HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-09-14 Hearings Board MINCITY OF SHLAND ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD SEPTEMBER t4, 2004 MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER Mike Morris called the Ashland Planning Commission Hearings Board to order at 1:45 p.m. on September 14, 2004 in the Civic Center Council Chambers, 1175 E. Main Street, Ashland, Oregon. Commissioners Present: Absent Commissioners: Council Liaison: SOU Liaison: High School Liaison: Staff Present: Mike Morris Michael Dawkins Allen Douma (arrived at 2:00 p.m.) None Alex Amarotico (Council Liaison does not attend Planning Commissi.on meetings in order to avoid conflict of interest.) None None Bill Molnar, Senior Planner Maria Harris, Associate Planner Sue Yates, Executive Secretary APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND FINDINGS - The minutes will be approved at the Regular meeting. TYPE I PLANNING ACTIONS A. PLANNING'ACTION 2004-110 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A NEW SINGLE.FAMILY RESIDENCE ON THE! PARCEL LOCATED AT 150 CHURCH STREET WITH A PROPOSED TOTAL FLOOR AREA IN EXCESS OF THE MAXIMUM PERMITTED FLOOR AREA . (MPFA) ALLOWED BY ORDINANCE. THE MAXIMUM PERMITTED FLOOR AREA FOR THE PARCEL IS 3,249 SQUARE FEET, WHILE THE PROPOSED RESIDENCE IS 3,557 SQUARE FEET OR 9% GREATER THAN ALLOWED BY ORDINANCE. APPLICANT: ROBERT M. SALADOFF This action was called up for a public hearing. B. PLANNING ACTION 2004-1tl IS A REQUEST TO DIVIDE THE EXISTING PROPERTY INTO TWO PARCELS (I.E. TWO-LOT LAND PARTITION) FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1095 S. MOUNTAIN AVENUE. THE APPLICATION DOES NOT INVOLVE ANY "DEVELOPMENT" AS DEFINED IN 18.62.030 D. AT THIS TIME. APPLICANT: RUTH AND DAVID ALEXANDER This action was approved. C. PLANNING ACTION 2004-1t4 IS A REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE-' REVIEW TO CONVERT THE EXISTING RESIDENCE LOCATED AT THE FRONT OF THE PROPERTY AT 659 LIBERTY STREET INTO AN ACCESSORY RESIDENTIAL UNIT (ARU) WHILE CONSTRUCTING A NEW 2 1/~ STORY 2,325 SQUARE FOOT RESIDENCE AT THE REAR OF THE PROPERTY. A PHYSICAL CONSTRAINTS PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A PORTION OF THE DRIVEWAY AND ENTRY PORCH UPON HILLSIDE LANDS (I.E.<25% SLOPE). APPLICANT: PHILIP WEISS This action was called up for a public hearing. PLANNING ACTION 2004-120 IS A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP FOR A ONE-UNIT TRAVELER'S ACCOMMODATION LOCATED AT 407 NORTH MAIN STREET APPLICANT: KAREN M. JOLLEY This action was approved. III. TYPE II PUBLIC HEARING A. PLANNING ACTION 2004-115 IS A REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO EXPAND THE TOTAL FLOOR AREA OF AN EXISTING SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE LOCATED AT 724 IOWA STREET, 9.2% BEYOND MAXIMUM PERMITTED FLOOR AREA (MPFA) ALLOWED BY ORDINANCE. APPLICANT: DAVE AND JAMIE KAUFMAN STAFF REPORT Harris explained this is the third application for a Conditional Use Permit to exceed the maximum floor area by 25 percent. The entire addition over the garage is 197 square feet, but they are only going over the maximum permittecl floor area by 189 square feet. In trying to apply the CUP criteria, Staff focused on the third criteria, evaluating the proposal compared with the impact area and the livability of the impact area, in particular, similarity in scale, bulk and coverage and architectural c, ompatibility with the impact area. This action was brought forth to a public hearing because Staff is still trying to get some direction on how to apply the CUP criteria with these applications. The Commission has quite a bit of discretion. Staffwasn't sure enough material had been provided in the application to make a compelling argument for the CUP. The homes in this National Register Historic District are modest homes. There are one to one and one-half story buildings and a couple of two story homes. The mass of the proposed project is similar to those presented in the two-story homes. The design is stepped back in the front faCade. There is a lot of change in roof form and varied mass. The Historic Commission reviewed the proposal. They recommended approval with one recommendatiort: to remove the pergola on the entrance closest to Harrison Street and use a similar roof as shown on the new entrance. PUBLIC HEARING LARRY MEDINGER, said it was important to take into consideration the streetscape at the comer of the Harrison and Iowa in designing the addition. Medinger believes the house is compatible with the neighborhood. The Historic Commission reviewed the application. They will be reviewing how to solve the front porch. DAVE KAUFMAN, 724 Iowa Street, discussed the house design. The garage will be brought into conformm]ce. The house was "bursting at the seams" when comparing it to the other houses in the neighborhood. Medinger said the house is 2500 square feet, including the garage. It is not unusual for people to want 2500 square feet to live in. Dawkins said as he was growing up in Ashland that his family moved as his siblings were bom and more room was needed. All of the starter houses that were affordable at some point are now being remodeled and enlarged. Now there is an option for a Conditional Use Permit. He sees the CUP process as sacrosanct. There has to be a compelling reason to grant a CUP. This type of remodel will take more and more of the housing stock out of the market so there are no starter houses in Ashland. Kaufman responded that they are looking to start a family and instead of selling the house, they would like to be able to keep their family in a long-term home. Their intention is to grow into it. Dawkins said Kaufman's argument is compelling. Douma has some trouble with the ordinance. He doesn't think we are going to be able to protect affordable housing in the Historic District. He doesn't want to use personal family issues as a reason to grant a CUP. Medinger said it was important for him to preserve the original house. They have wasted some square footage to retain the original house. Morris said he couldn't tie this in with affordable housing in the Historic Districts. He has a home in Ashland. If he wants a bigger house, he can't sell it and buy another one. He'll have to add onto the house he has. He does not see this addition as having much of an impact. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES SEPTEMBER 14, 2004 COMMISSIONERS' DISCUSSION AND MOTION Molnar said Staffis still trying to sort out the ordinance and how it applies to the 25 percent. It is a Conditional Use Permit and the approval standards are written within that ordinance. The target use of the zone allows for a progression of expansion to the existing homes in the area. Douma/Morris m/s to approve PA2004-115 with the attached Conditions. Roll Call: Unanimous vote. IV. ADJOURNMENT - The meeting was adjourned at 2:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Susan Yates, Executive Secretary ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES SEPTEMBER 14, 2004