HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-0407 Tree MIN Ashland Tree Commission Regular Meeting April 7, 2005 Minutes I.CALL TO ORDER: Chair January Jennings called the Ashland Tree Commission meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. on April 7, 2005 in the Siskiyou Room in the Community Development/Engineering Services Building at 51 Winburn Way. Commissioners Present: January Jennings Bryan Holley Mary Pritchard (absent) Laurie Sager Fred Stockwell Tracy Cohen Ted Loftus (absent) Council Liaison: Cate Hartzell Staff Present: Amy Anderson, Assistant Planner Donn Todt, Parks Department Carolyn Schwendener, Account Clerk II.APPROVAL OF MINUTES : The following corrections were noted for the March 3, 2005 minutes. Page 2, section B, second paragraph should read “No” tree removal is proposed as part of this application. Page 5, section D, Daily Tidings reporter Bob Plane spells his name Plain not Plane. Page 6, section E, paragraph under Tree Clinics- Mary Pritchard will be teaching a pruning clinic during Earth Day not Arbor Day. Holley/Jennings m/s to approve the minutes of March 3, 2005 with corrections. Voice vote: All AYES, Motion passed. The minutes of March 3, 2005 were approved as corrected. III.WELCOME GUESTS AND PUBLIC FORUM: There were no guests in attendance for tonight’s meeting. : IV PUBLIC HEARINGS Before this planning action was discussed commissioner Holley shared he had previously met with Jeff Strickland and Russ Dale regarding this project. Their meeting however did not relate to the tree issues and stated he felt he could be impartial regarding this planning action. April 7, 2005 Tree Commission Minutes Page 1 of 4 A. PLANNING ACTION 2005-084 is a request for Site Review approval of a mixed-use commercial and residential development to be located at 165 Lithia Way and 123 N. First St. The proposal includes two 3-story mixed-use commercial and residential buildings with one building being 29,289 square feet in size and one building being 26,407 square feet in size. In addition, six row houses are proposed. A total of 14,736 square feet of retail and office space and a total of 41 residential units are included in the proposed development. The site is located in the Detail Site Review Zone, and is subject to the Detail Site Review Standards and to the Downtown Design Standards. In addition, the proposal is subject to the Large Scale Development Standards because it exceeds 10,000 square feet in size and includes buildings greater than 100 feet in length. An Administrative Variance from the Site Design and Use Standards is requested for the distance between the buildings. A Tree RemovalPermit is requested to remove four trees on site. ComprehensivePlan Designation: Commercial; Zoning: C-1; Assessor’s Map #: 39 1E 09 BA; Tax Lots: 90000, . 90001, 90002, 90003, 10100, 11601, 11701 APPLICANT: Archerd & Dresner, LLC, and Redco, LLC The Tree Commission discussed the proposal. Commissioner Cohen asked Amy if the parking lot would change at all and will the trees that remain be surrounded by a sidewalk. Her concern was if they would be OK. According to Amy the parking lot will not change in use. Donn Todt suggested that as Lithia Way becomes more developed it might be a good idea for the tree commissioners to come up with a list of species specific trees that would be appropriate for that street. He felt more continuityalong the street would be appropriate. Commissioner Holley suggested 2 or 3 species would be nice. Commissioners Sager and Jennings agreed that they liked the trees that were selected by the developers. Applicant Testimony: Evan Archerd explained to the commissioners that they will be using the roof water for irrigation with underground storage tanks. They are trying to use as little as possible of Ashland’s treated water. Any overflow water will run out to the storm drain. Holley asked about any future issues of open space the project might encounter and how it would affect the landscape plan. Evan said if more open space is required they will most likely turn the first floor frontage of the building into an arcade area. They do not anticipate changing the landscaping plan. Public Testimony: Pennie Rose and Andrea Jovan co-owners of Ashland Camera and Ashland International Hostel spoke regarding the planting of the project landscaping. They wanted to know who supervises the project planting. Do they use good quality plants? Do they know the correct level to plant them in the ground? John Galbraith, the project landscape architect, discussed his process. The commissioners assured both Pennie and Andrea that John is well respected in our community as a landscaper. John invited the commissioners to go by and view 318 Grape St. in Medford as he used a new pervious paving technique to pave the parking lot. Recommendation : 1) Protect the roots of the two trees along the west property line near the City of Ashland parking lot during the construction of the sidewalk. 