HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-04-11 Hearings Board MIN ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES APRIL 11, 2000 CALL TO ORDER Commissioner Russ Chapman called the meeting to order at 1:40 p.m. Other Commissioners present were Mike Gardiner and Kerry KenCairn. Staff present were Bill Molnar, Mark Knox, Maria Harris, Adam Hanks and Sue Yates. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND FINDINGS - The Minutes of the March 14, 2000 Hearings Board will be approved at tonight’s meeting. TYPE I PLANNING ACTIONS PLANNING ACTION 2000-022 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE REVIEW TO OPERATE AN OUTDOOR MARKETPLACE ON TUESDAYS WITHIN THE EXISTING ASHLAND CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP PARKING LOT. 50 EAST HERSEY STREET APPLICANT: ROGUE VALLEY GROWERS & CRAFTERS MARKET This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 2000-035 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW FOR THE INSTALLATION OF A GROUND SIGN THAT DOES NOT CONFORM TO THE CITY’S SIGN CODE. SPECIFICALLY, APPROVAL OF THE REQUEST ALLOWS FOR 75 PERCENT OF THE SIGN AREA TO CONSIST OF CHANGEABLE COPY. WALKER SCHOOL, 364 WALKER AVENUE APPLICANT: ASHLAND SCHOOL DISTRICT Harris said they have tried to balance the school’s need for a sign with the surrounding residential zone. Chapman thought the sign exceeded the maximum square footage allowed but Harris said there is a special provision in the sign code allowing for a non-conforming sign (18.96.150). Harris added that approval of this sign will no doubt set a precedent for allowing similar signs at the other schools. However, the Commission could ask for this sign or future signs to be smaller. PLANNING ACTION 2000-038 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE REVIEW TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW TWO-STORY BUILDING THAT CONSISTS OF A TWO-CAR GARAGE ON THE GROUND FLOOR AND AN APPROXIMATELY 570 SQ. FT. ACCESSORY RESIDENTIAL UNIT ON THE UPPER FLOOR. THE PROJECT IS TO BE LOCATED BEHIND THE EXISTING RESIDENCE AT 361 SCENIC DRIVE. APPLICANT: JAMES AND ROBYNNE WHITAKER This action was approved. TYPE II PLANNING ACTIONS PLANNING ACTION 2000-036 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE REVIEW FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW TWO-STORY HOTEL BUILDING CONTAINING 30 UNITS, AND INCLUDING A FRONT OFFICE AND CONTINENTAL ROOM FACING CLOVER LANE. THE PROPOSAL ALSO INVOLVES THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SINGLE-STORY BUILDING COMPRISING TWO LARGE MEETING ROOMS. THE PROPOSAL IS LOCATED ALONG THE SOUTHWEST PORTION OF THE PROPERTY AT 2520 ASHLAND STREET. APPLICANT: JON WARREN Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts STAFF REPORT KNOX gave the history of the property as outlined in the Staff Report. There will be a total of 90 units with the 30 new units that are proposed to be added. Elevations for the proposed building will match the existing Tudor style. Overall, the design is consistent with city standards. Public Works has raised an issue about storm drainage. Presently, there is inadequate storm drainage on Clover Lane and Highway 66, therefore, the applicants are working on an on-site detention system which would maintain peak flows on-site and later disburse the storm water into the storm drain. The intersection of Clover Lane and Highway 66 will eventually need a traffic signal. Staff is asking the applicant to sign in favor of that future light. The applicants are also being asked to extend the sidewalk along the Highway 66 frontage. A Minor Land Partition was approved in May of 1999. However, since the applicant is a new property owner, a 15 foot right-of-way dedication will be required along the Clover Lane frontage. Staff has recommended approval of the application with the 14 attached Conditions. The impacts are less than the target use (retail/restaurants). PUBLIC HEARING JON WARREN said he has designed a hotel with larger rooms and more landscaping. Warren basically agrees with all Conditions of approval. RAY KISTLER asked if bike parking is really necessary. Most people visiting the hotel will be traveling I-5 and would have no reason to be biking. Chapman said he sees a lot of people packing bikes on their cars which means they could use them because there are bike paths along Highway 66. Warren has talked with the gas station and restaurant owners about sharing parking. The Oak Tree restaurant thought they could add more stalls. Knox noted there is a no-cut moratorium on Clover Lane that he just became aware of. Warren will need to talk to Public Works and possibly go before the Council with a request to cut the street if that will be necessary. COMMISSIONERS’ DISCUSSION AND MOTION It was moved and seconded to approve this action with the attached conditions. ADJOURNMENT – The meeting was adjourned at 2:10 p.m. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION 2 HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES MARCH 14, 2000