HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-07-27 Planning Joint SS MINCITY OF -ASHLAND ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION ASHLAND HOUSING COMMISSION JOINT STUDY SESSION JULY 27, 2004 MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Russ Chapman called the Ashland Planning Commission and Ashland Housing Commission Joint Study Session to order at 7:05 p.m. on July 27, 2004 in the Civic Center Council Chambers, 1175 East Main Street, Ashland, Oregon. PLANNING COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: ABSENT MEMBERS:: COUNCIL LIAISON: HOUSING COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: ABSENT MEMBERS:: SOU HOUSING LIASON: STAFF PRESENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Russ Chapman, Chair Mike Morris John Fields Marilyn Briggs Allen Douma Olena Black Michael Dawkins Dave Dotterrer Kerry KenCairn Alex Amarotico, present Matt Small Alice Hardesty Carol Voisin Amy Korth Liz Peck Don Mackin Faye Weisler Klm Miller Ryan Heihn,.absent John McLaughlin, Planning Director Brandon Goldman, Housing Specialist Derek Severson, Assistant Planner Sue Yates, Executive Secretary Alan DeBoer, Mayor Cate Hartzell II. TOPIC: PROPOSED ORDINANCE CHANGES TO R-2 AND R-3 ZONES INCLUDING MINIMUM DENSITIES AND LIMITING FOR-PURCHASE HOUSING IN MULTI-FAMILY ZONES. McLaughlin said the initiatives for the ordinance changes came from the Housing Needs Analysis and the Housing Action Plan. It is a Council goal for this year. The changes will affect the land use process and how we will look at regulating development in multi-family zoned lands. Goldman gave a presentation using PowerPoint (attached to minutes) to explain the changes. Questions and issues arose from the discussion. Overall, both Commissions favored moving ahead with the changes. Staff will incorporate their ideas and concerns before returning a :more refined version of the ordinance changes to the Housing Commission for public hearing and further review. DISCUSSION · Term of affordability - more than 20 years? What are the lenders' requirements? · Housing Commission would like to look into rezoning undeveloped property to R-2 or R-3. If we are going to have new land brought into the city limits that can't be developed as anything but affordable housing, would it freeze the value of what you can build affordable housing for? How will it play out? · If we do a lot of work, will we get affordable housing? · What are specific unintended consequences of an ordinance change? The other side - unintended consequences will occur. Move ahead. · There is pressure for high value condos in the C-1-D. That has been a surprise. · What have other cities experienced trying these types of changes? Find a mentor city. · Simplification, particularly in the minimum density piece. State the maximum end. · Should single family development be prohibited in R-2 and R-37 · Both plans (Action Plan and Needs Analysis) show we are not achieving the housing types we need. Should we have more R-3 land? · There are pressures of growth and the fact we are running out of land. What about affordable housing for two to three generations from now? · Incentives are not large enough to attract developers. · Can the City find money or funding? Can the City pay to bring the infrastructure to a site? · Is there a living map - a map that changes when anything happens - a map identifying parcels available for development and identifying zoning? · Need input from the developers. · Need more numbers and statistics - who are we targeting? Who are the people that are lower or middle income? · Quality of construction for affordable housing. · Can the City purchase land for affordable housing? · Look at policies that would encourage young families to live in Ashland. · Need more numbers for rental housing. What people are being served by rentals? How many rentals are there? · Study Hersey Street affordable housing projects - why did it work and what were the problems? · Make sure new members get appropriate documents (Needs Analysis and Action Plan). III. ADJOURNMENT - The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION ASHLAND HOUSING COMMISSION JOINT STUDY SESSION MINUTES JULY 27, 2004