2) Ensure all measures of the tree protection are installed and maintained throughout the project duration. V. ACTION ITEMS Type 1 Landscaping Review A. a.June: Tracy Cohen, January Jennings, (one more commissioner needed) b.July: Bryan Holley, Ted Loftus, Mary Prichard April 7, 2005 Tree Commission Minutes Page 2 of 4 VI. DISSCUSSION ITEMS A. Arbor Day/Earth Day a. Tree Walk April 3. Six people attended. Though it was raining a great time was had by all! rd b. Tree City USA Proclamation-April 5 th Read by Cate Hartzell c. Tree Planting Ceremony with Mayor Morrison No reporter was present. The tree looks great and some nice photos were taken. d.Tree of the Year Ceremony City Council Presentation-April 19. Greg Alexander ODF has two new signs, one i. th for both the North and South exits. We will be receiving two new flags and an urn that says “Tree City USA” It was discussed that since the City Council has such a long agenda the award ceremony should be kept as short as possible. It was also discussed that perhaps the Daily Tidings could do an article with pictures including both past (20 years ago) and present pictures was suggested. The Forest Service as well as Engineering may have aerial photographs. ii.Plaque Dedication and installation- The plaque was ordered on time. Donn Todd was reassured it would be here the last week of March. He expects it around the 8 th of April and will notify everyone when it arrives. Commissioner Holley will email the other members once a date has been picked for the installation of the plaque. B. Type 1 Timing (What works? What doesn’t?) The commissioners discussed the value behind having them participate in the decisions of the Type 1 Actions. Jennings asked what impact it had and who would participate if they choose not to? Amy Anderson told them she would do the landscaping portion and Robbin Pearce would do the irrigation. Amy encouraged the commissioners to continue to be a part of this process and that it is a valuable use of their time. Amy does not feel she has as much knowledge as they do and might not be able to give the proper recommendations. It was agreed upon by the commissioners to continue to participate in the Type 1 planning actions. It was decided that it would be OK to change the time that the review board meets. It was agreed upon to meet at 6 p.m. on Thursday May 5, 2005 for the next meeting. C. Heritage Tree Pennie Rose and Andrea Jovan, co-owners of the Ashland International Hostel, 150 North Main were present at the meeting and are interested in nominating their Black Oak Tree for a Heritage Tree. They were concerned about the rules of the nomination and how it would impact their qualifications. Amy is going to check the documents and drafts to see exactly what the council adopted. VII. ITEMS FROM COMMISSIONERS A.Liaison Reports a.Donn Todt read a memorandum from the Parks and Recreation Commission regarding removal of some trees and shrubs on a piece of Lithia Way property (Near Lloyd Haines project) that the Parks Department is taking over maintenance of. At the next meeting he will bring a list of trees and shrubs that are being discouraged from being planted. He encouraged the commissioners to take a look at the trees that are being removed. He would like them to bring their thoughts back to next months meeting for a discussion. Cate Hartzell had nothing to report at this time. B.Old Business Jennings reported about the workshop she attended. She felt it was very worthwhile and received a great deal of information. She thanked the commission for sponsoring her. One of the thoughts she shared was to “be proactive, don’t wait for the storm” C.New Items It was suggested that the commission invite City of Medford Arborist Bill Harrington to the next meeting. April 7, 2005 Tree Commission Minutes Page 3 of 4 The commissioners discussed ways in which to inform the community on how to take care of trees during a drought. It was recommended that an article be put in the City Source. Other outlets would be Home Life and Joy Magazine. D.Current Balance $360. Actual balance is under $200 because of the plaque. E.Tree Commission Goals a. Education 1.Tree Tips 1. Daily Tidings – Back Page: Commissioner Stockwell explained that the prior issues with the paper had to do with the city logo. Fred suggested that the articles come from an individual rather than a commissioner. Commissioner Sager would like to start a subcommittee to start working on the back page articles. 2. Tree Clinics 1. Earth Day demonstrations - Mary Prichard will be teaching a tree pruning clinic. It was discussed and agreed upon to have a booth and table for the Earth Day Celebration. Holley went over the application he is filling out. It was agreed upon to share the responsibilities and duties. Holley will be sending out an email for sign-ups after talking with Ted Loftus b.Monitoring i.Tracking reports to the City Council ii.A Staff permit was issued for a removal of a tree that was already in the process of being removed. The applicant is required to plant two new trees in its place. iii.It was noted that a report should be entered into Chris Adams file showing he has completed replacing a tree . VII.ADJOURNMENT Before adjournment the commissioners took turns expressing their gratitude and appreciation for Fred Stockwell as this was his last meeting as a commissioner. Commissioner Jennings adjourned meeting at 9:08 pm April 7, 2005 Tree Commission Minutes Page 4 of 4