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Annotated to show deletions and additions to the code sections being modified.
Deletions are bold . and additions are bold underlined.
WHEREAS, the City of Ashland wishes to update its water regulation and cross
connection ordinance, and
WHEREAS, the water regulation provisions should be codified into the Ashland
Municipal Code.
SECTION 1. Sections 14.05.010 [Definitions] through 14.05.120 [Penalties] are
hereby added to read as follows:
14.05.010 Definitions.
A. Administrator: the City Administrator for the City of Ashland.
B. Applicant: an individual firm. corporation. or authorized aaent applyina for
water service. '
C. AMC: the Ashland Municipal Code.
D. Approved Air Gap (AG): a physical separation between the free-flowina
discharae end of a potable water supply pipeline and an open or non-
pressurized receivino vessel. An "Approved Air Gap" shall be at least
twice the diameter of the supply pipe measured vertically above the
overflow rim of the vessel and in no case less than 1 inch (2.54 cml. and in
accord with Oreaon Plumbina Specialty Code.
E. Approved Backflow Prevention Assembly: a Reduced Pressure Principle
Backflow Prevention AssemblY. Reduced Pressure Principle-Detector
Backflow Prevention Assembly. Double Check Valve Backflow Prevention
Assembly. Double Check-Detector Backflow Prevention Assembly.
Pressure Vacuum Breaker Backsiphonaae Prevention Assembly. or Spill-
Resistant Pressure Vacuum Breaker Backsiphonaae Prevention Assembly,
of a make. model. orientation, and size approved by the Department.
Assemblies listed in the currently approved backflow prevention
assemblies list developed by the University of Southern California.
Foundation for Cross-Connection Control and Hydraulic Research, or
other testina laboratories usina equivalent testina methods, are
considered approved by the Oreaon Department of Human Services.
F. Backflow: the flow of water or other liquids. mixtures. or substances into
the distributina pipes of a potable supply of water from any sources other
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than its intended source. and is caused by backsiphonaae or
G. Backflow Prevention Assembly: a backflow prevention assembly such as a
Pressure Vacuum Breaker Backsiphonaae Prevention Assembly. Spill-
Resistant Pressure Vacuum Breaker Backsiphonaae Prevention Assembly.
Double Check Valve Backflow Prevention Assembly, Double Check-
Detector Backflow Prevention Assembly. Reduced Pressure Principle
Backflow Prevention Assembly. or Reduced Pressure Principle-Detector
Backflow Prevention Assembly and the attached shutoff valves on the inlet
and outlet ends of the assembly. assembled as a complete unit.
H. Backpressure: an elevation of pressure downstream of the distribution
system that would cause. or tend to cause. water to flow opposite of its
intended direction.
I. Backsiphonaae: a drop in distribution system pressure below atmospheric
pressure (partial vacuum). that would cause. or tend to cause. water to
flow opposite of its intended direction.
J. Bore-Siahted Drain to Dayliaht: an unrestricted straiaht-line openina in an
enclosure that vents to arade. and is sized and constructed to adequately
drain the full flow discharae from a reduced pressure principle backflow
prevention assembly thus preventina any potential for submersion of the
K. Check Valve: a valve. which allows flow in only one direction.
L. City: the City of Ashland. a municipal corporation in the State of Oreaon.
M. Contaminant: any physical. chemical. bioloaical. or radioloaical substance
or matter in water that creates a health hazard.
N. Council: City Council for the City of Ashland. Oreaon.
O. Cross Connection: any actual or potential unprotected connection or
structural arranaement between the public or user's potable water system
and any other source or system throuah which it is possible to introduce
into any part of the potable system any used water. industrial fluid. aas. or
substances other than the intended potable water with which the system is
supplied. Bypass arranaements. iumper connections. removable sections.
swivel. or chanae-over devices, and other temporary or permanent devices
throuah which. or because of which. backflow can occur are considered to
be cross connections.
P. Customer: any individual firm or corporation receivina water service from
the City.
Q. Customer Facilities and/or equipment: facilities and/or equipment located
on customer premises used for receivina. controllina. applyina. and/or
utilizina City water.
R. Customer Control Valve: a valve installed at or near the outlet of water
meter for use by customer to control water to premises.
S. Director: the Public Works Director or Enaineer for the City of Ashland.
T. Distribution System: the network of pipes and other facilities. which are
used to distribute water from the source. treatment. transmission. or
storaae facilities to the water user.
