HomeMy WebLinkAbout1361 Zoning Ordinance
. .
C'cmpJ.ianc. with Ordinance Provisions
Classiflcat1DD of Districts
ZoniDg 14!tp
District !:-.otUhdariea
~~6,jng o.f ;f~~:.:1XCif~ .b'cu
R-F or Rea1.dential - Farm District.
. .
R-:-l or Residential '= ~ngl. Family Diatri.ct
R-:2 or Resj,dent1el :"""' Two Family District
R~3 or Residentla1. ~ "hU tip1.e Faltlly Di.stri.ct
c,...l O}"" CoDn1lCPrcial - Retail Dis1.;rict
. .
C-2 or CoIDl1,e:'cial ..,. Downtown Diatri c t
C-:'.3 or Cf.tmerci.al - Heavy District
M .or 1}:td:utrial '" General D:1st1"i~ t
B or Spe~;it.J. Bui.lding 81 te Couab1rd.ng Dlstri.ct
'Sections 18 thru 20~ reserved lor futu.re use)
orr ~ S'treet Lond:lng
Off ~ Str~~t ~w~kJ~g
Non~Con!orming Usea el1d Struc turea
GOJIIJBercial Exc~Tatiol' and, J1.~:moval of SandI. G:('avel~;
Stoner, LoamfJ ~-rt or ~,ther Earth-lToducta
Uti 1:1 'ties
A.cceeso,'i.""J Buildi.D.gB
General Except:'",on to .lot Size Req.u:tretlJOnts
Gaura1. ExceptioJt to BuJlding Height Limitai;,ion
Gttnersl Exc8'p1.~.()n tf) f~r''Oitt Yard Requirements
S:i.<',,6 Yard.'3 (fin Corn'er Lots
Spe/: .tal Setback Hequlreme.ntz
Pry.' jections fl""Om Build.:ings
-.c ,.,~
"\ "1'
.~! "
r---~- ~
Viaion Cl.earance A1~ea
ihlt oorizs:tion r~)r SiltrJ.lar Uses
11aintenance: of M.i.n.imum O:~diU8nce Reqtd rsmants
Zoni.n.g P~nd1;s
Co.ndi tional Ui3G Pe:~:mi ts
Planned Unit 1JeV'elt)pmen~; Approval
Appealsf) Generally
Duties of Officers
V:io.lat.io:ns a Nuisance
Severability and VaiJLdity
Repea:l.i.n;g Conflicting Ordinances
23 It
Ordinance No. 1361
The city of Ashland ordains as foL~.ows:
Sect:lon 1.. Title.. ,T.hia ordinance shall be known as the uzoning ordi-.
nanoe If of' the ci.ty of Ash1.andv; Oragon.
Section 2. p...u-oose. The 'Ou.."i'*1"I.r\e~ of this ordinance i8 toi!ncourage
-~......" It. -r~
the must appropriate use of land; to promote orderly growth; to provide
ad~qua.t'e open space .f'or light nud air; t.o conserve and stabilize the
'value o:f propertj1'; to sid :t.n eecltr.1ng &1.fety from fire and othel" d2.ngersl
.to f'acil:t tate a.dequ~r~e provj~sions for nw3..ntaining aani tary cone:,. tiona; to
:€>r.'ovide for !tdequate ttcceS3 to prOpetrt:y; and Ut gen&ral to promote the
public jtlealth~. saf'ety~) t1Ud the g.e-neI~al welfare.
Sec:tion 3. Defj.,n:ltions. Aa used :tn. this ord:lnancst} the mSiSouline in-
cludes 1~he tei>.drd.ns....and neuter and the sagulal" includes the plural. .
(1) :icce!~L..~~~t\1!:e t.?tr!:!!!,* A structure 01"' use incidental and
mt1:~()z.dinante to the main u,"3e of the prop~rty~) t;md which is located on the
aan~ 101; \d. th the- main use. Pri vate garages and carports are accessory
buj~(l~rs when not atta'~hed to the main building.
(2) .~1cul~ureQ .!ei:;tc~~.al U~.!... 1'h<t use or the land for crop and
~;ree t::u-ming; the tilJ.ingot the soil, the raising of field and tree cropso
(3); Allcl- A rtarrow e.~raet through a block P~-J..ly tor vehicular
3eX~~~e access to the back or aide of properties otherwise abutt~ on another
at.:t~a<<tt 0)
(4) AP..8!:.tF1e~nt house" See dwelling.. mult1:f'BlI.ily.
(5) Billboard. See' outdoor adver'tj.aing .st~Mtcttire<\
(6) ~Bo.a.r~~~ or. ro;"im1n~)l~~e.!. A d\ielling or part thereoffi other
't-,han a hotel or motel~~ where lod.g.Uig iiith Ol1l without metus is provid~d." tor
compensation\') for. three (3 ) or more pe.rsons.
(7) ~..~di~... A ~tructure built tor the 6uppo.rt~ ahelterw or enclosure
of' p.9rso:D.8\.; 9J1i~8~: c~ttelsf} or property or any kind.
(8) Cit~>, The city of Aahla.ndv Oregon.
(9) ~8si~D;~ ~~~n1pg CommiSaio~. T'n8 Planning Commission of the
Ci t,y 0
(10) S:OuncU~' 00~1L.Q)unc1.l. The Common Council of the Cityo-
(11) J)1,strict. A zoning diet.rict.
~ .... , ,(.(..........
(8.) R district - 8.11J' residenti,al %Oningdi../Strict.
(b) ~~ diStrict ~ any commercial zoning district.
(c) H district - any industrial zon:1Dg district.
(d) B district - the special buUd1Dg site combining district.
(12) DweJ.l1Dg~ two-tamilz. A 4etached build1Dg contAilOjDS two dweJ.lins
(13) ,DwelJ.iJurt mult1-:ramill. A bu11d1Dg conta'''ing three or more dwel-
ling wd.ts.
(14) ,DwelJ.iJur, s1Jude-f8lllill. A detached buUd1Dg contA1 ni tag one dwel-
ling UD1t. .
(lS) pwell1Dg group. A group of two (2) or more detached buildings used
tor dveU1n;g purposes located on a parcel of land ~\n one ownership and having
8IQ' yard or court 111 c~.
(16) ~DweU1ng ,unit. One or more rooms designed tor occupancy by one
family and J~t. hariDgmore than one cooking facility. For the purpose of
this OrdiDaJ!08, the te", "dweUing w:d.t" does DOt includtt the term "trailer
(17) Jram1l~. An individual, or two or more persons related by blood,
marriage, l~tgal adoption, or guardianship liriDg topther in a dweniDg unit
in vh1ch bourd and lodsing may also be provided tor not more than two add-
1t1oDal per~SOJ1S, exclud1Dg servants; or a group of not more than five per'-
SODS who nend not be' related by blood, marriage t legal adoption, or guardian_
ship l1riDg together in a dveUing UDit.
(18) 1~. Farm use. The use of the land tor tamiDg purposes>) in-
cluding agrj~cultve t . Afti mRJ. and poultry husbandry, apiar1es.l dai171ns, and.
pasturage. ~~clud1Dg uses oustomarily incidental thereto, but not' including
ke1me18, slELUShter houses, fertUizer yards, plants tor the reduction ot
;)fti .1 mattEtr or other industrial use.
(19) 1~enoe. sight obacur1ng. A fence or planting arranged in such a
way as to 01:IStruCt v1s1on.
(20) ~lrade. (grOund J.evel). The average of the finished ground level
at the cente~ of. all. walls of the building. In case a wall 18 parallel to
and within 1'1".. feet o.t a sidewalk, the ground level ahalJ. ,~ measured ",':it
the s1dewaU~, the ground level shall be measured at the sidewalk.
(21) .![eight of bu1ld4ng. The vertical distance tram the Ugradeff to th~
highest poiJJ~t of the coping of a flat root or to the deck line of a m~"t,3sard
:roof or to t.he average height ot the highest gable of' a pitch or hip roof.
(22) ,!oae ocoupation. An occupation COlDtnly carried on wi thin a
dweUing b7 members of the tamiJ.y occupy.1ng the dwelling, provided that
the residential character of the bu1lding :1s maiutained and the occupation
is coDducted in such a manner as not to giye an outward appearance J1OJ:! out...
vardly manifest 8D:I characteristic of a buainese ~ the ord1.~<<7 me~..'" of' the
term except as permitted in any ordinance regulating signs, !lOr infringe u.pon
the rip,t of neighboring residents to enjoy the peaceful occupancy of their
homes. A home occupation does not 1nvol.... the retail saJ.e of a product on
'the prctm:l.ses.
(23) ~ital. An establishment which Provides aleePillg and eating facili~
ties to persons receiving medicale obstetrical. or surgical care 8I1d nursing
service on a continuous basis..
(24) .!!2i!!. A buUd1ng 1n which lodging 18 provided to guests tor co~
pensation and 1n which DO prov1s1on 18 lIIllde for cooking 1n the lodging rooms.
(~) ~. Au,y prellttses where four or _e dogs or cats are kept or
permitted to rema1ng except veter1Dary cl1D1cs.
(26) ~. For the purposes of this ord1nance~ a parcel or tract of land.
(27) ~. The total horizontal area within the lot lines of a lot.
said area to be exclUSive of street right~f",="way or easements.
(28) ~ corner. A lot abutting on two 1nbrsecting streets other
than 811 alley. provided that the streets do DOt 1ntersect at 811 angle greater
than 135 degr4~ea.
(29) Lot, depth. The horizontal distance from the midpo1nt of the front
lot line to the midpoint of the rear lot line..
Iot~ interior.
--... .'lIl
A lot other than a corner loto
(31) Lot line. The property line bounding a lot ~
(32) !et.,+!ne. fro~i. In the case of 811 1nterior lot. the lot Utle s!:lpa1'a~
ting the lot from the stree;'; other than an alley. and in the case of a comer
lot. the shortest lot 11ne f\long a street other than an alley.
(33) .!2.!.:~..ine. rear. A lot line which is opposite and most distant from
the front lot line. .llZld 1n the case of an irregular" td.angular. or othershap"td
lot. a line 10 feet 1J1 length within the lot parallel to and at a IIIaX:i.l'ilum
distance from i~hct front 10 t line.
(34) ~. Any lot line not a front or rear. lot line.
(35) Lot Width. The horizontal ri.istance betwe811 the s:ide lot lln<,s" ordi"
~8~ .b.-___.
narily measured parallel to the front lot line"
(36) Motel.. A building or group of buildings on the SElma lot containing
guest units wit.h separat& entrances directly to the exterior and connisUng
of fndividUal sleeping quar~.,rs", detached .)r in COM'lcted 1"00:8. With m." >dth)u~
cooking facilities tor rental to traus~&lltS&
(37) !bn-<:onfo~ str:J.~t~:,~. A lawful exiating structure or u.se
at the time this ordi.naiice 0.1" Sf.l3 am<mdlllent thereto hecomes effective which dOES
not conform to the requiremtnts of the ri".one in which it is located.
(38) Ou~~_~ver.t~l!.ililL~.t!!.'?!.~~. Any aigl1 that is not on the same. Pl"O~
perty or prelllis"s as the sct:'.vit;r. serTle"e busiDess or product which :ill aa.~
- - ver't1.ses~; :i.d(:..,nt.jL:Cies't/ direct.~ 0.1" refer.!? to<< _
(39 ) Parld..lIg space.. A rectangle not Jess than 20 r eet long and lIi..lo~ t eot .
<39A) r1~Lect1on. BIQ' w1adGlf.. corm.ces. eave.. canop.ies. 81lJl8hades. gutters.
ohiame;Js. lies. beJ.t couraea. leaders. 1I1ll~ Pilasters. l1ntels. OrDlilllental features.
and other simUar architectural features.
wide togetheJ" with acoess and maneuvering space sufficient to p'.)rmit s. standa:r~l
- automobile tc~ be park.ed within the rectangle without the necessity of mving
other vehiclEtsfj said rectangl~ to be located off of the street right~f'7way6
(40) Set~baok. The distance between the center 11D.e of a s't,reet and the
nearest po1it:or a buildingfi measured horizontally and at right angles from
said centel"'li.ne.
(41) Si~!.. Any card\) clothy; paper 91 meta.lw wooden or painted sign, 'Of any
type or charsleter placed for outd.oor advertising purpo,ses or to attract the
attention of l,ersons not on the premiaes~ on or affixed to the groun.d or &J;S
tree\) 'wall?) l::ntsh{} rock~ f'el.",ce'i) buil<l'lns9) structure or thing.
