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SECTION 1. Chapter 18.88 of the Ashland Nunicipal Code shall be
amendea-IQ its entirety and shall read as follows:
Purpose and Intent
Procedure for ADDroval
Performance Sta~~ards for Residential Developments
Street Standards
Parking Standards
P-Overlay Zone
Performance Standard Guidelines
Convenience Markets
Applicability of Other Sections of the Land Use
Development Ordinance.
l8.88.Qlq Purpose and Intent. The purpose. and int7nt of th~s
chapter is to allow an option for more flexlble deslgn th~n 1S
permissible under the conventional zoning codes. The deslgn should
stress energy efficiency, architectural creativity and innovation,
should use the natural features of the landscape to their greatest
advantagE~, should provide a quality of life equal to or greater than
th2-t provided in developments built under the standard zoning codes,
should be aesthetically pleasing, should provide for more efficient
land use,. and should minimize the impact of development on the
natural environ~ent and neighborhood.
18.88.020 Definitions. The following terms are defined for the
purpose of thlS chapter and do not apply otherwise to the Land
Use Ordinance.
A. Convenience Market. A market supplying convenience food and
drugs primarily to nearby residents.
B. Home Owners Association. A home owners association is an
organization formed for the maintenance and operation of the
common areas of the development. The membership in the
association must be automatic with the purchase of a dvlelling
unit or other property in the planned development. The
association's principal source of funds shall be an assessment
levied against each dwelling unit or other property, which
assessment shall be enforceable as a lien against the property.
QEen Spa~e" A corrnnon area designated on the final plans of
the deveopcent, permanently set aside for the common use of
the meQbers of the home owners association, which open area
~ay b~ landscaped and/or left with a natural vegetation cover, .and
In WhlCh area no thoroughfares, parking areas, or improvements
other than recreational facilities are located.
Open Space Lot. An open space lot is a parcel which abuts
upon an open space for a distance of ten feet or more.
Public Sidewalks. A public sidewalk is a pedestrian walkway
for the general public through the development open space and
common areas and replaces a sidewalk which would have been
located adjacent to a through street.
Walkway. A walkway shall mean a pedestrian pathway within a
development for residents and guests.
18.88.030 Procedure for Approval.
A. Outline Plan.
1. The outline plan shall be optional for any development of
less than lO units. It shall be mandatory for all other
2. A Type II procedure, as defined in this ordinance, shall
be used for the approval of the outline plan.
3. Contents. The contents for an outline plan shall be.as
The approximate topography in contour lines at not less
than 5 ft. intervals.
The proposed land uses and approximate locations of
the existing buildings to be retained, the proposed
structures on the site, the proposed and existing
property lines and easements on the site, and existing
buildings, structures, and trees greater than 6" in
d. '0' . ~. 'h h . d"
l..ameter or.... J...n ..~e1.gut on t.. e propertl.es a Jacent
to-the site within 160 ft.
The-approximate locations of all proposed thoroughfares,
walkways and parking facilities.
Public uses, including schools, parks, playgrounds,
open spaces, and trails.
Public or private utilities.
General areas of cuts and fill.
The location of natural features such as rock outcroppings,
marshes, wooded areas, and isolated preservable trees.
The location and direction of all watercourses and
areas subject to flooding.
Elevation of typical proposed structures. The elevations
should be to scale and should include the approximate
dimensions of the proposed structures and all attached
exterior hardware for heating and cooling.
j .
A preliminary written statement which will contain an
explanation of:
1) The character of the proposed development and the
manner in which it has been designed to take advantage
of the Performance Standards concept.
2) The proposed manner of financing.
The present ownership of all the land included
within the development.
The method proposed to maintain common open areas,
buildings and private thoroughfares.
The proposed time schedule of the development.
The findings of the applicant showing that the
development meets the criteria set forth in this
ordinance and the Ashland Comprehensi.ve Plan.
1~e Planning Commission shall approve the outline plan
~men it finds the following criteria have been satisfactorily
met: .
