HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-018 Lease - Wong
aTlIVaNa-N". LAW PU.L,aHIN. co.. PORTLAND'. 0...'IIlOI
THIS INDBNTURE OP LBASB, made and entered into tbia _.....J.S t _...day 01 ---Ap.ril....;;.:..._.._._,
19.JH.,'byand between ....-....J:YD.&- Betll WONG and...Sha.r.on..W'ONG.,.. hl1shand...and...w:ife
her.,Mlt<< called the lessor, and -.........---.-..---.D.!.U.~~w.......a..~u.w.l..c.l.p .... a:q;lar.ation......._......_.
.-..-..................................-..........-..........-....-..........-......-......-.-.--.-.--------.-., Mreinalter called the 1_,
WITNESSETH: In consideration of the covenants, agreements and stipulationa herein contained on the part
aI the lessee to be paid, lcept and faithlu11y pI1dormed, the 1eesot does l1etebb lease, demise and ItJt unto t1ae said
1... tbose certain =N' as is, situated in 1M Cit~ 01._. ASIILAri____., County 01 __.JACKS.oR_
and Stata 01 _..-.0 _.._.._._..., 1mown and decribed as follows:
Upstairs office space, Rooms #1, #2, #3, #4, #5 and #6 at
27~ North Main Street, Ashland
To Have and to Hold 1M said described preaUt1fJ8 unto the said lessee for a period of time commencing with
the8.~.~J:-.day of .......~P.!:;i-.l-....4.-8bif...Sb.., and ending at midnight ~ the.lls.tday 01 :....Mar.clt..___._.._..__,
19......._., at and for a rental of ,...-..I....-..-..~..........._...for the whole 01 the BaJd term payable In lawful money 01 the
United Stat~~G"O~1.41-.f.al:k.-S:tr.e.e.t.....--..-.-..--.:-..-..-..-..-:.-..-.._..., Ci,! of . Ashland ._..__._.._..__'
Stat. 01 ...-..-................_...._......_...._...._....., at the follOWIng times and In 1M follOWIng amounts, to-WIt:
The sum of $800.00 upon the executio~-of this lease and the sum of $400.00
commencing on the 1st day of May, 1981 and continuing on the 1st day of
each month thereafter through February 1, 1982, until the full sum of
$4,800.00 shall have been paid for the lease term.
In consideration of the leasing of said premises and of the mutual agreements herein contained, each party
bereto does heHby expressly covenant and agree to and with the other, as follows:
X~1NCB (1) The 1_ accepts asid letti. and agreea to pay to the order 01 the lesaor the rentals above stated lor the IuIl term
OP LBASB 01 tItls 1_, in advance, at the ti_ and in the manner aIoreaaid.
~=~~ES ('a) The leaaee shall u.., asid demiaed premiaea during the term 01 this lea.., lor the conduct 01 the 10IlowiD4 busine..:
-...-......-......-......_.._ooooo._......_...oo._........___mooo_.._and lor no other purpose whatsoever without lesaor's written con..,nt.
('b) The leaaee will not make any unlawful, improper or ollensive u.., 01 asid premi..,s; he will not suller any strip or waste
thereo/; he will not permit any objectionable noi.., or odor to escape or to be emitted Irom said premiaea or do anything or permit
anythi. to be done upon or about said premi..,s in any way tending to create a nui/llUlce; he will not ..,11 or permit to be aold any
spiritous, vinous or malt liquors on asid premiaea, excepting such as leaaee may be licenaed by law to ..,11 and u may be herein ex-
presa1y permitted.
('c) The lessee will not aIlow the lea..,d premises at any time to lall into such a state 01 repair or disorder as to increa.., the
lire huard thereon; he shall not install any power machinery on said premi..,s except under the supervision and with written conaent
01 the lessor; he shall not store gasoline or other highly combustible materials on asid premises at any time; he wiIl not u.., asid prem-
i_ in such a way or lor such a purpose that the lire insurance rate on the building in which asid premi..,s are located is thereby in-
Ct'eaaed or that would prevent the lessor Irom taking advantage 01 any rulings of the Insurance Rating Bureau of the state in which
said leaaed premises are situated or its successors, which would allow the lesaor to obtain reduced premium rates lor long term lire
insurance policies.
('d) z.- shall comply at leaaee's own expenae with all laws and regulations 01 any municipal, county, state, lederal or other
public authorIty respectI. the u.., 01 asid leased premises.