(4.2) ~&fI ~nat porti.on of a building inc:t.uded "between the upper surfs,;e
of any noor and the upper surface of the no or next above ~ except 'tlw.t the
top story shall be that portion of abuilding included between the 'apper sur-
face of the top fioor and the ceU,i",ng aboveo If' "the fInished floor level dii,~ctly
above a basemient or cellar is more tlv.m six feet above grade'i the basement or
cellar shall be considered a Bior'J.,
(43) Street. The ent:tre \\;:ldth b1ltween ",he righ.t-of-way linea of every
way whi.ch proVIdes for public t.~se for ,the purpose of vehicular and pedestri,an
traffic and including the tersl1:J; nroad~~ If fth1ghway~ H "lanef) U "place\} Sf n.~.venue~ If
"alley Vi n or othel- similar designat1,on.'S.
(44) Structure~ That which is built or constructede An edifice or
building oTa:tiy ldJid or anJl' piece of work artitically built up or compo,sed
of part,s joinod together i~ some defi~lite manner and w~tch required location
on the ground or which is ~..ttached to somethin.g having a",location on 't,h~ St''Ou''Ldo
(45) Structural 8,lterfi,tiQIi.. A cll,~ to the supporting members of ~.
structure IiiC'1.uding foun(:ia.t'i'Onc\~ bea.":":ing walls or part:tt.ionl~~ columns I) 'beams
or girders~ or the .roof II
(46) Tratler hous'e. j. buildiv,g ()r vehi.cle wIuch is portable or which
was or1g1nall;7- 'desIgned to be po1"'tabl \~ and vhich ~~iaS constructed to per,~
mit occupancy for dwelling or Z2,leepi11{~ purposes.
(4'7) 1t~~~_.R:~. A plat of gl~mmd U}-"Oll whx.ch one or- more tr<c~,:Llel"'
houses oCCUpi'!1d for dtrtellir,g or sleeping purposes are locatcdf reg9.rdless
of whether a ~:;h.arge is madl!, for such ~tccommodatione
(48) Use", The 'Otu:1\fJOS! for ~j eh land or a s?,r>'l!e'i~v.re ;"8 deBigned
arranged~l 'Or':Lnt(m,ded)) or for -wJxir;h jj; is occupied' C;:r mair.t'tn..1.ned.
(49) Vis:Lon cleanmceare{J'. A ia"'iaugulm'" ar~ta on a lot at the ;tJltar-
section oft\;;-atreets Or ...."~~Str.'eet and a ratlroad Y' t1<<) sidell of whi ~h a,r~l!'
lot lines mearmred f"I";)m thf. co::rnerjJ1.~;erGection of the 1011;; linefS f'Or' ,s dJs..
tance spec:lti~~d in. these r!!gl1.111d:iOt~s" lJlte third ,,:;ide of '1;;he tn.angle :ts e.
line across the cox.Iter of the lot joj,ning the ends of the other tvo f5'iti.,;:;~c>
Where the lot lInes at int(,rsection.shav-e rounded cornersk the lot li:~tHl
w:l.ll be eA-tended in a at~ralght li:.."'le t~':) a point of intorsect:ton"
(50) Ya.r:~a An open space on a lot which ls '.mobst~cted f~m the
ground upwarCll except as otherwise provided in this o%"d:1nance a
(51) .!'!!.~ front. A yard between a:t.de lot lin,es and measured, 001"-1,,:"
2'ontal~y at x'1ght angles to the front lot line from t.he front lot 11.IHt to
",he nearest Joint of the building.
(52) .!'!!'CiQ side. An open space between the front and rea:r yards meas.1r(~!d
horizontally and at right angles from the side lot line to the llearest point
of the bu1ldi.ng.
Section 4. Compliance w:i.th Ordinance Prov1a~~o No structure or
lot ;shall her..after be used or occupied and no structure or part thereof'
shall be erec~ted,>> moved~ roconstructed~ extended~ enla1'"ged~ or altered (01),-'
trary to the pl'ov1Ed.ona of this ordiDance.'
Section.5. Classification of Districts.. For the purposes of this ordi-,
D8D.Ce..) the c1,ty 18 divided into zoning districts designated as followB~ .
!.!!dng !)ilstrict
Res1dentjLal. - Farm
Rem.dentjLal .:. Single Family
Resident;jlal .;. Two Family
Res1dcm.tj~al ~ Multiple FaiLily
Co-.rci.tJ. ..:. Reta1l.
Commercilll ..:. lbwntow
Oommerc1~u.. ,~ ~a';y
Indwstruu ..:. General
Special. ]~<oiding Site 'Jomb.t..ning
!~.R ,p3!ool and
~E.~~!!~e~ Designati~!!
Section ~;o .~_~l?~
(1) The location and 'oound.aries of 1,;he di8t):~ict, designated in ;3~CttOD, 5
are hereby e::rtablieJ.1ed as !JhoW::1 on the map rm.title<1 "Zoning l.fap of the C'ity
of Ashland,) If dated wi.th th~ a:ffect:lv~ date of this ordinf~.nceS) and Bigeled
by the ~r and e:.iJ:.y reC(t :-der aud h{;.reafte:1:' referred to as the nze,Jjlj,,;tg ma:p <) f 1
(2) Tho eiped, cOPY' "-P f' Stud f',oning map shaJ.l .lxr maintai.ned on. f:i,le .In
the office oj: the Gity reCt)rd,a:r' and. ~~"B l1ere;)y macl(t s. part of th:1!1 or(litv.n1C!~Q
Section ~'G Ditltr1ct B>undaries. Un.ll9sl! otherwise epecifi,ed~ r:tift'~~:t"lct
boundaries aJ~'e lotlli~ee~""'~;entGr Jiue o:istrtlets EU),d railroad J::lgl1t....'of.~
Wa;{~) or suell l:tnes en ~llde i n rf a di.st:~ict oounda.1'7 di Tides a lot :i~,c;;,"t'k.m
dietrict8~ tlle entire lot. ,Jh.all be plac0d,Ul thedistx'ict tha.t ,acc~n:"n:~8 to:"
the greate:r nr~a or the 101; bJ" the St}ju..RJ1;me.,lt of' the d:lstriet lxt'o.nd,'lr;r :pI.'(i'~
vJ.,ded the 'boundary adjsutllHn.t is tor G. dist:ulce not; to .:t:cf>ed. 20 f'e~t,
.' "1
Sec't:l~:Jl1 ~L. Zo~ ofbm.e,xed Art't&S" Z;'111.ng r(ligtJf.:tations i.n eff'l'}ct ~,avan area p:r:iOJ;" to -aimeUtiOil to-the cfiy ahaJ..1 contiitue -to a~p1.y and &h,~.ll 'be
enforced by 1;he city until su!~h time as compr:&her~sive zoning has bee:1.
adopted 0 ArE~ae 8u,11.exed to th,e e::lty which a1."e DOt zoned shall be autcmlat1calJl
olasa1f1ed as 8Il B-l:B-10 d1atriot 1UltU ~ve ~ tor the area
has been adopted.
SeCt1j~D 'g. R-J' or iea1deat1a1 _ Paw Dlr,",ct.
(1) }'urIlose. ib mid lize an4 pIl'I)1;eo1; the rural residential character-
istics o~ 1~he diStrict.
(2) 181'11ltt:ed Uses. 1'he to1lowiac __ an4 th..1r acoessory uses are
pend. tted c.utrliht: .
<:.) SiDgle. ~8Dd.1y dwl1" !IS.
(b) A8r1ou1ture lIIl4 t'a1'II lisee, aoept --1 salea yarq.and feed ;yards,
boa t. &ad 8IQ' Aftt--l. ~ecl pr'bage.
(0) Pu~;~~8t parkS aa4 NCftatlO1l faoilities.
()) qoau~ Uses. 1'he toJJ.ow1as usea lIIl4 1:he1r acoe880Z'7 uses are
PftIIltted ",ba. authorized 1a accordance with Section 39:
Cia) Bo_ occupat1cms.
(11)>) Cburohes and s1ad.1ar re1i8iou 1nstitut1ons.
(~=) Bos.p1tals, rest, l1ursiDs and COIlYalescent homes.
Cd) Parooh1a1l11l4 pr:l.Yate aohoola, :lnclucJiag 11U1'8C7 SChools,
1d.nderprten and da1' DUraer18., but not lDclucJiag a bwd.u.esst,.
daDoiDg, trade, teclm1cal or ... -1181' school.
Ce) P\Ih11o lIIl4 pu.b11o uWJ.i;J' buU.cI1ucs structures and uses; but
DOt 1Dc1udiDs corporation, atorap or repair Yards, warehouse
aa4 s:1m:I.1ar uses. r
(fl" - Beoreat1oDa1 uses and faciliUes, 1nclucJiag C01Ultry olubs,
plt courses, sv1lM1rfllg clubs, and tema18 clubs; but not m-
cl~ such intend.. coaerc1a1 recreatloD8l 1l8e8 as a dri-
YiDg rase, race track or "'-.nt park.
(S') Rld1Ds 1nstraction and acad.......
(h) . c..teri.8., maUSOJ.eWl, col_bari_, crematoriWlS.
(~) J:zcaya.!:1oa and reJIOY8l ot saad, era"l. atone, 10_, d1rt
or other earth products, SIlbject to Section 24.
(It) .!!!f.sht BeIlUlat1cms. A lIIMd_ height ot two and one-half stories,
or " feet, v!d.CDiver 1a the lesser, provided, hoveYer. that this regulation
8ba1111Ot ~ to barDs, s:I.1os, -tel' towera or teaks, w:hl"~111J or other
f8l'll 1Rd.1d1ap or structures on f_. provided thq are IIOt 1888 than SO teet
troll eY817 p.1l'Opert7 line it ~he7 exceed said height lim1 tatlOa.
C,) !E!_a. W1dth"aild Yard Requireaaeats.
(a~1 IDt area. 1'he !ltiltof... lot area 8ba11 'be 20,000 square teet.
(b) lot 1d.c1th. All lots shall have a 1d.dth ot at least 100 feet.
(0) !i\oont yard. There shall be a front yard of at least 20 feet.
(d) 8lde yard. There shall be II. IIIlJIiID\lll side 7ard ot 10 teet.
(e) Bear yard. There shall be a 1ll'I1Ii_ relll' yard ot 20 teet.
Section J.O. R-l~r R~~i.del$i!+l .::. S~-"e_~!l_D!stric.!~
(1) ~~~. To stabilize an.d protect the suburban characteristics
of' the distl:-ict and t~'I:promote and encourage a suitable environment for
family life..
(2) Palm tted 'Uses. The followiDg uses and theil" accessol"'Y uses are
permitted outright: ...
(a) Sj..ngle family d"lelllng.
(b) Agricul'ture"
(0) The keeping of livestock except swine provided that':
(1) No livestock shall be k&pt on any lot leas than one acre
in: area; and
(2) No mor(!: than tvlO head oveJ:' the age of six months ma,y be
matntai.ned per acre; and
(3) Bai'1iffo; stables an,d. oth.e:!" buildings and. structures to ooUE;e
said' l:~vestock s~~ll not he located closer then 50 feet
to any property line.
(d) Public seik>olsv.! parks and recr~ation, facilIties.
(3) CoI1~di tional rJ::~e's.,. . T'ne follQ\d.ng ttBns a.ld theil' accesaor;y' uses
Sore permlttc:(f-wb.ena:lii:.r';;'i!:lzed in accordan,c~' td th Sec'tion 39:
Home ocdwpationb"
Churches e.nd s:i.I:dlar ;;~el:tgio1J.s ins'i;itucions.
PaJ;c,chicaJ. i-w.d private achooJs~, but lwt inl~ludin.i5 a bmdnessf)
dancing.;, .tr~~d.ef' 'tec.1-.i.D.:tcal or rnU'"sery s':;hoolf; kindergarten, or
de.y nur{;~:l."':'f"
PubJj_cai1~'i':litlblio utiJ..ity bujldings~ 'Erl;ructurea and uat;'~sJ but
not j..nclud;_ug cor.Poratton~ storage or ;cC'epair yards~1 ~'arehouse
ano. sim.i.1.a.r l...ses.
