HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-05-13 Hearings Board MIN ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES MAY 13, 2003 CALL TO ORDER Hanson called the meeting to order at 1:32 p.m. Other Commissioners present were Colin Swales and Dave Dotterer. Staff present were Mark Knox, Brandon Goldman, and Derek Severson. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND FINDINGS None. Hanson read aloud the standard statement on land use public hearings. TYPE II PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING ACTION 2003-035 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE REVIEW TO OPERATE A TWO-UNIT MOTEL. THE PROPOSAL INCLUDES REPLACING THE EXISTING DETACHED BUILDING AT THE REAR OF THE PROPERTY WITH A NEW APPROXIMATELY 485 SQUARE FOOT BUILDING. 665 EAST MAIN STREET APPLICANT: E. KIRK MCALLISTER Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts There had been no further site visits since the last meeting and no ex parte contacts. STAFF REPORT Knox presented the staff report and gave background on this application. He explained that the Historic Commission had concerns that lead to this item being called up to the public hearing here. Knox discussed the Historic Commissioners concerns with the rear outbuilding on the C1 lot, and he went on to note that the original travelers accommodation proposal included the removal and reconstruction of this outbuilding. Knox added that the Historic Commissioners had a voted unanimously against the proposal as submitted, and he stated that there were building code issues with the proposed windows on the property line at the alley. Knox explained that the applicant was not present at the hearings board meeting last month to discuss these concerns, and as such the item was referred to a Type II hearing this month. Knox reported that the applicants have considered the Historic Commissions concerns and now are proposing to leave the rear unit alone and have a travelers accommodation unit in front. He emphasized that they would not be removing the rear building except for a small abutment on the west side. Knox added that the landscaping plan and parking plan were presented, and that for the most part things are staying the same as they are currently. Knox suggested that issues around the alley and the potential for paving need to be discussed. He noted that one year ago, two doors down to the east, an applicant on a similar application was required to pave for environmental reasons (i.e. to control dust and run-off of decomposed granite). Knox added that staff is proposing to require paving from Sixth Street to the rear of the project site, and he stated that staff recommends approval with the conditions as suggested by Historic Commission, except for the Historic Commissions objection to the alley paving. He reiterated that staff supported the conditions suggested by the Historic Commission except for their request not to pave the alley. Hanson noted that there are currently two travelers accommodations and a church as commercial uses off of the alley. PUBLIC HEARING KIRK MCALLISTER/395 STRAWBERRY LN explained that he wanted to maintain the look and feel of the current structures, and he stated that he would like to retain the siding from the existing outbuilding while rebuilding the structure and then residing it with the existing siding. Staff clarified that this would not affect the proposal or approval here. Dotterer stated that he saw no problem with the application. Swales stated that he did not feel that the issue of rebuilding the structure as is and using the existing siding was relevant here. Tom Philips/60 Fifth Street spoke regarding the alley issue. He recognized that the alley includes a row of travelers accommodations, and stated that the alley is now unpaved with creative brick and concrete parking areas. He noted that he had previously requested that the alley not be paved for a year, and he explained that from Fifth Street to Fourth Street, the paving of the alley gives it the feeling of an extended parking lot, whereas this section is a neighborhood alley with a historic feeling. He recommended keeping the residential character of the neighborhood in mind. He also stated that the proximity to the new Fire Station should alleviate some fire protection concerns. He stated that he felt paving would increase accidents and encourage speeding, and he added that this alley provides a route for many children walking to Safeway. Fire Marshall Dave Hard/455 East Main Street requested an additional condition for installation of a fire hydrant or sprinkler system as part of construction of the new building. Knox clarified that the new structure had been removed from the application, and Hard withdrew his request. He stated that there is no need for fire truck access as the rear unit is within walking distance of the street for a fireman. Swales questioned paving and the sprinkler or hydrant requirement, and