Cl. Th.at the development is consistent with City plans and
with the stated purpose of this chapter of the Land
Use Development Ordinance.
b. That the existing and natural features of the land
have been considered in the plan of the development
and important features utilized for open space and
common areas.
e. That the development design minimizes any adverse effect
on the areas beyond the project site and that the neigh-
borhood be considered in the design of the development.
d. That adequate public facilities can be provided,
including, but not limited to, water, sewer, paved
access to and through the development, electricity,
and urban storm drainage.
e. That the development of the land and provision of ser-
vices will not cause shortages of a necessary public
facility in the surrounding area, nor will the potential
development of adjacent lands be impeded.
f. That there are adequate provisions for the maintenance
of open space and common areas, that if developments
are done in phases that the early phases have the same
or higher ratio of amenities as proposed in the entire
g. .That the total energy needs of the .development have
_been consi~ered and are as little as is economically
feasible, and the maximum use is made of renewable
energy sources, including solar, where practical.
h. That all other applicable City ordinances have been
complied with.
Approval of the outline plan
a. The Planning Commission may extend the public hearing
to gather more information.
b. The Planning Commission may approve or disapprove the-
preliminary application or require changes, or impose
conditions of approval which are necessary in its
judgment to ensure conformity with the outline plan
approval section and the purpose and intent of this
chapter. .
c. ~fter an outline plan, which has had a public hearing,
~s approved, ~he.develoI?er may then file a final plan
~n phases or ln 1ts entlrety. However, a final plan
may not be filed until the Council adopts any zone
change necessary for the development.
d. If an outline plan is phased, 50% of the value of the
recreational amenities shall be provided in the first
phase and all recreational amenities shall be provided
when 2/3 of the units are finished.
B. Final Plan.
Procedure for approval. Type I procedure as defined in
this title shall be used for approval of final plans,
unless no outline plan has been file , in which case a
type II procedure shall be used, and the criteria for
approval of an outline plan shall also be applied.
The final plan may be filed in phases as approved on the
outline plan.
If the final plan or the first phase of the plan is not
approved within eighteen (18) months from the date of the
approval of the outline plan, then the approval of the plan
is terminated and void and of no effect whatsoever.
Extensions may be granted as a Type I procedure.
Contents. The final plan shall contain a scale map or
ma.ps showing the following for the development:
a. The topography in sufficient detail to determine the
grades and character of the site as they relate to the
improvements in the adjacent area.
b. Location of all thoroughfares and walks, their widths
and nature of their improvements, and whether they
are to be public or private.
c. The location, layout, and servicing of all off-street
parking areas.
d.. The property boundary lines.
e. The individual lot lines of each parcel that is to
be created for separate ownership.
f.. The location of easements for water lines, fire
hydrants, sewer and storm sewer lines, and the location
of the electric, gas, and telephone lines, telephone
cable and lighting plans.
g. Landscaping and tree planting plans with the location of
the existing trees and shrubs which are to be retained.
h. Common open areas and spac~s, and the particular uses
intended for them.
i. Areas proposed to be conveyed, dedicated, reserved or
used for parks, scenic ways, playgrounds, schools,
public.buildings, a~d deeds and clear title to the lands.
- -. --..--.
5 .
j. A plan showing the following for each existing or pro-
posed building or structure for all sites except single-
family, detached housing which meets the parent zone
1) Its location on the lot and within the Planned
Unit Development.
2) The intended use.
3) The number of dwelling units in each residential
k. Elevation drawings of all typical proposed structures
except single-family, detached residences which meet
parent zone setback requirements. The drawings shall
be accurate and to scale including all attached exterior
hardware for heating and cooling.
.1:____A selection of the exterior materials for all buildings.
m. Manner of financing. --.-.- --- - ---
n. Development time schedule.
o. If individual lots are to be sold in the Planned Unit
Development, a final plat, similar to that required
in a subdivision section of the Land Use Development
p. Final plans for location of water, sewer, drainage,
electric and cable T.V. facilities and plans for
street improvements and grading or earth moving
Criteria for final plan approval. Final.plan approval
shall be granted upon finding of substantial conformance
with the detailed plan. Nothing in this provision shall
limit reduction in the number of dwelling units or
increased opeD space provided that if this is done for one
phase, the number of dwelling units shall not be trans-
ferred to another phase, nor the open space reduced.below
that permitted in the outline plan. This substantial
conformance provision is intended solely to facilitate
the minor modifications from one planning step to another.