Re<?reatioMJ~ uses and facilitias0 ,in.cludingcountry clubs" gol f:"
;::ows'.s'5;;1:,'<a~?~ug' clubs~ and temii.a clubs~' but not inclt!ding
aU.eh intensj~ 1'e commercial recreational uses as a. d.r-i vine; I-a.n.ge ,)
race trcl.ck'.or amusement park~
Off-street parking lots adjo1.ning a C or M distr:tot subject
to:'.the pli)'n.sionS of Section 22. .
(~~) .!~k~^t.'l1.~J5~_a:tio~.' "A'~ldmum height of two and on~half ator1es~)
or 35 feet, wh1oheY8r is the lesser.
(.5) ~~~Jv!~1lL~~ Yard Requ1rementso.
(a) LO~;. 'r.":"X"EN:i':~' The m:f..nimlw in,terior lot area shall. be 6~'OOO square
feet; t:tem:Lnimtun corner lot aJ.~a shall be 79000 squa,re feet"
(b) Lot lld,dtha ft,.ll inter-lor lot.r; shall hJinre a. t'td.nimum ~fidi~h of
60' i'eet r,alJ, COJ"'nt51'" 10ta aha.II have a minifil'..ttJ w:i.dtb. 'Of 70 fet;:t,
. ,. ':1. .' ."', ~
(c) Front yard. There shall be a froiit ,-ard of at least 20 teet..
Cd) tide yard. There shall be a m1niIIIum of 6 teet troll the further-
most projection from the bu1lding on either side tor one and
two story buildiDp. The side yard requirement tor a buUd1Dg .
greater than two stories shall be increased by five feet for
each and every story or portion thereof, that the building ex-
ceeds two stories in height.
(e) Rear yard. There sha.l1 be a m1nimum rear yard requirement of
20 pe%'Cent ot the lot depth; however in no case shall a rear
yard be les8 than 15 teet or this requirement be more than 30 feet.
(6) S2!!!:!I!.. The ma.x1mwn permitted aggregate bulld1Dg coverage shall
be 35 percent of the lot area.
Section 11. R-2 or Residential - Two Family District.
(1) .m~. To stabilize and protect the residential characteristics
ot the district and to promote and encourage a suitable enviornment tor family
life at a slightly higher density than that perm1tted in the R-l district.
(2) Permitted Uses. The following uses and their accessory uses are
permitted outl'ight:
(a) Single family dwelling.
(b) Two taraily dwelling.
C c) Agricul ture.
Cd) Public schools, parks, and recreation facilities.
(3) Cond:l tional Uses. The following uses and their accessory uses are
permitted Whell1 authori~ed in accordance with Section 39:
BOme occupations.
Churches and similar religious institutions.
Hospitals, rest. nursing and convalesent homes.
Parochical and priyate schools, including nursery schools.,
kindergarten and day nurseries, but not including a business,
dancing, trade, techn1cal or similar school.
Public and public utility bu1ldiDp, structures and uses; but
not lnclud1Dg. corporation, storage or repair yards, warehouses
and similar uses.
Reoreational uses and facilities, includ1Dg country clubs,
SOli courses, swilllM'f~g clubs, and temds clubs; but not in-
cluding such intensive CODIerc1al reoreational uses as a dr:Lv-
iDs range t race track or amusement park.
Oft-street. parking lots adjoining a C or M district subject ,to
the provisions of Section 22.
Dwelling groups composed ot single family or duplex dwell1DgSl
pro~ded that there shall be at least 4,000 square teet ot lot
area for each dwelling unit.
(4) He~~lt Regu1a't~oD8. A max:1mwa he:1ght of two and one-halt ~torieSt
or 35 teet, 1If. dchever is the lesser.
(. )
(5) !!:!!l, Width and Yard Requirements. ,
(a) Lot area. The miD1mum interior lot area shall be 6,000
sq__e. teet; the Mho.imum corner lot area shall be 7,000
square teet.
(b) Lot width. All interior lots shall have a ... ",i QIWI width of
60 feet; all corner lots shall have a minimum width of 70
(e) :front yard. There shall be a front yard of at least 20 feet.
(d) Side yard,_There shall be a "'''~nntm of 6 feet fro. the 1"u.rther-
lDOat proj:ection troll, the bu1ld.ing on either side for one and
tvo story" bu11~. The side yard requirement tor a bu1ld.ing
greater t)1an.' two stories shall be increased b7 tive teet tor each
and every{,s.tory or portion thereof, that the bu11d.ing exceeds two .,"'
stones ~',height.
(e) Rear yard., There shall be a m:1.JWJrum rear yard requirement of
20 percent of the lot depth; hoveyer inDO case shall a rear yard
be 1e88 than 1.5 fee~ or th1a requirement be IIOre than '0 teet.
\:: "
(6) Ooye!.!l!.' 11he .'dmum permitted aggNpte build.ing coverage shall
be 40 percent, of ,the lot area.
Section ]20 B-3 or Residential - Multiple Family District.
(1) ~2!!.. Thiad1strict 1s des1gned to provide the type of envlornment
suitable 1... urban liY1Dg. ~e . R- 3 district 18 intended tor residential uses
and appurteDBlllt ~oamm1ty sernces; this district 1s designed in such a armer
that it can tIe applied to a wide range of areas due to the range ot residential.
densitie8 polSl8ible. In additioD, when appropriateJ.y located and designed, pro_
fessional ot1~ces, are permitted.
(2) Pendtted U8e8~. 1'he following uses and their accessory uses are pena:lt- "
ted outright:' r',', ,',
(a) S1Dgle t~ dwell1Dp and two family dwe11,inp.
(b) Ml1l ti-tudJidwelliDgs and dwelling SZ'Oups.
(0) Boarding ,or: roord.Dg houses, fraternity or sorority houses and
dora1 torteiJ. '
(d) lbme ocou>>at1cme.
(e) .Agm.cul tve.
(f) Public schools, parka, and recreation tacilities.
(g) Nurser schools, kindergarten and ~ nurseries.
(3) Condl1tiODal Uses. The following uses aild their accessory uses are
peraltted whetJl a~thorized in accordance with Section 39:
(a) ChUrches and s:i"1ilar reUg10us institutions.
(b) Parochial and private schools, but DOt 1nclud.ing a business,
dancing, trade, techn1cal. or sind.lar school.
(e) Tra1ler parks.
Cd) Public and quas:l.-publ.~c hal.1a. J.odges and cJ.uba.
(e) Professional office or c11Dic for an accountant, archi.tect.
attorneY', dentist, deeiper, doctor or other practitioner of
the heal1Dg arts, englneer, 1Daurance agent or adjuster, 111-
vestment or JDaD.agement consulor, or surveyor.
(t) Hospitals; rest, nursing and convalescent hollies.
(g) Limited personal service establishments in the home such as
beauticians. masseurs and the usea listed in (e) above.
(4) Beipt Be~tiOJlS. Do building 01' structure shall exceed 50 teet
in height.
(5) ~l Width and" Yard Requirements.
(a) lot area. . !he III1Di.rawa :interior lot area shall be 6.000 square
teet; the Dd.ni1llUDl corner lot area shall be 7,000 square teet.
(b) IDt width. All interior lots shall have a IllirdIlUlll width ot
60 teet; all corner lota shall have a II1niIIIum width of 10 teet.
(c) ~Dt yard. !rhere shall be a tront yard ot at least 20 teet.
(d) Side. yard. There shall be a mift1'IUID of 6 teet from the further-
JIlOst. "Projection from the building on either side tor one and
two atory buUd1nga. The side yard requirement for a building
sreater than two stories shall be increased by five teet tor
each and every story or portion thereot t that the building ex-
ceeds two stories in height.
(e) Belli' yard. There shall be a IIIin1mwD rear yard ot ten feet; pro-
Vided however, that this IIIin1mwD requirement shall be increased
five teet tor each and every story or portion thereot, that the
building or structure exceeds two stories in height.
(6) Cov~. 'l'he max1mum pend.tted aggregate building coverage 6hal1
be 4.5 percent 4)f the lot area.
(7) SpeciAu Yards and Distances Between &i11dings.
(a) !L-he distance between any principal. building and ~ccessory building
~'haJ.1 be a mi nimum ot ten teet.
(b) jLn 1Dner court providing access to double-row dwelling group
Istiall be a m1nimwa ot 20 teet.
(0) ~!hed18tance betweeen principal buildings shall be at least one-
l:lIllt the sum ot the height ot both buildings, provided, however,
t;hat in DO case shall the distance be less than 12 teet. This
Z.equirement shall also apply to portions ot the same building
sleparated tram each other by a court or other open space.
(8) DensitZ. c' "There shall be a minimum lot area of 5,000 square teet
tor the first dwelllng UD1t on any single building lot. For each"addit1oDal
dwell.1ng UDit iJl ~ building or group ot buUd1nga, the mifti"lWD amount of
lot area requU'ed'shall be designated by a number toll1owing the "R-3" desi-
gnation, which number shall represent thousands of square feet; tor example:
R-~1.2 = 1,200 square teet tor each family unit
,R-3~2.4 = 2.400 square feet ~or each t'am1J.y wnt
Section 130 0-1 or Co..rcial .. Retail Diatricta
4-~ T
(l) !!!E8e. 1'h1s district 18 des1gned to stabiliH0 improve and pro~
teet the 00 _ eroia! ch8.r~ter1st1cs of shoppiDg centers and areas'e
(2) Perctted Uses.. 1'h. tollowiDg uses ad their accessory uses are
permitted o~:tr1sht: .....,-
ProfeS'sionaJ., t1Dancial and busineaa of'tic.s~} and personal ae~'
v1c~ establishments such as beauty and barber shops" laundel.ette'l
clothes and laundry pick-up statloD8.
Sto:resf) shopsfJ and office8 supplying coDlDditie& or perf~rming
Mz'Yicea tor residents of the surround" ug COmmunity ~i such as
a. departmert,t storei) antique shoPe arti.zt' s aupp1:y storeS) and in-:
olu.clU1g a regiOD&l shoppiDg center or element of such cente.r~l
auoh U a ujor depa.rtment st.ore.
R.staursnt~ cafe~ soda. tounte.1nf) DOt inc~ud1ng enterta.:i.mlent
or cUA11C1.Dg~ . or sale of liquort) beer or other alcoholj, c beverag~8.
tor coDSUlllption 011 the premises.
Theat:~~. provided that such use is conducted within a buUQ1ng~,
eo.erc1a1' parkilllg lots for :passenger vehielesg subject to t~he
requirements of Section 22.
(3) CoDcl1t1onal Uses. The following uses and thei.\? accessor'y uses are
Pjrm.tted wmm authori~. :I.n accordEu:t.ce v1t.h Section 39:
Public and: ~1uasi,,:publi C c'And publ.ic utili ty and servic~ buildi.nl~~
8truCtUt"eJ~~ and uses a.a .~ppropriate to and compatible with the
c-l District.
~J~ cleaning and dyeing establiahm_t..
Bovlb..g alliY's~ audito::o:f~.wn$~ ~ting rinksf,' dance halls and
drive-in theatres,,'
t4utof40b11e ;service st~'1;1onstl new and uaed,:"car sales~ boat aud
tra:Uer sales.
Outdoor restaur-molts anit any establishment serving liquor 9. bee-r l'
wille or other e..1J:oblJl1c beverages for consumption on the pr~-
m1ses. ' .
Hot~a and oo.teJ1.J~4 traUer parks.,
ResidentW.~ee';:i,,: !3Ubjuct to all of the requirements of the
R-3 District;'4:-
M)rtu.ari~c': ;', ..
