HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-10-14 Hearings Board MIN ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD OCTOBER 14, 2003 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 1:40 p.m. by Commissioner Dave Dotterrer. Mike Morris was present. Kerry KenCairn was absent. Staff present were Maria Harris, Brandon Goldman and Sue Yates. TYPE I PLANNING ACTIONS PLANNING ACTION 2003-122 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE REVIEW TO ENCLOSE THE FRONT PORCH OF ASHLAND HARDWARE WITH BLACK IRON RAILINGS IN ORDER TO CREATE A SECURE DISPLAY-RETAIL AREA FOR THE SALE OF GARDEN AND OUTDOOR PRODUCTS. APPLICANT: JOHN FIELDS This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 2003-124 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO CONVERT TEN EXISTING RENTAL UNITS INTO TEN INDIVIDUAL CONDOMINIUM UNITS FOR THE PROPERTIES LOCATED AT 784, 786 AND 790 PARK STREET. APPLICANT: ALEX KNECHT This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 2003-116 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE REVIEW FOR THE ALTERATION OF THE EXISTING BUILDING LOCATED AT 543 SOUTH MOUNTAIN AVENUE AND PREVIOUSLY APPROVED FOR USE AS THE QUAKER MEETING HOUSE, AS WELL AS CONTAINING OFFICE SPACE FOR A SMALL NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION. APPLICANT: SOUTH MOUNTAIN FRIENDS AND PEACE HOUSE There is an increase in habitable floor area, however, according to Fire Marshall, Dave Hard, it is not an increase in building area. This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 2003-125 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO EXPAND THE EXISTING WALDORF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL USE AT THE REAR OF THE CLAY STREET COMMUNITY CHURCH OF GOD PROPERTY AT 631 CLAY STREET. SPECIFICALLY, THE PROPOSAL INCLUDES THE PLACEMENT OF A TEMPORARY MODULAR BUILDING ON THE PROPERTY FOR USE AS CLASSROOM SPACE. APPLICANT: CLAY STREET CHURCH OF GOD This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 2003-129 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE REVIEW TO CONVERT AND EXPAND AN EXISTING NON-CONFORMING STRUCTURE INTO AN APPROXIMATELY 622 SQUARE FOOT ACCESSORY RESIDENTIAL UNIT (ARU) FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 900 GLENDALE STREET. THE STRUCTURE IS NON-CONFORMING DUE TO EXISTING SIDE AND REAR YARD SETBACKS LESS THAN REQUIRED BY THE CURRENT LAND USE ORDINANCE. APPLICANT: SCOTT ALLISON This action was called up for a public hearing. PLANNING ACTION 2003-128 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE REVIEW TO REMODEL AND CONSTRUCT A SANCTUARY ADDITION TO THE EXISTING GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH FACILITY LOCATED AT 660 FRANCES LANE. APPLICANT: GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH OF ASHLAND This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 2003-131 REQUEST FOR MODIFICATION OF A PREVIOUSLY APPROVED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE REVIEW FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SOUTHERN OREGON UNIVERSITY MULTIMEDIA CENTER AND RVTV FACILITY AT 1525 WEBSTER STREET ON THE SOUTHERN OREGON UNIVERSITY (SOU) CAMPUS. APPLICANT: SOUTHERN OREGON UNIVERSITY This action was approved. TYPE II PLANNING ACTIONS PLANNING ACTION 2003-110 REQUEST FOR MODIFICATION OF A PREVIOUSLY APPROVED SITE REVIEW APPROVAL TO CONSTRUCT A THIRD DWELLING UNIT FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 230 AND 232 VAN NESS STREET. THE REQUEST INCLUDES A VARIANCE TO ALLOW THE APPLICANT AN ADDITIONAL ON-STREET PARKING CREDIT BY UTILIZING THE ADJOINING PROPERTY'S 20-FOOT WIDE STREET FRONTAGE. APPLICANT: SERIN EGGLING Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts - A site visit was made by Morris. STAFF REPORT Goldman explained this action was administratively approved and then called up for a public hearing by an adjacent property owner. At that time, the applicants showed four on-site parking spaces and one off-street parking space for the proposed three unit development. At the time of their original application an easement had not been secured by the applicant. The 20 foot wide flagpole is part of the Variance request by the applicant. The modified proposal shows three parking spaces on-site and a request for a Variance to utilize 20 feet of an adjoining property for their frontage to count as an on-street parking credit. The combined width of the two lots is 100 feet. Staff made the interpretation that the 91 feet of frontage that exists uninterrupted by any curb cuts was adequate. The applicant has shown how four parking spaces can be arranged with the required turnaround movements on the frontage. Jim Olson, City Engineer, has indicated this would function to provide four parking spaces. There is an additional modification to the building since the administrative approval. The applicant would like to increase the depth of the building by three feet to provide more internal floor area as the fourth parking space will no longer be necessary on-site