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U. Double Check-Detector Backflow Prevention Assembly (DCDA): a specially
desianed assembly composed of a line size approved double check valve
assembly assembled with a bypass containina a specific water meter and
an approved double check valve backflow prevention assembly. The meter
shall reaister accurately for only very low rates of flow UP to three aallons
per minute and shall show a reaistration for all rates of flow. This
assembly is desianed to protect aaainst a non-health hazard.
V. Double Check Valve Backflow Prevention Assembly (DC): an assembly of
two independently actina approved check valves. includina tiahtly closina
resilient seated shutoff valves attached at each end of the assembly and
fitted with properly located resilient seated test cocks. This assembly is
desianed to protect aaainst a non-health hazard.
W. Federal: the United States of America. Environmental Protection Aaency.
x. Health Hazard (Contamination): an impairment of the Quality of the water
that could create an actual hazard to the public health throuah poisoninQ
or throuah the spread of disease by sewaae. industrial fluids. waste. or
other substances.
Y. Human Consumption: water used for drinkina. personal hyaiene bathina.
showerina. cookina. dishwashina and maintainina oral hyaiene.
z. Hydrant: a device providina City water for fire protection: examples
include fire hydrants and 'standpipes.
AA. Local Administrative Authority: the individual official. board. department
or aaency established and authorized by a state. county or city to
administer and enforce the provisions of the Oreaon State Plumbina
Specialty Code as adopted.
BB. Non-Health Hazard (Pollution): an impairment of the Quality of the water
to a dearee that does not create a hazard to the public health. but does
adversely affect the aesthetic Qualities of such water for potable use.
CC. OAR: Oreaon Administrative Rules.
DD. ODHS: the Oreaon Department of Human Services.
EE. Oreaon Plumbina Specialty Code (OPSC): the latest edition of the
Uniform Plumbina Code as adopted and/or amended by the State.
FF. Point of Delivery (POD): the point of connection between a public water
system and the user's water system. Beyond the point of delivery. the
Oreaon Plumbina Specialty Code applies. See "Service Connection."
GG. Pollutant: a substance that creates an impairment of the Quality of the
water to a dearee which does not create a hazard to the public health. but
which does adversely affect the aesthetic Qualities of the water.
HH. Potable Water: See Safe Drinkina Water.
II. Potential Cross Connection: a cross connection that would most likely
occur. but may not be takina place at the time of an inspection.
JJ. Premises: means real estate and the structures on it.
KK. Pressure Vacuum Breaker Backsiphonaae Prevention Assembly (PVB):
an assembly consistina of an independently operatina. internally loaded
check valve and an independently operatina loaded air inlet valve located
on the discharae side of the check valve. This assembly is to be eQuipped
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with properly located resilient seated test cocks and tiahtly closina
resilient seated shutoff valves attached at each end of the assembly. This
assembly is desianed to protect aaainst a non-health hazard or a health
hazard under backsiphonaae conditions only.
LL. Private Water Main: a water main installed by customer to serve
customer's premises. A private water main may provide. but is not limited
to. private hydrants. private fire protection systems. landscape irriaation.
multiple buildinas or customer's eauipment.
MM. Private Water System: any water system for water supply other than the
City water system. Examples include: wells. sprinas. ponds. streams. and
the Talent Irriaation District water.
NN. Public Health Hazard: a condition. device or practice which is conducive
to the introduction of waterborne disease oraanisms. or harmful chemical.
physical. or radioactive substances into a public water system. and which
presents an unreasonable risk to health.
00. Public Water System: a system for the provision to the public of piped
water for human consumption. if such system has more than three service
connections. or supplies water to a public or commercial establishment
that operates a total of at least 60 days per year. and that is used by 10 or
more individuals per day. Public water system also means a system for the
provision to the public of water throuah constructed conveyances other
than pipes to at least 15 service connections or reaularly serves at least 25
individuals daily at least 60 days of the year. A public water system is
either a "Community Water SYstem." a "Transient Non-Community Water
System." a "Non-Transient Non-Community Water System" or a "State
Reaulated Water System. "
PP. Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Prevention Assembly (RP): an
assembly containina two independently actina approved check valves.
toaether with a hydraulically operatina. mechanically independent
pressure differential relief valve located between the check valves and at
the same time below the first check valve. The unit shall include properly
located resilient seated test cocks and tiahtly closinQ resilient seated
shutoff valves at each end of the assembly. This assembly is desianed to
protect aaainst a non-health hazard or a health hazard.
