HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-08-04 Historic MINCITY OF SHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes August 4, 2004 Community Development/Engineering Services Building- 51 Winburn Way- Siskiyou Room Historic Commissioners Present: Dale Shostrom, Keith Swink, Tom Giordano, Alex Krach, Rob Saladoff, Terry Skibby, Sam Whitford, and Jay Leighton Absent Members: None NOTE: Joanne Krippaehne resigned from the Historic Commission effective July 31, 2004 Council Liaison: John Morrison (absent) High School Liaison: None Appointed SOU Liaison: None Appointed Staff Present: Mark Knox, Associate Planner, Billie Boswell, Administration CALL TO ORDER At 7:07 p.m., Chairman Dale Shostrom called the meeting to order. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Whitford moved to approve the July 7, 2004 minutes as submitted. With a second by Saladoff, the motion was approved with all voting aye. PUBLIC HEARINGS Planning Action 2004-'100 Conditional Use 80 Wimer Street Tom & Kathy Petersen Most members had site visits; none had ex parte contacts. Knox reported the Petersen application is to construct an addition to the existing 1970's ranch style house, within the Historic District, that would exceed the maximum permitted floor area by 12%%. A detached garage, connected to the existing house by a breezeway, was built in 2000 with a separation from the existing home of only five feet, five inches. Knox explained that had the garage been constructed with a six-foot separation, the requirement for a Conditional Use would not be required. Knox said staff recommended approval, stating the design was appropriate for a ranch-style house and would accommodate the family's need for additional space. Giordano asked if the addition was limited to the second stow. Knox said there was also a 10-foot bump-out across the main level on the front, which included a porch to soften and add ambiance to the street view. There is also a small bump-out on the east elevation. Skibby inquired and Knox confirmed that the total floor area exceeded the permitted maximum by 12%% because of the additional garage area, but stayed under the 25% maximum allowed with a conditional use. Swink asked about the siding material and the applicant stated they planned to use Hardiplank horizontal siding but were undecided about using a textured or smooth finish. Swink recommended using a smooth finish. CITY OF ASHLAND Shostrom felt the shutters were not appropriate because they mixed architectural designs. Leighton pointed out the shutters may not be necessary with the use of horizontal siding. Shostrom was also concerned about the small scale of the windows on the south elevation of the second story. He felt increasing the window size would provide more balance and continuity to the second story addition. As there was no one in the audience who wanted to speak, Shostrom closed the public hearing. Skibby concluded that the scale and mass of the proposed addition was appropriate and added architectural interest while remaining under the 25% maximum allowed for a conditional use. Whitford pointed out that if the garage had been built seven inches further away, a conditional use would not be required. Overall, the addition would result in a much more attractive home. Swink felt the change to horizontal siding would improve the overall appearance. Giordano moved to recommend approval of this application with the condition on the use of smooth textured horizontal siding and enlarging the second story windows on the south elevation to balance out the design. Leighton seconded the motion and it passed with a unanimous vote. Planning Action 2004-102 Site Review 832 A Street Ilene Rubenstein Most members had site visits; Krach revealed he had ex parte contact with the Rubenstein's architect but felt he could review the project without bias or conflict. Knox explained the Rubenstein application is for a Site Review to increase the size and use of an existing two bedroom, one bathhouse, conversion of the interior of an existing garage and the construction of a new structure to offer a personal service establishment. The proposal would include five outdoor hot tubs with privacy fencing, two hydrotherapy tubs, showers, sauna, steam room, and other related amenities. The house will continue to be oriented toward "A" street. A new foundation would be added to the structure and the garage would maintain its carriage house look. Parking would primarily be off the alley with the addition of three on-site spaces, two on street parking credits on 7th Street and one on "A" Street. Since the applicant owns the two adjacent properties to the west, two additional parking spaces would be leased to bring the total to eight parking spaces available. Knox said staff recommends approval. Skibby asked what the zoning was for the subject property and Knox confirmed it was zoned E-l, Employment District, allowing professional and personal service establishments. The applicant, Ilene Rubenstein and her representative, Chet Meck, detailed the overall plan to the Commission members. Giordano commented the plans received were lacking in sufficient graphic detail for the Commission to understand the materials and dimensions proposed. Questions were raised by several of the commissioners concerning the siding, trim, windows, fencing and landscaping details. The applicant explained to the Commission the design elements not shown. The Commission felt sufficient information was given verbally to warrant approval if detailed plans could be prepared and presented to the Review Board. Ashland Histodc Commission Minutes August 5, 2004 CITY OF SHLAND There was no one in the audience who wished to speak