HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-02-08 Hearings Board MIN ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES FEBRUARY 8, 2005 I. CALL TO ORDER Russ Chapman called the Ashland Planning Commission Hearings Board to order at 1:35 p.m. on January 11, 2005 in the Civic Center Council Chambers, 1175 E. Main Street, Ashland, Oregon. Commissioners Present: Russ Chapman Dave Dotterrer Olena Black Absent Commissioners: None Council Liaison: Jack Hardesty, Absent Staff Present: Maria Harris, Senior Planner Derek Severson, Assistant Planner Amy Anderson, Assistant Planner Sue Yates, Executive Secretary II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND FINDINGS Chapman/Black m/s to approve the minutes of the January 11, 2005 meeting. The minutes were approved. Dotterrer did not vote as he was not present at the last Hearings Board meeting. Black/Chapman m/s to approve the Findings for PA2004-154, 180 Lithia Way, Archerd & Dresner. The Findings were approved. Dotterrer did not vote as he was not present at the last Hearings Board meeting. Black/Chapman m/s to approve the Findings for PA2004-148, 248 Patterson, Yvonne Egendoerfer. The Findings were approved. Dotterrer did not vote as he was not present at the last Hearings Board meeting. III. TYPE I PLANNING ACTIONS A. PLANNING ACTION 2005-0007 REQUEST FOR SITE REVIEW FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN APPROXIMATELY 4,417 SQUARE FOOT, TWO-STORY MIXED-USE BUILDING LOCATED WITHIN THE WASHINGTON STREET PROFESSIONAL PLAZA AT 518 WASHINGTON STREET. A MODIFICATION OF THE PREVIOUS FINAL PLAN SUBDIVISION APPROVAL IS REQUESTED TO SHIFT THE SQUARE FOOTAGE AND ASSOCIATED OFF-STREET PARKING BETWEEN LOTS 7 AND 13. APPLICANT: ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN WORKS. This action has been postponed. B. PLANNING ACTION 2004-153 IS A REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO LOCATE AN APPROXIMATELY 408 SQUARE FOOT MANUFACTURED DWELLING UNIT AT THE FRONT OF THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 967 ELKADER STREET TO USE AS AN ACCESSORY RESIDENTIAL UNIT (ARU). IN ADDITION, A SOLAR WAIVER IS REQUESTED TO PERMIT THE STRUCTURE TO CAST A SHADOW ALONG THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE IN EXCESS OF THAT ALLOWED BY ORDINANCE. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL; ZONING: R-1-10; ASSESSOR’S MAP #: 39 1E 16 AD; TAX LOT: 1301. APPLICANT: MICHAEL STEELE Severson said to the west of the parcel there is a small strip (25 feet) between the road improvement and the parcel that is county owned land. He suggested a Condition to have the applicant stake the property, identifying the front property line prior to the first building inspection. This action was approved. C. PLANNING ACTION 2005-003 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO CONVERT AN APPROXIMATELY 480 SQUARE FOOT SHOP BUILDING TO AN ACCESSORY RESIDENTIAL UNIT (ARU) LOCATED AT 855 CLAY STREET. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL; ZONING: R-1-5; ASSESSOR’S MAP #: 39 1E 14 BC; TAX LOT: 4200. APPLICANT: HEDGES CONSTRUCTION This action was approved. D. PLANNING ACTION 2005-00100 IS A REQUEST FOR A MODIFICATION OF A PREVIOUSLY APPROVED FINAL PLAN SUBDIVISION AT 250 CLAY STREET TO REDUCE REAR YARD AREAS IN THE INTERIOR OF THE SUBDIVISION AND TO ELIMINATE THE PEDESTRIAN PATH THROUGH THE INTERIOR OF THE DEVELOPMENT. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL; ZONING: R-1-3.5; ASSESSOR’S MAP #: 391E11CB; TAX LOT: 1000. APPLICANT: RUSS DALE Dotterrer wondered why the lots were already in and now the applicant is requesting moving of property lines. Harris said the changes in the project were discovered when the building permits were reviewed. Black reported that she drives by and walks by the project daily. She spoke at the public hearing when this subdivision was approved, prior to being appointed to the Planning Commission. After discussion with Chapman and Dotterrer, Black recused herself from this decision. This action was approved. IV. TYPE II PUBLIC HEARING A. PLANNING ACTION 2005-00045 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW APPROVAL TO ADD THREE OFF-STREET PARKING SPACES ON THE EAST SIDE OF THE BUILDING ADJACENT TO ROGUE PLACE, TO RELOCATE THE REFUSE/RECYCLE AREA, AND TO EXPAND THE OUTDOOR PATIO AREA OF THE RESIDENCE ON THE NORTH SIDE OF THE BUILDING FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 394 E. HERSEY STREET. AN ADMINISTRATIVE VARIANCE TO THE SITE DESIGN AND USE STANDARDS IS REQUESTED TO LOCATE OFF-STREET PARKING BETWEEN THE BUILDING AND ROGUE PLACE. A VARIANCE IS ALSO REQUESTED TO EXCEED THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE NUMBER OF AUTOMOBILE PARKING SPACES BY TWO SPACES – A TOTAL OF SIX SURFACE PARKING LOT SPACES ARE PERMITTED AND EIGHT ARE PROPOSED. APPLICANT: RICK SCHILLER Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts - Chapman, as owner of Ashland Sanitary, spoke to the architect about moving the trash enclosure. STAFF REPORT Anderson said the applicant is requesting modification of a previous site improvement. The Variance request for two additional parking spaces has been dropped. The current parking lot configuration is quite confusing and complicated to maneuver and does not allow access to the east side of the structure. The applicant has submitted a building permit to separate the building into different tenant spaces, but there is currently no access to the east side of the building from the parking lot. One parking space will become ADA accessible. Rogue Place is a dead end street. There are five homes that are directly in the vicinity of this project. The applicant has stated in their findings they will place a restrictive covenant on the commercial space and limit the hours of operation from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Saturday to reduce vehicle trips on Rogue Place and reduce the impact to the residential homes on Rogue Place and the residential home attached to this commercial space. There is a tree near the proposed parking spaces that was not identified on the site plan. The Tree Commission discussed it Thursday. The applicant will address this issue in his testimony. Staff supports moving the recycling and refuse containers. The new location will be screened with a fence-like enclosure. Staff could not support the extension of the patio area without the information concerning the size and species of the existing tree. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION 2 HEARINGS BOARD MARCH 8, 2005 MINUTES At the time the Staff Report was written, Staff could not support the retaining wall because no elevation had been submitted. PUBLIC HEARING STEVE TERRY, 1016 Aspen Street, Medford, OR , speaking on behalf of Rick Schiller, handed out another site plan. Terry explained the two foot retaining wall (upper left-hand corner of site plan). With regard to the patio expansion, an existing 5.5 inch caliper Thundercloud Plum will remain. They are requesting removal of a tree in the ADA space and replacing it with a two inch caliper tree. Photinias will provide a five foot buffer on parking space number 3 as well as the 5 x 7 trash enclosure. Landscaping and trees are proposed at the back of the building as well as shrubbery and ground cover. Two additional trees will be planted as part of the original approval. The trees were never planted. Due to the space, they are requesting reduction of one tree. There is an on-site turnaround. The three parking spaces (bottom right corner of drawing) have not functioned very well. An on-site turnaround hammerhead is proposed with removal of two of the three parking spaces with one space located along the south property line. The refuse facility will be relocated off Rogue Place and the area re-landscaped. The applicant is in agreement with the Staff Report dealing with the restrictive covenant concerning hours of operation. Black is concerned with cars backing out onto Rogue Place. Has anyone looked at the line of sight down Rogue Place? Terry said they can trim the vegetation but the three and one-half foot wall is there as part of the original application. There is a six foot fence further down to the northeast. A portion of that fence is scheduled for removal and the remaining fence relocated back from the corner. It could be modified to create at least 30 feet to 35 feet of clear view. Terry added that the street section is 20 feet wide and provides traffic calming. There is no parking allowed on the street with sidewalk on one side. GARY MOORE, 482 Rogue Place , lives right next to said property. He has not seen the new proposal and asked to look at it. He is representing the other home owners. He does not believe the application meets the Variance from Site Design and Use Standards, B. – “…will not substantially negatively impact adjacent properties.” It sounds like there is going to be business traffic coming into a very tight cul de sac. Even though the hours are limited, it is still more traffic than their street can handle. The five homes have eight children that play in front because there is not yard area in back. The extra traffic and the backing onto Rogue Place will create a serious safety problem because cars and trucks cannot see when backing up. The traffic to the business will consist of people who are not familiar with their street. He doesn’t know the nature of the business and how they will be backing into the street. There is already a lot of congestion. Anderson said about 30 feet of the fence will be removed for back-up space. Cars won’t be backing into the cul de sac. Moore mentioned that Ashland Sanitary has had trouble in the past maneuvering their trucks, knocking over trash cans. Anderson said the business will not have a dumpster. Chapman said only trash carts would be allowed there. Moore said the garbage trucks have to back down their street. Moore is still concerned that cars and trucks will be backing into the street and will not be able to see beyond the fence, even the area where the fence will be removed. Staff Response – Harris suggested adding a Condition to address the visibility issue. Dotterrer asked for clarification of Condition 3. Anderson said the two trees on the southern property line labeled “R” were not on the original site plan. He can submit a diagram for Staff’s review. COMMISSIONERS’ DISCUSSION AND MOTION Harris said Condition 3 can be revised to read that the landscape installation shall be consistent with the previously approved landscape plan prior to use of the parking area, with the exception of one tree at the south end of the building. Add Condition 10 – That no obstructions greater than two and one-half feet high, including structures, signs or landscaping, shall be located in the vision clearance areas to the north and south of the parking area on Rogue Place, in accordance with the standards of 18.72.120C. The vision clearance area shall provide a 25 foot line of sight to the north and south. Demonstration of the vision clearance area requirement shall be submitted for review and approval of the Staff Advisor prior to use of the parking area. Add Condition 11 – That the design of the retaining wall and fencing for the patio on Hersey Street shall be submitted for review and approval by the Staff Advisor prior to the installation. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION 3 HEARINGS BOARD MARCH 8, 2005 MINUTES Add Condition 12 – That a revised landscaping plan including screening for the patio retaining wall facing Hersey Street, consistent with the existing landscaping, shall be submitted for review and approval by the Staff Advisor prior to installation. Remove the second sentence of Condition 5. Dotterrer/Black m/s to approve Planning Action 2005-045 with the attached, added and revised Conditions. V. ADJOURNMENT – The meeting was adjourned at 2:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Susan Yates, Executive Secretary ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION 4 HEARINGS BOARD MARCH 8, 2005 MINUTES