QQ. Reduced Pressure Principle-Detector Backflow Prevention Assembly
(RPDA): a specifically desianed assembly composed of a line size
approved reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assembly with a
bypass containina a specific water meter and an approved reduced
pressure principle backflow prevention assembly. The meter shall reaister
accurately for only very low rates of flow UP to three aallons per minute
and shall show a reaistration for all rates of flow. This assembly is
desianed to protect aaainst a non-health hazard or a health hazard.
RR. Reaular Workina Hours: Winter from 8:00am to 4:30pm and summer from
7:00am to 3:30pm. Monday throuah Friday. except holidays.
SS. Safe Drinkina Water: water which has sufficiently low concentrations of
microbioloaical. inoraanic chemical. oraanic chemical. radioloaical or
Page 4 of 15
physical substances so that individuals drinkina such water at normal
levels of consumption. will not be exposed to disease oraanisms or other
substances which may produce harmful physioloaical effects.
TT.Service Connection: the pipina connection by means of which water is
conveyed from a distribution main of a public water system to a user's
premise. For a community water system. the portion of the service
connection that conveys water from the distribution main to the user's
property line. or to the service meter. where provided. is under the
iurisdiction of the water supplier.
UU. Spill Resistant Pressure Vacuum Breaker Backsiphonaae Prevention
Assembly (SVB): an assembly containina an independently operatina.
internally loaded check valve and independently operatina loaded air inlet
valve located on the discharae side of the check valve. The assembly is to
be eauipped with a properly located resilient seated test cock. a properly
located bleed/vent valve. and tiahtly closina resilient seated shutoff valves
attached at each end of the assembly. This assembly is desianed to
protect against a non-health hazard or a health hazard under a
backsiphonaae condition only.
w. Sprina: a naturally occurrina discharae of flowina water at the around
surface. or into surface water. Springs can be derived from aroundwater or
they can be surface water influenced.
ww. State: the State of Oreaon Department of Health and/or Department of
Environmental Quality.
XX. Surface Water: all water. which is open to the atmosphere and subiect
to surface runoff.
YV. Temporary Service Connection: a service connection installed for
circuses. bazaars. fairs. construction work. or similar short term temporary
usaae. the location of such is to be determined by City.
ZZ.Vault: an approved enclosure above or below around to house a backflow
prevention assembly that complies with the local administrative authority
havina iurisdiction.
AAA. Water Meter: a device for measuring water flow to water supply line
housed in an approved meter box and located between the water service
line and water supply line.
BBB. Water Meter - Exempt: a water meter as defined above for a use that
does not return water to the City of Ashland sanitary sewer system. Such
meters will be exempt from sanitary sewer charaes. Examples of exempt
meters are meters used for landscapina or a self-contained process such
as iuice or soft drink manufacture.
CCC. Water Supply Line: a customer owned water line located between water
meter and plumbina on the premises.
DDD. Water System: the City owned and operated water system. which
includes. but is not limited to. water treatment facilities. dams. reservoirs.
pumps. water mains. fire hydrants. and appurtenances.
14.05.020 Water Service Connection and Water Meter.
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A. Water Service Connection.
1) Location. The City shall install the water service connection in a
location approved by City. The water service connection shall be
installed between the water main and the customer's property
line. If Customer reQuests an alternate location on customer's
property and City approves the location. an easement to the City
shall be provided by customer for location of City approved
water service connection or water meter. The Customer will pay
all costs.
2) Size. The water service connection size shall be in accordance
with OPSC. The minimum size of a water service connection
shall be three Quarters inch (3/4") inside diameter.
B. Water Meters Includina Exempt Meters.
1) Location. A water meter shall be installed by City at the
termination of a water service connection. The water meter shall
be located at the property line on public riaht-of-way or public
property. If the Customer reQuests an alternate location on
customer's property. and City approves the location. an
easement to the City shall be provided by customer to allow the
City to install the City approved water service connection or
water meter. Customer will pay all costs.
2) Size. The water meter size shall be determined by the City based
on the OPSC and water meter manufacturer's recommendation.
The minimum size meter is three-Quarters inch (3/4") inside
C. Water Meter Accuracy. Customer may reQuest a water accuracy test.
Prior to the reQuest beina aranted. customer shall deposit an amount
with the City. as established by Council. If the water meter accuracy
test is within :!:50/0 of manufacturer's standard. customer shall forfeit
deposit. If the water meter accuracy check exceeds :!:5 of
manufacturer's standard. City shall install a replacement water meter
and deposit shall be refunded to customer.
