HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-07-14 Hearings Board MIN ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD JULY 14, 1998 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Anna Howe. Other Commissioners present were Marilyn Briggs and Russ Chapman. Staff present were Bill Molnar, Mark Knox, Maria Harris and Susan Yates. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND FINDINGS The Minutes of the June 9, 1998 Hearings Board were approved. TYPE II PUBLIC HEARINGS PLANNING ACTION 98-033 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW TO INSTALL A DISC ANTENNA AT 1650 CLARKE STREET. DISC (7’, 6”) TO BE MOUNTED ON OTHER ROOF ON THE BUILDING TO THE REAR. APPLICANT: SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH STAFF REPORT Harris described the site and where the antenna is proposed to be placed. The action was called up for a public hearing by a neighbor who resides behind the main church on Garden Way. Two sections of the development standards for locating an antenna include: Disc antennas exceeding 36 inches in diameter shall not be permitted on the roof unless there is no other location for reception or transmission, and screening of the antenna is required when possible. The applicant has provided information regarding the size of the antenna and it is Harris’ understanding that the trees are a constraint in receiving the signal. Harris said the ordinance states the antenna should be mounted in an area least visible from a residential area, however, in this case it is conflicting. The applicant has chosen a location which is the least visible from the street but the most visible to one of the nearby residences, making this application difficult to meet the criteria. Howe wondered if other sites on the property had been looked at and rejected. Harris said they looked at the one story bump out in the rear yard. Her understanding is that the neighbors use their rear yard in the summer and it would be visible to them and also there will be interference with the trees. Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts Site visits were made by all. PUBLIC HEARING BILL PUGH, 6062 Adams Road, Talent, stated the church is asking for a satellite dish so they can receive a private channel. They tried to get a smaller antenna but they require a larger one for their needs. The development standards 1, 5, 7, and 8 all have to do with the structure of the disc and he has no problem with those items. The items in question are 2, 3, 4 , 6 and 9 which have to do with visual impact. They have tried to propose a location which will comply with the code by being on the back of the building, hidden from all but the neighbor’s yard and a neighbor across the street. He has tried working with the neighbor in the rear but they have not come up with a solution. Pugh presented photos to the Commissioners that were entered into the record. They are constrained by vegetation. Harris said Staff had a site visit on the way to the meeting and they were wondering if they could look at a higher roof to locate the dish which would be visible from the public right-of-way but might be a possible trade-off. A letter in opposition from JEANETTE MCCARTNEY, 795 Garden Way, was read into the record. HOWARD HEINER, 784 Garden Way, is the neighbor to the south. He stated because of the topography of the site, his back yard is just about level with the roofline of the church and because they spend a great deal of time in the back yard, they object to the location. In Harris’ report, the burden of proof lies with the applicant. The applicants are not going to say this is not a good site. He believes a third party should be sought out to look for a new location. From a layman’s standpoint, there are other sites that would be good for the site or the neighborhood. GARY LAIPPLY, 798 Garden Way, echoed Heiner’s concerns. His only view of the mountains is looking over the church which means he would be looking at the satellite dish. He would like to see another location, perhaps closer to Garden Way Park, with screening. He would also favor a third party to look at the site for possibilities of other locations. BECKY LINDGREN, P. O. Box 333, Gold Hill, OR, suggested locating it on the ground in the parking lot and build something around it. Rebuttal Pugh said he would agree with Heiner and the others. He does not like to look at it either. He asked the manufacturer about screening and he said there can be nothing in front of the dish. It is a new generation system and anything in front of it, because it is a digital, even a corner of it will knock the picture out. Briggs asked if the manufacturer had walked the property. Pugh said the local installer came out and figured where the satellite signal would come in. Howe asked Pugh how difficult it would be to arrange a tour of the property with the installer and the neighbors to find the best location. Chapman also suggested getting a second opinion from another