HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-11 Banking Signatures RESOLUTION NO. 2005-11 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SIGNATURES, INCLUDING FACSIMILE SIGNATURES, FOR BANKING SERVICES ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF ASHLAND THE CITY OF ASHLAND RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The following person is authorized to sign on behalf of the Parks & Recreation Commission, orders for payment: Mike Gardiner, Chair of Parks & Recreation Comrnission, Barbara Christensen, City Recorder/Treasurer; or in their absence, D. L. Tune berg, Director of Finance. Such authority shall remain in force until revoked by written notice to the affected bank of the action taken by the council of the City of Ashland. All prior authorizations are superseded. SECTION 2. Any designated depository ("Bank") of the City of Ashland is authorizt:d and directed to honor and pay any checks, drafts, or other orders for the payment of money withdrawing funds from any account of the city when bearing or purporting to bear the facsimile signatures of the persons listed in Section One of this resolution whether such facsimile signatures be made by stamp, machine, or other mechanical device. The Bank is authorized and directed to honor and to charge the city for such checks, drafts, or other orders for the payment of money, regardless of how or by whom such actual or purported facsimile signatures were made, provided they resemble the facsimile signatures duly certified to and filed with the Bank by the city recorder or other officer of the city. SECTION 3. This Resolution takes effect upon signing by the Mayor. This resolution was read by title only in accordance with Ashland Municipal Code 9 2.04.090 duly PASSED this / day of March 2005. ~~~ Barbara Christensen, City Recorder SIGNED and APPROVED this ~ day of March 2005. ,. 2/18/2005 1:53 PM PAGE 5/006 DEPOSITORY SERVICES RESOLUTION FOR GOVERNl\IENTAL ENTITIES DEPOSITOR NM1E: CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS ANTI RECREATION ACCOUNTS PAYlU3LE CONTACT: BARBARA CHRISTENSEN ADDRESS: 20 E :MAIN ST ASHLAND OR 97520-1850 T A.:X IDENTIFICA Tl0N NtJ1\.1BER: 93-6002117 1 (name ofcertifving officer) do hereby certity that I am the (title of certi[ving officer) of the abllve-named governmental entity (th ,rein called th.e "Depositorl') a 1I1t1J//~d existing under the laws of the State of t?;{~ and that the follow.ing is a true, complete and correct copy of resolutions adopted at a meeting of t e Depositor duly and properly called and held on the / day of 111 ~ , 20 0 ~ ; that a quorum was present at said meeting~ and that said resolutions are no",,, in full force and effect. RESOLVED, that U.S. Bank National Association is hereby designated as a depository of the Depositor with authority to accept or receive at any time for the credit of the Depositor deposits by whomsoever made offunds and other property in whatever form or manner transfen-ed to endorsed; and lhat any officer of the Depositor i~ hereby authorized to open or CattS'e to be opened one or more accounts with the Bank on such telmS, conditions and llgreements as: the Bank may now or hereafter require and to make any other agreements deemed advisable in regard to any of the foregoing. Depositor acknmvledge~ and agrees that the services contempL1ted by this resolution shall be governed by the lJ.S. Bank Customer Agreement for commercial deposit account~, as amended from time to time. RESOL VED, that checks, drafts or other order~ for the payment transfer or withdrmval of any of the funds or other property of the Depositor on deposit with the Bank shall be binding on the Depositor when signed, manually or by use of a facsimile or mechanical s'ignature or otherwis-e authorized, by anyone of the individuals listed in the section entitled "Authorized Signers", and the Bank is hereby authorized to pay and charge to the account of the Depositm any such checks, drafts or other orders so signed or othern~se authorized, incJuding t.hose payable to the individual order of the same person or person') signing or otherwise authorizing the same and including also those payable to the Bank or to any other person for application, or which are actually applied to the payment of any such indebtedness owing the Bank. from the person or persons \vho signed such check'), drafts