It is not the intent nor shall these modifications be used
to increase the total area covered or decrease the total
open space as approved by the Planning Commission. Sub-
stantial conformance shall exist when comparison of the
detailed outline plan with the final plan shows that:
a.. The number of dwelling units are within 10% of those
shown on the approved outline plan, but in no case
shall the number of units exceed those permitted in
the outline plan.
b. The yard depths and distances between main buildings
are within lO% of those shown on the approved outline
plan, but in no case shall these distances be reduced
below the minimum established within this title.
e. The open spaces are within lO% or less of that provided
on the outline plan.
d. The building size does not exceed the building size
shown on the outline. plan by more than 10%.
Ie. The building elevations and exterior materials are
in conformance with the purpose and intent of this
title, and the approved outline plan.
L .
That the additional standards which resulted in the
awarding of bonus points in the outline plan approval
have been included in the final plan with substantial
detail to insure that the performance level committed
to in the outline plan will be achieved.
Any amendment to an approved final plan shall
follow a type I procedure.
:Performance Standards for Residential Developments.
A. Base Density. The density of the development shall not exceed
the densities established by this section. The density shall
be computed by dividing the number of dwelling units by the
total acreage of the project inlcuding land dedicated to the
public; fractional portions of the answer derived will not
be considered. The base density for residential zones in
the City of Ashland shall be as follows:
Zone Density
RR.5 l.5 dwelling units/acre
R1~lO 3 dwelling units/acre
Rl-7.5 4 dwelling units/acre
Rl-5 5 dwelling units/acre
R2 l3 dwelling units/acre
R3 20 dwelling units/acre
however, in no ~ase shall the overall density permitted be less
than that which would have been allowed under subdivision
The base density may be increased by the percentage gained
~hrough bonus points. In no case, shall the densities
exceed those permitted by the Compreh~nsive Plan.
B. Bonus Points. Bonus points may be awarded for developments if they
are found to.have conformed to one or more of the followin~ seven area.
for bonus pOlnts. The maximum bonus permitted shall be 40% for
developments of less than 2 acres in size nrless than 200 f~et in
averag,e wid_th, and_ 60% for developments greater than 2 acres and
greater than 200 feet in ~verage width.- To qualify for density
bonuses, the project must qualify for bonuses in at least 3 differ-
ent categories, and must achieve at least a 570 bonus in each of
the three categories. Only one of the minimum of three categories
can be from category 1 or 2, however, additional bonuses may be
achieved from both category 1 and 2 after the minimum has been met.
I. Ener~y efficient housing.' -The a~erage of all struct~r~s ~n a
Performance Standa-rds Development credited for solar heat :q.sed
in space heating shall be used' in determining the bonus
points awaJ;:'ded for the project. The heat needs shall be
computed on an annual basis, and shall be expressed in
BTU's per degree day, per square foot of conditioned area.
The bonus points shall be awarded as follows:
Average of less than 4 BTU/DD/FT~ = lO% bonus
/ Average of less than 3 BTU/DD/FT2 = 20% bonus
Average of less than 2 BTU/DD/FT2 = 30% bonus
Average of less than 1 BTU/DD/FT 40% bonus
- .-." - - -.----- -. . .-- ..
--- -
2. Bonus for renewable resource hot water heaters. If each
structure in the project has a renewable resource hot water
heater where renewable energy resources provide more than
50io of the annual hot water energy needs, 5io bonus.
3. Provision of common open space. .
a. Purpose. Common open spaces may be provided in the
form of natural areas, wetlands, playgrounds, active
or passive recreational areas, and siQilar areas in
c~mpon o\vnership.
b. Standard. For every project which dedicates more than
10% of the project area for common open space, a l%
bonus for each 270 of total proj ect area in common
open space. Maximum bonus is l5%.
