HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-09-08 Planning MINASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 8, 1998 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Steve Armitage called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Other Commissioners present were Mike Gardiner, John Fields, Marilyn Briggs, Russ Chapman, Mike Morris, Anna Howe, and Chris Hearn. Ron Bass was absent. Staff present were John McLaughlin, Bill Molnar, Mark Knox and Susan Yates. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES AND FINDINGS August 11, 1998 Reqular Meetinq Minutes -On Page 8, strike "John Fields stated: He agrees with Kramer that this [541 A Street] is the tear down of a classic building". Howe moved to approve as corrected, Briggs seconded and the minutes were approved. Auqust 11, 1998 Reqular Meetin~l Findings PA97-072 - Briggs moved to approve, Fields seconded, and approved. PA98-001 - Hearn moved to approve, Briggs seconded, and approved. August 11, 1998 Hearincls Board - Briggs moved to approve, Howe seconded and the minutes were approved. Auqust 11, 1998 Hearings Board Findinqs PA98-041 - Chapman moved to approve, Briggs seconded and approved. PA98-070 - Briggs moved to approve, Chapman seconded and approved. PA98-077 - Chapman moved to approve, Briggs seconded and approved. PUBLIC FORUM - No one came forth to speak. TYPE II PUBLIC HEARINGS PLANNING ACTION 98-091 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW TO DEMOLISH THE EXISTING HOTEL AND CONSTRUCT A 10,901 SQUARE FOOT RETAIL BUILDING, AND CONVERT THE EXISTING 24 HOTEL UNITS TO STUDIO APARTMENTS. 1520 SISKIYOU BOULEVARD APPLICANT: ALEX JANSEN Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts Site visits were made by all but Gardiner and Armitage, however, Armitage stated he is familiar with the site.. STAFF REPORT Molnar said the property, a mature site with heavy vegetation, is located at Siskiyou and Walker Avenue and there are presently seven structures on the property with the the three newest buildings at the rear of the property consisting of 24 motel units. The proposal involves retaining the three structures at the rear of the property with those units being converted to 24 studio apartments with the remaining four buildings to be demolished and a new commercial structure constructed along Siskiyou Boulevard. The current access and parking to the new project will be somewhat modified with the driveway closest to Walker being eliminated and a new driveway opening constructed on Walker Avenue. A total of 55 parking spaces, including on-street parking on Walker will be provided. The commercial building will be single story with a covered walkway separating the walls of the structure that will lead from the sidewalk on Siskiyou Boulevard back to the parking area and the rear units. Staff believes there many elements to the project positively representing an infill project right on Siskiyou Boulevard in the Detailed Site Review Zone, incorporating many of the standards in the DSR, as well as maintaining a residential component on the property with an appropriate density near commercial areas and transit and the University. Existing Trees - With an overhead, Molnar showed the trees proposed for retention and removal. There is an abundance of smaller stature trees that have not been identified. The Site Review requires that efforts be made to incorporate significant trees into the project design, at the same time, looking for a balance between the project design, parking, and accommodation of more intense development allowed in the commercial zone. Staff believes there are some opportunities to retain one or two of the larger trees in the project by making some slight changes to the building footprint (refer to overhead exhibits), however, one of the trees marked for retention may not survive, due to grading during construction. Entrance from Walker - The applicant states the new entrance off Walker Avenue meets the minimum standards from the intersection, however, Staff is concerned that since the creation by ODOT of the wider radius at the intersection which facilitates the movement of autos off Siskiyou Boulevard at higher speeds, it would be safer to shift the Walker entrance up another 25 to 30 feet or as far up the property as possible. Public Space - In the Detailed Site Review zone for buildings in excess of 10,000 square feet, there is a minimum requirement for public space. The purpose is to incorporate outdoor public areas along the frontage of the building giving employees or patrons a place to congregate with a minimum requirement of 1, 100 square feet. Some of the smaller areas are scored concrete leading to building entrances and Staff feels will only marginally function as outdoor space. Some subtle changes such as widening the scored concrete areas into some of the building offset areas would more clearly