UTILITIES (3) The le_ shall pay lor all heat, light, water, power, and other aervlC8fl or utlIltles uaed in the above demiaed
premi..,s durI. the term 01 this lea..,.
=A.~ AND (4a) The lessor shall not be requIred to make any repairs, alteratIons, addItIons or improvements to or upon IIlJid prem-
RO EIIENTS iaea durIng the term 01 this lease, except only those herelnalter specillcaIly provIded lor; the lessee herebyagreea to
maintain and keep asid leased premises includIng all Interior and exterior doors, heatIng, ventilati. and cooling systems, interIor wiring,
plumbi~ and drain pIpes to sewers or septic tank, in load order and repair during the entire term 01 this 1_ at I_'s own cost and
ezP8nM, and to replace all gl_ which may be broJr.en or damaged during the term hereof In the windows and doors 01 said premi_ with
glass 01 as load or better quality as that now in use; 18_ further agrees that he will make no alterations, addItIons or Improvements
to or upon asid premises without the wrItten consent 01 the lessor first bein, obtained.
(4b) The lessor agreea to maintain In load order and repair duTi. the term 01 this lease the exterIor walls, rool, gutters, down-
spouts and loundatiolltJ 01 tha buildi~ in which the demised premises are eltuated and the eldewalks thereabouts. m...m'._..m..m,...__.ooo......
--m.---mmoom.___m..._._______m.________mm__.m.. It is understood and agreed that the lessor reserves and at any and all tI_ shall have the rIlht
to alter, repair or Improve the buildI. of which IIlJid demised premi..,s are a part, or to add thereto and for that purpose at any tIme
may erect ecalloldin, and all other necessary structures and upon the demised premises and lessor and lessor's representatIves, con-
tractors and workmen far that purpose may enter in or about the said demised premises with such materials as lessor may deem DeceS-
IIary therelor, and lessee waives any claim to damages, Including loss of buelneo resulting there/rom.
~=~~~ (5) It shall be lawful lor the lessor, his a'ents and representatives, at any reasonable tIme to enter into or upon asid
ENTRY demised premises for the purpose 01 examining into the condition thereof, or any other lawful purpose.
(6) The 1_ will not assi,n, transfer, pledge, hypothecate, surrender or dispaM 01 this lea.." or any interest herein,
or permit any other person or persons whomsoever to occupy the demised premises without the written conaent 01
the lessor being first obtained in writing; this lease is personal to said le_; lessee's interests, in whole or in part,
cannot be tJOld, assi,ned, transferred, seiud or taken by operation at law, or under or by virtue of any execution or le,al process, attach-
ment or proceedings instituted against the lessee, or under or by virtue 01 any bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings had in re,ard to
the lea.." or in any other manner, ezcept as above mentioned.
LIBN8 (7) The lessee will not permit any lien 01 any kInd, type or deSCt'iptlon to be placed or impoaed upon the buildi.
in which asid leased premises are situated, or any part thereol, ot the real estate on which it stands.
L~a'mOW' (8) 11 the premises hereIn lea..,d are located at street level, then at all tl_ leaaee shaIl keep the sIdewalks In Iront
01 the demised premises free and clear 01 lee, snow, rubbish, debris and obstruction; and if the 1_ occupIes the
entire buildI~, he wHI not permit rabbi.", ~ lee 01' mow to aocumul.te on the rool 01 ,..;d building eo 8tJ to stop
up or obstruct gutters or downspouts or cause damage to eai4 ~/, and ~ill save harmless and protect the lessor' qainst any injury
whether to letJtJOr or to lessor's property or to any other person or property caused by hIs lailure In that re,ard. .
8:Efl:0~ING (9) The lessee will not overload the floors 01 saId premises in such a way as to cau.., any undue or serious str_
or strain upon the bulldI~ In which said demised premises are located, or any part thereol, and the lesaor shall have
the rilht, at any tIme, to call upon any competent engineer or architect whom the lessor may chooae, to decide
whether or not the Iloors 01 IIlJid premises, or IUrT .part u-eoI, are bel. overloaded eo u to cau.., any undue or serIous str_ or strain
on IIlJid buIldi., or any part thereol, and the decision 01 IIlJid ~_ or architect ehall be final and bindlllA upon the ,_; and in
the event that the e.ineer or architect so called upon shall decide that In his opInion the stress or strain is such as to endanger or
Injure said buIlding, or any part thereol, then and in that event the 1_ agreea ImmedIately to relIeve said streu or strain eIther by
relnforci. the buildi~ or by lilhteni. the load which cau_ such stress or strain in a manner satisfactory to the lesaor.