V etema.ry ~.~;j~ii1i c ~3 it
. j
(4) . AreS;'0 Width ~:2.~...,~~t'!ql~~!l!!!l~!I There shall be no mim..mul 101:
areat) wid~ coverage'!) !..'ro'lt ~"c;rd,) s;lde yar'rit" or l?(ta!" ya.I"d~J except, as l'oequlrc d.
under the otf~8treet p;r.rkt./!,g ~t~1d load,ing requirE:f!eD.ts and. except wh(.;,rt~ re",,,
quired or increased f.'orc();:l,ili t:ional .~e8.. ~
... ,',
Section 140 ~2. 'c.r Co1:(!f1erc:',al "'" :0ownto~..1 District",
~-"~~lIIJ:'_.~.;,~~"",__~""~,,,,~~ "ft
(~) ~. . 11>.isdiatrtd; is designed to stabil:i.z<!>. improve and pro~
t&ct thEr Cozum.:!rc1al chfira.c'.;e~lst1cB .)f the central bus1n.eas diatric't... Du';'
to the interd'LlpendeJ ice of ~:;he various commercial uses upon pedestrian t.raffic
aD.d the nect~ssit;,y for joiJ1t provisions and utUizati.o.n of' off-street parking
facilities I off~8treet parking is DOt required tor individual' colDDlerc1al UMo
(2) PeJ:"II1 tted Usee 0 The following uses and their accessory uses are
permi tted()iltright :
<a) Stores{) ahoPS9 and offices supplying cODlllOdities or per,,:"
torud.Dg services for residents of the surrounding comanmitYf>
such as a depart..nt stor.~ antique shopiJ artist's SUPp17
(b) Restauraa't\}, cate~ soda fountai.n~) including enterta:l.nment
or danCil1g9 or sale of liquor~; beer or other alcoholic beve..:-
.rages tor consumption on the prem18EtS and o\.ltdoor reb'-'~w cu.:.ts 0
(0) Theatreg but DOt :1Dclud1llS a dri...e-1D.
(d) Medical and dental office and cl1D1cf) prore881onal offie.s9
financial offices~ including baDks ad other pD.eral business
C,) Conditional Uses.. T'ne !.t)Uowing uses end their acoessory uses are
permitted wli. authOrized'in accordance with Section 39:
(a) hbl1c aD4 qua.si-publ:tc aad publio utility u.d aenice buUd~
1a&a~ 8tr\1ctur$s~ and usee as appropriate to aad compatible
with the 0-2 District c
(b) Laundry f} ciel!.t\.iq and dyeiDs establJ.ahaent.
(c) Bowlillg alleysvi auditoriumsw skating riDks and danc. hallS.,
(d) Hotela tU1d mot.ls~
(e) Rem.dential, uses~ subject to all of the requirements of' the
R-3 :Districtf) pl~v1ded ~~ch residential uses are not a ground
rioor use and are so designed as to DOt impede the commercial
chlJracteristics or the area.
(r) C'.ommercial parking lots tor passe1')..~r vehicltt8@ subject to thf~
req1.1iremen'~s of' Section 22.
(4) ~~al:l..!l1dth au~t.!!nL.l!e~~0qell.nte_. There $ball be no miaimum lot
area~ width,:, ooverages; front yard \'1 side yardf; or rear :rard;} except as re,":,'
quired unde:t' tho o!f-str-eet p.arld.ng q,d leading requirements and residont is.::.
requ1rementls~ except. wher'e required. or increased for conditional uses ()
(5) .Q!f.::!!:!'et Parld~..
(a) Rea1dent1al ~.!Se8 :U'.\cluding transient fac1.1iti.es such s.s hot;eJ!::J
and motels and ~lfsn~Jnt, facilities such as multiple famil:{
dwellings ~nd apart.men-, houses shall provide off ~atreet p~u;>k~
ins as required in Section 22~
(b) All other uses in t.hia district are not required to provide
off'7st:t\eet parking an.;} load1ng~j and th~re!or.r, are exempt froi,~
the provialo11rs of Sec?;1ons 21 end 22.
Section 15. ~~~~~~~ .." Heaq District.
(1) E!;~. This ,,!ietrict 10 desip,ed to provide a location for the
necessary hllavy co.erc1"u and l1mted industrial uses and services.
(2) PerlDitted UMBo Tho f'ollowlDgwsea tmd their' ~C.t~$')~.i iJ~a,~!~U'~
permitt.d ouii1.,.ghtg
&.k.r1~ bottl1ng plant\) clear.d.ns and dyeing .st"ablishmeDt~)
.~} '.amery {) l~u.ndry ~
Mld1ng mt;erial sa1.e yard 'but DOt 1uclud1ng C;Olicr*tf? or
asphalt batc'h or mung plautSQ
Cab1.uetf! caxopentry ~ electrloalv tu:rn1turef) machinei} .plumb:i,ng~i
or heating ~.;hop~; pr1nting~ publiah1ngt'} or lithograpb;y r up-
Contractor e:quipment storage yard;, or storage an.a. r'ental of
~qUipment commonly used by a. contractoro
Automobile ~.D.d trailer ,-wes"boatyardsf; farm implement sal,&S~
automob:l1.e ,ezl1d truck rapa1r~ service and rupa1.r establis.hment'0
tire recapping"
PubJ.1c util.1ty buildings and service yards" and o tb.., r,' J)'ilb11..;
and quasi-publj,c bui1d1ngs~ structures and UStU~1>
Outdoor adv~rti8.ing structureso
Storage and w;arenousinS\iwhol eSSile buajJ1eS8 c
CommeN~.al parklng lots f~r ~aseenger vehic.leEj;j SU<hj~0t, t:,~ 'the
:r.equirer;lenta. 0 f Section 2.2 'I'
(3.) Cond1 t10nal Uses." '1:'b.e ,follow,Llg usee and their r.l.C(\~$Mr;t ~UH~f:J a.~.,-"~
permitted'"Vb;U;- alithori~zed in eccordallce witb Sitct.1on 39g
(a) Cbue.rete and asphalt bat.c1't111g and mixing plant,f:,~
(b) ..lunk ya.rde ait\d, auto 'Wt ecking yards"
(e) Other retail commercial uses listed u tl'lo pEtr'r,lltt;t;,i ~* tift tlu~
(",p2 Dl8't~rlct but DOt. listed as t\ permitted '';1S~ ~lt1 tJ..I,lt
(d) Residq.t;1al ;\us~ap Sl1bj~ct to all 01" 1;bIJ; r(ltt't;tt1f'.~ttt'l\ q..t r;h.
R-' D1.8tr1J~t"
ee) Ku.uela and .,'.te~ el1nitMS'.l
(4) Bel,ght Resula't1ol:H3" No buiJ ding or struottU"ll'i $l~ .,l'<!tfi;'~,~ t'4jl-.&t
111 heisht:--"-' , --......-
(5 ) S~~~.i2 ,.Ji~t.1t....t!!L~~,,~!~~!.!!i!"
(a.) 1bertl1 nhal,l, f)~ no ar\f$$ crr widt,h, j;-'&q,uir~m.1)t~ ~):.~~.J;'i;t f,f"f:; ~},,:. b.1.,~
r'equ1.:r~t'; und~r '~~.Jle otf.::street load.tng r-'$I.q.td:t'.~~~,t$)! t:,}""'~o.
quiremel'ttsf"Jr.' co:tt.dit.i('Ml US&iS e
('b) There a.b.a.ll i:m M ;;fat"O r'.!Hiui.r~:me:f1t~ ttXCf"pt yh~tt ;t.~. ~",~:~t (~j" Pf.H;.-'*'
eel adj(~;1.n8 ft.r~sid~,nt.ial dlstrlct\l }JJ, ~fhj"xh ~~~~\; ~
and 1."$ar YaJ-:,d of .$rt lat>>.iit 10 f~et shall b4;J'''eqoiIDttcL
Sect1,on J6" M or Indttstrial ... GeDeralP;L,~ti':1,cto
(1) ~E~~ Thts d:iatl':l~t .it! %j,eslgn,ed to ~tl(.';Ol~"'~~" ~u~d :tnd.IJ8:~,;:",t&J
develo:pment :In the ciJi.:y byp.t'Qvl'i1~C8 H ,?:roterj'tive. ~n-i;r:;1Lr."o~ent ft,X',C;lJ~.s},,'i!!i(~l,Y
for su<~h deV1f)l.opment..
(2) Pertnltt.d U.ee.~ The rol.lQ~~,g~~ea and their 1.t(;:c~a~t)r'Y ua~a are
perm:1 t t ed-Oii1E right' ~ U T l
'......~ ,...,
(a) Any manufacturing, processing, assembling, research, whole-
sale, or storage use.
(b) Railroad yards and freight stations, trucking and motor treight
stations and facilities.
(e) Public and public utility service buildings, structures and
Cd) Dwelling tor a caretaker or watchman employed on the premises.
(e) Farming.
(3) Conditional Uses. The following uses and their accessory uses are
permitted when authorized in accordance with Section 39:
(a) Junk yards and auto wrecking yards.
(b) Outdoor advertising structures.
(e) Excavation and removal of sand, gravel, stone, loam, dirt or
other earth products, subject to Section 24.
(d) Kennels, veterinary clinics.
(e) Residential uses, subject to all of the requirements of the
R-' District.
(4) Hei~ght Regulations. No bu:Uding or structure shall exceed 60 feet
in height, e:lCcept as is provided in Section 29.
(5) ~a, Width and Yard Requirements.
(a) Lot area. The minimum lot area shall be 10,000 square teet.
(b) Lot width. All 10ts shall have a minimum width of 80 feet.
(0) Front yard. There shall be a front yard ot at least 25 teet.
(d) Side yard. None, except when adjoining a residential district,
in which case, it shall be 20 teet.
(e) Rear yard. None, except when adjoining a residential district,
in which case, it shall be 20 feet.
Section :L 7. B or Special Building Site Combining District.
(1) PurJpose. The purpose ot this combining district is to provide tor
different miJi1:l.mum lot sizes where appropriate. The following regulations
shall apply :Ln any distri.ct which is combined wi. th the B District; said B
District reg1.u.at1ons to apply in lieu of the provisions of the basic district.
(2) ~Lding Site Area Required. The minimum lot area required shall
be indicated by a number following the B in the district designation, which
n~ber reprei:sents the minimum required area in thousands of square feet; tor
B - 8 = 8,000 square feet minimum lot area
B - 10 = 10,000 square teet minimum lot area
(3) ~ Width, Required. When aJl1 R District is combined with a B District,
the minimum lot width requirements as provided in the R District regulations
shall be modjLfied, as tollows:
!!!limum Lot Area
8, OCX) square feet
10,OO() square teet
lOO.OO() square teet
200, OCX) square teet
Minimum IDt Width
75 teet
80 teet
100 teet
200 feet
If the reqw,red mini.mum lot area is not listed~) the width aha.U
be determined by interpellating between the nearest lot w'idths
herein described!)
Secti,on 2l<'i O!f~S.:tre~t.. loa~o
(1) In all distt"icts9) exoep'l~ thosct specifically excepted 8:i\d noted~) for
each use for which a ouildi.ug :1s to be erected or stJ:-\lcturE-lly altered to
t,lle' extent of :lUCr&B.si,ng the f1001'" area to equal.- the' miniimAm fioor area r~
qw'ed to provide loac1ing spaceQj and which will, require the receipt or dietri:
btltion of materials or merchaJldise by truck o:t'" .i5imil~~ vehiclefl there shall
b~ J)~nd,ed ()rf~stre.t loadi.ng space on the basta of l'IinilllW1l requirements as
f)llows .~
(a) eo..rcial~ indU8trial~ and pubJ.,1~,; utility 118.8 wCd,ch havo
a gross fioQr a~.a of Sv,OOO s,!,uare feet 01* more shall provide
off-street truck loadi.ng or U11loading bertha 1n acc.ordance
vith, , the f'olloviDg tablo.~
Sal1ar$ Fest of Floor Area
._y:J.~ ~~~ nJll -4. -, III J J ... ~J .
!J'~b:a~ i)""~~rtha"lt",!'!.q~
Less thu~ 59000
5<1)000 ..., 3O~oa)
3O~00l'- lOO1!)OOO
lOOf)OOl 'ad ~ver
(b) Offioe buUdj.:atg59) hoi~els\, mot4Jls\) hospitals'i) :1nst1t,utiou)
acbools~ public bui.l(!.1ng..q~1 recrea.t1cm.s.l or enterta.iJlllent !ui....
1.1 t1esw and a-n::f similar USG which has at gross fioor area ot .
30~OOO sqUi!u"e teat O.1~ mol~. shall prov:Lde otf'-stre~t truck loa.d....
