HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/19 Volunteer Recognition
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w~!!mj PROCLAMATION :~~~~~II
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'Iq.~.~: · The Ashland Community Service Volunteers contributed many thousands of hours :~~."'P'I
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" <. ~...:.. during the past year to the Ashland community. ,,0:.;;1II:~' ~
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'I~U~'!,!!;.j · Their volunteer activities encompass service to students in the remedial reading program :~:~~~m,
~~;~:;:~~ in our local schools, offering clerical assistance to our Municipal Court and Police :~:;:~~1~il~
!'i...\"~: Department, maintaining Police archives, and administering the Community Service :~"f/....~!tt~~
'i'..~~.~~ V olunteer office. ~~,..:.Y.'JJ~
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u" ~~ · Many of our senior citizens are assisted by volunteers providing assistance with ~ ""
IU~~/~~ tra rtati h h t h h Id k ta t d :~.,~.jJI
~~~~~~..".~. nspo. on, sopping, orne visi s, ouse 0 up eep, income x prepara ion, an .~~~.. ~~~~
,,~~~~:;:~ assistance to those seniors, in nursing homes. :;:~:~~~~
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I~'~!.~~: · These volunteers also perfonn other vital services such as the influenza inoculation :~!'t~HI
f. nl~i~~ clinic, blood pressure clinic, Meals-on- Wheels, Food & Friends, mail courier for city ~m~il
H.'....~: departments, participation in the Vacation House Check Program, providing traffic :~....'.H
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~~~~:~:[;: contro lor para es, an t e u t rosslng uar rogram, as we as many ot 1ers. :~:~::~~~
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tN.....~: · Over 120 citizens currently serve on the city's volunteer boards, commissions and :~....ll~
:I~~~::~!;~ committees and are committed to making a difference in the community by developing ~~~~~~il
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~ f~~~~:~~ new programs, and recommending and making suggestions to city staff and city council. ~~:;U,
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.~~~.~.'.. · Community Emergency Response Team (C.E.R,T.) volunteers are trained by Ashland .~.~t~~~'~
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..~~,,~.~ Fire & Rescue and offer an added element to Public safety in the event of an emlergency :;.~if~~~~
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W,...~: which would otherwise ovelWhelm nonnal services. :ff!:.....I,','
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..~~.~.,~ NOW, THEREFORE, I, John Morrison, Mayor of Ashland, hereby Proclaim APril 17 .,.!!if~~~~
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Itit~~.~~..~ ~ through April 23, 2005, as ~~. ...:.~~l~~1
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~~~;~~~ in Ashland and ask that all citizens recognize these special people who give their tirne, ~Z:~;d
tH....~: energy and resources in assisting others, thereby making our community a nicer Pla,;;e in :~.....tt
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~~.~~~..~.'.. which to live. ~...~.. ~~~'~
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Itit~~.~~.~~ Dated this 19th day of April, 2005. ~~. ...:.~.tlj~1
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Itit~~~~..~.~~. O~. Momson, Mayor ~~...:~~,MI
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jtM;.....~: Barbara Christensen, City Recorder :~....j.A~,
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