HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-42 Relinquishing Public Easement U"'I RESOLUTION NO. 91-7~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ASHLAND RELINQUISHING A PUBLIC EASEMENT BY QUITCLAIM DEED. WHEREAS, the public easement described in the attached Exhibit "A" is no longer needed for public use. NOW THEREFORE, THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF ASHLAND DO HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The public easement for a water pipeline right of way as deeded to the City of Ashland in volume 109, page 260, Deed Records of Jackson County, is hereby relinquished by quitclaim deed to Paul and Carol Hwoschinsky. The foregoing Resolution was READ and DULY ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Ashland on the ;!Jil ',7l~ ,( 1 J,:- (j'-:,: ./' , 1991. '/ . .,--\ l ,,-':)-7 i /-/ A)' ';/ /;<:'.;:.:' (~ /' /( A~ ,..:: ('':'FV Nan E. Franklin City Recorder day of , I ~ Z:"- day of (~/~): ! l.';', ',.-7'; '/LC' 'c../ , 1991 . ./ SIGNED and APPROVED this 4/ -) . ,7 {/~t-/t:/U--------/' '1/?~~ Catherine M. Golden Mayor It"'1 ,/'7...., Go- '-' I' -,,-,,,. ,. ...... ....,-./ / FORM No. 721-;-OUITClAIM DEED (Individual or C~rpora~.I, CO.YRIGHT 1990 STE".ENS.NESS LAW PUBLISHING co" PORTlAO'l)oR 97204 W 91-29051 QU"ClAlM .E'" I\lpO;P" KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That--CITY_Of'-.!.\StIJAN.P., c3.--Il1l,1Il:i.c::i.PCl~__c::()l:p()J:'~()r: -- ---------. ----- - ---.-- ..--- --__no_no - --------------- ------- ------ - ----- ___.___.___________., hereJ:nafter called grantor, for the consideration hereinafter stated, does hereby remise, release and quitclaim unto))AlJI,. HWQ~c::HI~SK'{_a.l1d - - -- CAROL --HWOSCH-INSKY-; - - Trus tees ..of__ the. HWOSCHlNSKY -FAMJL'X'__ 'rRlJ~'I' _ ~ ._1:. _d. _ 4 /23/91 , hereinafter ca11ed grantee, and unto grantee's heirs, successors and assigns a11 of the grantor's right, title and interest in that certain real property with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any- wise appertaining, situated in the County of _.Jac::_ks<?n__, State of Oregon, described as fol1ows, to-wit: A right of way 30 feet in width, for pipe line, granted to City of AshIand, a muncipal corporation, by instrument recorded July 27, 1915 in Volume 109 page 260 of the Deed Records of Jackson County, Oregon. t< ~- SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF \ ~\ ~\ ~ ** THE PURPOSE OF THIS DEED IS TO EXTINGUISH FOREVER ANY RIGHTS IN CONNECTION WITH THE ABOVE REFERENCED RIGHT OF WAY. (IF SPACE INSUFFICIENT, CONTINUE DESCRIPTION ON REVERSE SIDEI To Have and to Hold the same unto the said grantee and grantee's heirs, successors and a~signs forever, The true and actual consideration paid lor this transfer, stated in terms 01 dol1ars, is $ NONE*:A" _ 0However, the actual consideration consists 01 or includes other property or value given 01' promised which is the whole 'd t' (' d' h' h) 0 part of the conSl era IOn In lcate w lC . (The sentence between the symbols 0, if not applicable, should be dl!1eted, See ORS 93,030,) In construing this deed, where the context so requires, the singular includes the plural ,;jnd al1 grammatical changes shal1 be made so that this deed shal1 apply equaIly to corporations ancf to individuals. W' Wh f h h d h' . t t th' /oi--t, d I Il-i /"j"/" - 19 c;- / In Itness ereo, t e grantor as execute t IS Ins rumen IS__.I:...'...::... ay 0 __. '.-..:..,:.:_..:'.-:."'............, ........; if a corporate grantor, it has caused its name to be signed an~it seal affixed by an officer or other person duly au- thorized thereto by order of its board 01 directors. ~-::.- . _ ~'. ~ ~l ~~/> (. _ .";<:- 'L~---/-. v'" ,~VC" LL ______._.. THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DE. ~.m__ .....m_...........__~...... ...............;...-------------...-_____..m..__...... ~~~I~~'0~N I~bS ~~~m~~roNJsIN:~n~11~~G~~N~~L~C~~~~p\1~g .._____ -..-...:q/4....A...~~.:'!.~~~<__._...___.___..._____...__......... THIS INSTRUMENT. THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIfY APPROVED USES. ......................................................................-. STAT E OF OREGON, County of ......::.?:?J.rJ6:':...<".c:?'=:.................m........) 88. Th' . t t k I dA db f /1-'/'I.