4. Maintenance of existing land contours or tree cover.
a. Purpose. Points are awarded for lack of major altera-
tions to the site such as excavation, retaining walls,
steep road cuts, cut and fill techniques, extensive
grading, and removal of tree cover. Lands which
already have been significantly graded or natural
vegetation removed will not be eligible for bonus
points \lnder this section. Points are awarded on
the basis of Planning Commission evaluation of the
development proposal.
b. Standard - Level of site disturbance.
Minimal or slight disturbance. No excavation other
than for foundations. Road follows contours of
land. No or very minor tree removal and grading.
5% bonus increase.
5. Provision of major recreational facilities.
a. Purpose. Points may be awarded for the provlslon of
major recreational facilities such as tennis courts,
swimming pools, playgrounds, or similar facilities.
b. Standard. For each percent (l%) of total project cost
devoted to recreational facilities, a 2% density bonus.
A maximum of 10% inc;-ease may be awarded.
6. Provision for good design characteristics. The Council
sha+l establish specific design standards, with a bonus for
each design standard met in the Council's guidelines. The
maximum bonus under this category is lO%.
7. Provision of moderate cost housing. If 50io of the units
meet the following performance standards, density bonuses
may be permitted as follows:
a. Affordable for persons whose income is l.2 times the
median" income for Jackson County - 5% density increase.
b. For projects affordable for persons whose income is
equal to the median income for Jackson County - 8%
density increase.
. I
c. Fut: PI"oj eeL which-- are affordable for persons whose
income is equal to .8 times the median income for
Jackson County - 15% de~sity increase.
Affordable means that the annual mortgage payments, with no
more than a lOlo down payment required, or the annual rent
for a unit equals no more than 28% of the income level for
which the density bonus points are being applied. Projects
must be government financed with a guaranteed sale price,
interest or rental rate, or the sale or rental price
must be guaranteed according to standards set in the
Council's guidelines (Sec. 18.88.090).
18.88.050 Street Standards. The following street standards shall
apply to developments under this chapter. Street standards shall
be established by the anticipated average daily travel on the
streets. The Institute of Transportation Engineers standards shall
be used in determining the average daily travel of streets in a
A. Street Types.
- - .-~.- - - - ... - - -
1. Collector. Average daily travel of over 800 vehicle trips
per day. Standards are the same as for the subdivision
regulations required in this title. Sidewalks must be
provided on collectors.
2. Sub-collector. Average daily traffic from 200 to 800
vehicle trips per day. The same standards as the sub-
division code shall be used. However, parking spaces may
be eliminated and the street reduced to 24 ft. if parking
spaces are provided in parking ba.ys or off-street public
parking lots. No sub-collectors may be dead-end streets
w1less loop streets are impractical due to topography or
other reasons. Pedestrian traffic must be accommodated
on sub-collector~ in either on-street sidewalks or off-street
separated paths. Sub-collectors must be dedicated as public
rights of way.
3. Lane. Average daily traffic lOD to 200 vehicle trips per
day. Lanes shall be at least 20 ft. wide, shall be two-way,
and shall have curbs and gutters. Lanes should be looped
to a higher order street whenever possible. Dead-ends
may be provided on a lane as long as a turnaround is pro-
vided. Sidewalks or other means of pedestrian travel
physically separated from auto traffic shall be provided.
4. Place. Average daily traffic 1 to 100 vehicle trips per
day. A place may be. a dead-end street no more than 300 ft.
in depth from a higher order road. The width should be
20 ft. wide with no curbs or gutters required. Adequate
turnaround shall be provided according to standards estab-
lished by the Planning Commission. "
18.88.060 Parking Standards. Parking standards shall be the same
as otherwise provided for in the Ashland Land Use Development
Ordinance. m1ere streets with no on-street parking are provided,
at least one half public parking space per dwelling unit shall be
provided in parking bays along the street or in a public off-street
parking lot for collectors, sub-collectors and lanes.
18.8 8.070 Setbacks.
A. Front yard setbacks adjacent to. collectors shall have the same
setback as required in the parent zone.
B. Setbacks shall be the same as required in the parent zone on
the perimeter of the property.