installer so the neighbors would be comfortable with two opinions. This might have to be at the neigbor’s expense. Pugh agreed. COMMISSIONERS’ DISCUSSION AND MOTION Molnar asked if Pugh would be agreeable to a 30 day extension to 120 time limit for a decision. Pugh agreed. Briggs thought if the neighbors and church were agreeable, the hearing could be continued until next month so there would time for a site visit with an expert. Briggs moved to continue PA98-033 to August 11, 1998 at 1:30 p.m. There will be no notice mailed to property owners. It will be up to the applicant to arrange for the site visit. Chapman seconded the motion and everyone favored. PLANNING ACTION 98-046 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW AND LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT TO CONSTRUCT THREE UNITS AT 784 PARK STREET (REAR LOT). UNITS TO BE ACCESSED BY WAY OF FLAG DRIVE FROM PARK STREET. APPLICANT: KNECHT DEVELOPMENT ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION 2 HEARINGS BOARD JULY 14, 1998 MINUTES Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts Site visits were made by all. Briggs met Knecht while on the property. She noted there was no sign posted and Knecht spoke with her about that. Briggs found out the plan had changed significantly and is now not like the plan in the packet. She saw the new plan. STAFF REPORT Knox said that through the noticing of the project, the neighbors approached the applicant to make changes and the applicant has been willing to work out the problems with them. The neighbors are here in support of the new plan. Staff is supportive of the plan drawn up by the applicant and neighbors. The applicant is proposing to put more vegetation in the back unit for screening. The sidewalk will extend from the front to the back units. The cherry tree will need to be removed. Briggs suggested in the area showing asphalt that the applicant could use grass crete. Knox said that is usually only asked for in a highly visible right-of-way area. Knox showed the newest elevations which Staff supports. The design is compatible with the neighborhood. Briggs has concerns about how one would get into the apartments. Knox said the building official has to approve the structural issues but a Condition could be added that would require the bedroom to have a window. Howe wondered if the parking will impede the development of the front property. Is there anything being done now that will stop the front property from being correctly developed later. She is concerned about parking and about making the lane wide enough for an access lane so there could be two additional parking spaces along it to allow the development of the front property without continuing the right hand drive. Knox said they asked for a comprehensive plan of how everything functions together. Knecht had shown on the original site plan two cut-in spaces in the flag drive area which he does not see on the current plan. PUBLIC HEARING ALEX KNECHT, Knecht Development Company, explained the front lot is in his original development plan for three units. They have calculated 11 parking spaces for both lots. On today’s plan there are six spaces with five and one-quarter spaces required. With regard to the floor plan, he did not believe that was being reviewed at this meeting. He has made some slight revisions to the floor plan based on Briggs’ suggestions. Briggs suggested continuing this action until next month. It is confusing and she sees some structural problems. She does not want to make a decision based on last minute information. She is having trouble with the entrances, exits and parking. Also, what will eventually happen on the front lot should be reviewed. Chapman believes it is a good plan. The details need to be worked out but he will leave that up to Staff. Howe feels the back-up drawn in needs to be incorporated into this plan. She cannot imagine a two-story building without stairs. Overall, she can accept the plan. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION 3 HEARINGS BOARD JULY 14, 1998 MINUTES Knecht showed a plan that has been signed off by the neighbors (King, Massey, & Bishup). BARBARA MASSEY, 787 Park Street, said the original plan showed a parking space right next to her house. The current proposal does not infringe as much with more plantings and less building. She is much happier with the new plan as there is more open space. HERSCHEL KING, 791 Faith Avenue, felt the original plan consumed the entire property. After meeting with Knecht, he has now agreed with the revised plan. Rebuttal Knecht is pleased with how he and neighbors cooperated in creating this plan that is an improvement. Howe suggested the applicant talk with the neighbors a long time before a project ever comes to the Commission. Also, when Knecht comes in with a development for the front of the property, Howe will look at it as though it is a part of today’s development; a full development. Staff Response There is definitely a