HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-0106 Tree MIN CITY OF ASHLAND Ashland Tree Commission Regular Meeting January 6, 2005 Minutes I. Call to Order: Chair Ted Loftus called the Ashland Tree Commission meeting to order at 7:05p.m. on January 6, 2004 at the Siskiyou Room in the Community DevelopmentlEngineering Services Building at 51 Winburn Way. Commissioners Present: Ted Loftus Bryan Holley Bryan Nelson Mary Pritchard Laurie Sager Fred Stockwell January Jennings Council Liaison: Staff Present: Cate Hartzell Amy Anderson, Assistant Planner II. Approval of Minutes: The following corrections were noted for the December 9, 2004 minutes. Page 3 of 5: Sixth paragraph, second sentence, remover 'Commissioner' from body of text. Same paragraph, change 'poplar' to Cottonwood. Page 5 of 5, Items from Commissioners, New Items: d. change Ray Kisler to Kistler. New Items: e. change Bolinger to Bolsinger. Same sente:nce: change 'back page' to Back Page, and add Bryan Holley and Fred Stockwell to created subcommittee. Holley/Pritchard mls to approve the minutes of December 9, 2004 with corrections. Voice vote: All A YES, Motion passed. The minutes of December 9,2004 were approved as corrected. III. Welcome Guests & Public Forum: Robbin Pearce, Conservation Analyst - Water Conservation for the City of Ashland: Presented the revised street tree plan for the Starflower Subdivision at intersection of Starflower and Hersey. Utility changes led to changes for the landscape plan. The sidewalk had to be shifted and therefore the approved trees had to shift also. IV Public Hearinas: A. PLANNING ACTION 2004-148 is a request for a Conditional Use Permit to construct an approximately 535 square foot Accessory Residential Unit (ARU) atop a new two-car garage located at the rear of the property at 248 Patterson Street. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Single Family Residential; Zoning: R-1-5; Assessor's Map #: 39 1 E 04 DC; Tax Lot: 700. APPLICANT: Yvonne Egendoerfer Staff report. This project is proposed for long, north - south lot. The new ARU would be in the southern most portion of the lot. It meets all setback requirements as well as the solar access ordinance. The unit will be accessed by a drive extending to the proposed new garage. An additional parking space for the primary dwelling unit is also proposed. At this time there are a few mature trees at the front of the lot, some screening vegetation is in place along the eastern side January 6, 2005 Tree Commission Minutes Page 1 of 5 of the lot where the proposed driveway would be located. In the rear of the lot there arle three trees that are proposed to be preserved. No trees are to be removed as part of this project proposal. The landscaping for the entire lot is proposed to be upgraded, and an irrigation system is also proposed. There are 11 conditions with 3 pertaining to trees and landscaping. Applicant testimony: None present Public Testimony: None present The Tree Commission discussed the proposal. It was noted that some of the proposed landscaping are not species known to the Tree Commission. Discussion also occurred regarding whether some of the proposed species are hardy enough for this area. Recommendation: 1) All underground utilities shall be directionally bored or hand dug under major tree canopies. 2) All trees within construction zone (large Willow in front yard and all trees in rear yard) shall have tree protection fencing installed per AMC 18.61 standards prior to issuance of building permit. 3) Clarify and properly identify all proposed and existing landscaping on the proposed landscape plan. Read recommendations back to commission. All in agreement with recommendations. PLANNING ACTION 2004-161 is a request for a Conditional Use Permit to convert a non-conforming structure at the rear of the property to an Accessory Residential Unit (ARU) located at 968 Garden Way. The structure is non-conforming because it is located approximately one foot from the rear property line which does not meet current rear yard setback requirements. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Single Family Residential; Zoning: R-1-7.5; Assessor's Map #: 39 1 E 15 AC; Tax Lot 4600. APPLICANT: Milo ShubatlAshland Design Solutions Staff report. Existing structure is approximately 975 square feet. Site considered non-conforming, due to the lack of appropriate side yard setback of six feet. Site subject to Site Review therefore there is a landscape plan required. The existing mature landscaping is proposed to be updated and new plantings will be added. Currently on site there is an existing irrigation system, the proposed landscaping and street trees will be added to the irrigation system. There is a large maple near the new off-street parking space off of Ross Lane that is proposed to be protected from damage from automobiles. No trees removal is proposed for the site. The applicant notes in their findings that at the time of submittal for building permit a complete tree protection plan will be submitted. Two new street trees chosen from the City of Ashland Recommended Street Tree Guide are to be planted along the Garden Way frontage. There are 17 conditions for this proposal with 4 pertaining to landscaping and tree protection. Applicant testimony: None Present Public testimony: None Present The Tree Commission discussed the proposal. Their was some discussion on the flammability of the Pryamid Alis (Cypress) overhanging the proposed Accessory Residential Unit (ARU), and that some of the species identified on the landscape plan do not grow in this plant zone. January 6, 2005 Tree Commission Minutes Page 2 of 5 Recommendation: 1) Clarify and properly identify all plant species on the proposed landscape plan. 2) Shall consider larger stature Street Trees for Garden Way frontage. 