1,Dg or unload~!'n;~ berths in tf.cco~nce with the tollov:L.Dg tablu i
~a...~- Feet... ofl].p~r ",Are!,
Less than 30tjOOQ
3Ot) 000 - 100 w 000
l00900J.,..and over
Numbe~ o_f Bf~~ flequ1r~
(2) ,l loading berth shall bE: not lesa than 10 teet, w-lde\) '5 fet;jt long~}
e:11dhalYe 1~ height clearati.ce of 12 feet<;. Wher. the ',(thiel.a pnera:~,~;J used
f,):r load.i.11g and unloadi.ng exc~ed these dimenaiousw t:he r+equired If'fQCth of
t,a.ese be~ths shall. be lncreaaadll<
C,) :[r l08,ding e-pace has been provided in cOlmection With aD, e:iatiDg
lL:~e or 1s added to an existiDg ust.t~ the: load:1rts apace shall DOt be 81 i Bd uted'
1r e11mi.nntion would rewdlt 1n less 8pi4ce than 18 requ.i.red to adequately haadle
th.e needs of th(t particular us."
(4) Off",:,str..t parking areas used to f'ulfill the requirements of this
o:t'd1nanc. shall DOt be co\mted as required loadins spaces and shall uot be
.;; ~l~
used for loading and wil.osding operatioOB except during periods of t;.he daJ'
when not required to take care of parking needs 4>
Section ,22. Off=Stree't Par~"
(1) In all d1stri -:tsf except tbose speCifically excepted and noted~ in
<<"11U'lectiol1 with any use whatsoever\) there sh.-u.l be provided\,; at the time any
1:.u1ldiDg or structure 111 orected~ or i8 eJ.\larged or increased. :ta capaci ty~; 0/'"
',he use is chaDged or increased in intensitYf.1 off-street parld.ng spaces for
Q11tomobiles for the enlarged or increased portion. in the case of g, add! ti'()D
or for the buildingf) struct..u-e or use in other cues~ in accordance with the
r..quirements herein.
(2) !l!!~er of pJd~.~ S~.C~8 l!e!1.'!!~.,~" The number of Orr'"';'.tl"~(tt p.ulrl.J1g
spaces required shall bft 8.13 set forth j,Jl the following schedule;
(a) Rea:ident1alo
(1) 0.. and two faaily
dwelling: .~..YJltipl.
family d.welling
(2) RooBlng or board1ng
MUGS; :resi den~:tal
hotel: Dornti t01""J~ ,'i
Soro:t:-ity and Frater,"O
nity Houses .
. .~.. t
OtJ,e apace per d_lling \u\d" t Q
four .spaces P'll" fi ve t;Ues:t acco~
moo.at::tOqS pI uc one sdd1 tio&u. .
apace forth.e ower or oper(1tto1!;"c
. ~ \
. :\
. ~
(b) ~.mercia:i. Resid3~~ti}"?~t.
(1) Hote:L~
;:%'1e spaca per two glA~,at l"'OOJ1ltl c:t.
S'..l1 ttH~ ~
(2) ~bt..1",
.h1e a:pat~~ :p~.;.'" g-LlE-'st l:'"O';r~ or SI1:.tte.
~f)J,ue Ol1n E,dditional 61~ac: t<he
~)\mer ,,'1' l!;\t:ll'lagE.r f:
(3) (,aub 4 lr;;~~ ~
.3J13,CeG ~~() rl1~!i\'t tbe c;')ull>;J1'frd req :ti.: t"",
't'i+tu1;s of the US,i!f;4 be:1.n!,~ (:on{:~ueJ;:: ~ci .
:~ltr.:h ~i8 ho.J~el \. X'~6ta.l..u'f;;:tjl",:;, ':-vd:t. A
~'{~!'lu'm.., ~t!"'.,
~ c) Inst, itutlons ,
(1) 1Jelfl~.I't? fa" cnrr~(~.."
t1.0Di:",~ i.nst;!,-;ut:ion. ~
()2N~ Sl;'~(i'~ p..er f.tviS' b'JH)t', f.:,;;,;'" rat:t.:!tl; en
ru" i>>.1;::':in:~.2.;
(2) CoAvaleecfm.t hasp! tal
nursing home rest homei}
home for the a.ged~} sani":,,
(3) 808p1 tal:
(4) ~!2!.B of public assembl~ I)
(1) Church:
(2) Library VJ r&ading room~~
JDU8eUJI~ art gallery:
(3) Preschoolli,uraery \9 kind-
(,.) Elementary or junior
high school:
C, ) High school;
(6) Audi.tonum or. other' place
of public t,saembly:
(e) Col8ercial Alluaunent It
",..,.~--- .... 1 :/.'~.,..~
(1) Stad1umVl at'auf! theatre g
(2) Bowling a1.1&;(:i
(3) Danae P..all~; aka.t1n~ l"'iDk:
(r) ~~ercl~ Q
(1) Retail atox'a exc~pt. aa
provid~d i~ subsection
(2) of thi.$ subsection:
( ')
Retail store exclua1v.e-
ly handling bulky mer-'
chandiae snch as au:tomobUes"
f'urni ture {ind large app11,,:,
One space per two beds for pati~nt8
or residents.
Three spaces per two beds.
One space per five Beat.s or 10 2?eet
of bench length in the main auditorium
One space per 400 square feet of
noor area"
Two spaces per teacher"
Three spaCfiS per ClasSroOM"
. ~~, :
Eight ..pacea p.r elaasroollo
. .. ,I
One &pace per :rOllI' seats l'r~i_lllt
feet or bench lengthc If no pe:~-
man~nt seata are provided one sl~ce
per 100 8t1uare fee-t or floor al"lte.l>>
" ....t
On.e space per four seats or eight
feet or bench leng~h.
, i:
Eighl spaces per alley ('
Qo.e space per 100 equal... feet. oJ"
fiOo".>r 8.'l:ea.
One space p?~r 300 square feet. of
floor 8.:~e8,,,
One space 60..') square fffet of floor
area 0
<:5) Service or repair shop
One ~ce per 500 square feet of
noor area.,
(4) Bank; office (except
medical and dental):
One space per .500 square teet of
floo:::' areao
(5) Medical or dental office:
One space per 250 square feet of
fioor areao
(6) M3rtuary:
12 spaces plus four spaces tor each
room in excess ot two which can be
used as a parlor or chapel 0
(7) Eating or drinking estab:o;
lishment \)
One space per three seats or one
space per 100 square f'eeti; which
ever is greater~
(8) Open air market ~ used
car sales lot:
One space for 1~500 square fe~t
of land area.
(g) .!~s!!~trial c
(1) Manufactur1n,g establ1s11-:
Two spaces for every t~hrae es:pl(yt;e
on the two adjacent Mitts 01'" 01;';.
spa(~. for every 500 squ.are feet or
noor ar~a~i which ever is grQat~~ro
(2) Wholesale ~atabliehm&nt~
warehous.'i:; freight depoi:.:
Two spaces for evvry t:bree .apl()yes
on the two ~'.djace.~t fll1ifts or one
space for every 2~{X)Q sq1.tarG fe~;'t;
wh1(;h !!Teria gree.tel~t!
(h) othc~r uses l){lt (apecifif:al,ly listed i.lboy~ s.b.a~l furnish parld..l1g u r('''.'
quiJred by tho Pl.~3~n1.ug C"Q~1It':.,aaion. In detendn~i,ng t;he O.t"f"1O>6tre~t Pfirl;:...
1ng requirefil{.'n~fl for aa..ld UfJOSi, tha Plann1ng l'!ol?Jmissi.ol'l 8~i.11 use t:he
abo',. requl:~ullen;ts as a ;sen(~ral gu.ide~ and. shall detemne the mirdriiUll1
lluml~er of PW'ki1l.S' apafJe-,;:;; reqtd~ed t,>:;) avoid undu~ interfere;,w<J ldth.,he
pub:110 of atr'eet~> and stlleJf;:;"
(3) l-ior,~ Than Out} US! c \{here IIt'>re thE,)J. one use is ~tncluded vit;hl::3 ~
one buildlii8" or on. ~rartig1.e parcel,; the pe.rking requirements shall be the
sum totaJ. of the requiramf~nts of the vari,ous use,s$; provi.ded\) howeverf: where :~he
operation of thes. differnnt uses 18 such that the hours of operation or use::;
complement e.ach other insofar 9S the pa.rld.ng demand is concerned~) the Planni 18
Commission m!\y authorize fi. reduc'(;ioll in these requ,tremel~ts~
(4) Arefis needed to ~ieet the plU:~king requirements of." a pal~t1cular buUd:,ng
or use shall not be trans:formed or ch.anged to another tYl>e of use./) or tranfe:'red
.: ::,':~~
. '"".,'
.' ~,~'~
to meet the parking requirements of ,aaother building or l18e until the park"",
~ requ1redl for the origiDal user of said park:LDg area 1s provided at '
another loce~t1ono
(5) An'J' building or use requiring i1 ve-tentha or mre of a parld..ng
space shall be deemed to require the full sPace.
(6) .E!.!1Kft Requirements!
Size and Access. Each off-street park1ng space shall be
not less tha.n Dine feet wid. and 20 feet lOllgfJ excluai.ve ot
access drives or aislesq and shall be of' uaable shape and
condi tloD.o :there shall be adequate provision for ingr'esa
and egress to all pa.r1dJ1g spaceso Where par1dJ1g spaCE:S
do DOt E'.but on fA public street or alley t; there shall be
provided acceas drives not less than 12 feet in widt,h tor
one-way traffic Qr 18 feet in width for two-way traf'fi.c p
leading to the parking and loading apaces& . ,
Surf'ac~. Areas used for standing and maneuveri.ng of
vehicles shall have durable surfaces maintained adequately
for all-weather 'Ltse and adequately drained as to a.void now
of water across sidewalks....
L1ght~\J Any lighting used to illuminate any off~street
par1dJ1g area shall be .so arranged as to reflect the light
away from th~ adjoini.ng premises in M:3 R District c
Parking spaces for other than one end t,,,o-family dW&llings
shall be designed so that no back1ng movements or other
manouvering !:Ii tron a street other -than an alley ~hall be
r'equ1red. "
Service dri vas sh.a.ll have a uo.nimum vision clearance area
formed by the interseotion of the w:"i veway center line~} the
street right"" 40 f ....,...ray line t) and a straif.ht lille joining said
lines througll pO.:tnts 20 feet from their interseot101'1o
Parking apaCtc.s along the outer boundaries of' a parking
lot shall be contained by a cl~b or a bumper rail so placed
to prevent a mtor vehicle f:-om extend1.ng over an adjacent
property or Et street..
In aDy R nisi riot. otf -street parking or loading are'as shall
not be l.ocat~d in a rGlu ired front ;ral~do
The distance,s required for vari,ous parking lay-ou'~~s and dt'-
signs shall 'oe as apl,rov81! by the Planni:tog Comm.ts;;;d,on ,and .
contttined in thEe "desie;n standards fOl" uff=atreet ~1dong
facllities" adopted by sa:ld (:()nmU.ssion. July 27 t 1964.
In the event that pal"ki.ttg spaces are adjac~ut to ~ or wi th-
in five feet of<;) a, sid~ property line :in the R-' D:ist,rict~ a.
fence or sui'~~abJ t~ avergree.n screen planting aJ.uiu be provi~
... ".p;
..~ ~.... u,.;;.
, I.
- Section 23. lfoA-QmtOl'lll1D.g Usee and Structures. (1) No existiDg buUdiJag,
structure or :land devoted to a use not perm1~ted by th:ls OrdirJance in the
district 111 ~b1ch such buUd1Dg, 8tructure O~ land is located 8ha11 be
8Illarsed, extended, 1'eCOJlstracted, Sllbet1tuted or structurally altered,
unless the U84t thereot 18 chaDged to a use perad.tted in the district 1Jl
wh:1ch such bu:L1diDg, structure or land 18 located, or when authorized
:in accordance w1th the prov11d.oDa of Seoti.oa 39; provided boweyer, a .DOD-
ccmtorllliJag US4. ~ be chaDged oDly to ODe ot the same or more restricted
Ca) It the IlOn-co~orm1Dt~ uSe of a buUdiDg, structure or pre-
msea ceasea for a l>eriod...of six .,n'ths or more, said use 8ha11
be considered abandoned; and said bu11diDg, structure or pre-
lI1aes 8ha11 thereafter be used oDly tor uses permitted in the
district 1n whioh it is located.
(b) ,D1atnct1on of a Non-clOllt~ Use. It a JIOn-clOlltOZ'lll1Dg
,structure or a structure conbofnfug a DOn-conforming use is
Idestroyed by any cause to an extent exceeding 80 percent ot
.the appr'8:l.sed value as determined by the recorda ot the County
,Assessor t a future structure or use 011 the property 8ha11 oon-
:tora 1:0 the prov1s1oDS ot this ord1Dance.