or other withdrawal orders or otherwise authorized such withdrawals. In particular, and not in limitation of foregoing, such persons may authorize payment, transfer or withdrawal by oral or telephonic directions to the Bank complying with such rules and regulations relating to such authorization as the Bank IIlc:1.Y communicate to the Depositor uom time to time. RESOLVED, thatthe ~~ /);:: ~d (identifv certifying officer by title) hereby ce11ifies to the Bank the names and signatures (either actual or any form or fOlm') of facsimile or mechanical signatures adopted by the person authorized to sign) of the Authorized Signers listed below and shall from time to time hereafter, upon a change in the faefs' so celtitted, il11lThXliately certify to the Bank the na111e'S and signatures (actual or facsimile) of the persons then. authoriz.ed to sign or to act. The Bank shall be fully pIotected in. relying on such certificates and on the obligatio.II of the certifying officer (set forth above) to immediateJy certify to the Bank any change in any facts so celiified, and the Bank shall be indemnified and saved hmmless by the Depositor from any claims, demands, expenses, loss or damage resulting from or growing out of honoring or relying on the signature of other authority (whether or not properly used and, in the case of any facsimile signature, regardless of when or by whom or by what means such signature may have been made or affixed) of any officer or person whose name and signature was so ceJiified, or refus'ing to honor any s:ignature or authority not so certified. 2/18/2005 1:53 PM PAGE 6/006 RESOL VED, That these resolutions shall continue in force until express wTitten notice of their rescission or modification has been furnished to and received by the Bank; and RESOL VED, That any and all transaction'} by or on behalf of the Depositor with the Bank prior to the adoption of this resolution be, and the same hereby are, in all respects ratified, approved and confirmed, I ftniher certify that the officers of the Depositor signing the resolution, have, and at the time of adoption of said resolutions had, full power and lawful authority to adopt the foregoing resolutions and to confer the powers therein granted to the person'} named, and that such persons have full power and authority to exercise the same. I ftlrther certify that the names, titles (if any) and signatures (actual or facsimile) of the persons authorized to sign or act on behalf of the Depositor by its governing board identified above are as set forth below in the section oftms Resolution entitled "Authorized Signers". I fiuiher celiify, under penalties of perjury, that the tax identification number shown above is COlTec:t and that the Depositor is not subject to backup withholding because (a) it is exempt, (b) has not been notified by the Intemal Revenue Service (IRS) that it is subject to backup withholding as a result ofa failure to report all interest or dividends or (c) the IRS has notified the Depositor that it is no longer subject to backup withholding. Account Number; 1-536-0254-1127 Authorized Signet's ~ Title D. L. Tuneber~ Finance Director Z;~ {k~ ~ J_u..i1. ~ . O. - . )11l~ crW1W!{(j Barbara Christensen City Recorder ffreasurer l\<like Gardiner Chair of Parkli1 & Recreation Commission IN \VITNESS \VHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of the Depositor this ~ day of 11ttuu. ~ (Certijving Ojjicer) (AI~O~ ,20 oS-- ~ L~-<:rL~~-- (TItle) / /i AfFhV tAt..~ D, U; LTOIt- (Title) 2 062089 J\~r 00088103153 2/18/2005 1:53 PM PAGE 3/006 DEPOSITORY SER\lCES RESOLUTION FOR GOVERNl\ilENTAL ENTITIES DEPOSITOR NA!vfE: CITY OF ASHLAND P ARKS AND RECREATION FA YROLL ACCOU?-.rT CONTACT: BARBARA. CHRISTENSEN ADDRESS: 20 E l\fAIN ST ASHLAND OR 97520-1850 T A..:X IDEN}IFICA TION NU1vlBER: 1, ~ 'ST~ hereby certify that I am the (title ofcertijj;ing officer) of the above-named governmental entity (terein called tne "Depositor") a /lJV/J/o/ d existing under the laws of the State or ~ and that the foUowing IS a tme, complete and eorrect copy of reso lIuon, adopted at a meeUngOfl~.ositor duly and properIycaIIed and held on the ./ day of ~~ , 20 b ; that a quomffi was present at said meeting-, and that said resol"Utions are now in full force and effect. 