HomeMy WebLinkAbout1281 Rezoning PropertyOrdinance no. 1281
An ordinance amending Section 2 (a) of Ordinance no. 1261, the
zoning ordinance of the City of Ashland, to change the Ashland Junior
High School property located on Siskiyou Boulevard and certain
adjacent property from Zone No.3, Residential District, to Zone No. 1,
Business District, and declaring an emergency.
Section 1.
That: Section 2 (a) of Ordinance .0. 1261 be, and t.he same
her'b.by is, amended by the addition of the following a..cr:1.bed
pro~rt.y, to-wit.:
Beg-inning at the int.ersection of the Bast line of SbeX11tlU1
Street and the South line of East Ma1n Street in the City
of Ashland, Jackson County, OreqOft' thence South 89. 54'
East along said South line 250 feet: thence SQuth 820 14'
Bast 5S feet, more or less, to the W.at 11ae of Ashland
Cemeteryr thence South 7. 47' West 437 feet: thence South
82. 14' East 190 feeta thence Sout:h 33. 47' West 22() f..~
to che Northerly line of Siskiyou Boulevard; thence North
56. 13' West 370 feet to the East 11ne of Sherman Si~.et.7
thence Borth O. 2' .at along sa14 Baat. line 440 feet,
more or less, to the point of beginning.
Section 2.
That inasmuch as the junior high school property is not to be
\ae4 for school purposes in the future and 18 to be sold, and i. not
8u1bable for residential purposes due to the fact that a portlon
the~eof has already been zoned as busines8, there i8 & nonconforming
uee adjacent thereto, and the property is bounded on one side by 'the
cemetery, and it 18 the desire of the Ashland School District No. 5
to sell said property as soon as possible, it is hereby de..ed
necessary for the public peace, health and ..fety of the citizens
of tthe City of Ashland that an emerqency be, and the same 18 hereby,
declared to exist. and this ordinance shall be in full force and
effect. from and after its passage by the COuncil and appJ~oval Dy
the Mayor.
The Iforeqoin<J ordinance was duly passed, under a 8uspenelon of tbe
rul~., at a regular meet:1nq of the Common Council held OIl the
t!l _ day of Auguat, 1960, the vote being as follows:
A yea ~
Itaya c>
~t /, 71,1-#
yo%' _
'1'0 a1J, of which I hereby certify.
~'f; c? . ~