HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-0605 Tree MIN Ashland Tree Commission th Minutes, June 5 2003 Call toOrder: The meeting was called to order at 5:05pm by Chair Rich Whitall. Commissioners in attendance were Bryan Holley, January Jennings, Ted Loftus, Bryan Nelson, Jonathan Uto and Laurie Sager. Staff present was Robbin Pearce from Community Development. Approval of Minutes: Minutes for May were approved with corrections. Bryan Nelson moved and Laurie Sager seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Welcome Guests: Paula Brown, Public Works Director was present to discuss CIP (Capital Improvement Projects). John McLaughlin, Planning Director and Adam Hanks, Code Compliance Officer were present to discuss a number of Tree Commission projects. Fred Stockwell was present to observe the commission meeting. Neil Stewart was present for his Planning Action (PA2003-052 – California Street). Ken Khosroabadi and family were present to present his Planning Action (PA 2002-040 Mobile Station) Paula Brown reviewed the 2003-04 CIP list. Projects that the Tree Commission might want to be aware of or review include: ? Tolman Creek Road (Jim Olson) – cottonwoods will be kept. Tree Commission should look at this project for tree impacts. ? Central Ashland Bikeway - $600,00 grant; opportunity to be creative; comments should go directly to Paula. ? Tolman and Siskiyou – safety improvement and street scene. ? Downtown – pedestrian safety and lights ? Misc Sidewalks – include Nevada, Strawberry Lane and Tolman Creek Road. ? Wastewater – line from North Mountain. ? Water Quality (Pieter Smeenk) – Riverwalk ? Siskiyou – the seed will be changed to sod. All work will stop until after the fourth. Tree Commission recommended the Fire Station tree wells be dugout and reprepared. Paula will discuss this with Keith Woodley. John McLaughlin *Tree Protection – There have been some wording changes. If the Tree Commission feels they are alright the signs will be printed and then will be ready to be distributed with verification permits. Discussion included including watering as a part of tree protection and laminating the signs so they can be reused. *Professional Designers Ordinance Amendment – The language is being amended. The adoptive process should take approximately three months. Tentative timeline is: August back to Tree Commission for review; September – joint study session and review by the Planning Commission and October to the City Council for adoption. ? Project Site Review Procedure – Because construction sites are more problematic and it could be easy to cross the liability line and there is confusion on the part of the applicant or the construction personnel as to the outcome of the “inspection” discussion it was decided to develop and/or incorporate a permission or approval from the property owner or the applicant to enter the property. Discussion included input from guests and commissioners. The form could include the options: approval, no approval or that the visit should be arranged by appointment. Also, permission should be granted for periods during the time of the pre-hearing or during the project. The discussion also included the original intent of the review (and attempt to maintain canopy cover); the opportunity to educate the public (applicant, siteworkers, neighbors) and the commissioners as to what works - not just plant material but also conditions; pre- application reviews. ? Heritage Tree forms – Paul Nolte has reviewed the forms. They will come back to the Commission for review. Discussion included keeping the program voluntary; establishing an incentive in order to place this restriction on the deed. Incentives included increase in property value and money for maintenance and watering. ? Memorial Trees – Tree Commissioners are looking into creating a voluntary memorial tree registry. John McLaughlin supported this project. Bryan Nelson will present more at the August meeting. ? Tree Ordinance Update – Staff should have forms (permit, matrix, Q&A handout) ready by July. McLaughlin stated staff is keeping track of the amount of time implementation requires. This type of workload increase will be discussed in an upcoming Council study session. Staff shared that the number of applications aren’t so large as the complexity of the applications and the number of questions about ordinance relevance. Discussion included the Commissioners being available to help with permit field reviews and a proposal for a memo to Administration, the Mayor and Council for increase in staff. Old Business A. Goals 1. Heritage Trees – This item was discussed under Guests 2. Urban Forester – A committee was formed to draft a new proposal to tie together issues of Fire, Public Works, Parks and Community Development. The Committee consists of Laurie Sager, Bryan Holley and Ted Loftus. They will report in August. 3. Review of Goals: Primary Goals: Ordinance is complete. Heritage Trees should remain on the list; Arbor Week transition – stay on the list. Staff is working with Administration to facilitate this transition. The change in the utility stuffer/City Source availability may have an impact on the new timeline. Secondary Goals: Education Outreach should be moved to Primary. New Goal Setting date – B. Database of Memorial Trees – This item was discussed under Guests. thth C. Summer Schedule – July 7 (to compensate for the holiday on the 4) th will be Planning Actions only; August 7 will be a regular agenda. D. Other – There were no other topics. New Business A. Site Reviews: 1. Planning Action 2002 –040 Khosroabadi on Ashland Street – the mobile station. Details for plantings along carwash should be submitted based on minimum standards. Transition to sod should include transition in the irrigation system. Have a water audit to ensure plants will live. Turf should be drought tolerant. Plans should be resubmitted according to minimum standards. 2. Planning Action 2003-052 Neil Stewart on California Street. We recommend the mature landscaping be maintained and the sidewalk be placed along the street. Tree protection including mulching and fencing should be installed to protect the Elm along the NE side of the property. Submit a tree protection plan based on the ordinance 18.61 and ensure sidewalk design along southside is modified to protect the cedar. B. Other 1. Election of new chair: Ted Loftus accepted the nomination and was unanimously voted in as new chair. 2. Forest Lands Commission – January Jennings will replace Rich Whitall as the liaison to the Forest Lands Commission. 3. It was reported the tree in the middle of the front of the Park will be replaced with a thread leaf maple. It was recommended the trunk of the previous tree be cut longitudinally and used as an educational tool. Announcements – There were no announcements Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm.