furniture distribution, equipment, vehicles, and mail se~Mces. } Wrote all department policies, developed procedures, and prepared regular reports nmnaging the matters above. } Provided advanced computer soRware support. Administrative Program Assistant State of Wisconsin - Department of Employment Relations 1992 - 1996 Madison, WI Developed and maintained elaborate databases for recording stares of legal cases, personnel axd training records. Provided accounting and payroll support: timesheet reporting, invoicing, and billing with acco~mting spreadsheets. Designed original business forms, questionnaires, Biennial Report, Strategic Plan, promotional brochures and fliers. Provided admimstrative support in a fast-pacxM office: coordinated executive calendars and meetings, managed file systems; performed word processing, data entry, typing; and responded to public inquiries. Composed, edited, and proofread confidential correspondence, personnel documents, and legal briefs. Facilitated meetings as the elected Chair of the department Committee for Equity & Diversity (CED). Coordinated agency-wide special events and educational presentations as Chair of the CED. Managed public relations with State legislators, the Governor's office, and the public as Secretary's Office contact. Presented advanced tutorial for Microsoft Word, Excel, and Windows. Energy Project Assistant 1992 State of Wisconsin - Department of Natural Resources Madison, WI Graphed timeline charts of all current and pending State mine construction projects to monitor critical dates. Surveyed wildlife specialists about State recreational habitat uses; prepared reports chronicling the analyses. Developed and maintained a filing and organizational system for the Chair of the DNR Energy Team. Researched literature; summarized and highlighted pertinent information. Assistant Editor Canvas Literary Magazine- University of Wisconsin-Madison ~ Served as technical editor, approved magazine layout and design. } Audited and selected submissions for magazine publication. 1990 Madison, WI Educational Degrees and Certificates Bachelor of Arts in English with Creative Writing emphasis from University of Wisconsin - Madison Ergonomic Specialist Certification from Human Performance Associates - Madison, Wisconsin Telecommunications Analyst Certification from University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Producer Certification from Rogue Valley Community Television, Southern Oregon University- Ashland, Oregon Teen Counselor Certification from Briarpatch, Inc. - Madison, Wisconsin Awards & Publication Performance Recognition Awards: State of Wisconsin, July 1998 and December 1998. First-Place Awards for Poetry: The Writers' Place Literary Contest, 1996 and 1998, a Madison city-wide contest with several hundred submission per category. Published: Canvas Literary Magazine, University of Wisconsin - Madison. Computer Software Experience [] Microsoft Word [] Microsoft Excel [] Microsoft Outlook [] Microsoft Access [] Microsoft Mail [] Microsoft Internet Explorer [] Microsoft Power Point [] Microsoft Publisher [] Microsoft Schedule+ [] Banner Financial Info Systems [] GroupWise E-mail [] Netscape Navigator Gold [] Raiser's Edge iDatabase [] WordPerfect [] Kronos Timek{x:'per [] Visio [] ProComm Plus [] Centrex-Mate Professional References available upon request.