HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-1103 Tree MIN CITY OF ASHLAND Ashland Tree Commission Regular Meeting November 3, 2005 Minutes I. CALL TO ORDER: Chair January Jennings called the Ashland Tree Commission meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. on November 3, 2005 in the Siskiyou Room in the Community Development/Engineering Services Building at 51 Winburn Way. Commissioners Present: Pennie Rose Bryan Holley Mary Pritchard ( absent) Laurie Sager Ted Loftus (absent) January Jennings Steve Siewert Council Liaison: Staff Present: Cate Hartzell, (arrived at 7:15 p.m.) Amy Anderson, Assistant Planner Donn Todt, Parks Department Carolyn Schwendener, Account Clerk II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Holley proposed the possibility of making the minutes a little less detailed. Holley/Rose m/s to approve the minutes of October 6, 2005. Voice vote: All A YES, Motion passed. The minutes of October 6, 2005 were approved. III. WELCOME GUESTS AND PUBLIC FORUM: None present. The Commissioners welcomed new Tree Commissioner Steve Siewert. IV PUBLIC HEARINGS: PLANNING ACTION: 2005-1476 is a request for a Land Partition to divide one existing parcel into two parcels including one flag lot for the property located at 290 Skycrest Dr. The application includes a proposal to vacate the existing public alley right-of-way to the north of the property. A Variance is requested to minimum lot width requirement and the minimum lot size. The minimum lot width required is 100 feet, and the proposed lots are irregularly shaped with portions under 100 feet in width. The minimum lot size in the RR-.5 zone is .50 of an acre, and the proposed lots are .36 of an acre. The eastern portion of the property, approximately .38 of an acre, is proposed as dedicated open space. A Physical Constraints Review Permit is requested to create a parcel with slopes 25% and greater and remove three Black Oak trees greater than 12 inches diameter at breast height in Hillside lands. APPLICANT: Brian and Diane Smith Commissioner Sager recused herself from this Planning Action because her office is working on the project. Amy explained that this Planning Action came before the Tree Commission on September 8, 2005 however the Commission did not have a quorum. The applicant postponed the Plamling Action Page 10'4 and it is now coming back to the Commission for review. Amy stated that the Landscaping and Erosion Control Plans are required as part of the Physical and Environmental Constraints review. The landscape plans will get reviewed by the staff advisor and Robbin Pearce will review the irrigation plan that corresponds when the building permit is submitted. Applicant Testimony: Brian Smith gave a narrative regarding his plan and showed photographs he had taken of his property. The Commissioners acknowledged that the applicants have put a lot of care into their project and they appreciate the effort in protecting the trees on the property. The Commissioners had no recommendations for this Planning Action. PLANNING ACTION: 2005-1673 is a request for Site Review approval of a mixed-use commercial and residential development to be located at 1651 Ashland St. ThE~ proposal includes two, three-story mixed-use commercial and residential building. Both buildings will consist of office and retail uses on the ground floors, and residential units on the first, second and third floors. A total of 23 residential units are included in the proposed development. The site is located in the Detail Site Review Zone and is subject to the Detail Site Review Standards. In addition, the proposal is subject to the Large Scale Development Standards because it exceeds 10,000 square feet in size and includes buildings greater than 100 feet in length. An Administrative Variance from the Site Design and Use Standards is requested for the distance between the buildings. A TreE! Removal Permit is requested to remove 18 trees on site. APPLICANT: Kirt Meyer POSTPONED PLANNING ACTION: 2005-01833 is a request for Subdivision approval to create seven parcels including six pad lots and one common area lot for the property located at 150 Clear Creek Dr. APPLICANT: Spur Rail LLC THIS APPLICATION WAS IMPROPERLY NOTICED FOR TREE COMMISSION, THERE IS NOT A LANDSCAPING PLAN REQUIREMENT FOR SUBDIVISION APPROVAL. THIS ACTION WILL BE CONDITIONED THA T A LANDSC.4.PING PLAN BE REVIEWED BY TREE COMMISSION PRIOR TO SIGNATURE ,oF FINAL PLA T AND AGAIN FOR EACH SITE REVIEW. V. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Monitoring and Enforcement with Adam Hanks Adam Hanks, City Code Compliance Specialist, was present to answer qm:stions the Commissioners had regarding code compliance and monitoring. Mr. Hanks had recently completed a project where he and Dean Walker put Door Hangers on citizen's doors that may be in violation of City Municipal Zoning Code regarding vegetation trimming. Mr. Hanks stated the reason for the door hanger was because it would actually call attention to the person who is residing at the residence rather then a home owner who might not even live in the area. Public Works and the Electric Department are not altogether satisfied with the follow up from this procedure because not everyone responds quickly and others ignore it altogether. HaJ1zell noted that the door hanger was not very explanatory. The Commissioners discussed the issue of the 14' limit vegetation over streets. Mr. Hanks stated that in Chapter Nine it still states 12' and in Chapter 13 it was changed to 14'. Mr. Hanks is not sure which one takes precedence. Hartzell suggested that someone from the Tree Commission do a ride along with the Street Sweeper and City Bucket Trucks. Sager suggested neighborhood trimming cla:;ses. The Commissioners decided to have a Study Session to address the issues with this code. Mr. Hanks Page 2 of 4 will coordinate the Study Session with Public Works, Electric Department and Street Sweepers. A noon meeting for an hour was decided upon. The Commissioners will email ideas and topics to Mr. Hanks regarding their thoughts about the other discussion topics they did not have time to discuss. The Commissioners agreed to copy their emails to Mr. Hanks to each other as well. B. Trees in Median near Omar's Sager stated she was concerned about planting Parrotia's at this location and asked to discuss the possibility of having something more vertical and that can tolerate everything. She felt that the Parrotia is sensitive and can grow somewhat wide and didn't feel it was necessarily the appropriate tree for this spot. Her experience was that they needed a lot of babying. Todt suggested that Sager and the other Commissioners take a look at the long row of Parrotia's used as Street Trees along Wightman. Approximately thirty of them were planted about 12 years ago. Generally they are planted in woodland situations and that is why you see them wide spreading though normally they tend to be much more upright, stated Todt. Todt has full confidence that they will do well at that spot as they are easily pruned, disease and insect resistant and have a beautiful fall color. It was decided to plant five trees. Amy will speak with the Deboer's regarding mitigation. The Commissioners decided the amount for each tree including planting will cost $450.00. VI. ACTION ITEMS A. Tree of the Year a. Presentation at Council: Tree of the Year is the Giant Sequoia located at 165 Almond St. Fifty-six ballots were turned in. Fred Stockwell will be taking the photograph of the tree and Amy will notify the property owners. The presentation will be at the November 15th City Council meeting. In the future the Commissioners would like to eliminate the word favorite from the title. It was decided to have a sub-committee to discuss what the criteria should be for the Tree of the Year. The discussion of the sub-committee was tabled until next month when Pritchard and Loftus can be present. The Commission also discussed the idea of havina a Tree Tour next year showing all the nominations or the five different finalists. B.Replacement post for 391 Liberty - 2001 Tree of the Year. Holley spoke with the home owners and discovered that the wood had rotted out on the back. Todt took the plaque to repair it and then he and Holley will offer to help install it. Type I Review sign-ups: December 8, 2005 Jennings, Loftus and Siewert January 5, 2005 Pritchard, Loftus and Siewert February 9,2005 Sager, Holley and Siewert March 9, 2005 Jennings, Rose and Siewert VII. ITEMS FROM COMMISSIONERS A. Liaison Reports Hartzell encouraged the Tree Commissioners to fill out the organizational audit review survey that they received. She also encouraged the Commissioners to be thinking about their long term goals that could be imputed into the Councils goal setting. Todt shared the proposed tree removals for 2006, most of which are in Lithia Park. The Lithia Park walk thru with the arborist will be held on Wednesday November 16 at 1:00 p.m. Todt noted that the City does not take care of the Trees on Pioneer Street, Shakespeare does. He noticed a lot of girdling. Amy will talk with her friend Ramy who works for Shakespeare and ask him who is responsible for the landscapeing. Rose volunteered to walk with them and share information about tree care. Page 3 of 4 B. Old Business None C. New Business The Commissioners would like goal setting put on the January agenda. Amy will count the amount of Street Tree Guides that are left and put a copy in the Lobby showing the cost. Jennings reported that she had recently gone by the new Dorm at SOU and watched the landscapers plant the trees. She was very pleased stating they did a good job. Sager will bring a copy of the Tree Planting Detail that her office uses to next months meeting for the Commissioners to review. D. Current Balance $609.55 Will be receiving an invoice from the Daily Tidings articles. E. Tree Commission Goals 1. Education 1. Daily Tidings Back Page. December's article will be on Pruning and Rose volunteered to draft the article. 2. Tree Clinics. Pritchard is scheduling one. Rose volunteered to mount the certificate for Evo's tree that won Honorable Mention. VIII. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Jennings adjourned the meeting at 9:27 p.m. Page 4 of 4