HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-07-07 Historic MINCITY OF -ASHLAND Draft ASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes July ?th, 2004 Community Development/Engineering Services Building- 51 Winburn Way- Siskiyou Room Historic Commissioners Present: Dale Shostrom, Keith Swink, Tom Giordano, Rob Saladoff, Joanne Krippaehne, Terry Skibby and Sam Whitford,. Absent Members: Alex Krach and Jay Leighton Council Liaison: John Morrison Hi_clh School Liaison: None Appointed SOU Liaison: None Appointed Staff Present: Associate Planner Mark Knox CALL TO ORDER At 7:08 p.m., Chair Shostrom called the meeting to order. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Krippaehne noted a correction in the minutes on Page 6, second paragraph, first sentance. The word "size" should be deleted. Krippaehne moved to approve the June 2~d, 2004 minutes as corrected. With a second by Whitford, the motion was approved with all voting aye. PUBLIC HEARINGS PLANNING ACTION 2004-077 is a request for a Conditional Use Permit to permit a portion of the former Briscoe School (265 North Main Street) building and the surrounding grounds to be used for individual workspace rental areas and community events Comprehensive Plan Designation: Multi-Family Residential; Zoning: R-2; Assessor's Map #: 39 1E 05 DD; Tax Lot: 2500. APPLICANT: Lithia Arts Guild Knox gave a brief summary of the applicant's proposal noting that no exterior changes were proposed other than a small sign near the intersection of Laurel and North Main Street. Tom Giordano asked how the proposed use was compared to the target use of the zoning district. Knox explained the applicants addressed their findings based upon the target use's full build out potential which would be multi-family housing. Debbie Laray, representative for the applicants, described the proposal, described the different type of art rooms, descried the neighborhood meetings, described the relationship with the Headstart Program and the Ashland School DiStrict. The applicant also elaborated upon the types of events being proposed, the number of expected patrons and students as well as the relationship between the events and the, parking demands. General discussion by the Commission occurred with concurrence the application should be supportive. Discussion ensued pertaining to the proposed sign and that it's appearance may need to be simplified and possible materials need to be changed, but overall supported the idea of having a distinc:t sign. The applicant was open to any recommendations and noted the proposal for the sign wasn't fully thought out. The Commission agreed to add a condition of approval to have the applicants return to the Commission's Review Board with alternative designs. The applicant concurred. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes July 7, 2004 CITY OF -ASHLAND No one was in the audience to speak in opposition to the proposal. Giordano moved to recommend approval of Planning Action 2004-077 with the incorporation of a condition requiring the applicants to submit the proposed sign to the Review Board for their review and approval. Swink seconded the motion and it passed with a unanimous vote. OLD BUSINESS Joint Meetinq with Conservation Commission - Krippaehne noted the Conservation Commission was supportive of the opportunity to have a joint study session. The Commission discussed the possible topics for the meeting such as prioritizing energy improvements as they relate to preservation. Other topics include appropriate siding and windows. Swink noted that an acquaintance in the window restoration field may be able to participate in a workshop. The Commission agreed on a time for the joint meeting~ (August 25th, 2004, 7:00 p.m. in the Siskiyou Room). Review Board - Following is the July schedule for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to at least 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: July 8th July 15th July 22na July 29th August 5th Skibby, Swink, Krach Skibby, Swink, Saladoff Skibby, Whitford, Leighton, Shostrom Skibby, Giordano, Krach Skibby, Leighton, Saladoff Project Assiqnments for Planning Actions PA #2000-120 485 "A" Street (Steve Hoxmeier) Shostrom PA #2002-100 142 East Main Street (Earthly Goods) Leighton PA #2003-005 35 S. Second Street (Winchester Inn) Krippaehne PA #2003-092 124 Alida Street (Kirt Meyer and Vadim Agakhanov) Krippaehne PA #2004-017 364 Hargadine Street (Ken Kolar) Krach PA #2004-026 81 Central Avenue (Wes & Lucinda Vail) Giordano PA #2004-018 322 Pioneer Street (Al & Sandra Carlson) Swink PA #2004-043 246 Catalina Drive (Dr. William Rodden) Krach PA #2004-081 954 "B" Street (Archerd/Dresner) Krippaehne PA #2004-071 438 North Main Street (Bayberry Inn) Swink Lithia Springs Property - Gun Club may be coming to the Park's Commission is August for further discussion on lease agreement. Co-Sponsorship with Conservation Commission for Fall Workshop - Will be discussed next month. Memo to Council Regarding Authorization for Multiple Listing for National Register - This will be discussed at next month's meeting. Krach volunteered to write the memo after the discussion. Possible National Register Nomination for Lithia Springs Property - There was nothing new to report. Carnegie Library Restoration - There was nothing new to report. NEW BUSINESS Ashland Historic Commission Minutes July 7, 2004 CiTY OF -ASHLAND Single Family Residential Desiqn Standards- The Commission discussed the current trend towards incompatible additions and remodels. The consensus was that a discretionary review process may be needed, but that additional information should be gathered and further study should be done in order to determine the appropriate steps to take. The commissioners agreed to doing some additional research on this topic by looking on the internet and reviewing documents that Mark Knox has in his library. ADJOURNMENT With a motion by Krippaehne and second by Skibby, it was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 10:30 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes July 7, 2004