HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-0606 Tree MIN Ashland Tree Commission Minutes June 6, 2002 Call to Order – The meeting was called to order by Chair Rich Whitall at 5:10 p.m. Commissioners in attendance in alphabetical order included Greg Covey, Bryan Holley, Dan Moore, Bryan Nelson and Laurie Sager. Also in attendance were Parks liaison Donn Todt and staff Robbin Pearce. th Approval of Minutes – Bryan Holley moved to approve the May 9, 2002 minutes as submitted. Dan Moore seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Welcome Guests – Joanne Krippaehne was in attendance for PA 2000-120 (Steve Hoxmeier), Allyn Stone & Tom Giordano were in attendance for PA 2002- 020 (Rogue Place), Alan Pardee, Devian Aguirre & Hines were in attendance for PA 2002-052 (2275 Siskiyou Bv), and Colin Swales and Jeffrey Land were also in attendance. Old Business A. Recommended Street Tree List – Bryan Nelson continues to make corrections. The graphic design should be complete by June 30, 2002. B. Bryan Holley’s memo – Bryan Holley will work on rewording the memo to include the idea of an urban forester. The idea of presenting the letter to the Council was discussed. This concept will be reviewed during goal setting. C. Other – There was no additional old business. New Business A. Site Reviews – 1. Planning Action 2002-052 (Alan Pardee) – Please submit written arborist report of all trees to be removed based on the final plan approved by the Planning Commission. Consider mitigating poplars along the drive with larger caliper (3 – 4 inch) trees. This Commission acknowledges the potential long-term hazard of poplars along the driveway and understands those trees may be removed per arborist recommendations. All tree removal within the riparian zone will follow required standards. 2. Planning Action 2002-020 (Andrews & Reeves) – Please clarify flow patterns for bioswales and stormdrains. We’re concerned that bioswales are not large enough to handle peak flows. How will bioswale on NE corner affect adjacent properties? What is projected runoff/retention? 3. Planning Action 2000-120 (Steve Hoxmeier) – Norway Maples on the street ad adjacent to asphalt and structures need much more room. These trees should be replaced with something from the Recommended Street Tree List with an upright nature and appropriate to the size of the planting area. Use structural soil in the plaza area. Please clarify placement of trees along the parking bay. We do not support waiving street tree requirements for this project. Use larger stature trees along this street frontage – minimum two inch with consideration for young trees. Consider impact of awnings, overhangs and entry ways to provide public easement in the placement of the street trees. Review street-side and parking lot space count to determine if there is the potential to gain additional street frontage space for tree planting. The three ‘existing trees to remain’ are in precarious locations – adjacent to existing &/or proposed hardscape and could be severely impacted by construction. Considering the nature & health of these trees, it might be well advised to remove and replace. Be sure to follow Minimum Standards for Landscape & Irrigation for final plan submittal. B. July Meeting: Subcommittee – Bryan Holley, Bryan Nelson, January Jennings th and Dan Moore volunteered for a July 8 5pm Planning Action review subcommittee. C. August Meeting – Review of Goals – Dan Moore, Bryan Holley, January Jennings, Laurie Sager, Bryan Nelson and Greg Covey are available for an th August 8 Planning Action review subcommittee. Goal setting will be th scheduled for September 5. D. Subcommittee for Public Works specs review – Greg Covey, Laurie Sager and Dan Moore will review Contract and Bid Documents and Technical Specifications for Public Works Construction projects. They will make recommendations to the full commission for amending the general documents regarding tree issues. E. Other – 1) Tree on Library property at the corner of Gresham and East Main Streets – Dan Moore proposed the tree be removed for traffic safety and street alignment with mitigation on the Evo Site using multiple large caliper trees, irrigation and structural soil. Also, the Tree Commission wants to review the landscape plan prior to approval. Bryan Holley seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 2) Heritage Tree Program – Bryan Nelson an Greg Covey will present in September. 3) Tree of the Year Timeline – After discussion of the options it was agreed to change the timeline to a Fall process. September – publication; October – ballot for the following Spring. The first test will be Fall of 2003. Bryan Holley will work on a public relations piece. Statement of Account – There is no money left in the 2001/2002 budget. Adjournment – Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.