HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-02-10 Hearings Board MIN ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD FEBRUARY 10, 1998 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mike Gardiner at 1:40 p.m. Other Commissioners present were Anna Howe and Barbara Jarvis. Staff present were Bill Molnar, Mark Knox, Maria Harris, and Susan Yates. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND FINDINGS The Minutes of the January 13, 1998 meeting were approved. There were no Findings. TYPE II PUBLIC HEARINGS PLANNING ACTION 98-009 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE REVIEW TO CONSTRUCT AN ACCESSORY RESIDENTIAL UNIT 372 IOWA STREET APPLICANT: STEVEN M. MEEKS STAFF REPORT Knox said this application it to construct a 650 sq. ft. accessory residential unit off the rear of the property. There is an existing 1,320 sq. ft. house. The Historic Commission reviewed the proposal and recommended approval. The unit is a craftsman design which is in keeping with the historic character of the neighborhood. Two parking spaces will be provided off the alley. The property has a 25 percent slope to the north. This action was called up for a public hearing by the neighbors. At the time the adjacent lot was partitioned, Staff met with the Fire Department and other departments and agreed that the alley would not exceed nine feet in width as long as fire equipment could still travel down the alley. The applicant will be required to do his proposal according to the alley improvement plan. There is a definite history that Staff has tried to accommodate the concerns voiced by the neighbors. At the same time, it is difficult to do relatively sensitive planning with the current infill zoning rules. Staff felt this proposal had a good design and if development is going to occur, the alley will be the front yard. The Cooley property is providing a pedestrian easement along the flag to the alley. Staff has recommended approval with the five attached Conditions. Knox suggested a Condition 6 stating: That prior to issuance of a building permit for the accessory unit, the applicant shall submit a landscaping/site plan that identifies a physical barrier (i.e., shrubs, boulders, etc.) along the west side of the front unit’s driveway. The purpose of the plan is to delineate vehicle parking in the driveway and not within the front yard. The improvements shall be completed prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy Permit for the accessory unit. Knox explained paragraph 4 on page 2. The applicant shows on his site plan an 18 foot, two space parking bay. The alley is eight to nine feet wide. Meeks needs a total of 36 feet for a head-in parking space with back-up room. It appears the applicant will need to clear out shrubbery along a rise of about eight to nine feet to accommodate the parking. It will be about a three foot cut. Molnar said the applicant has agreed to relocate the steps in that area. Knox noted this is part of Condition 4. PUBLIC HEARING STEVEN MEEKS, 1537 Woodland Drive, said he met with the Historic Commission and two members liked the design enough they would like to use it as an example. The alley will be developed minimally. The parking pad will be graveled. Vegetation has already been removed by the neighbors to create more of a space through the alley. Howe wondered about removal of the vegetation on Iowa. Meeks thought it was possible for tenants to park in the narrow area in front of the privacy hedge. He will rectify this situation. Howe suggested use of landscaping to more clearly define the parking. Meeks does not have a problem doing something with the shrubbery on the alley. He would be happy to work out something with Ledbetter regarding relocation of the stairs. ROBIN NORDLI, 269 Gresham, said she is concerned with the traffic on the alley because the Gresham end is the only end being developed. She is concerned where the alley will be cut into the embankment. The alley traffic will go right by her bedroom window. She is also concerned about construction traffic and the residential traffic. AUGUST SHILLING, 280 Meade Street, said his home is at the corner of the alley and he is concerned residents would use their end of their driveway for a drive. Their house is small and they will notice anything that goes by. He is concerned about privacy, earthmoving while improving the alley, drainage, damage to trees if there is uphill scraping of the alley, and particularly he would like special attention paid to the madrone trees. LYNN LEDBETTER, 280 1/2 Meade Street, explained there is an evergreen tree she planted to screen the alley. The traffic will change greatly with construction equipment and noise. Howe asked about the stairs and it appears they are in the right-of-way. Staff Response Knox said the crushed gravel on the alley should make construction traffic easier. Ledbetter's propane tank might be in the right-of-way. He said the potential for future development off the alley is minimal. Molnar said it is good to remember this is a public alley. Every property would be allowed with a building permit to construct a garage off the alley. Rebuttal Meeks said he will not allow cement trucks in the alley. He is trying to be sensitive to the environment and neighbors. He feels some of the steps are unsafe and he is concerned about the propane tank in the alley. He would like clarification about siting it in the alley. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Molnar does not think there is a safety issue with the propane tank. Jarvis moved to approve with the six Conditions. Howe seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION 2 HEARINGS BOARD FEBRUARY 10, 1998 MINUTES TYPE I PLANNING ACTIONS PLANNING ACTION 98-018 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW FOR A MIXED USE BUILDING 420 WILLIAMSON WAY APPLICANT: HABIB SHAHIN This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 98-019 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW FOR 75 CONDOMINIUMS AND A CLUBHOUSE LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF MOUNTAIN MEADOWS DRIVE APPLICANT: MOUNTAIN MEADOWS LLC Jarvis noted that something should be stated in the Conditions about an administrative variance being granted. Howe wanted the assurance of a pictorial layout of the parking stalls. Molnar said spaces 1-6 are under the building. Change Condition 10 that there be a patio hardscape addition at the northwest corner of the clubhouse. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 3:15 p.m. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION 3 HEARINGS BOARD FEBRUARY 10, 1998 MINUTES