C. Maximmn heights shall be the same as required in the parent
D. One-half of the building height at the wall closest to the
adjacent building shall be required as the minimum width
between buildings.
E. Solar access setback. No structure in the". per':Eormanc;e"Stand?:r_ds O"p-
tion shall be shaaea on the south vlindows, nor shall it shade the
south wall of another structure fro~ Sept. 2l
through Mar. 21, from lO:OO a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
local solar time. This requirement may be varied by the
Commission on the sole finding that sola.r access is not
reasonably attainable due to circumstances beyond the control
of the property owner, or that the project is designed to fully
utilize available solar energy without IDeeting this standard.
F. Any single-family structure not shown on the plan must meet
all the setback requirements of the parent zone.
l8.88.080 P-Overlay Zone.
A. The purpose of the P-overlay zone is to distinguish bet\veen those
areas which have been largely developed under the subdivision
code, and those areas which, due to the undeveloped nature of the
property, topography, vegetation, or natural hazards, are more
suitable for development under Performance Standards.
B. All developments, other than partitionings, which involve the
"division of land, or development of individual living units,
in the p-overlay areas, shall be processed under this chapter
of the Land Use Ordinance. The minimum lot size for one unit
shall be the same as in the parent zone.
C. In a :P-overlay area, the granting of the application shall be
considered an outright permitted use, subject to review by the
Commission for compliance with the standards set forth in this
ordinance and the guidelines adopted by the Council.
D. If a parcel is not in a P-overlay area, then development under
this chapter may only be approved if one of the following conditions
1. The parcel is larger than 2 acres and is greater than
200 feet 1n average. width, or;
2. That development under this chapter is necessary to
protect the environment and the neighborhood from
degradation which would occur from development to the
maximum density allowed under subdivision standards,
or would be equal in its aesthetic and environmental
impact, or;
3. The property is zoned R-2 or R-3.
l8~88.090 Performance Standard Guidelines.
A. The Counc.il may adopt guidelines for performance standards develop-
ments by resolution. These guidelines may contain:
.1) Administrative rul~s for performance standards
.2) Methods of achieving bonuses recorrnnended by the
Council. .'
3) Additional standards and recommendatlons reg~rdlng
project and unit design and layou~, land~capln9' street
furniture , and other aesthetlc conslderatl<?ns.
Q Interpretations of the i~t~nt and purpose of thlS
chapter, applied to spec1..f1..c .examples. .
5) Other informational or educatlonal materlals the
Council deems advisable.
-----" -------
B. Before the Council may adopt or amend the Guidelines, a Type II
public hearing must be held by the Commission, and their recommen-
dation and a summary of the hearing be forwarded to the Council
for their consideration.
.- .-------- --
18.88.100 Convenience Markets. Convenience Markets may be located
as retail service areas. No more than 20 square feet of net retail
space per dwelling unit of a Performance Standards development
may be provided. No development of less than 50 units may provide
this service.
18.88.110 Applicability of Other Sections of the Land Use
Develo~~~t ~rdinance. Developments exercising the performance
standards option shall be required to meet all other applicable
sections of the Land'Use Development Ordinance except for minimum
lot size, lot width, lot depth and setback requirements, and except
as otherwise provided in this chapter. All public improvements
and commonly owned areas in a Performance Standards development
shall follow the same procedure as a subdivision for bonding.
18.88.120 Solar Access Covenants.
A. All developments approved under this chapter shall include
restrictive covenants which shall apply to all parcels of
. property within the development. The covenants shall prohibit
the shading of a solar collector during the collector use
period by structures not included on the approved final plan,
or by any vegetation not existing at the time of approval of
the final plan. .
B. All terms used in this clause are defined in Section 18.70 of
this title."
. I ~
The foregoing ordinance was first read by title only in
accordance with Article X, Section 2(C) of the City Charter
on the~~ day of January , 1981, and duly PASSED and
ADOPTED this':?<J ~ day of 7)-A~~ ,1981.
?;)/uv~ ~~~
Na E. ank ~n
City Recorder - Treasurer
SIGNED and APPROVED this~J~ay Of~~A_~
?f:.~ ~~~~
L. Gordon Medari's
, 1981.