-'/:/il13z--A-:. />7 19 9'/ IS Ins rumen was ac now e e;e e ore me on ......__......L__............-............./......., ..<....., by ........... ............................................... "'"'' .......... ............................................. __.............................. __ .......... This instrument was acknowledged before me on .........................--.........................,19........, by .__..__....__....__........................................................,.........__......__._................___..............................................._ as ............. --.... --.................................. --.................... __. __................ __...................................................... __ no....._ f;J' 7ft __u__ , o ...uu;:~ituii~==uuuuuuu...........uuuuu ._~.uu .uu~iLl14'--,~L7~ --... .----..--~...--......-....a.......m...................................................... ~ _. . _ , ;r Nota y Public for Oregon $u>:J/\ ~<. :,',,' '. _ ,_ 1./ / a~ - 0'" . "'.. >'.. - " , " ._<:;--/ , t.".-\.-.... '_.. .'_'- My commISSIOn expIres ....... "'no__......... ...........................--..--..-- N I AI'- \, '-: . _'" . /-i ~ 1!L' 'i My Commission b;p;r<::"_'L._____~ -~~.' -', ..... -;...........,,,.....-.."'.~~_....~,!.";'<..,, l_.'.>I' CJ.IT_QfuuA$t1.LANP. -.-._.. .h"h.___...__.....______..._ "".. ..n._ ""U.n... ___n__.. ......n_...._........._.......... GRANTEE'S NAME AND ADDRESS SPACE RESERVED FOR RECORDER'S USE ST :::n:Fo,OREGON'_j" I certify that the within instru- ment was received for record on the ~;____________________.~~~_.o~, c~-- --k_- -.-____if __:'~~-d-~::~;d~d in book/reel/vol E~ No /.____________.....on page....__....___.._____or a cumentlfeelfilel instrument / microfl . No. . Record of Deed of sal county. Witnes my hand and seal of County affixed, u' .......n................. .n... ......n............ GRANTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS uBWQSCHJ.NSI<X....fN1:r::LX ..'I'RU$T ..........................-.... ........ ............ After recording return to: PAUL HWOSCHINSKY ................... ...................................u................ NAME. ADDRESS. ZIP Until a change I. requested all 'ax .tatements .hall be .en' '0 'he following addre... NO CHANGE .. .........u..... .............. . .... ...... .......... ..................h......... NAME TITLE ... . -..................~. ....n........................ By -___.Deputy NAME. ADDRESS. ZIP fh--If-[<.h._Jt j;b " . p-<-'- --, (! r 'f C!l..17.,-< ( f..eo('--^~~ - --"'-;!-- ) ..;J (l 5- /)ht_-L_, ~ .~, r; J,' ,/;, I~),.. (;'';7~.;~':.j'''''' 91-'290;i1 LP-44622 EXHIBIT A A tract or parcel of land situated in the Northeast Quarter of Section 8, Township 39 South, Range 1 East of the Wi11amette Meridian in Jackson County, Oregon, and being more fully described as follows: Commencing at a found 2" iron pipe situated at the quarter Gorner common to Sections 5 and 8, said Township and Range; thence South 00013'53" East, 1333.07 feet to a found 5/8" iron pin situated at a point common to those boundary lines by agreement recorded as Document Nos. 78-07062 and 78-09396, Official Records of Jackson County, Oregon and being the true point of beginning; thence North 89036'42" East along that boundary line by agreement recorded as Document No. 78-07062, said Official Records, 255.775 feet to a found 5/8" iron pin; thence North 00041'17" West, along said agreement line 5.215 feet to a 5/8" iron pin; thence leaving said agreement line South 89056'07" East along the east-west center line of the Northeast Quarter of Section 8; said Township and ~ange, 296.44 f~et to a 5/8" iron pin; thence leaving said east-west center line, South 01056'46" West, 457.575 feet to a found 5/8" iron pin situated in the northerly right of way of Strawberry Lane as established in the executing of "Minor Land Partition No. M77-327" and filed for record the 25th day of October, 1978, at 4:12 P.M., and recorded in Volume 2, Page 55 of "Minor Land Partitions" in Jackson County, Oregon; thence South 84010'00" West along said right of way, 270.235 feet to a 5/8" iron pin; thence South 83000'25" West, 210.275 feet to a 5/8" iron pin; thence along the arc of a 123.50 foot radius curve to the left, the radial bearings, "in and out" are South 06059'35" East and North 35038'46" West (the central angle is 28039'11"), 61.76 feet to a 5/8" iron pin situated in that boundary line by agreement recorded as Document No. 78-09396, said Official Records; thence leaving said right of way North 00013'53" West along said agreement line, 525.99 feet to the point of beginning. (Code 5-1, Account #1-65621-7, Map #391E8AC, Tax Lot #101) Jackson COLl:1ty, Oregon Recorded OfFICIAL RECORDS /2 :31 NOV 2 6 1991 ft M. KA THLEEN S. BECKETT ClERK .ond. ~ fiyk'r.0 e ~ eputy '}' ;~ ~:I "'f .. /, ., ,': ~()O '" " ~....,- !: ;\' ~... ., ;~j ~', "',' i :: .!: ;~1 'j1 ...., WJ ;:,'j cd :i:j i'J .