HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-06-11 Hearings Board MIN ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES JUNE 11, 2002 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Kerry KenCairn. Other Commissioners present were Colin Swales and Marilyn Briggs. Staff present were Bill Molnar, Mark Knox, Maria Harris, Brandon Goldman and Sue Yates. Swales noted that he attended the Historic Commission meeting last week. TYPE I PLANNING ACTIONS PLANNING ACTION 2002-059 REQUEST FOR TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP FOR A ONE-UNIT TRAVELER'S ACCOMMODATION LOCATED AT 125 NORTH THIRD STREET. APPLICANT: MARY NELKE This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 2002-060 REQUEST FOR A TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP FOR A TRAVELER'S ACCOMMODATION LOCATED AT 142 NORTH MAIN STREET. APPLICANT: CHARLES GUTWENIGER This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 2002-063 REQUEST FOR MODIFICATION OF FINAL PLAN APPROVAL TO AMEND A PREVIOUSLY APPROVED BUILDING ENVELOPE, RESULTING IN A REDUCTION OF THE SIDE YARD SETBACK FROM 20 TO 10 FEET FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 320 SKYCREST DRIVE. APPLICANT: REBECCA DEBOER This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 2002-064 REQUEST FOR SITE REVIEW AND VARIANCE TO THE OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS (THREE SPACES PROVIDED, SIX REQUIRED) AS ALLOWED FOR HISTORIC BUILDINGS (18.92.055) TO ALLOW FOR THE OPERATION OF A COFFEE HOUSE/WINE BAR AT 542 "A" STREET. APPLICANT: DAVID GREMMELS AND CARY BRYANT Briggs asked why this is different than the Reitenger's application at this same site. Harris said the Reitenger’s remodel was larger in scope and size than this application. Briggs felt the parking is a big issue. Harris said an almost identical application was approved rift next door last year. Knox stated the Reitenger application called for adding an entire new floor. In this application, the historic space is being restored. The single unit is less than 500 square feet. Swales is concerned about the neighbor’s letter regarding noise. Harris said the applicant did not address anything about activity in the courtyard. Harris said this is not a nightclub. PLANNING ACTION 2002-065 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE REVIEW TO MAKE IMPROVEMENTS TO AN EXISTING, NON- CONFORMING COMMERCIAL SITE AND BUILDING (FORMERLY TRINITY LANES BOWLING) LOCATED AT 1505 SISKIYOU BOULEVARD. APPLICANT: MEISTER'S BUY-RITE INC. This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 2002-066 REQUEST FOR A LAND PARTITION AND SITE REVIEW TO CONSTRUCT AN APPROXIMATELY 17,875 SQUARE FOOT COMMERCIAL BUILDING LOCATED ON THE PROPERTY ADJOINING 740 TOLMAN CREEK ROAD. APPLICANTS: ZACH BROMBACHER This action was approved. TYPE II PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING ACTION 2002-051 REQUEST FOR A LAND PARTITION AND LOT LINE ADJUSTMEN TO DIVID AN EXISTING LOT INTO TWO PARCELS. 1380 ROMEO DRIVE APPLICANT: SCOTT KURTZ Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts - Swales has a business relationship with the applicant but has not had any ex parte contact with him regarding this proposal. Site visits were made by all. STAFF REPORT Goldman said there is one large parcel created as part of another series of partitions that took place in 2000. At that time, the applicant said he would partition this parcel. Each lot exceeds the minimum lot size. There is an issue of setbacks. The property line is the curb. It is a rather constrained lot because Roca Creek bisects the lot. It will have to be shown, at the time of building permit, where top of bank is because no development can occur within ten feet of top of bank. It will require a narrow house design for the lot. Concerns have been raised regarding the intersection of Romeo Drive and the new section of Romeo Drive. It seems people drive around the wrong side of the cul-de-sac. The Traffic Safety Commission addressed the problem and made a recommendation to install a Stop sign and paint the road. Public Works has said the capacity of the street is well above the actual vehicle trips per day generated. This action was called up for a public hearing by the neighbors. They cited unsafe traffic conditions, lack of parking, lack of common open space, lack of covenants, conditions and restrictions. No open space is required for partitions nor are CC&R’s. Briggs wondered if it would be possible to add a Condition to cut back three to four feet from the corner of the building envelope. It would open up the area for safety and for aesthetics. She considered a circle of concrete in the center with cars parking around it, like a sunburst. KenCairn said cutting off three to four feet would penalize that lot. She believes there is enough setback there. If the roundabout is signed, and people go in the right direction, it should be acceptable. PUBLIC HEARING SCOTT KURTZ, 831 Liberty Street, believes his application meets the criteria for approval. The lot is constrained enough. By pulling a future building back from the corner really addresses the neighbor’s issues. This is the fourth time the issue of the road has been debated publicly. The issue involves the direction in which traffic moves. The road has been built and approved by the City Engineering Department. If there are issues now, they should be discussed at the Traffic Safety Commission. The old cul-de-sac and islands have some problems with redesigning. There is a hydrant in the southerly island. There has been a Traffic Safety meeting and the neighbors have been vocal about expressing their concerns. The island curb was never replaced because Jim Olson, City Engineer, said there had been discussion of redesign of the island. If it is not going to be redesigned, Kurtz is happy to replace it. Swales wondered about swapping some open space with the neighbors. Kurtz said he would consider doing that. KenCairn thought the fence should be removed as part of the development of the lot. Kurtz asked if the Hearings Board approves this application, he would ask the Findings could be approved too. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION 2 HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES JUNE 11, 2002 DOUG GREEN, 1365 Romeo Drive, said he wrote the letter. He said no one has been able to figure out what to do at the intersection. The City says it is okay. At least one-quarter of the cars are going the wrong way. It is a confusing and awkward intersection. He doesn’t see what a Stop sign and arrows are gong to do. He believes the street needs to be redesigned. He will give up open space to make the corner less sharp. KenCairn asked what the next step would be for Mr. Green. Knox said he could take the issue to the City Council. Rebuttal Kurtz will fix the 20 of broken curb that he is responsible for. He too, is bothered by the traffic island and feels the neighbors have a legitimate concern. COMMISSIONERS’ DISCUSSION AND MOTION Swales believes the application meets the criteria and in spite of the street problems, it is not Kurtz’s responsibility to sort them out. Swales moved to approve the application as submitted. Add a Condition to remove the existing fence. Briggs seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. The Findings will be adopted at tonight’s meeting. ADJOURNMENT - The meeting was adjourned at 2:45 p.m. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION 3 HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES JUNE 11, 2002