lack of detail on the site plan, but all the elements are there, just not refined. COMMISSIONERS’ DISCUSSION AND MOTION Chapman moved to approve PA98-046. Howe seconded. Chapman and Howe voted “yes” and Briggs voted “no”. PLANNING ACTION 98-041 REQUEST FOR FINAL PLAN APPROVAL FOR A FIVE-LOT SUBDIVISION UNDER THE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OPTION LOCATED NEAR THE GRANITE STREET/WINBURN WAY JUNCTION (SOUTH OF 247 GRANITE STREET). APPLICANT: ROB CAIN The applicant is not present. Public testimony will be taken. The Commissioners have questions of the applicant and will need to continue the meeting until August 11, 1998 so answers can be provided. PUBLIC HEARING BECKY LINDGREN, P. O. Box 333, Gold Hill, OR, is representing herself, her mother, and her grandmother. Their lots border the proposal. The map shows a large area for common open space but it appears to be cut off at the top. She is concerned with whether or not the open space would be public or private. Is the walkway or road private? Has there been a new alignment for the walkway? Lindgrens have had problems with trespassers and vandals on their property. Presently she deals with people parking on their land. Can they fence both sides of the ten foot easement? Lindgren said it is evident that so much granite has been taken from the pit that they have lost ground water which is resulting in losing trees. Briggs noted the location of the path is greater than a ten percent deviation from Outline Plan. Molnar agreed and said this can be a basis for continuation. Chapman said the number of dwelling units is not noted, the yard depth and distances between main ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION 4 HEARINGS BOARD JULY 14, 1998 MINUTES buildings is missing. Briggs said on Lots 1 and 2 there is no indication of where the building envelope is. It was shown at Outline Plan but not on the Final Plan. She has no idea where the open space is located and where the cut begins. Molnar said that information is available at this meeting if the Commissioners wish to see it. Briggs said the notice sign was down. Briggs said the applicant’s text said erosion control would be done before the rain falls. She would like a Condition that erosion control equipment be on site at the beginning of construction as a precaution. COMMISSIONERS’ DISCUSSION AND MOTION Briggs moved to continue Planning Action 98-041 until August 11, 1998 at 1:30 p.m. Chapman seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. No notices will be mailed again. TYPE I PLANNING ACTIONS Howe left the meeting but made some comments with regard to the Type I hearings before she left. PLANNING ACTION 98-061 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW TO CONSTRUCT A STRAW BALE CLASSROOM LOCATED ON MORSE STREET. APPLICANT: HARVEST BUILT HOMES A letter was received today. Addicott said he sent a letter but the office did not receive it. Molnar recommended the Commissioners have a Type I review and the City Attorney can make a decision about whether it can be called up. This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 98-052 REQUEST FOR A MINOR LAND PARTITION TO DIVIDE A LOT INTO TWO PARCELS. VARIANCE REQUSTED TO CREATE A LOT WIDER THAN IT IS DEEP. 1330/1334 SEENA LANE APPLICANT: TOM FRANTZ This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 98-054 REQUEST FOR PREVIOUSLY APPROVED SITE REVIEW TO CONSTRUCT A COMMUNITY YOUTH CENTER (APPROX. 8,000 SQUARE FEET) 1175 EAST MAIN STREET APPLICANT: COMMUNITY WORKS This action was approved. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION 5 HEARINGS BOARD JULY 14, 1998 MINUTES PLANNING ACTION 98-056 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR AN ACCESSORY RESIDENTIAL UNIT. 251 E. HERSEY STREET APPLICANT: BEHROUZ OSTOVAR Howe would hope for adequate parking. Briggs said two cars will not fit in the garage as she measured it. This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 98-057 REQUEST FOR SITE REVIEW FOR A 6,044 SQUARE FOOT ADDITION TO THE EXISTING BUILDING (HANDYMAN). 2200 ASHLAND STREET APPLICANT: LARRY & PAM CARDINALE Howe is concerned with the swale of water that exists when raining. The pedestrian access should be staired. PLANNING ACTION 98-058 REQUEST FOR FINAL PLAN APPROVAL OF PHASE V (EIGHT LOTS) OF THE OAK KNOLL MEADOWS SUBDIVISION OF THE OAK KNOLL MEADOWS SUBDIVISION LOCATED ON OAK KNOLL DRIVE APPLICANT: OAK KNOLL MEADOWS, INC. This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 98-060 REQUEST FOR FINAL PLAN APPROVAL OF PHASE V OF A 21-LOT SUBDIVISION UNDER THE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OPTION. LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF NORTH MOUNTAIN AVENUE DIRECTLY ACROSS FROM MOUNTAIN MEADOWS RETIREMENT COMMUNITY. APPLICANT: MOUNTAIN MEADOWS LLC This action was approved. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 4:45 p.m. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION 6 HEARINGS BOARD JULY 14, 1998 MINUTES