HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-03-08 Hearings Board MIN ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES MARCH 8, 2005 I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Russ Chapman called the meeting to order at 1:35 p.m. on March 8, 2005 in the Civic Center Council Chambers, 1175E. Main Street, Ashland, Oregon. Commissioners Present: Russ Chapman Olena Black John Fields Absent Commissioners: None Council Liaison: Jack Hardesty, absent Staff Present: Maria Harris, Senior Planner Derek Severson, Assistant Planner Amy Anderson, Assistant Planner Sue Yates, Executive Secretary II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND FINDINGS Amend the February 8, 2005 minutes to include Chapman’s vote in favor of PA 2005-045, Rogue Place, Rick Schiller. Black/Chapman m/s to approve the minutes as amended. Black/Chapman m/s to approve the Findings for PA2005-045, Rogue Place, Rick Schiller. III. TYPE I PLANNING ACTIONS PLANNING ACTION 2005-00047 REQUEST FOR SITE REVIEW FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN APPROXIMATELY 4,417 SQUARE-FOOT, TWO-STORY MIXED-USE BUILDING LOCATED WITHIN THE WASHINGTON STREET PROFESSIONAL PLAZA FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 550 WASHINGTON ST. (LOT 7). A MODIFICATION OF THE PREVIOUS FINAL PLAN SUBDIVISION APPROVAL IS REQUESTED TO SHIFT THE SQUARE FOOTAGE AND ASSOCIATED OFF-STREET PARKING BETWEEN LOTS 7 AND 13. APPLICANT: ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN WORKS, INC. This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 2005-00043 REQUEST FOR A LAND PARTITION TO DIVIDE ONE EXISTING PARCEL INTO TWO PARCELS FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 541 CAROL ST. APPLICANT: CAREY CRADDOCK This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 2005-00219 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP FOR A SIX-UNIT (INCLUDING OWNER’S UNIT) EXISTING TRAVELER’S ACCOMMODATION FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 451 N. MAIN ST. APPLICANT: LORRAINE PETERSON This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 2005-00234 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE REVIEW TO CONSTRUCT A 5,368 SQUARE FOOT ADDITION OVER THE EXISTING REDFORD LOUNGE OF THE STEVENSON UNION FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1250 SISKIYOU BLVD. APPLICANT: SOUTHERN OREGON UNIVERSITY This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 2005-00213 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A 900 SQUARE FOOT ACCESSORY RESIDENTIAL UNIT FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1065 HILLVIEW DR. APPLICANT: HEILAND HOFF ARCHITECTURE This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 2005-00220 REQUEST FOR SITE REVIEW APPROVAL TO CONSTRUCT A 2,880 SQUARE FOOT RESTAURANT (TACO BELL) FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 2290 ASHLAND ST. IN THE DETAIL SITE REVIEW ZONE. THE EXISTING TACO BELL BUILDING IS TO BE DEMOLISHED. THE REQUEST INCLUDES AN EXCEPTION TO THE STREET STANDARDS FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO ASHLAND STREET AND TOLMAN CREEK ROAD. A TREE REMOVAL PERMIT IS REQUESTED TO REMOVE ONE TREE. APPLICANT: J. A. SUTHERLAND, Inc. This action was approved. IV.TYPE II PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING ACTION 2005-00039 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A NEW RESIDENTIAL UNIT, 1,172 SQUARE FEET IN SIZE, AT THE REAR OF THE PARCEL LOCATED AT 150 N. PIONEER ST. WITH A PROPOSED TOTAL FLOOR AREA IN EXCESS OF THE MAXIMUM PERMITTED FLOOR AREA (MPFA) ALLOWED BY ORDINANCE. THE MAXIMUM PERMITTED FLOOR AREA FOR THE PARCEL IS 2,643 SQUARE FEET. THE PROPOSED NEW UNIT COMBINED WITH THE EXISTING RESIDENCE RESULTS IN A TOTAL OF 3,302 SQUARE FEET, WHICH IS 25% GREATER THAN ALLOWED BY ORDINANCE. SITE REVIEW APPROVAL IS REQUESTED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SECOND UNIT. A VARIANCE TO THE REQUIRED DRIVEWAY WIDTH IS REQUESTED FOR THE EXISTING MUTUAL DRIVEWAY SERVING THE SUBJECT PARCEL AND 162 N. PIONEER STREET. A MODIFICATION OF THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR THE EXISTING OFFICE USE IS REQUIRED FOR A CHANGE IN THE SITE. APPLICANT: STAN POTOCKI AND BRUCE MCLEAN Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts – Chapman had a site visit, Black had a drive-by visit and Fields is familiar with the parcel. Severson gave the history of this property as outlined in the Staff Report. The property is zoned R-2. There are five mature trees on the site and no plans for removal. The new 1,172 square foot residential unit at the rear of the property will be used for a long-term rental. The shed will be removed as well as the screening on the front porch. The new unit combined with the existing structure exceeds the maximum permitted floor area allowed. The maximum permitted floor area is 2,643. It can be exceeded by up to 25 percent with a Conditional Use Permit. The applicant is requesting the full 25 percent for a total of 3,302 square feet on that lot. There is also a Conditional Use component for modification of the site because of the existing CUP on the site. Site Review is required for constructing the second unit and making sure that multi-family design standards are met. There are six parking spaces required. The applicants are asking for five, including one handicap space (mixed use parking credit). The applicant is requesting a Variance for the shared driveway with the property to the north (162 Pioneer). A copy of the easement has been provided for use of the shared driveway, along with a letter from the neighbors acknowledging the Variance. The drive is only 12 feet wide and the Variance requested is because it will serve more than seven spaces (five spaces at 150 N. Pioneer and three spaces on the property to the north). The applicants have submitted findings for the Variance to the driveway width. Margueritte Hickman, Fire Prevention Officer, has asked that where the