asked for Hard’s feeling on paving. Hard stated that nothing in the application would requires that the alley be considered a primary route for fire access and as such paving was not necessary from a fire protection standpoint. Swales asked, and Hard confirmed, that if installed sprinklers could be attached to a residential line for residential use, but he added that for commercial use they would require a separate, dedicated line. Rebuttal No comments. Staff Response Swales asked about alley paving, and recognized the controversy that has surrounded this issue. Knox explained that it is city council policy to require paving for commercial uses, and he added that every attempt is made to avoid disturbing existing features. He clarified that this requirement is an attempt to reduce dust as both a nuisance and an environmental/air quality issue. He cited the recent Van Ness application as a recent example, and explained that this zoning allows outright uses that can be intense and that are very appropriate for paving. Dotterer noted that the Traffic Safety Commission had discussed alley paving, and he added that there was no supporting information to suggest that speeds actually increase with alley paving. He added that studies had been done, and there was no evidence in support of this misperception. Swales reiterated that this property is a C-1 commercial site. COMMISSIONERS’ DISCUSSION AND MOTION Swales moved approve to this application with conditions presented. Hanson seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Swales, Hanson, and Dotterer, YES. Motion passed. TYPE I PLANNING ACTIONS PLANNING ACTION 2003-042 is a request for a Land Partition to divide the existing property located at 197 Morton Street into two parcels. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Multi-Family Residential; Zoning: R-2; Assessor's Map #: 39 1E 09 DB; Tax Lot: 800. APPLICANT: Dan Heller This item was approved. PLANNING ACTION 2003-043 is a request for a Land Partition to divide the existing property at 332 Otis into two parcels, with the back parcel being served by a flag drive. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Single Family Residential; Zoning: R-1-5; Assessor's Map #: 39 1E 05 AD; Tax Lot 506. APPLICANT: Mark Dennett Hanson noted that he is an insurance agent writing a policy for this property; Knox noted that because members were not voting on this item there was no requirement that Hanson be excluded from discussion. This item was approved. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION 2 HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES MAY 13, 2003 PLANNING ACTION 2003-044 is a request for a Land Partition to divide the existing property at 790 Tolman Creek Road into three parcels. A new public street will be constructed to provide access to the three parcels. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Single Family Residential; Zoning: R-1-5; Assessor's Map #: 39 1E 14 B; Tax Lot: 400. APPLICANT: Kerry & Rhonda Lawrence This item was approved. PLANNING ACTION 2003-045 is a request for Site Review approval to construct a third residential unit attached to the existing duplex building on the property located at 230 and 232 Van Ness Avenue. Comprehensive Plan Designation: High Density Multi- Family Residential; Zoning: R-3; Assessor's Map #: 39 1E 05 DA; Tax Lot: 1600. APPLICANT: Serin Eggling and Sherri Morgan Goldman gave background of last Thursday’s Historic Commission review board discussion of this project, and he noted that there were revised elevations at the commissioners chairs. This item was approved. PLANNING ACTION 2003- 046 is a request for Final Plan approval for a 72-unit, single family development under the Performance Standards Option, for the property located west of the present terminus of Nevada Street and of the Quiet Village neighborhood. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Single Family Residential; Zoning: R-1-5-P; Assessor's Map #: 39 1E 05; Tax Lot: 200. APPLICANT: Billings Ranch Golf Group, LLC Knox noted that this proposal was for one unit less than proposed in the outline plan. He clarified that this review gives commissioners the opportunity to verify that the application complies with the outline plan submittal and that all conditions are met. He also noted that the corner street connection on Cambridge had been removed. This item was approved. PLANNING ACTION 2003-048 is a request for a Conditional Use Permit for a transfer of ownership for the existing traveler's accommodation located at 136 and 138 North Second Street. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Multi-Family Residential; Zoning: R-2; Assessor's Map #: 39 1E 09 BA; Tax Lot: 9100. APPLICANT: Beverly Kay Maurer This item was approved. ADJOURNMENT - The meeting was adjourned at 2:09 p.m. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION 3 HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES MAY 13, 2003