:~1~RTl8ING (10) The lessee will not use the outside walls 01 said premises, or allow signs or devices 01 any kind to be attached
thereto or suspended therefrom, for advertising or displaying the name or busine.. of the 1_ or lor any purpaM
whatsoever without the written conaent of the lessor; however, the lessee may make u.., of the windows 01 said
leased premi_ to display I_'s name and business when the workmanship of such si,ns shall be 01 good quality and permanent
nature; provIded lurther that the lessee may not suspend or place within asid windows or paint thereon any banners, elgns, sign-boards
or other deviC8fl In violation of tha Intent and meaning 01 this aectlon.
M~~Ht~~~B (11) The le_ further qrees at all tI_ durin, the term hereof, at his own ezpenae, to maintain, keep In effect,
furnish and deliver to the lesaor lIablIlty Insurance polIcies In lorm and with an Insurer satisfactory to the lessor,
InsurIng both the lessor and the 1_ against allliabillty lor dlUZUlles to person (K property in or about IIlJid leall8d premises; the amount
01 saId lIabilIty insurance shall not be leIJtJ than '---..l.O.Q.~.QO.O__.-.h---------.-m.--/or 'Injury to one person, ,...m30.Q..f.OOO-----mm.....--m..for
InjurIes arlld. out 01 anyone accident and not I_ than $.m.___~.Q_,_.Q_Q9.__.__m_for property damage. Lessee a'rees to and shall Indemnily
and hold 1__ luarmiell qai'" any and all clalma and de~s arisi~ Irom tile neglilfenoe 01 tile ~_, lais ollicers, agena, invitees
and/or employ!"'s, as well-....~~8(i.,. 40~ I~'..!ail&fre.to com. .'Ply witla ~ny co':jNUUlt 01 tIai. lea. Q.n!'if' JHl(t,fo be perlormed,
and s1aal1 at Iai. own expense ~~ tire :~'!flI<<.~rist iifoA.W all. mlts or actions MIIin4 out 01 such ne'll~nce, actual or alleged,
and all appeal. therelrom and IIIialI satistr and discharge an)' judRtJJent wlaich may be awarded againat lellOr in any such suit or action.
FIXTURES (1:1) All parllti~ '~:-.lectHa.l wiria4,...dditi~na to or improvements upon said leased premi_s, whetller in-
.talled by tile lellOr or lellee, shall be and become a part 01 the buildi~ as lOOn as inatalled and tile property 01 the lellOr unlell other-
wile herain provided.
~~:lm (13) Thi. lea. does not ,rant any rights 01 8Ccea to light and air over the property.
DUTY TO . Id" -'dbu " .
REPAm In the event 0 amage ~o ...' ildm, by lIre or other casualty to tile extent ol.._____...__________..__per cent or more 01 the
eound value 01 laid buildi~, the IfJIIOt' may or may not elect to repair laid building; written notice 01 leIISOr's said election s1aal1 be
given 1_ ".itlain IiIteen day. alter tile occurrence 01 Iald ~e; 11 Mid notice is not 10 given, INlOl' conclusively s1aal1 be deemed
to have elected not to repair; in tile event lellOT elect. not to repair laid buildi~, t1aen and in that event tlais 1_ shall terminate
with the date 01 said damage; but il tile buildi~ in wlaich said leased premi_s are located be but partially destroyed and the damage
10 occuioned shall not ~t to tile extent indicated above, or II greater than Mid extent and leltOl' elects to repair, as aloreaaid,
then the leIIBOt' shall repair said buildi~ with all convenient .peed and shall have the right to talce ~on 01 and occupy, to the
exclusion 01 the 1_, all or any part 01 said buildi~ in order to malee tile neceasary repairs, and tile le_ hereby agrees to vacate
upon request, all or any part 01 said buildi~ wlaich the leSlOr may require lor tile purpose 01 malci~ nece...ry repairs, and lor the
period 01 time between the day 01 mcla damage and until aI1da repaln have been. eubetantially completed there shall be such an
abatement 01 rent as the nature 01 the injury or datzJqe. and its lntetlerance with the ~pucy 01 Mid leased premi_ by Mid 1..-
shall warrant; however, 11 the premi_..be but IIiglatly injured and' tile damage 10 occaIIioned tIhaIl not cau. any material interlerence
with the occupation 01 the premi_ by said 1_, then there shall be no abatement 01 rent and the leIIOT shall repair said damage
witla all GQDVarUant apeed.
