HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-01-05 Historic MIN CITY Of ASHLAND ASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes January 5, 2005 Community Development/Engineering Services Building - 51 Winburn Way - Slskiyou Room Historic Commissioners Present: Dale Shostrom, Keith Swink, Sam Whitford, Alex Krach, Tom Giordano, Terry Skibby, Jay Leighton and Henry Baker Absent Members: Rob Saladoff Council Liaison: John Morrison, Jack Hardesty Hiah School Liaison: None Appointed SOU Liaison: None Appointed Staff Present: Maria Harris, Senior Planner; Billie Boswell, Administration CALL TO ORDER At 7:05 p.m., Chairman Dale Shostrom called the meeting to order. John Morrison introducE~d Jack Hardesty as the new Council liaison for the Historic Commission. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Whitford moved to approve the December 8, 2004 minutes as revised. With a second by Swink, the motion was approved with all voting aye. PUBLIC HEARINGS Planning Action 2004-160 Site Review Applicant: William F. Reeves 685 A Street Mr. Giordano asked to be recused from the hearing due to a conflict of interest. Ms. Harris explained the request is for the construction of a 6,618 square foot, two-story, miixed-use building to be built on a vacant lot located on the northeast corner of A Street and 6th Street with an alley and railroad right- of-way on the north side. The ground floor will be general office space, a residential entry and a two-car garage. The second floor is a two-bedroom residential unit. The owners, Bill Reeves and Rebecca Ostrom described the design of the building as similar to the Davis Cline Building also on A Street. The exterior will have a mix of brick veneer, stucco, wood, and! Hardiplank siding. White vinyl windows with Craftsman style wood trim are planned. The exterior colors will be maroon and varying shades of gray, combined with "Old Chicago" style brick. The entrances are recessed with an awning planned for the main entrance. Mr. Reeves said they were investigating installing solar panels on the roof that would be screened by the parapet. There being no comments from the audience, the public meeting was closed. The Commission discussed the design features including that of the windows and window trim, the Hardiplank siding, the cornice details and the solar panels. Recommendations were: 1. Using a smooth surfaced Hardiplank siding 2. Suggest using wood windows or, if staying with vinyl, using a darker exterior color ~nstead of white CITY OF ASHLAND 3. Providing specific details of materials, thickness and dimensions of window trim, cornices, and belly-band 4. Providing section of windows, base and cornice 5. Making sure solar panels are below parapet or line of sight 6. Presentation of the additional information at the January 13, 2004 Historic Hearings Board. Ms. Leighton moved to approve the design subject to the above recommendations being presented to and approved by the January 13th Hearings Board. Mr. Whitford seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. DISCUSSION ITEMS: 275-281 East Main Street AI & Laura Laney, Owners Steven Dewey, Contractor Ms. Harris explained that this project was for a 1600 square foot addition and remodel of the existing 3,785 square foot commercial building housing Ashland Drug on the first floor and six apartments IOn the second floor. The original site review for the project was submitted to the City four years ago but was put on hold by the owners when they failed to received approval from the State's Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) for the Special Assessment Program due to the extent of the interior modifications proposed. The owners have since decided to continue without applying for this program. Because the application is a Staff Review and the addition is less than 2500 square feet, the project would not be required to come before the Historic Commission. But, due to the historical significance IQf the building, staff has recommended the applicants have their plan reviewed by the Commission for comment. Ms. Laney and Mr. Dewey reviewed plans showing no alterations to the front and sides of the building except for a new ADA compliant front door into Ashland Drug and a new enclosed front door entry and awning to the second floor residential unit. The second floor windows would be replaced with wood windows of the same design. The existing planter boxes would be removed. The six apartments on the second floor would be converted to one single-family unit. The 1600 square foot addition would be at the rearofthE~ building and would include a garage, stairwell and elevator on the first floor and a stairwell, elevator and deck on the second floor. Ms. Leighton and Mr. Krach expressed concern that the City would lose six affordable housing units of historical significance. After discussion, the Historic Commission recommended that the front entry to the second floor be recessed three feet to conform to the period design. On the rear of the building, they suggested a stUGCO wall on the East elevation instead of the CMU wall proposed and that the deck railing be designed as a parapet wall to match the parapet over the garage and retain the commercial look of the building. The Commission also requested the opportunity to photograph the interior of the second floor prior to demolition to provide a historical record. The Historic Commission asked for Staff to require the project to be submitted for approval of the Commission at the February meeting. Ms. Harris agreed. ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA The Commissioners discussed the need for the Historic Commission to have the oPPol1unity to review all Commercial remodels in the Historic Districts. They agreed to discuss the issue further at the next meeting. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes 1/12/2005 2 CITY OF ASHLAND OLD BUSINESS A. Review Board - Following is the January schedule for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to at least 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: January 6th January 13th January 20th January 2th February 3rd Skibby, Swink, Saladoff Skibby, Shostrom, Swink, Leighton Skibby, Giordano, Baker Skibby, Whitford, Saladoff Skibby, Krach, Leighton, Saladoff B. Proiect Assionments for Plannino Actions PA #2000-120 PA #2002-100 PA #2004-017 P A #2004-026 PA #2004-018 PA #2004-043 P A #2004-100 PA #2004-102 PA #2004-110 PA #2004-115 PA #2004-138 PA #2004-150 PA #2004-154 PA-#2004-160 485 "A" Street (Steve Hoxmeier) 142 East Main Street (Earthly Goods) 364 Hargadine Street (Ken Kolar) 81 Central Avenue (Wes & Lucinda Vail) 322 Pioneer Street (AI & Sandra Carlson) 246 Catalina Drive (Dr. William Rodden) 80 Wimer (Tom & Kathy Petersen) 832 "A" Street (Ilene Rubenstein) 150 Church St (Robert M. Saladoff) 724 Iowa St (Dave and Jamie Kaufman) 234 Vista St (Sid & Karen DeBoer) 87 Fourth St (Unitarian Universal Fellowship Church 180 Lithia Wy 685 A Street Shostrom Leighton Krach Giordano Swink Krach Whitford Saladoff Whitford Swink Saladoff Shostrom Leighton Krach C. Co-Sponsorship with Conservation Commission for Fall Workshop- Waiting to hear from Joanne Krippahne. D. Lithia Sprinos National Reoister Nomination - At the request of the Commissioners, Ms. Harris agreed to contact the Parks Department to check on the lease status and to ask that they communicate with the Historic Commission regarding any building projects involving City properties of historical significance. E. Multiple Listino Survey for National Reoister of Historic Places - Need to begin to design survey. Maria will contact SHPO to start the administrative work needed to apply for the CLG grant. Mr. Baker recommended that an archeological survey be included in the information for a nomination. G. Sinole Family Residential Desion Standards - Formation of a sub-committee to be led by Giordano and Swink. NEW BUSINESS National Historic Preservation Week. May 8-14.2005 - Samples of the proposed banner and nomination forms were approved with a few minor changes or corrections. The awards presentation date was set for May 13, 2005. Staff was asked to supply the Commission with a listing of all issued building permits in the Historic Districts for 2004. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes 1/12/2005 3 CITY OF ASHLAND ANNOUNCEMENTS The next Historic Commission meeting will be on February 2, 2005 at 7:00 pm in the Siskiyou Room. ADJOURNMENT With a motion by Skibby and second by Leighton, it was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 9:40 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes 1/12/2005 4