D. Installation Charaes. Installation charaes for water service connections
and water meters shall be established by Council.
E. System Development Charae (SDC). A reimbursement fee. a public
improvement charQe or a combination assessed and collected as
specified in Section 4.20.070 of the AMC.
F. Access to Service Connection. Customer shall keep premises free
from any and all rubbish or material which would prevent City from
havina free access to any service connection and/or water meter.
G. Ownership and Maintenance.
1) City is the owner of service connection. Authorized City
personnel shall install and maintain service connections at City's
expense. If a customer damaaes the service. the customer is
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liable for all costs of repair and/or replacement incurred. and the
Customer shall be billed by the City for all the costs.
2) Customer is the owner of the water supply line and is
responsible for construction. repair. and maintenance of the
water supply line.
H. Joint Water Services. City may. at City option. serve two (2) or more
premises with one water service connection. The size of a ioint water
service connection shall be determined by the City based on OPSC
standards and the water meter manufacturer's recommendations.
I. Sub-Meters. Sub-meters are water meters installed by customer for the
convenience of customer. City will not furnish or read sub-meters.
J. Chanae in Size or Location of Water Service Connection and/or Water
Meter. A customer reQuestina a chanae in location or size of a water
service connection and/or water meter. shall be liable for all costs
incurred by City as established by Council. City shall approve all
K. Water Service Connection or Private Water main. City shall discontinue
water service when a private water main or supply or private
appurtenance(s) are not constructed or properly maintained by the
customer in accordance with City. State. or Federal laws and these
water reaulations.
L. Customer's Control Valve(s). Customer is required to install a control
valve which controls the water supply to customer premises. Customer
control valve shall be located between the City water meter and the
customer water supply line. The purpose of customer control valves is
to provide customers with a method of discontinuina water service to
their premises. The cost of furnishina and installina customer control
valves by the City will be as established by Council.
14.05.030 Temporary Service Connection.
A. Time Limit. Temporary service connections shall be disconnected not
more than ninety (90) days from the date of installation. An extension
may be aranted by the City upon request from the customer.
B. Charaes for Installation. The customer shall be required to deposit with
the City the followina amounts as established by Council:
1) Estimated cost of installation and removal of temporary service
2) Estimated cost of water served throuah the temporary service
3) Cost equal to the value of the temporary service connection.
C. Refund of Charaes for Installation.
1) Refund. If the deposit exceeds the City's costs. the City shall
refund the customer deposit less the City's cost of removina the
temporary service connection.
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2) Additional Billina. If the deposit is less than the City's costs. the
customer shall pay the additional costs to City. Permanent water
supply lines shall not be connected to water service lines until
costs are paid in full.
D. Charaes for Water Served. Charaes for water shall be based on
standard water rates established by Council.
E. Responsibility for Temporary Water Service. The applicant and/or
customer is responsible for all damaae and/or maintenance reQuired for
temporary water service beainnina at the time of installation and
endina at the time of removal by City.
14.05.040 Hydrants.
A. Use of Hydrants.
1) No person shall tamper. damaae. or use water from a hydrant
without first obtainina written approval from the Director or
2) Some city owned hydrants exist outside the corporate City limits.
The use of such hydrants is restricted to City and authorized
personnel only. Anyone desirina to use these hydrants must
obtain written approval from the Administrator or desianee.
B. Relocatina Hydrants.
1) Cost. If an applicant and/or customer reQuests relocation of a
fire hydrant the applicant and/or customer shall be liable for all
costs incurred.
2) Deposit. A deposit in the amount of estimated costs of
relocatina the hydrant shall be reQuired. If the deposit exceeds
the actual costs. the applicant and/or customer shall be refunded
their deposit less actual cost. If the deposit is less than City's
costs. the additional costs shall be due and payable prior to
activation of the hydrant.
3) Fire Department Approval. The applicant and/or customer shall
receive written approval from the Ashland Fire Department prior
to reQuestina relocation of a hydrant.
. "
14.05.050 Responsibility for Customer Facilities and/or EQuipment.
A. Condition of Customer Facilities. The customer shall install and
maintain. in a aood and safe condition. all facilities and/or eQuipment
reQuired for receivina. controllina. applyina and/or utilizina City water.