(3) Bu11~'r Structure. Nothing contained in t.h1s ordinance 8ha11
require 8JQ' ch8Di,.~ in the plans, cODStruction, alteration, or des1gaated use
ot a structure ttJr which a buildiDg perm:Lt has been issued and cODStruction
has COm1leDced ~;ar:lor to the adoption ot th1s OrdiDance and subsequent amend-
ments thereto. except that 11 the designated use Will be DOn-contorllliJag it
8ha11, tor tIlf: purpose of Section 23 (2) (a) be a d1scontined use it not
:in operati.oa 'dthill two years o~ the dat.. of issuance of the building per-
Section 2". Oo~ial Emava~n and RelllDval of Saud, Gravel, stone,
IDam. Dirt or ~~h.er Earth. Product~.
(1) Bet~ a conditiOnal use pend.t for the ClOIIIIIIercUl excavation and
1'8IIIOval o~ earth products can be grantee!, plans and specifications show:l.ng
the location of }n'eIIisea. gI."9.CI:iJlg plan, existing and proposed drainage,
proposed t~ accesst arid deta1ls ot resra~; and revegetation ot the site
aha1J. be aul.a:1.t,ted, to, and approved by, the :Pll4l'1ni~ Comm:l.ssion.
(2) ltJ1y d.ev1ation fro. the plans as app~ved will sene as groUllda to
revoke the conditioDal use Perm1t.
(3) In l'f.view1na the application, the collllliaaio.n ~ collBider the llIDat
appropriate use ot' the lqd, distances tZ011 the property lines t the protection
of pedeatz1./UllS and vehic1ea, the preV8l11o"LOIl of the collection and stagnation
o~ water a:l; aU atapa of the operation, end the rebab1J.itation of the land
upon tenrinat:LoJ!1 ot the operation.
-.~O- l
(4) A be>nd may be required to insure pertoNallce (I
SectlO1l ;250 Utilities. i'he erectioD.9 eODStructioJt~ alteratiOftf; or
ma.:1.nteunce 'by puWc utility or INDicipal or other gDVenmaelltal agencies
of UDd.rgro~l1d or overhead _~) electr1cal~ steam~ or water traf18lliasioll
or d1stribut:LoJl systems, collectloUf) cOlllN111cat1oJl~ suppl;y or disposal
systema~ includ1ng poles~) towers0 w1resi) ma1ns1) drainatJ sewers'i) pipes~
conduitsf} calblesfJ f'ire-alaraa boxe8~ polioe call boxes't traffic s1pals~
hydrantst) and. other siJiuar equ1,pment and accessories in cODD.ect1on there-
with9 but DO'~ includ1ng buildings~ shall be pentltted in any district. -
Utility traJ1jsm1asion and distribution lines0 poles and towers Ja!Q' exceed the
height 11mi t" otherwise provided tor this OrdiDance.
Section c!6o ~eS!JOry ~~. Accessory buildings shall comply wit;h
all requ1rem~tnts for the priacipal use .xcept where specifically modified
by this Ordinance and shall comply with the following limitations:
(l) A IP~-uhouae or hothouse J.Day be 81nte1ned accessory to a dwelling
in an R DiatJ:-,J.ct.
(2) A gtlest house may be mailltained accessory to a dwelling prov1.ded
there are no cooking facUlties in the gu.est house.
(3) ReplrcUeS8 of the side and rear yard requirements of the district,.)
i~ a resident:1aJ. distrIct (\ aide or rear yard JIIEQ" be reduced to thrett feet
fe.r an acoes~lOry structure ere~t~d 8>re than 5.5 feet from any atreet.;, o,ther
than alleys~ provided the atructure i8 detached and. separated from other bu.il d-
ings by 10 t (t~ctt or more. . . .
Section 2'7. Fences, }"encesyj wa11s~~ hedges and screen planting may bft
located as fOlllows: ----
(1) Sa1d~ fences,,) walls!;) hedges aAd screen pl.anting may be located in
8Dy required front yard provid6d they do DOt exce;$d three ecl one....llalf
f..t :In he1gbt>:<
(2) Said. fences~ wal18~i hedges and screen planting mr3Y 'be located
in rmy real'" ;)"ard or side' yardV) Pl'"'O,"1ded they do not exoeed six feet 5..n
height 0
(3) On a. corner lot\) no f\mc$'ii wall,,) hedgefl or screen. planting over
three and one-half feet in height shall be aonstructedW'i,thin the yarde
required adjacent to the street8~
(4) The height of r.nces9 walls)) hedges and screen planting referred
to in sub-sections (1) and (3) above shall be measured fr<:)m the EUltablished
curb gradel the height of fences\) wallsY) hedges and screeJ~l planting re-
ferred to in suba:sectlon (;) above sha.ll be meamu"'ed at F"...round lavel., .
Section 28.. ~neral Exc!i.~:i.!?n ..t~~t ~~e Rei'~!~il!..l!!.!!() It a lot;
or the aggregate of cont1,gtous lots or land parcels held in a1n:gle
ownership and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Jackson County a.t the
time of pas~ge of this Ord,1nance has an area or dimension whtch does Dot
meet the lot size requirements ~t the district in which the property is lo~
cated, the lot or aggregate holdinga IIIIIy be occupied by a u.se permitted
outright in the district subject to all other requirements, provided it
complied With all ordinances when 1 t was recordedo
(1) Church B,pires, beltri.., cUPOles and domes; 8lIIOkestacks; nag
poles; elevator penthow,es; cooling towers; grain elevators; parapet walls
extending DOt IIIOre-than tour feet above the limiting height of the build-
ing; outdoor theatre screens, provided said screens contain DO advertisi.Dg
matter othe.r than the Dallea of the theatre;
(2) Places of public assembly in churches. schools and other pendtted
public and sem1-public buildings, provided that these are DOt IIIOre than one
story in he1.ght~ and proVided that for each one toot by which the height of
such building exceeds the maximum height otherwise permitted in the district,
its s1de and rear 78rds 'shall be increased in width or depth b)' an additioual
toot over the s1de and rear yards required tor the highest building other-:
wise peZ'ldtted in the district, other structures where the llllUl.uf"acturing ProcoSi1
requires a greater height, proVided, however, that all such structures above
the heights otherwise permitted in the district ahall DOt occupy IIIOre thaa
2.5 per cent ot the, area ot the lot and shall be distant DOt le_ than 2.5 teet
in all directioJUl ,from e.ery lot llne DOt a street lot line.
Section 30. CJeneral Excel!tion to Front Yard ~e'lu1rements.
(1) It there are dwell1Dgs on both abutting lots with tront yards of
less thaa the required depth for the district" the front yard tor the lot
need DOt exceed the average tront ;yard of the abutting dveUinga.
(2) It there ,is a dwelling on one abutting lot with a fl'Ollt yard of
less than the required depth for the district, the front yard need DOt exceed
a depth ODe-halt wa;r between the depth of' the abutting lot and the required
front yard ciepth~ .
Section 31. Side Yards on Corner Lots. In llDy R or M Distr:lct. the
side yard along a side street of a corner lot ahall be at least 15 feet.
Section 32. ~c1a..1. Setback R.ei~l:em!Jl~. To perm1t or afford better
Ught. air, and vis10n on IIlOre heavily traveled streets and on streets 01'
substandard width. to protect arterial streets, and to perad.t the eventual
widening of streets, every yard abutting a portion of street hereiDafter
II8IlIed ahall be increased over the re'~1d,red yard d1Illel1B:1on specified in the
district so that the miD1anun distanc<7 from the center line to the tront cf
any structure Eshall be as li.ated below ~
Str-eet Name
- .~..........
North M8in Street
Si8Jd.you Boulevard
East Main Street
Highway 66
Setback trom Center Line
~~.-...r.-,.~- ill
65 feet.
6.5 feet
6.5 feet
6.5 teet
Section 330 Proje,c,!;!..o"llS. from Bull~o Bay wi.ndows? corn:1ces~ eavesQ
canopies" sUDShadesf> gutterstJ chimlleys~, fiue'''<l belt cour'ses~ leadersw s1lla
pllastersf, :L1ntel~9 OrDam*ntal features9 end other e1m:Uar architeotural
features ., project DOt more than 18 inches into a required yard or into
a required open space as established by ooverage standards.
Section ,34 0 Vision Clearanoe Areao Visioa clearaace areas ahal1. be
provided v11~h the tollov1ng d1Jstances establiahins the sl_ of the viaion
olearance 8J:-ea:
(1) In any R D:Latrict'/j the mia:1J1W11 distance shall be 2' feet or~} at
1D.teraectio,1S includ1ns an alle,.~} 10 f.et I.t
(2) In all other diatr1ct except th4t c-Z D.,"str1ct~, the lliuitm.1r! di8tanC(~
shall be 15 feet or~i at :.l.'l'lteraeotions incluci1ns an alley" 10 f"t~ When
the angle o;r intersection between etreetsf) other than an alleYli 18 le88 thart
30 degreest) the disi;anee shal~l be 25 f.et.
(3) Tiu:t vie10n cl.a\'~.mce area ~ball contain no plantillgsv fenees\) walls g
structures v, Qr temporary Qr permaaen,t obstructions exeeed.iDs two and on~baJ t
feet :in hdght a&'3tu'ed f,rom the top of the eurb~j except that street tre~s
exceeding this height may be located in this areaV. provided all branches ed
foliage are removed to a height of ~'-,ght feet above the gradeo
Section 35.... Aacesso Ea,ch lot ehall abut a miD:imum width of lK) feet
upon a 8tre..~t~i ot~than an alley 'Clr a private way~) which has been appro.....t
by the PlUJ:llng Comm:i.ssiou.j ftxcept a the caee of lots which abut a street
having a (:;eJ)ter lin.e radius of 1.5() feet or 1~88& In DO case shall a lot
abut upon a street or private wa:y f(Fr a. wiadth of less than 2.5 feeto
Section, '60 Authorization for Similar Uses'} !rhe Plamdng Commismon
ma'" rule tmilt a ua${) not. spe'~{lc~ named in the allowed uses of a dletriot.
shal2 be in(~luded aIllOilg-tbe aUowed uses if the use 18 of t:he same gene.reJ.
t3Pe and :18 similar to ~,he al..lo~i l.~seS.
S"ction 37. !,~;tenLl;11~",,?1>11!!t~!!:!!2!~~ce ~ufre!!1'1t8. No lot
areag yard\, or othsJ.. open s,pace,) 'or required ofr~atI>eet parking (>!" lO~1dmg
area e:aB'tiJ1g on or atte,.the- effecti v-e da'te of this Ordi.nence shall be
reduc!lC. iIa. area~) d.\m~~nsiO~lf or size below "the mlnimtw rGquired by 'this Ol-di.."
nance~ nor lshall any lQta1"~~t;; yard", or other open e-pace or off-stree1; park~~
ing or load:lug area vh.tell is.r-eq1L1.r~(l by thls Ordins.nee for one' use be used
(is th,a lo"t ~1lrea~ yarr1v; Q.i-. other o,~:r~. apace ur off ""'st:reet parking or loa.dtng
area :requir'~ment for any oth~.t'" use. .
S9ct1on, 380 "~~~\!L.~'~~i!.,, Zoniillg parmit$ ahall be required f01" atl
buildings eJ~,6. 8truct'Hres,.!b.ej';"ii.n.att~r .erectedi1 cowstructedtl alt4r&d~; l'e"",
paired or moyed wi thiJ1 or intf) any d1s'1;r1ct eetablish~d by th1.8 Ordlnance ~
and tor the use of vacant lm-~' 1 01.* for a chz'1nge in th~ character of thE!~ USft
of land or bui~d1:rJ.8s~ ~..thin ~ d.1~f~riot ~ataUl.i8h.ed by thi,s OrdinanC8e
Such penait \BaY be a part of toDe l}ui.ld1n.g permito
Section '90 Oonditio&tal Use Pe.rmita" Uses designated as conditional u.~'ea
ma:s be pe~Ltted~~-.iiiargf;d 01" 8ltered:rii accordance with the provisiot'lS of
;..,..--- .
- ..--::-:::..'~~
-.....~...~~...-. $,......
(1 :
the Section. The purpose of conditional use approval 15 to allow the proper
integration ~.nto the colllllWdty of uses which ID2Q' be au1table only on certain
conditiou azLd at appropriate locations. In granting a ccmditioDal use
perm1t, the c:ity -.y iBIpose condiu'ons in addition to the provisions set
tor usee w1t1:11n each district 1n order to protect the best interests ot the
BUrro1m"j ng Irroperty t the neighborhood, or the city as a whole. !hese COD-
ditions may j.nclude 1ncreas1Dg the lot s:l.ze. setbaoks or yards, controlliDg
the a1ze, lOC:at1oD or number ot vehicular access points, increas1Dg the right-
ot-wq and PSlv1ng width ot the street or streets, l1II1ting the height of
bu1ld1np to protect the light and air of adjacent properties, requiring
screen planti,ng and other specified landscap1Dg, increasing the amount of
oft-street pa~1cJ.ng orlQa~. gnmting a revocable permit or a permit tor
a tera peri.odl, or other provia,tons necessary to III'f ni IP-ze azq contl1ct between
the proposed conditional use and the use of adjacent properties. Cbanp in
US., expaD81(J~n "r contraction of site area, or alteratiOn':lJt structure or
uses class1n.ed as conditional uses existing prior to the ettective date ot
th:J.a Ordi"RD<::e, shall conform to all regulations perbini1'1g to conditional
uses. ..
(1) ~.icat1on. The owner or his agent 1lIa:3 make appacation by t1l111g
aD app11catio,n with the statf advisor to the PlamW1g Coaa1ss:l.on.. Such appl1...
cation shall be accolJlP8Dieti by a legal description ot the property t plans and ele-.
vaticma necesI88r1 to show the proposed development, and a tiling fee ot $10.00, DO
part of Wh1Cl:Jl is returaable.
(2) ~1c Bearing. A public hearing shall be held w1th1n to days after
the t1l1ni 01' the .Ppl1c~tiont DOtice ot which shall be glven by mail at least
five days prior to said hearing, which notice shall state the time and place ot
such hearins to owners of 'property within a radius ot 200 t.et ot the exterior
boundaries of' the 'proP8r:ty being the subject of the application, wd.ng tor this.
purpose the last kDovn "eand address of such OVllez-S as are shown upon the '.
current aas8s__t roU;o,t 'this county. The failure ot aDy property oVller ~ .
rec81Ye ea1d DOt1~~ ot ~l1ri.ng will not :1nYalldate the proceedhgs.
(,) ~OD b~<.Comm:Lsslon:
(a) In order ~ grant a cond1tiODal use' pem:1t, the Comm1ss1on
must find that the establishment t mainteu.nce or operation ot
the ;.llSe applied for will not, under the circumstances ot the
par~1cular case, be detrimental to the health. 881~et;Yt peace.
mor&;Ls, comfort or general welfare of perSOllS residing or wor1cJ.ng
in ~e neighborhood of such proposed use or be detrimental or in-
jur~us to property and improvement 111 the neighborhood or to the
general. weltare of the city.
(b) The '.CommiSsion may continue a public hearing in order to obtain
more. iDtormation or to serve further notice.
(c) The <:omission.shall render its deci81011 wi thin 90 cUqa ~ter
the tiling ot the application.
(4) ~!!..
(a) In case the appllcaa.t. or other affected are DOt satisfied with the
: j
I. t
, ~ :.:
,." >:.~'."":;.:~
}. ..
. I,' , ::r'(~',;)
"7.'; ;'; ;,!.;;,.4:i
. I,' ~ ' ~
action of the eo.-1881OD, they ~, 1d.th1n 15 dqs after the
eo-.1sa1oa action, appea11n wriUDg to the CoIIIDD rAWlOU.
(b)' ~ eo..m Couac1l shall set date tor plbllc heariJls aaci aha11
siva aotice thereof in the _er p:onded ill Section '9 (2).
RoUce aha11 al80 be s1 ven to the c:o..t.881oa of such appeal
and the c::o--1 Mion aha11 subait a report settiDc forth the
re88OJ1 tor action taken. or aha11 be repre_ted. at the heariag.
(e) 1'h. eo.oll Co=e11 aha11 render its decision 1d.th1n 60 dqa ~ter
the f1l1Ds of such appeal. Said deala10n shall 1Dclude Q f1Dc1iDg
as to whether the qualifications under Section 39 (3) (a) apply
to the application.
(5) Eftect. No building or ZOD1Dg permit ehall be issued in aDy.
case whereaCOnditioDal use permit is required untU 1S ~s after the
granting of .the coDdi tic)nal use permit by the CoJJllld.88ion. and then only
in accordanc,e with the terms and oonditions ot said permit. An appeal from
the action o.t the ColllDission shall automatically stay the issuance of the
builc1iDg or 4)ther permit untU such appeal has been completed and the CounoU
hae acted thareou.. In the event the CoUllcil acts to grant said conditional
use permit, 'the buildiDgor Zoning Permit..,. be issued imrDed:1ately there-
after, in aCl=ordance w1~h such terms and conditloDS as may have been imposed
on said perm:l t. . "
(6) ~Ltation on New Application. In case an application is denied
by the CoDllilss1on, or, an appeal by the Council. unless specifically stated
to be w1thou1~ prejud1ce,!1tehall not be eligible for resubmittal for one
year from da1~e ot -nd d~D1alt unless, in the opinion of the CommiSsion,
new evidence is 8ubllitte~ ,or' conditions have changed to an extent that fur-
ther CoDS1de.1:-at10D 1.s warranted.
Section i.o. . tananc.s. Where pract1c'ol difficulties, unnecessary hard-
ships and re~Nlts ':~consi8tent with the general purposes o-r this Ordinance
may result fJ:'OIIl the.stn.,ct aPPJ-icat1oD of certain provisions thereof t vari-
ance may be E~te4 as provided in this Section. This Section ~ not be
used to allo" a us. that 'is not in conformity with the uses specified by
this OrdiDanc:e for the district 111 which the land is located. In granting a
variance, thE. city miq ~pose conditions simUar to those provided for con-
ditional useel to protect: the best interests ot the surrounding property, the
neighborhood or the oity. as a whole.
(1) AEPl.icatlon. !he owner or his spnt my make application by t11ing
an appUcatio,n with the staff adVisor to the PlA""", "g Commission. Such application
shall be accQ'mpanied by a legal deSCription .ot the property, plans and elevations
necessary to show the proposed development, a tUing tee ot 110.00, no part
of which is r'eturnable and a statement, plans and evidence showing:
(a) That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or
conditions applying to the land, building or use referred to
in the application, which circumstances or conditions do not
I l -
apply generally to land\) buildings or uses in the same dis-
tr1cto .
(b) ~t. the granting of the application is necessary tor the pre-
servation and enjoyment of substantial property rights of .
the petitioner"
(c) That t1;le granting of. such application will not?} under the
circumstances 'of the particular caae~ b~ outweighfJd by the
adverse effects to the health or safety ~ per8Oll8 residing
or working in the neighborhood of the property of the appU-
cant~ and will nctl,l under the c1rcUJIStances ot the particular
oas.~ b. materia1.._ detrimental to the public welfare' or in",:
j\lrloue t? property or improye_ats in said neighborhood a
(2) ~.ic Ife~. A pu.bllc hearing shall be held within 60 days
after the filing of the appl1oatioD.~) notice of which shall be g1 ven in the
DI8D1\er prondled in Section 39 (2) 0
(3) ~~on b;r Co~~io~"
(a) Within 90 daJfS after the filing of the applicat1on~ the C'b.
mission ahall ).""ender its dec1sioD'fj and shal.l make a vr1. tten .
finding of facts showing whether the qualifications under
Section 40(1) (~1.)~! (b) and ee) apply to the land~! or build-
1ng~ for wh1(~h 'variance is sought and whather such variance'
will be in harmony with the general purpose or this Ordinance"
(b) The Commission mtq' continue a public hearing in order to ob-
tain more inf.ormation or to serve further notice/) .
(4) !RR!!!. 0
In case the app11.eant or others affected are not satisfied
with the action of the CommissiOD~ they may ~ within 15 da3s
after the commiesion a<:~tion~) a.ppeal in writing to the Council"
T'l1e Council shall sei~ date for public hearing and aha1~ gi v&
noticethereot in the manner p...~vided in SectioD 39 (2) 0 No-
tice shall 8180 be g1 yen to the Counission of wch appeal and
the Commissi\,n ehall submit a repor't setting forth the reason.
for acti-oJl take".,; or shall be represented at the heari,ugc,
The Council shall render its decision vi thin 60 days after
the fili.ag of such appeal <> Said decision shall include a
fintting as to vh.ether the quallfic&tions under Section 40
(1) (a)f) (b) and (0) apply to the IlJ,p11catioD.o
<S) Ef:f'ect () No bu116'ing or zon..'tng pex"mlt e:hall be issued in any lJa&e
where' 8. va'riBiiCi 1s requ1r.t:d uutil 15 de..ys after t.he ,3.pprov~ of the var1~
ace by the Cbmmis8ion~i and. thGU only 111 accordan(=e vi th .t.h.~ terms and con~
ditions of aadd approv&le An appeal from the action af tne ColDissionshall
automatlcall~' atq ~.e issuance of the building or other permit unt1,1. such
appeal has belen completed and the Couno1~ has actftd thereon!> In the event
the Council fJ~cts to grant nald variance~ the building or zoning permit may
be issued imuaediately thereafter V) in accordance with BUch terms and cand! tiona
as may have been imposed on said variance.
(6) .!4!dtation ~on ~w TA1>~11c!1~.o1!c In case an ~'Pplicat1oD is denied
by the Comnrlsaion'l or)) on appeal by the Council,; unless specifically stated
to be withol1t prejudi.cel) it shall not be eligible for resubmit.tal for one
year fro. dJite of sai.d denial~) unl.ss~ in the opinion of the Commi88ion~ ne\i'1
evidence is submitted OX' conditions have changed to an extent that further
cons1deratic)ll is warranted..
Section 410 Revooation.
(1) ~f zoDing permitfl planned unit development perm:1ti) cond1t1oDal
use permit ()r variance granted in accordance with the terms of th:1s Ordinance
shall be de(~med revoked if not used tdth1n one year from date of approYal~
Said permit shall not be deemed used untu the permittee has actually obtaUied
a building J~erJ1d:tg and commenced construction thereunderw or has actually
commenced the permitted use on the prem1sea.
(2) ~r zoning permit~: },lanned unit developIJent. permitt) conditio17JU
use Perm. t ()r V81~&\Ce gl"anted in accordance with the terms of this Ordinance
may be revoked if any of the cond1tioDS or terms of such permit or variance
are violated~ or if. any law or ordinance is violated in connection ther- tv! tl::,o
c,) ~?!!r:.!ea:..~$
The Conmnssion ~:lhall hold a hearing on any proposed revocatiOJi,
after giving written notice to the permittee and ownera with-
in 200 feet of subject; property as provided in Secti,on. 390 '
The Conmission OOall render ita decision wi thin 30 days after
the conclusion of the hea.r-J..ng"
In CasE: the permittee is not satistled with the action of the
Commi.ssion( he may within 15 daysQ appeal i.D writing to the
Common CouncU,..
The eOUinei.l shall sat a date for public hearing and shal,l giVE
notice theraof 'in the manner provided in Secti,on 390 Not1e(}
shall a~so be glven to the Commission of suoh appeal~1 and a rE!~2>
port s~iall be &.lbmitted sett:tng forth the reasons for the at)- .
tion ta,ken by the CODUu1ss1oD.r,; or it shall be represented. at tIe
hearing $
'FAe Council. 5&'1..l1 render its decision wi thin 60 da;)f's after 'thE
filing of S\lch appeal..
Section 420 !l~~d Un.!J,~Wl()~ent..~p.f';Prov~.. The purpose of p1.ann~d
unit develo1=~ment approvaJ is to allow diversification in the r~31a.tioMhips
of .~ariou..~ l;;tui~dingst! structures and open spaces in planned bU:ildj"ng 1~"'OUps~
and the allo!wable heights of said bUilding.s and st,ructures9 whUe insu.r'ing
substantiul oompliance wjJ;h the d:istrict regtu.ations and other provisiori/J.l of
this OrdinaiJ.C<f\l in ordertha.t the intent of this Ordinance in requiring ~tde,,",
quate standa..rds related .t.o ths publ:Lc health:; sa-fety and genertu welfare a.nell
be observed without undul;;r i,n,.~biting the advantaa.-es of' modern large,":,scale
site planning tor residential'{{l cOl'lUDere1al or industrial p~J....-"o8eso Where use
is made of the planned unit development prooesafl as provided. in this Secti>on~i
a zolling or building permit shall nc~t be issued for' such d.velopmeD.t~) or
pa...-t th~ reo!\) untU the Plauniug (hmmission bas approved sa:1d development as
herein provided ()
( \
. \ ~-
'I .
