HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-10-27 Planning MINASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 27, 1998 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair Steve Armitage at 7:05 p.m.. Other Commissioners present were Anna Howe, Russ Chapman, Chris Heam, Alex Amaratico, Mike Morris, Mike Gardiner, Marilyn Briggs, and John Fields. There were no absent members. Staff present were John McLaughlin, Bill Molnar, Mark Knox, and Susan Yates ADOPTION OF FINDINGS Howe moved to approve, the motion was seconded and the Findings for PA98-091 were adopted. Gatdiner moved to approve, the motion was seconded the Findings for PA98-105 were adopted. TYPE III PLANNING ACTIONS PLANNING ACTION 98-115 REQUEST TO CONSIDER AMENDMENTS TO THE PHYSICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINTS CHAPTER 18.62 OF THE ASHLAND MUNICIPAL CODE. THESE AMENDMENTS INVOLVE MODIFICATIONS TO THE HILLSIDE ORDINANCE, SECTIONS 18.62.040.J (POWER TO AMEND PLANS), 18.62.080.B.8 (SITE GRADING), 18.62.080.D.5, 6.a AND 6.c (PRESERVING AND REPLACING TREES, REVEGETATION PLANS) AND 18.62.080.B.5.a (FILL SLOPES). APPLICANT: CITY OF ASHLAND STAFF REPORT McLaughlin reported the hillside ordinance was adopted in December of 1997 and appealed to the Land Use Board of Appeals soon after. A decision was received recently, much of which is outlined in the Staff Report. The City prevailed on some issues and LUBA had concerns with some issues which were mostly housekeeping items which require adjusting some language in the ordinance. These issues have been reviewed with Paul Nolte, City Attorney. He recommended deleting the language LUBA found to not be clear and objective. The ordinance is very comprehensive with regard to erosion control and tree protection and it will still provide what the City needs without the extra language. Staff recommends the adjustments noted in the Staff Report. Briggs thought on page 5, section 3, there should be two sentences because there are sites that are not wildfire lands. The first sentence would end at "...on a site." followed by: "Development shall follow the standards for fuel reduction...". PUBLIC HEARING JOHN FREEDOM, 150 Nursery Street, favors creating more specific wording in the ordinances in the City to facilitate the development process. He would like a definition of "maximum number of trees". In creating a future vision for Ashland, there is language that will facilitate development not hinder it. There is a need for more clarity. RICK HARRIS, 33 North First, stated he objects to this action and agrees that "maximum" is not clear wording. He believes there is an important part of the remand order that has been omitted from the Staff Report that should be brought to the Commissioners' attention. Armitage noted that portion was in fact included in the Staff Report. Harris believes there are still 46 acres of land needed within the city's inventory that is not being addressed. McLaughlin said the Comprehensive Plan identifies how many acres are zoned. The city is 46 acres short for the 20 year supply but there is land in the Urban Growth Boundary. The Comprehensive Plan requires the city to only have a five year supply. This point will be clarified. COMMISSIONERS' DISCUSSION AND MOTION Howe moved approval of PA98-115 to recommend to the City Council for adoption adding Briggs' wording. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously. PLANNING ACTION 98-016 REQUEST TO ADOPT THE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM PLAN APPLICANT: CITY OF ASHLAND STAFF REPORT McLaughlin said the chapters had been previously reviewed with the Commission at a Study Session. This is the implementation of the Transportation Element. The plan is required by the State to link land use and transportation. The memo dated October 27, 1998 from John McLaughlin outlines the recommended amendments to the TSP. McLaughlin also included a modification suggested by Councilor DeBoer that the North Mountain Avenue freeway interchange be included in the list of "Needed Transportation Improvements" (Chapter 9). The bottom line is that it is the City's adopted position that it is unlikely a freeway interchange is unlikely during the planning period (20 years). At this point it does not seem like a point to be included, however, DeBoer recommended its inclusion. McLaughlin contacted ODOT and found the construction cost for a rural interchange would run between $8 -10 million. The City's revenues over the next ten years will be only $17 million. Including the modification does not really go along with the rest of the vision of the plan. There was not enough interest on the part of the Commission to include DeBoer's modification. McLaughlin would like to recommend to the Council the TSP excluding Chapters 10, 11 and 12 (financing portion) with the seven changes listed in the memo of October 27, 1998. Chapman wondered if there was any sentiment on the part of the Commission to discuss the managed boulevard speed of 30 - 40 mph. He cannot picture anyplace in Ashland where speeds should be 40 mph because when an area is posted at 40 mph, drivers will invariably travel at 45 mph. If we are trying to encourage a multi-modal town, the biggest safety issue is higher traffic speeds. This could be a good time to encourage a maximum of 30 - 35 mph. Hearn wondered if the Planning Commission could set speeds. McLaughlin explained that what we are trying to do is reduce speeds through street design. After additional discussion, the Commission decided to leave the managed speed for boulevards at 30 - 40 mph. Chapman felt the cost of RVTD equipment was quite high. He would be interested in being part of a group to work on finding alternatives. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 27, 1998 MINUTES Gardiner moved to move PA98-106 forward to the Council with the recommended changes. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously. ELECTION OF VICE CHAIR AND SECOND VICE CHAIR Ron Bass' resignation left a vacancy for the Vice Chair of the Planning Commission. Anna Howe and Mike Gardiner were nominated and Howe was elected. Gardiner is Second Vice Chair. OTHER McLaughlin announced a training session sponsored by the Rogue Valley Public Service Academy, "Finding Facts & Reaching Legal Conclusions in Land Use Cases" to be held on November 4th. Any Commissioner wishing to go should call Susan. ADJOURNED - The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 27, 1998 MINUTES