20 E. Main St.
Ashland, Oregon 97520
(541) 488-6002 FAX: (541) 488-5311
I[4. COMPENSATION: $2, 000.00
CONSULTANT: Conestoga Consultants
Address: 882 B Street
Ashland, OR 97520
Telephone: (541) 482-0193 FAX:
113. BEGINNING DATE: December 28, 1998
113. COMPLETION DATE: January 22, 1999
111. SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED: Miscellaneous research regarding Intsmet connection and POP
1. All Costs by Consultant: Consultant shall, at Its own risk and expense, perform the personal sevices described above and, unless other~se specified,
2. Qualified Worlc ~ has i~reeented, and by enterlng into this contract now repre~mts, that all personnel __~s~g_.ned to the work required under
licensed or bonded b/the State of Oregon, are so registeN, licensed and borded. Consultant shall also procure and maintain a current City of Ashisnd
3. Com~4atio~ Date: Consultant shall start performing the service under this contract by the date indicated above and complete the service by the
4. Compensation: City / pay Consultant for sen/ice performed, including coats and expenses. the sum of specirmd above. Once work commences,
inv~ice~hat~beprepmredandsubmittedbythet~nth~fthem~nthtorworkc~mp~atedinthepriorm~nth~ Payments shall be made within 30 days of the
date of the invoice. Should the contract be prematurely terminated payments will be made for work completed and accepted to date of termination.
5. Ownership of Documents: All documents prepared by Commitant pursuant to this contrad shall be the property of City.
6. Statutory Re~luirements: ORS 279,312, 279.314, 279.316 and 279,320 are made part of this contract.
7. Indernniflcation: Consultant agree~ to defend, indemnify and save City, its off.m, employee~ and agents harmless from any and all Io~ses, claims,
actions, coatl, expenses, judgments, subrogatlons. or other diTtogas resulting from injury to any puson (including injury resulting in death,) or damage
(including ~ or destruction) to property, of whatsoever nature arising out of or incident to the performance of this contract by Cor~sultsnt (including ~
not limited to, Comm~tsnt's employees, agents, and others designated by Conmjttsnt to perform work or services attendant to this contract.) Consultant
shall not be held raspor~bie for any losses, expenm~, claims, subrogations, actions, co~ts, judgments, or other damages, directly, solely, and
approxirrmely caused by the negligence of City.
8. Termination: This contract may be terminated by City by giving tan days writtan notice to Consultant and may be terminated by Consultant should City
tail subatantisily to perform its obligate through no tault of Consultant.
9. Independent Contractor Status: Consultant is an independent contractor and not an employee of the City. Consultant shall have the complete
responibility for the performance of this contract. Cortsultant shall provide workers' compensation coverage as required in ORS Ch 656 for all persons
employed to perform work pursuant to this contract and prior to commencing any work, Consultant shall provide City with adequate proof of workers'
compensation coverage. Consultant is a subject employer that will comply with ORS 656.017.
10. Insurance: CortmjItant shall, at its ow~ expense, at all times during the term of this agreement, maintain in force a comprehensive general liability
policy including coverage for contractual liability for obiigatior~ assumed under th~ Contract. blanket contractual liability, prota~ional errors and missions,
produc~ and completed operate and comprehensive sutomobiis liability including owned and non-owned automobiles. The liability under each policy
shall be a minimum of $500.(X)0 per o~currence (combined ~ limit for bodily injury and pr_,.,ape..l~/_. damage P../im~) or $500,000 per occurrence for bodily
injury and $100,000 per occurrence for properly dan~ge. Liability coverage shall be provided on an "occurrence" not "claim" basis. The City of Ashland,
itsoff.m, employem~mxl agents shall be named as addional in~reds. Certificate of insurance mcceptable to the City shall be filed with CKys Risk
Manager prior to the co, ,,,,;.nc~,,~nl of any services by CortmJbnt under this agreement. 'rhef~ cartirk?,atss shall ~xN~tain proviion that covereges
afforded under the pollc, ies can not be cancried and redrtctive modifications cannot be made until at / 30 days prior writtan notice has been given to
City. A certirmate which ~ats~ me'e/that the issuing compmny "will endeavor to mair' writtan notice is unacceptable.
11. Assignment and Subcontracts: Consultant shali not am~ign this contrmct or subcoritract any portion of the work without the written consent of City.
Any attempted assignment or subcontract without writte~ consent of City shall be void. Consultant ~ be fully responsible for the acts or omissions of
any assigns or subcontractors and of all persons employed by them, and the approval by City of any assignment or subcontract shall not create any
contractual rdation between the assignee or subcontractor and City.
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CI~ OF ASH~ND PERSONAL SERVICES CO~RACT ~15,~ (p.~~.~)(m/d 7~3)