driveway width is not constricted by the trees, fence and house that the 20 foot width be retained in order to allow for fire truck access. With regard to the CUP for the maximum permitted floor area, Staff believes there is a mix of primary and secondary contributing historic properties and a mix of zones in the vicinity. Staff believes there are extenuating circumstances to make the proposal appropriate for this site. This block of Pioneer provides a buffer between the commercial zoning and the less intense residential historic neighborhood. They would be allowed 2,643 square feet without the CUP. Fourteen Conditions have been included. The Historic Commission reviewed the application and ultimately recommended approval with some attached Conditions. The Tree Commission had two Conditions included in the packet. PUBLIC HEARING STAN POTOCKI, 2678 Takelma Way , said they operate a small business on the first floor with a second floor apartment. They want to build a small rental in the rear of the property. They plan to renovate the front house and will restore the front porch to its original condition. He believes this development would be consistent with infill in the downtown on an R-2 lot and within ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION 2 HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES MARCH 8, 2005 walking distance to anyplace in the downtown. Potocki explained how he has been talking with the City for a number of years about rezoning the property to C-1 and that idea had been supported by the City. Potocki had a handout addressing the Conditions. They have incorporated the concepts the Historic Commission requested. The Draft Infill Strategy recommended their property be rezoned to C-1. Potocki asked to begin with the front porch renovation at the same time they construct the unit in the rear. Fields had an issue with the parking. There are seven offices identified on the plan and Potocki said there are four employees. Fields said with the two-bedroom rental, the tenants could have two cars and neither tenant would drive to work. He believes the density is appropriate for the downtown. Is there room for another parking space? Potocki believes there would be room. Harris noted that the national trends show the number of cars per household is rising. Harris said the Historic Commission had a pretty detailed list of recommendations that came out of their meeting. One recommendation was to eliminate the staircase on the south side of the structure. There was a general consensus among the Commission that they were concerned about going the full 25 percent over the maximum permitted floor area. The reason they recommended approval was just specifically for this application in this location because it transitions from C-1 to R-2. They made it very clear that they didn’t think this would be appropriate in just any location, but specific to this site. The Historic Commission was also concerned about the parking space labeled Compact 5 and the proximity to the porch of the proposed new unit. They recommended moving the parking space to the northside of the unit, preferably in a carport. The Historic Commission asked that the utility easement location be clarified in relation to the power pole and to install a parking space on the north side. They had concerns about building a historically compatible structure with a feature such as a porch. Typically one would sit on the porch and the Historic Commission questioned having a car sitting right in front of that. They requested that space be moved if at all possible. They thought a carport would help add interest to the structure. Potocki agreed to move the parking space if it works and to move the exterior stairs on the driveway side. Fields said an issue with renters is that they want to know they have a parking space available whenever they need it. He would like to see parking spaces left open for the renters. Fields said the massing and density is related to parking. There is a potential for having eight to ten cars there all at once. Chapman felt the parking demand for the offices and with the additional square footage would require more B Street parking. The City lot is four hour parking. Fields said if a handicap space was not needed, that would leave another space. Fields recommended making a handicap space with grass pavers because it will probably remain open anyway and constructing a carport on the other end. He would like seeing some open space. The Commissioners were leaning toward providing an extra parking space and letting the applicants design it the way they choose in order to get six spaces. Fields would like to see the parking space assigned and a sixth parking space be identified. He would be willing to encroach on the office building as much as four feet. Harris reviewed the Historic Commission items. The Historic Commission has not reviewed the building details. The Condition in the Planning Commission Staff Report is that all recommendations of the Historic Commission are attached as conditions of approval. The added Conditions include: That the parking spaces be unassigned and that six spaces be provided. That a four to five foot buffer be retained between the existing building and parking. Modify Condition 3 to read: That the enclosed porch on the existing residence be unenclosed, as proposed by the applicant, prior to final inspection of electric and installation of electric meter and certificate of occupancy. Black/Chapman m/s to approve PA2005-00039 with the revisions and addition of Conditions discussed in the paragraph above. And, that going to the full 25 percent of the usage is due to the bridging between C-1 and R-2. Roll Call: Unanimous. V.ADJOURNMENT - The meeting was adjourned at 3:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Susan Yates ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION 3 HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES MARCH 8, 2005