93 -6002117 (name ofcertij~ing officer) do RESOL VED, that U.S. Bank National Association is hereby designated as a depository of the Depositor with authority to accept or receive at any time for the credit ofthe DeposItor deposits by whomsoever made offunds and other property in whatever form or manner transferred 10 endor~ed~ and that any officer ofthe Depo~itor is hereby authorized to open 01' cause to be opened one or more accounts H~th the Bank on such tCITllS', conditions and agreements' as the Blwk IIm)' now or hereafter require and to make any othe]' agreements deemed advisable in regard to any of the foregoing. Depositor acknowledges and agrees that the services contemplated by this resolution shall be governed by the U.S, Bank Customer Agreement for commercial deposit accounts, as amended from time to time. RESOLVED, that checks, drafts or other orders for the payment, transfer or withdrmval of any of the funds or other property of the Depositor on deposit with the Bank shall be binding on the Depositor when signed, manually or by use of a L'1csimile or meclranical signature or othef)vise authorized. by anyone of the individual... lis.ted in the section errtitled "Au1horized Signers", and the Bank is he-reby authorized to -pay and ~harge to the aCCO\1nt of the Depositm any such checks, drafts: or otheJ' orders so signed {)I othenvise authorized, induding those paY.::JbJe to tbe individu.::JJ order ofllie same person or persom signing or otherwise authorizing the same and including also those payable to the Bank or to any other person for application, or which are actually applied to the payment of any such indebtedness oWIng the Bank from the person or persons \vho signed such checks, drafts or other withdra\val orders or otherwise authorized such withdrawals, In particular, and not in limitation of foregoing, such person" may authorize payment transfer or \vithdrawal by oral or telephonic directions to the Bank complying with such ndes imd regulations relating to ~mch authorization as the Bank may cOImmmicate to the Depositor llom time to time. RESOL VED, that the (identify certijving officer by title) hereby cel1ifies to the Bank the a and signatures (either actual or any form or form" of facsimile or mechanical signatures adopted by the person authorized to sign) of the Authorized Signers listed below and shall from time to time hereafter, upon a change in the facts so celtified, immediately certify to the Bank the names and signatures (actual or facsimile> of the pe.l"sons then au1horlzed to sign or to act. The Bank shall be fully protected.in relying on such certificates and on the obligation of the certifying officer (set f011h above) to immediately certify to the Bank any change in any facts so certified, and the Bank shall be indemnified and saved harmless by the Depositor from any claims, demands, expenses, loss or damage resulting ftom or growing out of honoring or relying on the signature of other authority (whether or not properly used and, in the case of any facsimile signature, regardless of when or by whom or by what means such signature IIl..:'lY have been made or affixed) of any officer or person whose name and signature was so ceJl1ified, or refusing to hon.or any -:)ignature or auth01ity not SD certified, 2/18/2005 1:53 PM PAGE 4/006 RESOL ''ED, That these resolutions shall continue in force until express \'\Titten notice oftheir resdssion or modification has been furnished to and received by the Bank; and RESOL VED, That any and all transactions by or on behalf of the Depositor with the Bank prior to the adoption of this resolution be, and the same hereby are, in aU respects ratified, approved and confirmed. I furtheI certify that the officers of the Depositor signing the resolution, have, and at the time of adoption of said resolutions had, full power and lawful authority to adopt the foregoing resolutions and to confer the powers therein granted to tbe persons named, and that such persons have full pow~ and authority to exercise the same. I further certify that the names, titles (if any) and signatures (actual or facsimile) of the persons authorized to sign or act on behaffofthe Depositor by its governing board identified above are as set forth below in the section oftb.is Resolution entitled "Authorized Signers". I fu11her certify, under penalties of perjury, that the tax identification number shown above is corrett and that the Depositor is not subject to backup withholding because (a) it is exempt, (b) has not been notified by the Internal Revenue Sel'\'ice (IRS) that it is subject to backup withholding as a result of a failure to report allinteres1. or dividends or (c) the IRS has notified the Depositor that it is no longer subject to backup "vithholding. Account Number: 1-536-5531-0149 Authorized Signers ~ Ittk D. L. Tuneberg Finance Director ze _ . -. fal/. ~'Q~~) ~ .1-.. 