HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-1106 Tree MIN Ashland Tree CommissionPage 1 of 2 Ashland Tree Commission Minutes, November 6, 2003 Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:00pm by Chairperson Ted Loftus. Additional commissioners in attendance were Bryan Holley, January Jennings, Bryan Nelson, Laurie Sager, Fred Stockwell, and Jonathan Uto. Also in attendance were Council liaison Kate Jackson, City Planner Mark Knox and staff Robbin Pearce. Approval of Minutes: Minutes for September were approved with corrections. (Holley; Sager; unanimous) Welcome Guests: Chris Chambers, Forest Work Grant Coordiinator for the City Fire Department. There were also a number of citizens in attendance to hear the planning action DeBoer on Glenview. Robert Davis, Sid DeBoer, Karen DeBoer, Mark Amrhein, Kerry Kencairn, Bill Patton, Shirley Patton, Andy Burt, Colin Swales and Bill Street. Chris Chambers wanted to discussion with the commissioners ideas and options on fire-wise landscaping. Chris shared his concerns about the potential for summer fire here in and around Ashland. His job includes reviewing and making recommendations about the defensible space, the construction of and the landscaping around the homes within the Wildfire Lands of Ashland. Chris asked for input from both the commissioners and the guests as to ways to educate homeowners, landscapers and even nurseries. Discussion included using the media; handouts from ODF, BLM; mass mailing to arborist, landscapers and homeowners within the Wildland Fire area; creating plant list brochures sponsored by the Fire Department, the Tree Commission, Forest Lands Commission, Ashland Woodlands Trails Group and even the Parks Commission; classes at North Mountain Park and including information and pictures on the website. Chris also informed the Commission of SB 360 which requires landowners who do not create and maintain a defensible space to be assessed for fire suppression damage. Chris will be a part of a workshop this Spring that will help educate the public about this senate bill. Old Business A.Goals 1.Heritage Trees - There is no new information to date. 2.Urban Forester - Laurie Sager reported there were meetings with department heads to outline what is currently done by staff that could be done by an urban forester; what else could be done by an urban forester and if funding could be transferred from current positions. Bryan Holley met with the City Manager. Gino shared with Bryan ideas of funding options and necessary information for a position proposal. Staff encouraged the committee to define a postion; look for overhead and budget amounts and talk with relevant department heads as soon as possible in order to meet the budget timeline of December/January.This committee will meet again after goal setting. 3.Education Outreach - The emphasis of this committee will be encouraging feel good processes. This topic will be thoroughly discussed at goal setting. Some topics discussed were regular articles in the Tidings and/or City Source, activities with and at North Mountain Park, Tree Walks all around town including Lithia park, classes, our own video. A.Report from the Planning Director - There was no report this month. C. Liaison Reports file://G:\comm-dev\planning\Commissions & Committees\Tree Commission\Agendas\Regu...2/5/2009 Ashland Tree CommissionPage 2 of 2 1.Kate Jackson - Kate had nothing to report this month. 2.Donn Todt - Donn was not present this month. 3.January Jennings - January did not attend the last Forest Lands Committee because she was at the workshop in Sunriver. She is aware they have completed the Forest Lands Restoration Phase II document and she will be bringing this document to goal setting. Also, January is working with the Parks department for support on a joint OCT membership. D.Mitigation Options - This item will be discussed at goal setting. th E.Other - 1. Votes continue to come in for the tree of the year. Friday, the 7 is the last day. Suggestions that have come in this year are marking the trees, adding pictures to the ballot and/or the web. January Jennings will write a letter of appreciation to be published in the Tidings. Bryan Holley will write a letter of appreciation Mr. Streng's Lincoln school class.   V. New Business A.Site Reviews - Planning Action 2003-118 (Sid & Karen DeBoer on Glenview) Laurie Sager declared conflict of interest and dismissed herself from a voting position and Bryan Holley declared his involvement. 1)Mitigation for loss of trees on this site will be as proposed in the application plus an additional 1 for 1 'onsite', to be planted within 50 feet of the property line and/or adjacent to Glenview. This is in addition to the proposed landscape plan. 2) It is essential that the remaining madrones be protected. The tree protection plan as presented by the Landscape Architect should be fully implemented to protect these trees. And, in addition, a structural footing should be designed by the Architect in conjunction with the Landscape Architect that will ensure he utmost protection of the rootzone. 3) Tree protection signs should be sued for this project. B.Other - 1. City of Medford has asked permission to 'use' the Recommended Street Tree Guide. Discussion included drafting a letter of support for the Medford Tree Committee. It was decided Bryan Holley will call John Galbraith of the Medford Tree Committee and discuss possible projects. 2. Ted Loftus suggested the Tree Commission establish a liasion with the Parks Commission. This will be discussed at goal setting. C.Announcements - There were no announcements this month. D.Statement of Account - Staff is working on the reimbursement of the grant for January's tuition which should fully reinstate the budget. E.Adjournment - Meeting adjourned at 9:10pm. file://G:\comm-dev\planning\Commissions & Committees\Tree Commission\Agendas\Regu...2/5/2009