HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-0906 Tree MIN Ashland Tree Commission Minutes September 6, 2001 Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at 5:05 p.m. by Chair Rich Whitall. Commissioners in attendance included Dan Moore, Tom Peil, Greg Covey, January Jennings, Bryan Holley, and Bryan Nelson. Council liaison Cameron Hanson, Planning Commission liaison Kerry Kencairn, Parks Department liaison Donn Todt and staff Robbin Pearce were also in attendance. Approvals of Minutes – Minutes were approved with corrections. Welcome Guests A. Ken Ogden, Architect, was in attendance for both the Chuck Butler project and the SOU project. Also in attendance for SOU was Bruce Moats, Director of the Physical Plant and Regional Planning Director for SOU. Steven Dewey, building contractor, was in attendance for the 107 Manzanita project, and Doyle Brightenburg and Eva Cooley were in attendance for the Iowa Street project. B. Deb Whitall, hydrologist with the United States Forest Service explained the collaborative restoration project she has been involved with which includes a group of scientist representing a number of different agencies. This project will define Basin Health. Health is based on a number of indicators: vegetation review, definition of riparian and upland, many years of historic data re included, streams, roads and slopes are mapped. They will develop an ecological support model, which will be used as a diagnostic tool to determine the health of the watershed (basin) and why. Discussion included: Addressing urban areas through this project. What information, other than riparian or stream features, are available in the ‘urban blocks’? Could this information be helpful to us? Could we use this information to prove the value of the existing canopy cover? What the impact has been and what the impact was based on (temperature reduction, erosion control etc.), to prove we must maintain what is existing – ‘we are well and we want to stay well’. Rich will work with Deb to review the data and see what we might use. Rich will report at the October meeting. Deb shared two wesites for review: www.restoretherogue.org (all the data layers) and www.or.blm.gov/gis/docs/wodip.pdf (specify to veg). Old Business: A. Dan’s letter – Dan will draft the letter, send it to all commissioners for comments and then have staff distribute it. Discussion included including in the text praise for the existing procedure, addressing the use of a licensed arborist and an annual budget outline. B. Bike/Ped Project Update – Bryan Holley proposes a project including the Bicycle/Pedestrian Committee, the Electric Department and a middle school class. It could be a half-day work party and a chance to raise consciousness of tree health. If it rains the project will be postponed until spring. Staff will check to see if there is money and or help from the City. C. Tree Ordinance – Tentative process was determined to be : summarize, propose draft, public hearing, meet with Planning to review for presentation to Council. Each participating attendee shared their thoughts on the ordinance and how to move forward: Bryan Holley – Don’t water the ordinance down; don't retreat now. Donn Todt – Zero in on problem areas: major thoroughfares, rapidly urbanized areas such as East Main, Hwy 66 and the downtown. Bryan Nelson – It is time to sit down and make some hard decisions. We have studied it enough. Heritage trees should not be separated out but we do need to reference areas. Cameron Hanson – Submit it as it is. Greg Covey – Don’t throw in the towel. Dan Moore – Move forward – focus on natives. Tom Peil – Keep up the momentum; fine tune it. Rich Whitall – Don’t water it down; strong language is good. Pulling out what we feel strongly about is important th The full commission decided to meet again Thursday, the 13 at 5:30pm at Bryan Holley’s house for review. D. Recommend Street Tree List – Staff has completed the changes and has given the project back to the consultant. Upon his completion commissioners will review for final draft. E. Library – It was decided that the roots should be cleanly trimmed at the soil surface. F. Other – There was no additional Old Business. New Business: A. Site Reviews 1. Planning Action Eva Cooley on Iowa Street. Please take extra precautions with the oak tree in the SE corner near the garage. Recommend replacing the Shore Pine (Pinus murryana) with another species. 2. Planning Action 2002-078. Kathleen Mitchell on Manzanita. Plan isn’t clear which street trees are existing. For any not planted recommend larger stature trees on High Street. Please make the selection from the Recommend Street Tree List. Street trees on Manzanita look all right. Plant list looks good; be advised Sorbus almfolia is not especially drought tolerant. 3. Planning Action 2001-089. Chuck Butler on Grant. Widen planting peninsula in parking lots to 7 feet (6 feet inside curbing. Recommend looking at altering driveway location to preserve Sycamore if possible. Investigate utilizing roof/rain drainage for irrigation in open space and other landscape areas. Please shrink down turf area in open space and incorporate drought tolerant plant materials and trees into this space. Change to smaller stature trees on north side of open space (or eliminate these). See notes on plan to determine our assessment of plants for drought tolerance. Diversity of street trees will promote survival and disease resistance. Recommend more “open foliage” and non-fruiting trees for southside of parking lot (Amur maple, Redbud, Lagerstromea). Grant Street and North Main Street trees look good. Recommend replacing large pine with another conifer in open space (nursery-grown 4 inch). 4. Planning Action 2001-076. SOU Trees on list tend to be less drought tolerant; water use is a concern (styrax) Idaho black locust is an exception, but we se survival problems with them. Recommend larger stature, drought tolerant trees along face of building. B. Other – There was no additional new business. Adjournment – Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.