:JJ:::A~rON (15) Neither the leIIOt' nor tile le_ shall be I~able to the other lor 1011 arisi~ out 01 damage to or destruction 01
RIGHTS tire leaR premi_, or tile buildi~ Or improvement 01 wlaich the leased premi_ are a part or with which tlley are
connected, or tile contentl 01 any thereot..when'ucIa 1011 i. caused by any 01 the perils which are or could be in-
cluded within or u-ued .,.unst by a Itandard 101m 01 lire u-uance with extended cov..... inoludit14 ....Jn1c1eI: .leaIutIle ;".ranee, il
any. All such claima lor any and all lOll. however caused. _eby are Wftived. Said ....... 01 liabilily Ihall __ whetber or not the
damage or destruction is caused by the neglilfenoe 01 either 1MlOt' or I.... or by any 01 their reflpeCtive qente. servant. or empl0yM8.
It is the intention and qreement 01 the leIIOT and the I.- that the rentaJs reserved by thi. 1... ha.... been lixed in contemplation
that each ""ny shall lully provide h1I own i,*,rance protection at. hi. own ex".,... and that each party Ihall loo1c fo his reepectJve
insurance carriers lor reimbursement 01 any mch lOll, and further, that the insurance eNrler. involved shall not be entitled to mbro-
,ation under any circumstances against any party to this lease. Neither the leSlOr nor the 1_ s1aal1 have any interelt or claim in tile
otlaet?'s itllllrance policy or polidel, or the proceed. thereof, unl... .pecilically covered therein as a joint allUred.
_INENT (16) In ca~ 01 the condemnation or appropriation 01 all or any mbltantial part 01 the said demJ.ed PTemi- by any
DOIIAIM public or private corporation under tile laws 01 eminent domain, this lease may be terminated at tile option 01 either
party hereto on twenty d.,.. written notice to the other and in that ca. the 1_ shall not be liable lor any rent alter tile date 01
leIIee's retIJOY8llrom the PTemi...
~ SALE (17) Durill4 the period oI____________________.__.da,.. prior to tile date above fixed lor the termination 01 aid lea., tile
FOR RENT lellOT herein may post on Iald premi_ or in the window. thereol "gns 01 moderate ".. notilyi~ the public t1aat
SIGNS the premi_ are "lor aele" or "lor renJ:" or "lor lea.."
(14) In the .vent 01 the deltruction 01 tile buildill4 in which said leased premi_ are located by lire or other
casualty, eitller party 1aereto may terminate tIai. lea_ .. 01 tile date 01 Mid lire or _alty. provided. however, that
(18) At tile expiration 01 said term or upon any IOOneI' termination tllereol, tile 1_ wl7l quit and deliver up said
lea_d premises and all future erectiona or additions to or upon tile same, broom-clean, to the leIISOr or those havill4
lessor's e.tat. in the premises, peaceably, quietly. and in as good order and condition, reasonable u. and wear there-
01, damalfe by lire, unavoidable camalty and tile element. alone excepted, a. the same are now in or llerealter may be put in by the
mh~ PRO,!,l~ED. ALWAYS. 1IqIl.t1JMe ,...,. ... upon thi80oaditioa, that I"'MI.... ~ beia~ in the,payment
DBlPAUL'l' 01 Mid ,. ~ . period 01" dm elW the .... ~ due, << II uld ,__ ." ItIP *,~ to do, _I', "...
lorm or obeern arJ7 01 tbIt covenantlt and ~ eL>qt;lflr-J 1rere1n o.n I...... part to be-dOn/l. bpt. ptd9nQ8d
and obeerved and lUeIl detaillt tJhall conti_ tar fen dm or more alter wrItten notice oIlUeIl '-"'lute 01' tiqlect WlJ
be 41nn to ~. or il Mid' leUee slutll be declllted btmJaapt << Insolvent acconf/nl to law. 01' Ii any usl._nt 01 I....'. properly
8bId1 be lMde tor tM betretit 01 oreditonl. 01' it on tbe upiratitla ,fII thM lee_ 1_ lail. to IUl'render ~on 01 8eid leued premi_.
then..." In either 01 8eid CMN <<events. tM leNor << those lutv/nl leuor'. eatate In the pt'etIJi_. awtully. at h18 << tbeir option, 1m-
tI11Idlatel7 << at any thne thereeller. without demand 01' notice, may enter into and upon 8eid tIen1leed premi., and every perl u.reot
and re~ the _ .. 01 leaser. lormer ..ta,.. and ezpe1 8eid 1_ and those c:laiml. 1sT. throu~ and under 1_ and t'lNDl:In
'--'. .... at '-'. _...... Iorc:lbly II .-ry and store tM _. all wIthout bei. deemed .,111y 01 "..."... and without preju_
dice to ~. te'mMlywlaicll otMnvI. m1~ be ueed lor .......... 01 rent 01' precedl. breach 01 COYltrIIInt.