The City shall not be liable for any loss or damaae caused by improper
installation. nealiaence. want of proper care. wronaful act{s} of
customer or customer's tenants. aaents. employees. contractors.
licensees. or permittees installina. maintainina. usina. operatina. or
interferina with customer's facilities and/or eQuipment.
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B. Water Service BillinQ Adiustments. No reduction in charaes for water
service shall be made for any cause. includina leaks. freezina or similar
instances. However. if the customer's facilities and/or eQuipment
include facilities that are beyond the customer's control. the customer
makes an immediate and diliaent effort to repair the break as soon as
possible after its discovery. and circumstances warrant it. such as with
a break-in. the City. upon written reQuest by the customer. may make
an adiustment to the water service charae. The adiustment shall be
based on previous years usaae for the same billina period.
Adiustments shall not exceed 500/0 of the difference between current
and previous usaae. All adiustments shall be made in accordance with
the AMC.
C. Damaae to Customer Facilities. The City shall not be responsible for
damaae to property caused by customer's facilities and/or eQuipment
when. or while. water service is in use by the City for repair or
replacement of water mains. water services. or similar City owned and
operated facilities relatina to the production. treatment. or distribution
of water to the customer's facilities. When possible the City will make a
reasonable attempt to notify the customer of such activity.
14.05.060 Backflow Prevention.
A. Purpose. The purpose of cross connection and backflow control is to:
1) Protect the public potable water supply of Ashland from
contaminants and pollutants by isolatina the customer's internal
distribution system(s) or private water system(s) from the
backflow of contaminants and pollution into the public water
2) Promote the elimination or control of existina cross connections.
actual or potential. between the customer's potable water system
and non-potable water system. plumbina fixtures and industrial
pipina systems. and
3) Provide for the maintenance of a continuina proaram of cross
connection control which will systematically and effectively
prevent the contamination or pollution of all potable water
B. Cross Connections Reaulated. All current or future cross connection
assemblies shall be installed. used. or maintained in accordance with
this Chapter.
C. Backflow Prevention Assembly ReQuirements.
1) Customers addina chemicals or other substances to City water
shall notify the City immediately.
2) Approved backflow prevention assemblies shall be installed at
the location service connection. or as determined by the City
certified cross connection control inspector. Customer shall be
liable for all associated costs.
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3) Customer's water supply line and plumbina shall be open for City
inspection. City authorized representative shall determine if
structural or sanitary hazards exist due to cross connection
devices. Upon the City's awareness of a hazard. the City shall
discontinue service to premises. Water service shall resume
followina correction. inspection. and City approval of the
customer's corrections.
4) Backflow protection shall be installed when a cross connection
exists. The dearee of the hazard shall determine the correction
(a) Premises with an auxiliary water supply connected. or
intended to be connected. to the City water system shall
be protected by an approved air aap separation or an
approved reduced pressure principle backflow
prevention assembly. The City discouraaes such cross
connections because of the hiah potential for backflow
into the City water system. The City reserves the riaht to
refuse such connections.
(b) Premises that contain materials danaerous to health that
could enter into the City's water system shall install a an
approved air aap separation or an approved reduced
pressure principle backflow prevention assembly.
(c) Premises usina or storina obiectionable substance not
hazardous to health shall protect the City water system
by installina an approved backflow prevention assembly.
(d) Irriaation systems may be protected by a DCVA. PVB. or
RP assembly.
(e) When water. aases. chemicals. or foreian substances
that may contaminate the public water system as a result
of backflow or backsiphonaae are placed in the system. a
reduced pressure principle backflow prevention
assembly or an air aap separation shall be installed.
5) All City eQuipment usina City water within the City water system
shall protect the water with an approved assembly. Examples are
street sweepers. fire trucks. and tanker or flusher trucks.
6) Installation of backflow prevention assemblies shall comply with
the installation auidelines defined in these rules.
7) Customer shall keep backflow prevention assemblies in aood
workina condition at all times. Customer shall have annual
inspection and leakaae tests by an individual certified by the
State. Additional inspections shall be reQuired when successive
inspections indicate failure. Customer shall be financially liable
for inspections and tests performed by City or private certified
individuals. City shall be responsible for tests beina completed in
a timely manner. Defective backflow prevention assemblies shall
be repaired. overhauled. or replaced at customer expense. All
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backflow prevention assembly testina records shall be submitted
to the City Records of such tests. repairs. and overhauls shall be
maintained by the City.
