HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-01-11 Hearings Board MIN CITY OF ASHLAND ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES JANUARY 11, 2005 I. CALL TO ORDER Russ Chapman called the Ashland Planning Commission Hearings Board to order at 1 :35 p.m. on January 11, 2005 in the Civic Center Council Chambers, 1175 E. Main Street, Ashland, Oregon. Commissioners Present: SOU Liaison: High School Liaison: Staff Present: Russ Chapman John Fields o lena Black None Jack Hardesty (Council Liaison does not attend Planning Commission meetings in order to avoid conflict of interest.) None None Maria Harris, Senior Planner Derek Severson, Assistant Planner Amy Anderson, Assistant Planner Sue Yates, Executive Secretary Absent Commissioners: Council Liaison: II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND FINDINGS: To be approved at the 7:00 p.m. meeting. III. TYPE I PLANNING ACTIONS A. PLANNING ACTION 2004-132 IS A REQUEST FOR SITE REVIEW FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN APPROXIMATELY 4,512 SQUARE FOOT, TWO-STORY, MIXED-USE BUILDING LOCATED WITHIN THE WASHINGTON STREET PROFESSIONAL PLAZA AT 542 WASHINGTON STREET. APPLICANT: DOUG IRVINE - IRVINE INVESTMENTS This action was approved. B. PLANNING ACTION 2005-004 IS A REQUEST FOR A LAND PARTITION FOR THE CREATION OF THREE LOTS LOCATED AT 157 AND 167 CHURCH STREET. APPLICANT: STEVE SCHEIN This action was approved. C. PLANNING ACTION 2004-160 IS A REQUEST FOR SITE REVIEW APPROVAL FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 6,618 SQUARE FOOT, TWO-STORY MIXED-USE BUILDING LOCATED AT 685 A STREET. APPLICANT: WILLIAMS F. REEVES This action was approved. D. PLANNING ACTION 2004-156 IS A REQUEST FOR MODIFICATION OF A PREVIOUS LAND PARTITION APPROVAL AND TREE REMOVAL PERMIT TO REMOVE COTTONWOODS LOCATED ON A VACANT LOT AT 715 CLAY STREET. APPLICANT: NATE SANFORD This action was approved. E. PLANNING ACTION 2005-006 IS A REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP OF THE EXISTING TRAVELER'S ACCOMMODATION LOCATED AT 259 B STREET. APPLICANT: LAWRENCE COOPER, LISA SCLAN COOPER, SHOSHANA COOPER This action was approved. IV. TYPE II PLANNING ACTIONS PLANNING ACTION 2004-148 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT AN APPROXIMATELY 535 SQUARE FOOT ACCESSORY RESIDENTIAL UNIT (ARU) ATOP A NEW TWO-CAR GARAGE LOCATED AT THE REAR OF THE PROPERTY AT 248 PATTERSON STREET. APPLICANT: YVONNE EGENDOERFER Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts - Site visits were made by Black and Chapman. Fields drove by the property. Chapman said he knocked on the door of the residence and asked if he could do a site visit. He did not converse about the project. STAFF REPORT_ Anderson said this application was called up for a public hearing. The concerns involved were generation of noise, architectural compatibility and solar access. There is an existing single family residence in the front portion of the lot with one parking space. The applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to construct a 672 square foot garage with a 536 square foot accessory residential unit above in the rear of the property. The proposed deck is 200 square feet off the rear. Three off- street spaces are proposed - two in the garage and one behind the primary structure. Staff has included a Condition that the applicants sign in favor of a Local Improvement District (LID) for sidewalks on Patterson with the street improved to City standards. Patterson Street is an eclectic neighborhood with a mix of older ranch homes, contemporary bungalows with varying heights and roof pitches. There are no two-story structures in the direct vicinity of the proposed unit, but there are two-story structures within the neighborhood. Staff does not believe the unit will have any more of a negative impact on the neighborhood than the existing single family residences. The architecture is similar to the surrounding homes. The unit is close to downtown, a bus route and shopping areas, allowing for pedestrian and bike use. The application meets solar access. The Tree Commission comments and conditions are included. PUBLIC HEARING YVONNE EGENDOERFER, 248 Patterson and UNKNOWN GENTLEMAN with Egendoerfer. Ege~doerfer stated she believes they are in compliance with the criteria and compatible with other homes in the neighborhood. They are not going to be increasing the number of people living in the home currently, therefore, will not be generating increased noise and dust. In addition, they will be paving the driveway. There are three cars now and there will be three cars after the unit is built. Gentleman believes this will be a major improvement to the property. They