IIOLDDIG In the event tbe i_ 101 any nNI80IJ W11 hold over alter the _pirat1on oI.fIU. ,-. lUeIl boIt1ln4 over ehall rJDt
0... be deemed to operate .. a renewal << ezteneloa 01 thi. ,-. but IIIutlI only Create a "1IIInCT from _th to -'A
...,." -.y be terminated.t wIll at tiny tl-b7 tM 1_.
=~ In CUll lUit or IICtlon i. m.tituted to enforce complIance with any 01 the teruw. oov.... 01' condltIoa. 01 tAl.z.ue.
OOUll'l' C08'l'II 01' to collect the rental wlalch may become due laereander. << allY portion u.r.oI.. 1M 10elaI pIIdy....1o "., lUeIl
IUtn .. the trIal court may adjud., l'8Ullftable a. 1Jtt<<ney'. Ie. to be ellawed the PftJNlIln4 pady In -.cia IUlt <<
IICtion and In the event any appeal I. taken hatn any jad~ << decne In -.cia IUlt 01' lICIt1on, the loam, party
...... to ,., lUeIl truther IUtn .. tM appella" court ehell adjud., reuanable.. prevlllUq party. attorney'. Ieee on -.cia appeal. The
I.... -.reee to ,., and dlechar., all leuor'. co.t. and _....... Inc1udi. lefItIOt'. reuoaeble attorney'. Ie. that W11 _lee from en-
IoIom, any provision << covenant. 01 tlai. 1_ even thou~ no suit or action 1. lnetituted.
WAIVD Any ",aiver by the I8B8Or 01 any breech 01 any covenant herein oont.Ined to be bpt and ped~ 1sT the I... W11
not be deemed 01' coillidered .. a contlnaI. waiver. and ehel1 not opera" to bar 01' prevent the I8B8Or lrom dec1erl.
. IorIM,.". tor arJ7 IUcceedl. breach. either 01 the _ condition or covenant or otherwl_.
1f0'l'lCD Any III#ice ,.",n,..d 'by t.te __~...., to ,be 4iven 1sT ODe ~:...to.to tIJe other 01' "",.80 to be ,lven,
.wI' be etdllOletit'11 ii' ~, . . ',).(a ~..., ~.. .,.w._,'" U. $. ~ JI~. ". ,..,.",
.., PftIIJIfld.~ lIlnt8ltded tor the I.... heteln tlte~fll ....4 to UN Ieaor.t" ..__......__ ". . ._.__._
Street. ---Mh~:............. -........ow.aoa.....-...-...........--......and II intended lor tIJe I...... then II ilddreeaed to the I.... at No.
~R;;;-d;;jive~'":. ,,;.~-A;t,..liht lIaar~-;;;,,_t.-.;;;. ~ =0: ~~~:::.l:=.
flrlnAIfD All rl" nm.dl.. and llMUltl.. herein. fhien to 01'. impoeed IIIIOft eitbw 01 the partt.. hereto ebe11 eztend to, ;.".
. to the beneI1t 01 and bind. .. the cll'al"""" IIIII/Y require,. '4-lftJ __tonI. adminl.aton. IU~ ad, .
t.r _ tAl. Z- i. ..t.Mbl. by tIJe term hereol. to the .....,.. 0I1Uch parties. .
In ooastraI. thI. le_. It I. understood that the I8B8Or or the 1_ may be more then one penon; tlutt il the contezt 80 requltw.
tIJe .m,alar pronoun ehall be ta1cen to mean IlRCllnclude the plural. the masculine. the Ietnlnlne and the nauter. and thet ~ally all
~tlcel ~ shall be made. a..,tned and ImplIed to make the provlsioll8 hereof apply equally to corpot'atlons and to indi-
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the respective parties have executed this instrument in duplicate on this, thiJ
day and year first hereinabove written. any corpol' 'on . bein~ by authority of its Board of Directors.
... 8~ ,/tiQItC.....
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