8) ExistinQ backflow prevention assemblies. which do not meet
reQuirements of these rules. but were approved devices at the
time of installation. and have been properly maintained. shall. be
excluded from the reQuirements of these rules except for the
reQuirement in subsection 14.05.060(C)(7). The City water system
must be protected in a method as determined by City. Whenever
an existina assembly is relocated. the assembly shall meet
reQuirements of these reaulations.
9) If internal cross connections are not correctable. or an intricate
plumbina arranaement makes it impractical to determine if a
cross connection exists. City shall determine what backflow
prevention assemblies are reQuired.
10} All installation shall be in accordance with the OPSC.
11) All new construction plans shall be submitted to the Director or
desianee for approval.
12) If a backflow prevention assembly is reQuired to accomplish the
purpose of these reaulations. installation shall be made by the
homeowner. licensed landscape contractor. or licensed plumbina
13) If an appropriate cross connection application has not be filed
with and approved by the City. water service shall be
14) Pursuant to the ODHS and OAR Chapter 333. Division 61. an
approved Double Check Valve Backflow Prevention Assembly
(DC) shall be the minimum backflow protection for fire line
(a) A Double Check Detector Backflow Prevention Assembly
(DCDA) is reQuired by City.
(b) Systems that incorporate an antifreeze loop containina
any type of chemical shall have an approved Reduced
Pressure Principle Backflow Prevention Assembly
installed on the antifreeze loop.
D. Installation ReQuirements. To ensure proper operation and accessibility
of all backflow prevention assemblies. the followina is reQuired:
1) No part of the backflow prevention assembly shall be submeraed
or installed in a location subiect to floodina. If a backflow
prevention assembly is installed in a vault or basement. adeQuate
drainaae shall be provided.
(a) DCDA's may be installed below arade in a vault. provided
that pluas are installed in the test cocks.
2) Assemblies must be installed at the connectina point of the City
water service connection. Alternate locations must be approved
by the Director or desianee prior to installation.
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3) Assemblies must be protected from freezina and/or other severe
weather conditions.
4) Backflow prevention assemblies shall be approved by the ODHS
and the City.
5) Assemblies specifically approved by the Oreaon Department of
Human Services for vertical installation shall be installed plumb.
6) Assemblies shall be accessible for maintenance and testina.
Assemblies 2" and smaller shall have a minimum 6" clearance on
all sides of the assembly. All devices laraer than 2" shall have a
minimum clearance of 12" on the back side, 24" on the test cock
side. 12" below the assembly. and 36" above the assembly.
7) Any assembly installed inside premises shall be readily
accessible durina the City's reaular workina hours.
8) If an assembly is installed inside of premises. 5' above the floor
and 2.5" or laraer. the assembly must be equipped with
permanently installed scaffoldina approved by the City.
Installation must also meet the U.S. Occupational Safety and
Health Administration requirements and the State of Oreaon
Occupational Safety and Health Codes.
9) Reduced Pressure Principle Assemblies may be installed in a
vault only if the relief valve discharae can be drained to dayliaht
throuah a "boresiaht" type drain. The drain shall be of adequate
capacity to carry the full rated flow of the assembly and shall be
screened on both ends.
10) An approved air aap shall be located at the relief valve orifice.
This air aap shall be at least twice the inside diameter of the
incomina supply line as measured vertically above the top rim of
the drain and in no case less than 1".
11) When a backflow assembly is deemed necessary by the City. the
model of assembly and installation plans shall be submitted to
the City Water Department for approval prior to installation.
12) Upon completion of installation. the City shall be notified and all
assemblies must be inspected and tested by certified personnel.
All backflow assemblies must be recorded with the City.
Reaistration records shall provide the installation date. make.
model, serial number of the backflow assembly. and the initial
test report.
Any variances from these installation requirements shall be requested
in writina by the customer and approved by the Director or desianee in
writina prior to assembly installation.
E. Access to Premises. Authorized employees of the City, with proper
identification. shall have access durina reasonable hours to all parts of
the premise. If a customer refuses to aive the City access to the
premise for the purpose of inspection after receivina reasonable notice
of the inspection at a reasonable time. then either a reduced pressure
principle assembly shall be installed at the service connection to
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customer's premise at customer's expense by the City. or the City may
discontinue water service to the premises.
