HomeMy WebLinkAbout1384 Rezoning Property OJmINANCE NO. 1384 An ordinance tamend.1ng Ordinance NO. 1361, the zoniny ordinance of the Cit.y of A.hland, by reaoning: certain property frail. a-p:....200, Residential - Farm District, to R-1,B-10, Residential - i;1ngle pamily District. WHEREAS, the Planning Commi.sion ana the Common COW'1c11 have held bearings on said quest-ion after publication of not.ic::e a. required by law, and WHEUAS, both the Planning commission and the CommOl\ Council d.eem it to be to the beet. interests of the City of ASbland that said area be rezoned, NOW, TIlBUPOJ\E, THE PEOPLE OF Tim CITY OF ASIttAND DC) ORDAIN AS rOLLOWS: SectiQn 1. That Ordinance No. 1361 be, and the same hereby 18, amended t.O J'ezone from R-F:B-200, Residential - parm District, t.e) Jl-l,B-10, Re81dent.ial- single pam11y District, the following dS8CJC'ibed prop- erty, to-wit. Beginning at '. point 30 rods South of the NOrtheast comer of the NorthweSt ouarter of the Northeast Quarter of lec- tion a in Township 39 South, aange 1 Baat of the W111amette Meridian 1n Jackson County, Oreg-on, t.hence South 90roda to the Northeast corner of the South balf of the Southwest. Quazt.er of the Northeast Quarter of said Sect.ion 81 t.hence west along the North line thereof and 11:8 Weat ext.el'181on, 140 rods, tItenee North 40 rods, 'thence Bast 7$ roa.:r thence North SO rods, t.hence last 65 rods to the point of ))e<Jinni.J19. EXCBPTIlIG TSBUFRQM the following. Beginning at a point. of intersection of the north-south centerline of the !I.f)rtheaet Quarter of Section 8 1n Township 39 South, RaftCle 1 ]~8t of the Willamette Meridian .in Jack.on County, Oregon, w1ththe north line of Hut.ley Street 1n the Ci.t.y of Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon, thence North along the north-south centerline ! of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 8, a di.t~1Qe of 590.0 feet t.o the eaeterly r19bt.-of-way line of the City Ditch, t.bence Southwesterly, along' said. line, 700.0 feet., more or less, to a point West of the point of beg1ml1ng, thence Bast 190.0 feet., more or less, to the point. ()f beg-inning. Also, EXCBPriNG 'l'MSUl'ltOK the following, Beginning at. a point 98 feet West ana 120 rode South of the northeast corner of the Northwest Quart.er of S~::tion 8 -1- in Townab1p 39 South, :Ranqe 1 East of the Willamett..a Meri- dian 1n Jackson county, Oregon, thence East 164.0 feet, thence Horth 126.5 feet:f t.bence Southwest.erly 205.0 feet., more or less, to the point 01: beg'1r.ming. Also, BXCJ~P1'ING TImREPaOM 'the following: Beg1nn1nq at. a point 120 ~rod. South and. 4 r'oas Bast of the quarter corner common 11:.0 Sections 5 and a 1n Township 39 South. Ranqe 1 BaSt. of the W111amette Meridian 1n Jackson County, oregon: tben~:e North 12505 feetJ thence North 80030' East 211.0 feet; t.h4ence North 840l0' East. 295.0 feet; thence South 72045' East 98.0 feet 1 thence South 159.0 feet.1 thence West 594.0 fe.at to the point ofbevinn1ng. AlBo, &XCBPlIHG THBUpaOM the following: A st.rip of land 30.0 feet. in width, being 15.0 .feet on each side of the following d..cribed centerline: Beginning at a point. approximately 810.0 feet Bast 4)f the northwest. corner of the Soutb Half of the Southweat Quarter of the Northeaat QuArter of Section 8 in Township 3~~ Sout.h, Range 1 East of t.h. W111amet.te Meridian 1n JacksOD4:ounty, Or~on: thence Morth 10.S6' west 120.0 feet: tbenceNorth 13030' West 238.0 feet; thence South 180.0 feet, more or lees, to an intersection with the north line $a1d S~:>uth salf of the South-west Quarter of 1:1\8 Northeast Quart.er of Section 8. The foreqoingordinance was duly pa.sed, under a BUllpen.1on of the rules, at a regular meeting of the CORDon Council held on the d ~ day of March, 1965, the vote being as foll~l. Ayes 3 Nays 0 Approved; )r: ~-. /.4~'Lt Mliyor To all of which I hereby certify: ,~~~ Recorder