meet the public space requirement. Buildinq Entrances - The design standard in the DSR specifically states around entrances either lighting, changes in the mass surface or texture should be incorporated to highlight entrances to the building. As proposed, the entrances match in proportion to window areas (size, awning covering, and texture) with not even a subtle change to highlight the entrance. There could be a change in relief in the exterior of the wall or change in the type of covering. Transit Route - The applicant is proposing along Siskiyou Boulevard a number of cutouts for incorporation of benches. Given the size of the project and the number of trips it could ultimately generate, perhaps some of the alcoves could be deepened and serve as a bus shelter. Molnar read the Tree Commission's comments into the record. Briggs said when she walked the property she found many more trees and changes in location that are indicated on the site plan. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 8, '1998 PUBLIC HEARING DAVE RICHARDSON, Architectural Design Works, 1105 Siskiyou Blvd. said many hours have been spent working on this project. ALEX JANSEN, 12466 S. E. Spring Mountain Drive, Portland, OR 97236, said the impetus for the project has been a decline in revenues in the hotel business due to the increased room counts in Ashland and deterioration in some of the front buildings. They decided to consider a commercial element. The main issue they have because parking is in the rear is the accessibility to the front areas. He is concerned with the steep incline entrance near Dairy Queen. He believes that it needs to be graded out with one consistent incline and add a handicap ramping system. Jansen believes they need between four and five spaces per 1,000 square feet. They are now at the minimum according to the ordinance. He is concerned that by moving the Walker entrance up they may lose two parking spaces. Richardson said the public space can be reconfigured to make it work as well as the building entrances. They will do whatever is required for street trees. They would prefer the trees be behind the sidewalk as there is a better chance for survival. It will be difficult to save certain significant trees. If they jog the building around the tree, they will lose a significant corner. He is also concerned about losing the trees during grading. They can do some reconfiguring of the building but they cannot afford to lose floor area. Briggs noticed the tree level is about three to four feet higher than the sidewalk. Is the applicant going to make the retail shops on the same plane as the sidewalk and the area will be graded out? Richardson said they will be cutting into the site and on the back side of the site will be a retaining wall. Richardson said the Tree Commission pretty much conceded that the tree nearest the Dairy Queen is doomed. He is concerned about the tree in the center of the property but believes there is enough space around it that it may have a chance to survive. Howe noted that the City's minimum parking requirement is 32 spaces. Chapman wondered how individuals using the handicap spaces could access the retail spaces. Jansen believes the handicap spaces should be moved. Fields expressed a concern about servicing the building; there is no place to off load on the street and up to an eight foot grade elevation in the parking. The trash enclosure is up the stairs way to the back (300 feet) with deliveries happening in the back. He is having a hard time seeing the split elevation working. It would seem a rear access is needed. Richardson said it will be difficult. Jansen said they considered having a second retaining wall and creating a well area giving a rear entrance. The applicants agreed to move the Walker entrance at least 20 feet to the south (Condition 9). Richardson asked if the fixed street lighting can be eliminated. McLaughlin said the light at the corner has to remain but he would check on the others. Richardson wondered if the City had a standard for lights or can they make suggestions on what they can be as well as the spacing of the lights. Molnar said there is some flexibility in the Conditions in order to explore the appropriate standard for the location. On "A" Street, the spacing is about 60 feet. The applicant was agreeable to the wording of Condition 14. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 8, 1998 LEO JANSEN, 1520 Siskiyou Boulevard, said they have tried to keep the property as green as possible. They will have to remove some trees and he assured the Commission that any trees that are planted will be cared for. He is very concerned about site vegetation. Briggs wondered if the flat metal roof will cause a glare. Richardson said there is no metal roof and there will be no glare. Fields said it is stated so in the packet. Howe said they have nothing identifying all the trees and which ones will be saved. In order to know which trees have died, it is important to have them identified. Jansen agreed to provide a bench for the bus stop as long as it can be incorporated. He would rather not have to build a structure. Molnar said the building at Siskiyou and Highway 66 provided a concrete slab covered with a fabric awning. Howe suggested modifying Condition 2 to include all existing trees. McLaughlin said the landscaped areas that are going to be disturbed need to be clearly indicated, especially the regrading of the western approach. Fields does not see any private or combined outdoor use for the studio apartments. Molnar said there is no outdoor recreation space required in C-1 for multi-family. Jansen said they could make use of the areas in between the units. Fields wondered if the applicants could be given the option of eliminating all the trees and just replanting trees and vegetation in appropriate places. McLaughlin said that was a possibility. Jansen said he would be willing to replace the trees with substantial caliper trees, assuming they could get six inch caliper trees in there. Fields thought it would be nice to have six $500 trees in the development. Armitage added, at least six large caliper trees on the property. McLaughlin said in exchange for not requiring retention of these natural features, a Condition can require it be part of the revised landscaping plan. Part of the landscaping plan can incorporate these suggestions. Fields wondered about the location of the electric and gas meters. Jansen said they are shown on the plan but if they cannot go in the noted area (near the middle rear of the building) they will be put near Walker. Staff Response Molnar said Staff would like the Walker entrance placed as far to the south as possible. With regard to tree retention, without knowing exactly how much protection is needed around the trees, that information could change their minds on tree removal and the alternatives mentioned are good. Armitage believes it would be worthwhile for Staff to study and find out what is technically possible for tree replacement and the costs involved. Fields feels strongly about public outdoor space shortage. He would also like to see some space dedicated in the residential area. Molnar suggested wording of a Condition: That the plan be revised to include 1,090 square feet of usable public space associated with the commercial uses and an additional usable residential outdoor space (distinguish between the two). Rebuttal Richardson does not see a problem with arranging outdoor space. Fields envisions a picnic table in the outdoor space. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 8, 1998 COMMISSIONERS' DISCUSSION AND MOTION Hearn moved to approve PA98-091 with the attached Conditions and those Conditions expressed. Those include a bus stop with at least a bench and awning, large caliper trees, public space revisions, and treatment around the entrances. Gatdiner seconded the motion. Howe believes the Commission is asking for things that she would like to see again such as the distinctive entrances, trees behind the sidewalk, public and residential space, transformer location, and the bus stop. Fields is still having trouble with no guardrails and access problems from the parking area to the building. Molnar said if the action is continued, Staff could come back with prepared findings which would then not delay the applicant. Hearn, Morris, Gardiner and Armitage did not wish to continue and Briggs, Howe, Chapman, and Fields wished to continue. The applicant agreed to a 30 day extension to the 120 rule. Hearn withdrew his motion. The Commission agreed to a continuance. McLaughlin said the hearing will be continued at 7:00 p.m. on October 13, 1998. No notice will be mailed out since this was announced publicly. OTHER Briggs distributed an article from Preservation magazine discussing civic buildin.q standards. McLaughlin said that could be discussed at the meeting. McLaughlin said a study session is scheduled for September 29, 1998 with the City Council to review and discuss portions of the Transportation Svstem Plan. They will also talk about the retreat with the Council to talk about civic projects. Governor's Task Force on Growth - McLaughlin reported there will be a video conference public hearing held including seven topics subject to testimony by people around the state. This is an opportunity for testimony. If any Commissioner is interested in any of the topics, contact McLaughlin. Ron Bass has submitted his resignation from the Planning Commission as he is taking a professional leave from the community. Briggs felt Philip Lang made a good point in his letter. If the property on Fourth & B would copy the window boxes at Peerless, it would help considerably. ADJOURNMENT - The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 8, 1998