F. Annual Testina and Repairs. All assemblies installed by a customer as
reQuired by the City shall be tested immediately upon installation and
then annually by a state certified tester. All such assemblies found not
functionina properly shall be promptly repaired or replaced. The City
may deny or discontinue water service to the premise for
noncompliance of testina and/or repairs. All testina and repairs are the
financial responsibility of the customer.
G. Variances. Any variances from these reQuirements shall be reQuested
in writina by the customer and approved by the Director or desianee
prior to assembly installation.
H. Cost of Compliance. All costs associated with purchase. installation.
inspections. testina. replacement. maintenance. parts. and repairs of
the backflow assembly are the responsibility of the customer.
I. Termination of Service. Failure on the part of the customer to
discontinue the use of all cross connections and to physically separate
cross connections is sufficient cause for immediate discontinuance of
water service to the premises. OAR Chapter 333. Division 61. The
Director or desianee shall make said determination.
14.05.070 Inspection of Premises.
The City reserves the riaht to inspect the customer's premises if there is
reason to believe that an unsafe condition exists. The City may refuse water
service and disconnect the service connection from the water supply line if
the plumbina. appliances or eQuipment usina the water are danaerous. unsafe
or not in compliance with all City. State or Federal laws or standards.
14.05.080 Groundina Wire Attachments.
The attachment of any around wireCs) to any plumbina or water supply line
shall be at the customer's risk. The City assumes no liability for damaae to
customer's premises or persons on customer's premises caused by the
ineffectiveness of such a aroundina wire or system. The City shall hold
customer liable for any damaae to City property caused by customer's
aroundina wire or system.
14.05.090 Surae Control.
A. City Control. The City may discontinue water service if customer's
facilities and/or eQuipment create excessive pressure suraes in City
water system. The Director or desianee shall determine "excessive
pressure suraes."
B. Customer Responsibility. If the applicant and/or customer's facilities
and/or eQuipment creates excessive pressure suraes in the City water
system, the applicant and/or customer shall be responsible to install
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the City approved surae control eQuipment and maintain the surae
control eQuipment in proper operatina order at applicant/customer's
expense. If the City determines excessive pressure suraes from the
applicant and/or customer's facilities and/or eQuipment has caused
damaae to the City water system. the City may bill the customer for
cost of repairs of said damaae.
14.05.100 Pressure and Supply.
The City assumes no responsibility for loss or damaae caused by lack of
water volume or water pressure. The City aarees to provide water service to
the applicant and/or customer at pressures and volumes as are available in
the water system. Water service is subiect to shut-downs and variations
reQuired for the operation and maintenance of the water system.
14.05.110 Noncompliance with Reaulations.
The City may discontinue water service if the customer fails to comply with
this ordinance. The cost of discontinuina and restorina water service to the
customer shall be established by the Council.
14.05.120 Penalties.
A violation of this section shall be punishable by a minimum fine of $~
upon conviction.
SECTION 2. Repeal. The City of Ashland Ordinance No. 2773 is hereby repealed
in its entirety. Any municipal code provisions in conflict with the provisions
contained herein are also hereby repealed.
SECTION 3. Severability. The sections, subsections, paragraphs and clauses of
this ordinance are severable. The invalidity of one section, subsection, paragraph,
or clause shall not affect the validity of the remaining sections, subsections,
paragraphs and clauses.
SECTION 4. Savinas. Notwithstanding this amendment/repeal, the City ordinances
in existence at the time any criminal or civil enforcement actions were commenced,
shall remain valid and in full force and effect for purposes of all cases filed or
commenced during the times said ordinance(s) or portions thereof were operative.
This section simply clarifies the existing situation that nothing in this Ordinance
affects the validity of prosecutions commenced and continued under the laws in
effect at the time the matters were originally filed.
SECTION 5. Codification. Provisions of this Ordinance shall be incorporated in the
City Code and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "code", "article", "section",
"chapter" or another word, and the sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered,
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or re-Iettered, provided however that any Whereas clauses and boilerplate
provisions (i.e. Sections 2-5) need not be codified and the City Recorder is
authorized to correct any cross-references and any typographical errors.
The foregoing ordinance was first read by title only in a~h Article X,
Section 2(C) of the City Charter on the /~ day of "'"- , 2008,
and du PASSED and ADOPTED this 7 day of a , 2008.
Barbara M. Christensen, City Recorder
y title only in accordance with Article X,
day of
d ,2008.
SIGNED and APPROVED this j" day Of~2008.
Reviewed as to form:
t,.,-_ -...-
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