want to clean it up. MARGOT HOWE, 243 E. Hersey, said she owns the house abutting the end of Egendoerfer's lot. There are five to six feet between her property and the applicant's. It is a pocket lot. All the other houses surrounding the said house are one-story house. Suddenly, with ten feet between properties, there will be a two-story house. It does not fit the neighborhood. The occupants of the two-story unit will dominate over the other houses. Particularly with a balcony overlooking their garden. She does not believe the unit is architecturally compatible. Harris said the setback requirement is from the property line (not considered a story) and the deck just has to meet the one- story setback of ten feet. JULIE ALVES, 251 E. Hersey Street, said the driveway does not seem very accessible for using the garage underneath and it could just become a huge storage area. There are really old sheds built up to the fence line. It seems like the property is going to be packed. Rebuttal Yvonne said there are sheds built into the fence. All of that will be torn down. Alves' concern should be alleviated. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES JANUARY 11,2005 2 Staff Response The Fire Department has been working with the applicant in terms of the sheds and debris. The application cannot move forward until it has Fire Department approval. The agreement is that the materials and structures will be removed from the property. COMMISSIONERS' DISCUSSION AND MOTION Black believes this application meets all setbacks and she does not see any reason to object. Fields said the impacts have to be weighed and this is in infill piece. Could this be built and not have a kitchen? The direction from the community and Council has leaned toward infill, however, the neighbors have to absorb the impact. Chapman/Fields m/s to approve PA2004-148. Roll Call: Unanimous. V. PLANNING ACTION 2004-154 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A THREE-STORY 6,166 SQUARE FOOT MIXED-USE BUILDING AT 180 LlTHIA WAY (JASMINE BUILDING - PHASE II) IN THE DETAIL SITE REVIEW ZONE. THE DEVELOPMENT, INCLUDING THE EXISTING PHASE I BUILDING IS 18,743 SQUARE FEET, AND THEREFORE IS SUBJECT TO THE LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT ST ANDARDS. APPLICANT: ARCHERD & DRESNER Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts - Fields has been involved with the first phase. He stepped down and left the meeting. Chapman had a site visit and has had contact about locating the recycle. Black had a site visit. STAFF REPORT Harris reported this is the second phase of a two-part project. The proposed building is about 6200 square feet. A public hearing is required when a development is over 10,000 square feet in size. It is subject to the Site Review Standards, the Downtown Design Standards, the Detailed Site Review Standards and the Large Scale Development Standards. The building will be three stories with retail on the ground floor and three enclosed parking spaces. The second and third floors are one bedroom residential units. The retail use is a permitted use in the C-I-D zone. The residential units are permitted in conjunction with the non-residential use on the ground floor. Staff believes it meets all of the design standards. There is an exception to the Downtown Design Standards. In Phase II, the building does not extend to the sidewalk and the west property line. The building setbacks are to permit a plaza space at the front of the building and a walkway to the west of the building that will link Lithia Way with Will Dodge Way. The Downtown Standards specifically say a good reason for an exception is to provide a plaza or a walkway. In addition, the spaces are beneficial for the public good. Therefore, Staff believes the exception is warranted. Staffis recommending approval of the project with 11 Conditions. Add Condition 12 that pedestrian scale street lighting be installed along the Lithia Way frontage of the property. PUBLIC HEARING EVAN ARCHERD and JEROME WHITE Archerd said they are providing five parking spaces. There had been seven spaces. White asked ifthey could put the lights in front of the addition so they don't have to tear up the sidewalk and street trees. Harris said they have to be about 50 to 60 feet apart. Harris said Condition 12 could be amended to read: That pedestrian scale street lighting shall be installed along the Phase II Lithia Way frontage of the parcel. Black /Chapman m/s to approve P A2004-154 with the added, amended Condition 12 stated above. Roll Call: Unanimous. VI. ADJOURNMENT - The meeting was adjourned at 2:35 pm. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES JANUARY 11, 2005 3