3) Shall consider adding two small to medium stature trees from Street Tree guide for Ross Lane frontage. 4) Shall follow standards for street tree installation 5) Shall provide irrigation for all trees during dry periods during construction. Shall remove over-hanging branches of Pyramid Alis (Cypress) on adjacent property from proposed ARU roof, possible fire danger. Contact Chris Chambers of Ashland Fire Department for further information. Read recommendations back to commission. All in agreement with recommendations. V. ACTION ITEMS A. Type I Sign-up a. February 1 st: Jennings, Holley, Sager b. March 1 st: Loftus, Stockwell, Pritchard B. Nevada Street Improvements a. The Tree Commission made recommendations of using a different shrub choice other than Lavender; and that street trees should get planted in the bump-outs. C. 362 North Main - Cedar Tree a. The Tree Commissioners all agreed that the tree is dead and gave their approval for the removal of the tree. The Tree Commission suggested that possibly, one of the mitigated trees from the DeBoer project might go to this location. Dean Walker - Code Compliance Officer was notified of the Tree Commission decision and was also informed about the possible mitigated tree. He is in contact with the homeowner. VI. DISSCUSSION ITEMS A. DeBoer Trees - Mitigation Ideas: a. The Tree Commission discussed possible places where the trees to be mitigate could go. One idea is to plant one at 362 North Main where a large Cedar is going to be removed. The Tree Commission would like to see this location have a conifer planted since it is a highly visible, gateway location. One condition would be that the tree would have to be irrigated. b. Laurie Sager would like to see the trees donated to a street that doesn't have any street trees. January Jennings noted that trees could be used for noise reduction. One street idea is Nevada Street. c. The Tree Commission continued discussion on whether the trees should go to a school. Ted Loftus volunteered to contact the schools to determine need. d. Next month tree commission members will report on ideas for city stre:ets needing trees. B. Tree Commission Chairperson a. January Jennings was appointed as Chairperson C. Public Works Training Day a. In response to the meeting held with Paula Brown and Pieter Smeenk of Public Works an invitation was extended for the Tree Commission to present either a video or slide show to help educate Public Works employees on how to prote:ct trees. A January 6, 2005 Tree Commission Minutes Page 3 of 5 subcommittee (Bryan Holley, January Jennings and Fred Stockwell) was formed to create the slideshow and presentation. The training day is on January 31, 2005 at the Community Center on Winburn Way. VII. ITEMS FROM COMMISSIONERS A. Liaison Reports a. Cate Hartzell: The City Council approved the Heritage Tree Ordinance:. Cate also added "Increasing Canopy Cover" to the council goals for 2005. B. New Items a. January Jennings passed out a copy of the "Tree Replacement Application" it is a document used by the Street Department to remove and replace trees with grant monies. b. The Tree Commissioners discussed what they will be doing in celebration of Arbor Day and Earth Day. On April 3rd, 2005 there is a statewide Arbor Day Tree Walk Event. The walks will take place simultaneously throughout the state. Laurie Sager and January Jennings offered to lead a walk in Lithia Park on that day. Amy contacted State Forester Paul Ries and let him know of the Tree Commissions plans to hold a Tree Walk. c. The City of Ashland Parks and Recreation Department sponsored Earth Day Event is planned for April 23rd, 2005 from 11 am - 4pm at North Mountain Park. There will be informational booths and an all species parade. The Tree Commission elected to donate $50.00 to the event and possibly donate copies of the City of Ashland Recommended Street Tree Guide. Amy will find out when the deadline for City Source - City of Ashland Newsletter is. Amy will also post any infomlation about either event on the City of Ashland web page. d. The Tree Commission is also going to look into acquiring a tree to be planted in a ceremony with the new mayor, John Morrison. e. Chris Chambers of the Ashland Fire Department is compiling a list of fire adapted plants and plants that should not be planted in the Urban Interface Zone. He has requested the help of the tree commission for the construction of the list. D. Current Balance $560 E. Tree Commission Goals a. Education i. Tree Tips 1. The subcommittee (Fred Stockwell, Bryan Holley, Laurie Sager and January Jennings) for the 'Back Page' of the Daily Tidings is going to meet to discuss the content and layout for the first publication. Fred wanted to remind everyone that the information must be factual and correct. He was also wondering who would answer any letters that the newspaper receives regarding the publication. ii. Tree Clinics 1. The subcommittee (Mary Pritchard, Ted Loftus and January Jennings) for the first Tree Clinic is going to meet: to discuss possible ideas. One idea is to tie the clinic into the Earth Day Event and have a demonstration on pruning at North Mountain Park. 2. Laurie Sager and January Jennings are hosting a Tn~e Walk on January 15, 2005, meeting at SOU Stevenson Union at:2 pm. January 6, 2005 Tree Commission Minutes Page 4 of 5 b. Monitoring i. Tracking reports to the City Council 1. Amy will create an "Enforcement" file. It will contain any correspondence regarding the enforcement and monitoring of tree related issues in Ashland. VII. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Loftus adjourned meeting at 9:30 pm January 6, 2005 Tree Commission Minutes Page 5 of 5