January 20, 2005
7:00 - 9:30 P.M.
Rogue River Room, Southern Oregon University
7:00 - 7:10 Welcome and Introduction - John Enders, Committee Chair
This is the beginning of the public dialogue.
The committee's charge.
Why update the charter?
Introduction of committee members, staff and topics. Committee bios are on the
information table.
7:10 - 7:25 Description of Format - Carole Wheeldon, Committee Vice-Chair
Thank you for attending.
The forum is being filmed by students of SOU under the direction of Howard
Schreiber. It will be run on RVTV throughout the year.
You are a part of a table cohort signified by the color on your name tag.
Please rotate with your cohort to a new table about every 12 minutes (we will
provide a prompt)
Participate at each table so we can get the most possible input on all issues and
determine where to focus our future efforts.
Committee members will present topics and record your questions and comments.
White papers and a marked up copy of the charter are available on line and a
limited number will be at the information table at the end of the evening.
9:10 - 9:30 Next Steps
Discussion of your impressions of the forum and what our next steps might be.
To stay informed or become more involved in the charter review process log on to
www.ashland.or.us and click on the charter review page. If you would like the
option of receiving minutes and agendas click the "notify me by e-mail" box.
You will receive notification of all committee and commission activity and be
able to select just the charter review paperwork.
Sign in your home address on the sign in sheet if you do not have access to the
Contact ann@ashland.or.us or call 552-2106 if you want a committee member to
give a presentation to a group or have other questions regarding the charter review
Again, many thanks for attending we hope you will stay involved in the Charter
Review process!