0.1'. ;}--, ft1Ada~b Barbara Christensen City Recorder ffreasurer l\ilike Ga rdin er Chair of Park~ & Recreation Commission IN "rITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of the Depositor this ~~~ (Certifying Ojjicer) ~ ~. -tiT (Attest by one other OjJlC 20 O~ , . t:j ~~U:/~~.-- (Title) r,Al#J'~ iJ, ~ (Title) 2 121202 J\~,r 20207653242 Signature Block Form for InForum Gold Checks Agency: Ci ty of Ashland Contact: Date: o AP Check (with check stub on top) o AP Check (with check stub on bottom) o PY Check (with check stub on top) o PY Check (with check stub on bottom) o New ~ Change to existing check (fill Check out only the fields that are changing) Agency Address: Agency City: Agency Phone#: Bank Name: Bank Address: Bank City: Bank Phone#: Agency State: Agency Zip: Bank Branch: Bank State: Bank Zip: Fraction (upper rt. hand comer): To prepare for printing checks, we need to create your check form using Crystal Report Writer and install it on your system. Before we can do that, please complete the following tasks: 1. Fill out one of these forms for each check you would like us to create. (One for each additional agency you write checks for.) 2. Use the boxes below to provide 1, 2, or 3 signature samples, depending on how many signatures )'OU would like to have printed on your checks. (Provide only one signature per box. If you print only one signature on your checks, use only the first box, if you print two signatures, use the first two boxes, if you print three signatures, use all three boxes. ) 3. Please use the line below the box to state the signer's job title if desired. 4. Attach a voided check to this form. s. Send this form (the original, unfolded) to the attention of your Eden Systems Project Coordinator. NOTE: DO NOT SIGN ON OR OUTSIDE OF THE BOX Signature #1 (required) [. ftt'~ I Signature #1 Title (optional) Signature #2 (optional) I Signature #2 Title (optional) Signature #3 (optional) - I Signature #3 (optional) G:\DOCUments\Departments\Project Coordination\Docs - Oient\Kick-Off Meeting Documents\InForum Gold Standard Forms Info and Questionnaire.doc Page 6 of 5 last saved by jwaldo on 3/12/2003 3:10 PM Signature Block Form for InForum Gold Checks Agency: Ci ty of Ashland Contact: Date: O. AP Check (with check stub on top) o AP Check (with check stub on bottom) o PY Check (with check stub on top) o PY Check (with check stub on bottom) o New n Change to existing check (fill Check out only the fields that are changing) Agency Address: Agency Oty: Agency Phone#: Bank Name: Bank Address: Bank Oty: Bank State: Bank Zip: Bank Phone#: Fraction (upper rt. hand comer): To prepare for printing checks, we need to create your check form using Oystal Report Writer and install it on your system. Before we can do that, please complete the following tasks: 1. All out one of these forms for each check you would like us to create. (One for each additional agE~cy you write checks for.) 2. Use the boxes below to provide 1, 2, or 3 signature samples, depending on how many signatures you would like to have printed on your checks. (Provide only one signature per box. If you print only one signature on your checks, use only the first box, if you print two signatures, use the first two boxes, if you print three signatures, use all three boxes. ) 3. Please use the line below the box to state the signer's job title if desired. 4. Attach a voided check to this form. 5. Send this form (the original, unfolded) to the attention of your Eden Systems Project Coordinator. Agency State: Agency Zip: Bank Branch: NOTE: DO NOT SIGN ON OR OUTSIDE OF THE BOX Signature #1 (required) [. /1t'~ I Signature #1 Title (optional) Signature #2 (optional) I I Signature #2 Title (optional) Signature #3 (optional) - I Signature #3 (optional) G:\DOCUments\Departments\ProJect Coordinatlon\Docs - Cient\Kick-off Meeting Documents\lnForum Gokf Standard Forms Info alnd Questionnalre.doc Page 6 of 5 Last saved by jwaldo on 3/12/20033:10 PM