(1) ~~1cat1~o The owner or his agent lI8Y make application for
Planned Un1 t Development ApprovaJ. by f1l1ng an applimltion with the staft advisor
to the P18JUljlDs Oo-.s81on. i'he application aha11 be accoDlpaDied by the following:
(a) A til.ing tee of l1o.oo~ DO part of which 18 returubleo
(b) Application shall be accoDlpaDied by a general development
plan showing the Wle or us.st) diae1ud.OJl8 and locations of
Proposed structures and of areas to be reserved tor vehicular
8Dd pedeatriaa circulat1oDt) park:1Dg" public uses such
as schools end pl8Jrgrounda0 landscaping and other open
spaces{j and architectural drawings and a!tetches demonetrat1ng
th/,t desigu and character of the proposed uses and the physical
re1ationahtp of the uses. Such other pertinent information
8:tall be included as may be con.s1dered necessary by the eo..
miasion to make a determination that the contemplated arrange~
lIent or use makes it necessary a:a.d desirable to apply regula,,:,
tions and require_nts differing from those ordinarily appU-:"
cable under this Ordinance 0
(2) ~tation OD. Application.
(a) No applicatioa shall be made for aD area of les8 than tour
(b) No application shall be accepted tor a use which w:Ul require
a change ot y..oDing d1strictt unless said application is ac-
cOllpBDied by an application for a zoning amendment)) as pro":'
vided in Section 430 .
(3) ~1c HeeJ...iDIt 0 A public he,aring shall be held Jpursuan,t to the
provisions of Section 39 (2).
(4) !:!!!~_ by Commiasi~ 0
(a) ~1.e Commission may continue a public hearing in order to
obtain more iAformtion or to serve further notice.,
, '
C'b) In order to grant a Planned Uld t Development Penti.t~) the
ColDI'Id.ssion shall find the following:
(1) The proponents of the planned tud,t development have
demonstrated that -t;h.ey ar'e tiAa.ncially able to carry
out the .proposed project; that they intend to start COD,-
struct10n within au months of the approval of the 1'1'0-'
ject and any neceEiEil8.l7 district change \l and intend to com-
plet~ said construction within a reasonable time as de- .
termined by the O'mmiss!ono .
(2) That the proposed planned unit development conforms
to the Land USEt Plsn1n terms of general loca.tion. and
generalatandtads of developmento
(3) In the case of proposed residential development:
That such development will cODstitute a residential
enri.romuent of sust,ained deeirabil:i,ty aad stabUity;
1 \
(I --
that it will be in harmony with the chBr~'Jter of the
surrounding neighborhood and will resu.1. ~ in an 1ntensi ty
of land utilization DO higher than., ard 8tandaY"1~ of open
spaces no less than perm1 tted or specified otherwise for
such developaat in this Ord1nau.oe 0
(4) In the cue ot proposed c~rc1al developments:
~t Bttch development i8 nee4ed at the proposed location
to proVide adequate co_rcl81 tacUities of the type
Proposed; that traftic congestion will Dot likely be
created by the proposed center9 or v1ll be obviated by
presently proposed improv_ta 8I1d by demonstrable pro~,
visions in the plan for proper entrances and exi'f;s9 and
by iDterDal proYia1.ons tor traffic and parking; that sa:1,d
development will be an attractive and efficient center
which Will tit harmoniously into and will have no adverse
etfects upon the adjacent or BUrrrounding development 0
(5) In caae of proposed industrial dev'!llopments: 1'hat such deve.:-
lOptllDet Id.l1 COD8titute au efficient and well organized
developmento 'wit1i adeqUate provisions for railroad and
truck accesa9 service and necessary atroagel that such
4eYe1opseat 1d.1111aYe .. advUmt effects upon adjacent
OJ- ~ 4ft'fJloJII8tfJ< r
(6) 1'hat the develoP/D"nt of a harmollious. integrated p1aJJ
justities .xceptions~ i! such are requiredfJ to the
DOrmaJ. require.ents of this Ordinance.,
Cc) The Coamd.a1o.n ahaU act upon the application within 60
dlq8g excluding such time as may be necessary to Complete
any Ilecesa:ary zoD1ng amendment. In 'taking actioJ19 the
Collld.saiolllll!'Jy d~ . perm1t. IlI!'Jy grant a permit as sub:-
Dd.ttedg or ~ g:r8Jlt a. P$rm1t subject to additional oon-
dit1ou. 'ADY planned unit development as authorized sh8J.l
be subject to all conditicms imposed. and shall be ex-:-
cepted troa other prOviSions of this Ordinance only to the
,extent apec:itied in said pend. t.
Section 43. Amendments. This OJ.'d1.nance I1Ia3 be amended by c~Dg
the boundaries of distri4ts or by changing any other provision thereof.
whenever the PubJ.1c nece.88:l.ty and oonveJU.ence and the general lfalfare
require such amendment" bY following the procedure of this Section.
(1) .~itiat1on of AIllendmen_~. An amondment to the text or the zon1rlg
map mtq be 1nlt;iated by: .
C.) Resolution of intention of the PlllNli Dg Collllli.ssion.
(b) B:esolution of intention of the CoJlllOD Council.
Cc) Application by one or IlOre :property owners. or their sgente.
of property affected by the proposed 4IIlendment. The appU-
c,ation shall be accompanied by a. legal deaqript:ion of the .
proPerty. or properties 'a.ff..'cted, . lllap showing the property
o:r properties affected and all properties wi th1n a radius
of 300 teet of the exterior boundariea thereot; a tUing fee
of 120.00. no part of which is retlU'Jlable. 1'he applioation aha11
lNt t1led W1th the staft adVisor to the Pll!llllli~g eo-.aa1on.
~29~ .
, - _-'1
. ,1
....-. - )
(2) Public ~. The eo.d.ssioll 8balJ. hold at least one public
hear1ng: 'fiOt:1ee of which shall be s1 yen 18 the following manner:
In the caS. of a proposed aaendment to the text ot this
Ordinance or a propoaed chaDge or 811endment to the zoning
map involvdng an area of 20 acres or 1IIOre, notice shall be
g:l. ven bY' publication of a IlOt1ce in a newspaper of general
circulation in the city ODce a week tor three cODSecuti,ve
weelca prior to the heariDg.
It the proposed 8IIleDment or change to the zoning map in-
vol yes an area les8 than 20 aores ill area~ notice 8balJ.' be
g1ven by publication of a notice in a newspaper of general
c1rculatiOll in the city once at least 10 days prior to said
hearing and by mail1ns DOt1ces as provided in Section 39 (2) 0
(3) ~.OD by ComrIissioll.
Following the atoresaJ.d hearing" the Commission 8balJ. make
a report ,of its findings and recommendations with respect
to the proposed amendment and shall file w1 th the Councilf)
an attested copy of such report within 90 ~".'J after notice
of said hearing; provided that such time limit may be extended
upon the mutual agreement of the parties having an interest
in the proceedings. Failure of the Commission so to report
Within 90 days without the aforesaid agreement shall be deemed
to be disapproval of the proposed amendment by the Commission"
If the Comm.iasion deems it adv1sable~ it may recommend that
the area under Consideration for change in classification be
enlarged or d:lnrl'lished or be reclass1,f1.ed to a dJ.strict other
than the district ordiginAlly Initiated.
Upon the consent ot the Commisa1oJ1t) any petition for an amend-
..ent may be withdraw upon the written application of a majority
of all persona who signed such petition. Th.e Councll or the
CclllDd.esion~ may by resolution abanda.on ~ proceedings tor an
amendment 1Ditiated by its own resolution of 1ntent1on~ pro~
'rided that such abandomnent m8J" be made o.nly when such pro~
ceed1ngs are before such body for consideration~ and provided
that any hearing of which public notice baa be9n given shall
be held.
(4) Act1,?~ by eo..,~ Council..
Upon recipt of such report from the Commiss:1on or upon the
expiration of such 90 ~'Ys~) as atoreaaid~ the Council shall
set the lllatter tor public hearing as Provided in ORB 22.1.260.
The. CoUllCU shall render its decision within 60 days after
the receipt of the report end reCOllllll811dat:;1on of the Collllllissionc
or after the expiration of such 90 days as a.foresaid. ;;
If the Council proposes to adopt an amendment 'that is sub-
8taD.~ia1.ly alt,ered from the recommendation of the Commiss1on0
the CoUllCU may reter ea:id Proposed aIIIeI1dIIlent back to the Com.:
1m.sa1on for report and recommendat1on~ before adoption. The
iCoDB1881on shall consider said amendment within 30 days of
,,'" c
'l.. ~
. y'~ -
said referr~:;~ and report thereon at the Ilext regular meetlng
of the CoUD<:i1o Failure so to report will be deemed to cone:
at! tute approval by the CoIDIIi381on.
(d) In case n peti.t1.0D tor an 8M11dmeDt is denied bY' the ColmCUlo:'
said petitiQll aball DOt be eligible for resubalttal for one
year troll date of said denial~) UDl.ess specifically stated
to be 'Without prejudiceo A Dev petition affecting 't.he 881M
property DlUt be'il 1n the op1DiOJl of the CoDlllissioDf) substantially
diftereAt from the petition denied. to be el18ible for cOll8idera-:-
tioJl w:l.th1n OIle year from 8a:I.d date of d8Jl:la1. lUIleSB de.a:l.ed with-:-
out prejudiceo
Section 4~. APPealstl Gelleral~.
(1) 121. l))na:l.asion shall have the power to hear and decide appeals
based Oll the omforcellleDt or :1.nterpretat:l.on of the provie:l.ons ot this Ord:l.-:-
(2) Any appeal tro. Ii decie:l.on relating to the enforcemeAt or :1.nte~
pret:ation of 1~h:t8 Ordinanceo; u.nless otherwise specifically provided for
in th:1s Ord:1.nauce. shall be :1.n writing. and shall be rued w:l.th the Com-
1Ili, lion wi thin 15 days after such decie:l.on I such appeal shall set forth.
the reasons therefor$
(3) The Collllll:l.se:l.on shall coDB:I.der such appeal and render :ltG deciEdon
wi. thin 60 days after the filing thereof.
(4) In CMEl an applicant. :ls not sat.isfied with the act.:l.on of t.he COII=
mi8e:l.on on his appeal. he may within 15 <'.ays after t.he aotion of the Co~'
mission appeal 1.n writing to the Comml1 (Jouncll.
(5) Notie.f) shall be given to the Commission of such appeal and a
report shall Oil submitted to the Coll.l1cU setting forth the reasons for ac~
tion taken by the Collllllise:l.on or it shall be represented at the CouncU m.lleting,
(6) The Common Councu !lba1l render its decis::ton Within 60 days after the
filing of such appeal",
Section 45., INUes of Officers, All departments. officials and lJIlIployees
n b.. _...~.-....
of ',he City of Ashland vested w:l.th the duty 0'1' authority to issue permi'3 shall
confOI'lll to the provisions of this Ordinance and ahaJ..'. issue no permit, cart;.":
ficate. or license for uses,., buUdings, or purpoaes in conflict with the provl&olW
of this Ord:1lIBJl.ce; and e;rty such permit" cerUficatt>. or licellSe issued in
conf.l.uct with the pronsions of l;hi.s Ordil!al1ce. :1.ntentionally or otherwise.
shall be null and void, It 6ha1:L he the duty of the Buildbg Inspector t.o
enforce the provie:l.oll8 of this Ord1n&nce perta:lo1ne to the erection" con,"
struction. reconstruction. !!IOvine. oonvera:l.on" alteration. or addition to
any building or struc;ture and the tlSe of any land. buUding or premise.
Section 46. InteZ'])r!.tation. The FOv:l.sioll8 of this Ordinance shall be
held to the IlIinllllUIII requirements fulfUling its objectives. Where the con~
dit:l.ons imposed by a provision of this Ordinance are less restrictive than'