HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-11-10 Hearings Board MIN ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES NOVEMBER 10, 1992 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Brent Thompson. Hal Cloer was the other Commissioner present. Staff present were McLaughlin, Molnar and Yates. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND FINDINGS The approval of the Minutes and Findings of the October meeting will be approved at tonight's meeting. TYPE II PLANNING ACTION PLANNING ACTION 92-130 REQUEST FOR A MINOR LAND PARTITION TO DIVIDE A PARCEL INTO THREE LOTS LOCATED AT 1000 WALKER AVENUE. PARCEL 3 TO ACCESS BY A FLAG DRIVE FROM PEACHEY ROAD. APPLICANT: TOM COX STAFF REPORT This would usually be a straight forward application, however, a condition put on the approval was for a 6' easement and the applicant does not wish to place the pedestrian easement at this time. Molnar handed out a map showing the area to be partitioned, showing the possible pedestrian ways and future pedestrian easements. The area along the creek is designated a Conservation Easement but does not include a trail system. Staff is hesitant to require a pedestrian path in an area that is designated to remain in its natural state and is also on private property. Molnar does not believe it would be as beneficial for a pedestrian easement along the creek for reasons pointed out in the Staff Report. Exparte Contacts and Site Visits Thompson did not have a site visit. Cloer visited the site and noticed there is some fill being dropped on the lower left corner of lot 600. He noted from the Comp Plan where these areas are to be left in an undisturbed state. If the gully area is to be preserved, it has the potential to be quite large according to the Open Space map. If the ditch is filled, it has no value as a conservation easement. Thompson believes people will walk closer to drainage ways, not further from them and Cloer felt that loitering along water is what we want. McLaughlin wondered, though, if an attraction is being created, perhaps it should be land acquired by the City and not as an easement along private property. McLaughlin thought there were more efficient options. PUBLIC HEARING TOM COX bought the parcel with the creek in mind as a beautiful amenity. He is against the walking path then and now. He wants to have a conservation habitat--for animals, etc. and wants the area left in wild space. He is concerned with people camping in that area. RICK LUCAS, Tax Lot 600, has a plan for landscaping down to the creek and he plans to plant the appropriate landscaping such as blackberries. COX said if the pedestrian easement is required, he will build a fence and turn his back on it. RICHARD LUCAS, said he and his wife are opposed to the pathway. Could the path be restricted to daytime use, no horses or no bikes? Why wasn't this addressed when the area was annexed to City? Who will maintain the easement? Litter would be a problem. If the City maintains, would herbicides be used? Invasion of privacy is also a concern. Lucas can live nicely with the habitat that exists now, but not with foot traffic coming through day and night. He plans to landscape the creek area. Is there a real need or want for this? COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Cloer favored Staff's recommendations. Thompson disagreed and would like to see a condition added to require a pedestrian easement connecting from Peachey to Ross Lane. Thompson moved to continue until the December 8th meeting at 1:30, after which time he will be able to view the site. Cloer seconded the motion. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION 2 HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES NOVEMBER 10, 1992 TYPE I PLANNING ACTIONS PLANNING ACTION 92-102 REQUEST FOR A MINOR LAND PARTITION LOCATED AT 610 ASHLAND STREET TO DIVIDE A PARCEL INTO TWO LOTS WITH ACCESS TO PARCEL 2 (EXISTING HOME) BY WAY OF A FLAG DRIVE (EXISTING DRIVEWAY) OFF ASHLAND STREET. APPLICANT: ROD BADGER Thompson wondered if there were any pathway dedications. Thompson thought there might be some unknowns that could come up at tonight's meeting because of the review of the Transportation Plan. Thompson moved to call the action up for a public hearing. There was no second to the motion. Cloer moved to defer this action until after the Transportation Plan hearing tonight and make a decision tonight. Thompson seconded the motion. PLANNING ACTION 92-119 REQUEST FOR TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP OF THE TRAVELLER'S ACCOMMODATION LOCATED AT 120 GRESHAM STREET (CHANTICLEER INN). APPLICANT: MARGARET KUAN This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 92-126 REQUEST FOR A MINOR LAND PARTITION TO DIVIDE A PARCEL INTO THREE LOTS LOCATED AT 2655 SISKIYOU BLVD. APPLICANT: AMIGOS BLDG. CO. PARTNERSHIP This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 92-128 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW FOR THE STRUCTURAL ALTERATION OF A NON-CONFORMING BUILDING AT 1 HILLCREST. APPLICATION INVOLVES THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SECOND STORY BEDROOM OVER THE EXISTING GARAGE. GARAGE CURRENTLY IS NON-CONFORMING DUE TO INADEQUATE SETBACK FROM GLENVIEW STREET. APPLICANT: GAYLE TITUS This action was approved. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION 3 HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES NOVEMBER 10, 1992 PLANNING ACTION 92-129 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR EXPANSION OF AN EXISTING FIVE-UNIT TRAVELLER'S ACCOMMODATION LOCATED AT 2190 SISKIYOU BLVD. EXPANSION TO INCLUDE ONE ADDITIONAL UNIT. APPLICATION ALSO INVOLVES A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR EXPANSION OF A NON- CONFORMING BUILDING. APPLICANT: RON AND TRACY BASS This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 92-131 REQUEST FOR A MINOR LAND PARTITION TO DIVIDE A PARCEL INTO THREE LOTS LOCATED AT 1050 PARADISE LANE. APPLICANT: DAVID BARRETT THIS ACTION WAS CALLED UP FOR PUBLIC HEARING ADJOURNMENT 3:00. The meeting was adjourned at ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION 4 HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES NOVEMBER 10, 1992