regarding this application. Shostrom moved to recommend approval of Planning Application 2004-102 subject to sufficient plan design elements such as: setback specifics; window design on the North and West elevations; siding design on all elevations; fascia detail; clarification of skirting detail; and fence design and materials being presented and approved by the Historic Commission Review Board at their meeting on August 5, 2004. The motion was seconded by Krach and passed with all voting aye. (Note: The applicants complied and approval was granted at the August 5th meeting). ITEM NOT ON AGENDA Knox requested an amendment to the Historic Commission Agenda to accommodate a request by Sidney DeBoer to present an alternate design plan for their project at 234 Vista Street. The Commission agreed. Knox explained that the DeBoers were sensitive to the concerns of the Board and other residents on their original concept plans and after some recent thought were contemplating a revised plan that would expand the existing historical house with an addition much smallerin scale than their previous plan. The proposal showed increasing the square footage to the maximum of 4061 square feet. They hope the proposed plan maintains the integrity of the original historic home. Knox emphasized that the DeBoers were only asking the Commission to provide direction and feedback on the new proposal to provide the DeBoers with additional information and allow them to make a more informed decision. The DeBoers and their representative, Joanne Krippaehne, presented details of the addition to be added behind the existing garage and general remodel plans for the rest of home. Mr. DeBoer stated that every attempt was being made to maintain and enhance the historical details of the original home. Shostrom asked the DeBoers if the "Big" house would be built if the Condition Use Permit for this proposal were approved. Mr. DeBoer said "No". Whitford and Skibby felt the DeBoers had done a good job with the design and applauded the effort, but that findings will still be necessary. Shostrom liked the project overall but felt some reservation over the loss of detail on the east elevation. Mr. DeBoer pointed out that some of the design details on that side were additions not original to the house. Knox suggested providing photos of the existing house and detail the changes made since the original structure was completed. Overall, the DeBoers received positive feedback from the Commission along with some minor suggestions. The Commission also noted that a future application would still be needed when the Conditional Use Permit is applied for. OLD BUSINESS Review Board - Following is the August schedule for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to at least 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: Aug 12th Aug 19th Aug 26th Sep 2nd Skibby, Whitford, Saladoff Skibby, Swink, Shostrom Skibby, Swink, Giordano Skibby, Saladoff, Krach Whitford Ashland Historic Commission Minutes August 5, 2004 Sep 9th CITY OF SHLAND Skibby, Leighton, Krach Ashland Historic Commission Minutes August 5, 2004 C. ITY OF -ASHLAND Project Assignments for Planning Actions PA'#2000-120 485 "A" Street (Steve Hoxmeier) Shostrom PA #2002-100 142 East Main Street (Earthly Goods) Leighton PA #2003-005 35 S. Second Street (Winchester Inn) KripPaehne PA #2003-092 124 Alida Street (Kirt Meyer and Vadim Agakhanov) KripPaehne PA #2004-017 364 Hargadine Street (Ken Kolar) Krach PA #2004-026 81 Central Avenue (Wes & Lucinda Vail) Giordano PA #2004-018 322 Pioneer Street (Al & Sandra Carlson) Swink PA #2004-043 246 Catalina Drive (Dr. William Rodden) Krach PA #2004-100 80 Wimer (Tom & Kathy Petersen) Whitford PA #2004-102 832 "A" Street (llene Rubenstein) Saladoff Co-Sponsorship with Conservation Commission for Fall Workshop - Agreed to August 15, 2004 meeting. Memo to Council Regarding Authorization for Multiple Listing Survey for National Register of Historic Places; Possible National Register Nomination for Lithia Springs Property - Decision was made to move forward with the recommendation to register the property. Knox noted that a memo to the City Council would need to be prepared by the Planning Director, outlining the Historic Commissions decision and recommendation to use Historic Commission budget to fund a consultant to start the process. Knox said he would make arrangements to schedule the Planning Director to meet with the Historic Review Board on August 19, 2004 at 2:30 p.m. for discussion. Brown Bag Lunch Ideas - Old House Fair - Leighton will follow up. ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA Election of Officers- A motion was made by Leighton to re-appoint the Historic Commission officers as follows: Shostrom will be Chairperson, Vice-Chair will be Skibby, and Krach and Saladoff will share Planning Commission Liaison and Council Liaison. The motion was seconded by Krach and passed with afl voting aye. Krach recommended the Historic Commission be involved with street lighting standards. He will write a letter to the Public Works Director to initiate a discussion. Krach asked the commissioners if they would be interested in working with a SOU student as a partial participant in the Historic Commission meetings. The student would be an active member but would not have voting rights. The commissioners agreed and Krach said he would make the arrangements. Shostrom thanked Mark Knox for his many years of service to the Historic Commission and wished him continued success in his new job. ADJOURNMENT With a motion by Leighton and second by Skibby, it was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 9:50 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes August 5, 2004