if the Variance is approved. The change necessitates a modified landscape and irrigation plan. Staff is recommending a condition of approval “that the proposed landscaping irrigation system be installed in accordance with approved plan prior to certificate of occupancy". The conditions skip from #1 to #3: Condition 2 -That a revised landscape plan be provided. Condition 3 - That the proposed landscape plan be installed prior to a certificate of occupancy. Condition 4 - That the cedar tree adjacent to the proposed unit be protected during construction activities in accordance with the Tree Protection Ordinance. There are eight conditions recommended by Staff. Goldman noted that the most contentious part of this application is related to the on-street parking credit. The 20 foot wide flagpole cannot be used as auto access to the rear parcel. Staff does not take issue with the 20 feet of street frontage that will never be used for driveway access to the rear parcel. The granting of the Variance would preclude that from happening. The spaces on-street would not be striped or marked, but would remain public spaces. Overall, Staff feels that the minor alterations will not have an adverse impact on the site. The parking Variance as requested satisfies the need to have four parking spaces credited toward this use, two of which are on-street parking credits. Staff has recommended approval of the Variances, as requested with the eight attached conditions. PUBLIC HEARING DOYLE BRIGTENBURG handed out photographs to the Commissioners. He has talked to Jim Olson with regard to the use of this type of parking on the street and it has worked effectively in other situations. There is a letter from Dave Hard, clarifying there is no need for fire access on the flag because of access from the alley. SHERRY MORGAN owns the property with Serin Eggling. They wanted to create an attractive and useful unit in the area of the garage. The cottage is in character with the existing building. The landscaping plan provides screening from the neighboring property and a walkway that will connect the new units as well as with the existing path. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION 2 HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES OCTOBER 14, 2003 HERBERT SWEETEN , 240 VanNess, found only 88 feet of curb frontage. Their driveway is approximately 12 feet wide, reducing their functional amount to 68 feet. He has calculated a deficit of eight feet of curbing to be able to provide two on- street parking spaces. There are only six parking spaces for the fourplex. He showed two photos. He read a statement. There is insufficient footage to add the second on-street parking credit. It would be a circumvention of the code. The first space would take up 48 feet, not leaving enough footage for the second space. There are currently three residences upstairs and a unit downstairs. It is normal for them to have five cars. Parking is at a premium now on the street. He would ask for denial of the request for a Variance., Goldman said the applicants are proposing to reduce the driveway to a width to nine feet, providing 91 feet of frontage. Rebuttal Morgan understands Sweeten’s concerns about parking in the neighborhood. They could ask that their tenants park further away from the site. Brightenburg said they have tried to make everything work and still feel that there is enough space. Practically speaking, it ends up working. Dotterrer recapped. The lot is 80 feet wide. (80' - 9' = 71' + 20' = 91'). Goldman said Sweeten is looking at 48 feet of uninterrupted curb per on-street parking space. Staff has made the interpretation that part of the 96 feet is for maneuvering space for getting in and out of a parking space. COMMISSIONERS’ DISCUSSION AND MOTION Harris said the Hearings Board needs to deliberate to see if they agree with Staff’s argument of how the footage was calculated. Dotterrer has no problem counting the 20 feet. It’s the issue of having the nine feet as maneuvering space. Goldman said a reciprocal easement would have been the best solution. Morris said they are altering the formula to get the required spaces and he is concerned with setting a precedent. Harris said a variance is decided on a case by case basis. She suggested going through the criteria one-by-one. Is the on-street parking configuration going to work or will it have a negative impact on the surrounding area? Morris doesn’t think there will be a negative impact. Dotterrer moved to accept the Staff proposal with the recommended conditions. Goldman said the adjacent property owner, Carl Wright, wrote a letter stating he did not object to the Variance. Morris seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND FINDINGS The minutes and findings of the September 9, 2003 meeting will be approved at tonight’s meeting. ADJOURNMENT – The meeting was adjourned at 2:45 p.m. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION 3 HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES OCTOBER 14, 2003