HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Involvement Education Charter Review Committee Public Involvement Public Education This document is meant as a springboard for discussion. It is a fluid document that will change as other needs are identified. It is not meant to represent the only public outreach by the committee, nor does it means that every item in the document will be implemented. ************************************************************************ Key Audiences 1.Citizens of Ashland 2.Service organizations 3.Chamber of Commerce Members 4.Members of City boards, commissions and committees 5.City Council 6.Media 7.Others Goals ? Raise community awareness of the Charter Review Committee and its purpose. ? Raise community awareness of the importance and function of a city charter. ? Solicit public input throughout the process and make decisions only after considering all sides of community input. ? Establish trust between citizens and the Charter Review Committee. ? Always consider the public good even when personal interests differ. ? View the public as partners in the process and final outcome. ? Strive for an informed citizenry regarding the charter. ? Keep the process open-ended ? Review and revise the charter as needed. What we know ? A new/amended city charter requires a vote of the people. ? The charter has not been updated in thirty years. ? The committee is autonomous from the city council. ? Recommended changes to the charter must be presented to council for approval and inclusion on the ballot per Resolution 2004-10. (Committee can place the change on the ballot directly as an initiative.) CITY HALL Tel: 541-488-6002 20 East Main Street Fax: 541-488-5311 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us 1 ? There should be some basic changes to the charter. What we don't know ? What the changes will be. ? When it might be on the ballot. ? What the level of public interest is in the charter. ? Other Key Messages ? The purpose of reviewing/amending the charter is to ensure the city has a charter that is will guide the city into the future. ? Portions of the current charter are outdated. ? The charter will be reviewed from three views: practical, legal and political. ? The committee is eager to hear from citizens throughout the process. ? Elected officials, city staff and residents change over time; the charter must be applicable regardless of the “players”. Strategies ? Use the Citizen Participation Plan (tab 8 of your notebooks) to guide the process beginning with Step 1 Issues Generation Phase. ? Establish a relationship with stakeholders and/or groups that already reach a large section of the population e.g. service clubs, chamber of commerce, church groups, YMCA, Citizens for Responsible Government, League of Women Voters, local papers etc. ? Plan for a series of Community Forums. ? Develop a multi-media informational campaign including guest editorials in local papers, presentations to stakeholders, talking points, press releases, speakers bureau etc. ? Determine an “end date” e.g. March ballot, May ballot and develop a timeline working backwards. ? Use the city’s website to post survey questions. Conduct “grocery store” surveys. ? Focus on three points: 1.Legal changes 2.Practical changes 3.Political changes Tactics ? Define the issue. Step 1 Citizen Participation Plan. ? Contact the local paper and ask them to do include a weekly “civics” column to familiarize the community about a city charter, home rule, etc. CITY HALL Tel: 541-488-6002 20 East Main Street Fax: 541-488-5311 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us 2 ? Develop a presentation to be given orally at service groups, stakeholder meetings ? Contact local groups and ask to be on the agenda e.g. Rotary, Soroptomist, Elks, Lions etc. ? Attend Chamber of Commerce Greeters once per month to “update” the members ? Develop a format for Community Forums ? Develop a public input form for each strategy ? Publish occasional drafts which can be read by the public and afford them the opportunity to comment ? Insert printed material in Chamber newsletter ? Provide at least two updates to the City Council on the process either written or orally ? Other Media ? Press Releases ? City Source (mailed to every household in Ashland) ? RVTV community chalkboard ? Webpage ? Jefferson Public Radio (arrange an interview/Jeff Golden?) ? SOU newsletter. ? Other Distribution/Printed materials ? City display racks, utility office, Com. Dev. Lobby, council chambers, library, insert chamber newsletter ? Report to the Voters (final communication about the process, and ballot measure) ? Other Costs associated with Strategies ? Print advertising (Tidings, Mail Tribune) display ad for agenda approximately $100 per meeting e.g. $200 per week (Sneak Preview) generic display ad announcing charter review meetings approximately $75 per month (Tidings) legal notice approximately $25 per meeting ? Chamber mailing $75 plus printing 900 pieces. Deadline for June is May 15, mailing is mid- month ? Rogue River Room (room rental Stevenson Union for Community Forums) $125-$150 per forum plus refreshments ? Mailing to all registered voters (postage and printing) approximately $3000 ? Other CITY HALL Tel: 541-488-6002 20 East Main Street Fax: 541-488-5311 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us 3