~~. " ,,' ~.. ~.l r"j .,~. ~u r ,< ;1, 't :~:\ :<' 11 I~: ;~'" ~~. r~i ,,;.. ~'f1 :.h 'd A ir.~ :~~ "." "T :t,t~1 ... '.t' ~~I, ~/' ;-;? :,; .~I~' /):' 'a: 'I.:~ '.,: . ~ '.J .j; I ~: '10';' ;/;:1 ""1 "~' ,,'i, .'JJ~ :<'21 ~~ !~~ ~! l.""il :21 .~ rt' OI.J. or; ]0:." J."= ~l. ..;,... 1'(: t.... rc:, ~1. ~"1 .,,.,... '.'\." '?7~ " 109-260 Kind oj Ins/rumcld sun: OF OR/WOK, }3.I. COlin/v 01 Jackson Illtrebv calilv IlIallllt anntud in,,/rll' nunl 01 wriling lDas recliatd and /iltd lur record al..._9__o'clcJCk_.J..V. on IlIt.,Z'Z,th aav 01..,.. J~..J...Jl..._.1!l16 "Chaunoey Florey, _. _.R""',,,,, Ou____.__. __'" '-/)'/1":P u.. ..CHLRLES.I'Ol'lLE1'..J.L.____ ,/'0 -1l.1G.H:LOF-1UY_ Tl~n Considera/lon CITY OF ASHI.AHD. $. . laDO L____- THIS INDENTURE WITID:S3RTH. That we. Charles Pope and Charlotte V. Pope, hie "ife. both ot the oity ot J.shland. Jaokson oounty. Oregon. tor and in oonsideration ot the ~ ot $1.00 and other good and valuable oonsideration to us paid. the reo~ipt ot 1ihioh is he:~eby aoknow- ledged. inoluding speoial benetits whiob may aoorUe to us and to our property by having oi ty wa tar thereon. have granted and dedItlls ted. Ilnd by thelllt preuenta do grb..D t. il..d 1 ",d." . bargain. Bell and oonvey unto the oity ot Ashland. a munioipal oorporation. 1n Jnokson oounty. Oregon. an e aBemont and right ot way. and the right and privilege to the said oi1:y. ita ot- tioerll. agents employees and assigIUl. at all reasonable time/l hereatter. doing an little d=go to Our prflmiaoo CiS 100.:1 be. to enter upon. oonstruot. rep&.ir. lay and lIlI1ini:ll.ln a pIpe I line tor the purpose ot oarrying water at a.ny point. or plaoe. along or Over a oe,rtain thirty toot strip of lan~ extending aorOll1 our premiaee. the oenter line ot whioh ia p~.tloularly deBoribed ae tollows. to-wit: Beginning at the quarter /leotion oorner between seotioIUI tiTe and eight in te'Wl1ship thirty-nine Bouth ot raDge one eallt ot the lJllla.mettt meridian. in Oregon. extond,ill8 thence aouth along or near the quarter seotion line in /laid seotion eight. two thousand (2000) teet. Provided, however. and this grant 1s upon the expre/ls understanding end agree ment be- tween the grantor/l and the grantee that any /luoh pipe l1De all atorl8aid s hall be laid at auoh depth in the ground as to iD no way interfere with tho proper oultivation ot tho premisea or with the treo Use ot same by the grantors. thoir heirs. exeoutors. adminiatratora or assigns. J.nd we alao heroby waive and relinquish any olaim for damages by reaaon ot the 1ay- lng. mai~~~iuir.8 Or rep&iring ot /laid pipe line by the said oity ot J.ahland. TO RAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises with ~heir appurtenanoes unto the said oity ot J.shland so long as the sameare used and oooupied as atoresaid. IN WI!NESS WEE&~QF. we have hereunto set our hands and seale this 24th day ot Ju1y.1915. Oharle. pope.......~ Oharlotte V. pop...~ Exeoutod in presenoe ot: W. J. Moore Olaire Y. Johnson State ot Oregon ) Oounty ot Jaokson ) S!. On thil the 24th day ot July. 1915. personally O&me betore me. a Notary Publio in and tor /laid oounty and state. the within named Oharl.. Po~ and Oharlotte V. Pope, his wife. to me per.onally known to be the identioal peraona desoribed 1.0. and who exeouted the toregoiDg inatrument. and who aoknowledged to me that th.y exeouted the lame. freely and voluntarily for the use. and purpOle. therein named. and without fear or oom- pll1s1on trolll anyone. . IImESS my hand and 1I0tarial ual Botarlnl s~al of Y. J. },(oore. thia. the day au year laa10 above written. Y. J. 1l00" lIotary Publio tor oregon. X7 Oommis/lion Expire. Jannar1 21, 1916. ~ i; I: " , g ~l rnJ B 00 o m;:. ... ,.., f1 n