HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-11-04 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes November 4, 1998 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:36 Chairperson Jim Lewis. Commission members present were Vava Bailey, Jim Lewis, Keith Chambers, Terry Skibby, Dale Shostrom, Joyce Cowan and Joan Steele. Steve Hauck, serving as the City Council Liaison to the Historic Commission was also present. Commission members Gary Foll and Curt Anderson were unable to attend. Staff members in attendance were Mark Knox, Associate Planner and Adam Hanks, serving as Secretary. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The motion for approval of minutes of the previous meeting of October 6, 1998 was made by Cowan, with Bailey providing the second. The motion passed with a unanimous vote of the Commission. PUBLIC HEARINGS Planning Action 98-094 Conditional Use Permit\Site Review 521 North Main St Scott Young, MD Knox explained that the application was for a relatively minor expansion of 150 square feet to provide the applicant with more efficient use of the operating area. The expansion is on the northwest side of building, matching the material and color of the existing structure. Planning Staff recommend approval. Lewis asked if any complaints or letters had been received for this application. Knox stated that a neighbor across the street from the property requested that the application be called up to a hearing, with concerns based on several sections of LUO 18.104.050. Shostrom was concerned with the use of post and beam vs. full foundation of the addition. When viewed from North Main Street, the addition will have a different and non-historic cantalevered appearance with the post and beam construction. Daryl Boldt, President of North Pacific Construction spoke for the applicant and responded to Shostroms concern by stating that the area facing North Main Street will be solid. Boldt also noted that a full foundation was not used because of the desire of the applicant to not impact the existing trees near the addition area. Boldt added that the roofline is a continuation of existing roofline and will not create a shed roof look and the distance between roofline and windows will be the same as the previous addition so as not to have the appearance of an "add-on". Lewis recommend that a condition be added for the foundation of the new addition to have a comer return of 32 to 48 inches to provide the look of a continuos foundation when viewed from North Main Street. Shostrom moved to approve Planning Action 98-094 with the condition recommended by Lewis, Skibby seconded the motion and the motion was passed with a unanimous vote. Planning Action 98-107 Conditional Use Permit 570 Siskiyou Bv Barbara Simard Knox gave a review of application stating that the conditional use permit was for a transfer of ownership of a Traveler's Accommodation. The applicant has been made aware of the conditions of approval previously made for the CUP and no enforcement actions are currently on file for this location. Steele moved to approve, with a second from Chambers. The motion was approved with a unanimous vote. Planning Action 98-075 Conditional Use Permit 542 A Street Mark & Rebecca Reitinger Knox noted that this is the second review of the application, which involves a site review and variances for the number of parking spaces and landscaping coverage requirements. The Planning Commission approved the landscape variance and the site review, but not the parking variance. It was their opinion that the four space variance request was too much. The applicant is now back with changes to the building that would require only a two parking space variance. The design of the building is essentially the same as the original application that came before the Historic Commission. Knox also noted that stacked parking is being proposed, but does not meet the required standards so the variance is still needed to comply with the off-street parking requirement and that the scope of the review by the Historic Commission is to deal with design issues, rather than the variance. Steele voiced her concern about the demolition of the existing building, stating that she felt that Ashland Historic Commission Minutes November 4, 1998 the Historic Commission has already approved the design so there is no opportunity to comment on the demolition. Lewis commented that the Historic Commission will have chance to make demolition recommendations when the demolition permit comes to Council. Hauck reiterated that the Planning Action for the site review and the actual demolition are two separate processes and the Historic Commission is not giving up its ability to comment on the demolition process. Chambers asked about the possibility for facade options to be submitted. Reitinger said he could provide changes and options after the Planning Action has been approved at the Planning Commission level. Knox brought up the possibility for the Commission to add a condition to require Historic Review Board approval of the facade prior to the issuance of a building permit. Reitinger stated that he would be willing to come back to the review board after the other issues have been resolved. The motion to approve with original conditions was made by Skibby, with a second from Bailey. All members voted in favor of the application. Planning Action 98-117 Site Review 300 East Main St Drescher~Batzer Knox gave a review of the application stating that the subject property is located at the coruer of East Main and Second Streets and is an important and visible building within the downtown district. The project involves a site review because of its inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places. The Oregon State Historic Preservation has asked for four conditions to be added to the Planning Action approval, along with any conditions of the Historic Commission. Batzer Construction, speaking for the applicant stated that the primary objective of the exterior changes is to maintain the original and historic qualities of the building. The existing windows will be replaced with store front type windows nearly identical to the original windows. The front entry will be recessed. The awning shown on the East Main Street frontage will be removed and the Second Street awning will remain for shading. The signage will be done with subtle window signs on the East Main Street frontage. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes November 4, 1998 Skibby noted that the original configuration of the transom windows had a total of eight windows and that number should be reinstalled. Chambers asked about the potential for a complete realignment of the front entrance since it was going to be relocated. The applicant responded that the interior configuration desired by the future occupant of the building would be impacted with a realignment of the front entrance, which was the primary reason for leaving it off-set from the center of the building. Chambers moved to approve the application with the following conditions: Redesign the facade to replicate the 1930 photograph, including transom windows (same count of 8). Realign the front entrance so that it is at the center point of the building frontage. Incorporate the SHPO conditions detailed in their letter of October ??, as well as the conditions listed in the staff report. The redesigned facade (after incorporation of conditions) to be re-submitted to the full Historic Commission, rather than review board. The motion received a second from Bailey. Knox felt reluctant to require applicant to resubmit the plans to the full commission and suggested that the Review Board time frame be utilized with additional Commission members present for the review. Commission agreed and made a request to staff for notification of plan submittal to Review Board. Applicant stated that the revised plans will be submitted to the November 12 Review Board meeting. As a final note of discussion, Shostrom stated his surprise at the relatively small numbers of items noted by SHPO for this application and felt that since the applicant was making major changes, efforts should be made to bring the building as close as possible to its original configuration. REVIEW BOARD The Review Board assignments for November are as follows: November 5th Skibby, Steele and Bailey November 12th Skibby, Lewis, Chambers and Shostrom November 19th Skibby, Cowan, Shostrom and Foll November 25th Skibby, Lewis and Cowan The meeting was adjourned by Lewis at 9:40. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes November 4, 1998 4