HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-0509 Tree MIN Ashland Tree Commission Minutes May 9, 2002 Call to Order – The meeting was called to order by Chair Rich Whitall at 5:15 p.m. Commissioners in attendance in alphabetical order included Greg Covey, Bryan Holley, January Jennings, Dan Moore and Bryan Nelson. Also in attendance were Council liaison Kate Jackson and staff Robbin Pearce. Approval of Minutes – Minutes were approved with corrections. Welcome Guests – Kate Jackson, City Councilor introduced herself and gave a brief background. Mayor DeBoer handed out certificate and gifts from Volunteer Day. Old Business A.Arbor Day Wrap-up – ? January Jennings reported her class with Walker Elementary School was cancelled. The cost of the materials was more than anticipated because Walker School had committed $50 and due to lack of signups, they cancelled the class. January now has all the necessary materials to create a ‘roadshow’. She will develop a curriculum and keep the commission updated. Rich moved to fully reimburse January for the materials. Bryan Nelson seconded. Motion passed unanimously. January also reported working at a booth at the Master Gardeners Spring Fair where one of the topics she covered was the Tree Commission. This event might also be an idea to be used as a public education option for next year. ? Bryan Holley reported three successful events: 1) Tree planting at north Mountain Park, 2) installation of Tree of the Year plaque at the corner of Pennsylvania and Liberty and 3) the Bikepath cleanup. The Bikepath cleanup had a number of participants from Bike and Ped Committee members to Parks Department, City Staff, City employees and even a high school student, despite the fact it was not a school day. The press also made an appearance (KOBI TV) but as Bryan pointed out, the story fell victim to the cutting room floor. Bryan would like to work toward this becoming an annual event with the possibility of establishing an award system for lengths &/or types of work contributed. Bryan will continue to develop this idea and bring his ideas to the full commission. B.Proposal for Next Year’s Tree of the Year Event – Staff recommended moving Tree of the Year nomination process to either later in the Spring or to the Fall. Greg Covey made a motion to move the event to the Fall. January Jennings seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Dan Moore stated Arbor Week activities should be kept in April. Rich Whitall felt that this idea would spread tree awareness out more evenly throughout the year. Staff will return with some timeline options. C.Recommended Street Tree List – Bryan Nelson is dealing with the graphic artist on the text. Commissioners asked about the potential for a graphic design. Staff will return with more information next month. rd D.May ISA Workshop – On May 23 there will be a class on Hazardous Tree Evaluation. There is space for commissioners to attend.. Bryan Nelson and January Jennings will attend. E.Grant Update – Staff is beginning to develop the necessary paperwork. Updates will follow. F.Other – 1. Bryan Holley submitted a memo. The memo should be reviewed and comments either submitted to Bryan before the next meeting or brought to the next meeting for discussion. New Business A.Tree Removal Permits – There were no permits issued this month. B.Other – Dan Moore had concerns about the tree planning process on the Helman Street sidewalk project. He recommended a handout be developed showing how it should be done. Dan will email the Public Works director to see how we can help. Adjournment – Meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m.