HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-0104 Tree MIN ASHLAND TREE COMMISSION MINUTES January 4, 2007 CALL TO ORDER –Chair Bryan Holley called the Ashland Tree Commission meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. on January 4, 2007 in the Siskiyou Room in the Community Development and Engineering Services Building located at 51 Winburn Way, Ashland, OR. Commissioners Present Council Liaison Bryan Holley David Chapman Staff Present Mary Pritchard Laurie Sager Amy Anderson, Assistant Planner, arrived at 9:00 p.m. Steve Siewert Angela Barry, Assistant Planner Colin Guiley, absent Anne Rich, absent Carolyn Schwendener, Account Clerk APPROVAL OF MINUTES Holley suggested delaying approval of the December 9, 2006 minutes until the next meeting due to the fact they received them late. PUBLIC FORUM David Stalheim, new Planning Director was a guest. PUBLIC HEARINGS PLANNING ACTION #2006-01787 Request for Site Review approval for a two-story, mixed use building located at Russell St., Lot 4 of Falcon Heights Subdivision, comprised of retail and office space on the ground floor and five residential units on the second floor. The proposed building is approximately 7,762 square feet in size. The property is located in the Detail Site Review Zone, and is also subject to the Large Scale Development Standards. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Employment; ZONING: E-1; ASSESSOR’S MAP # 39 1E 09AA; TAX LOT: 2803. APPLICANT: Russ Dale & Darren LeComte. Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts – Holley, Siewert, and Pritchard did a site visit. Sager recused herself because her office is working on the project. Angela reviewed the staff report and conditions of approval. She explained that the Street trees, sidewalk and landscaping are going to be installed on the individual lots as they are developed. – Applicant testimony Darren LeComte, 1110 Gatepark Drive Central Point. Mr. LeComte stated that the main concern of the homeowners is the buffering issue. As the applicants they would like to see the residents happy and are willing to do whatever it takes. Mr. LeComte agrees with staff that a fence right behind the properties would be inappropriate because it separates the landscaping from the actual project which isn’t the way it was intended to be. The fence would need to be set back a minimum of two and a half feet in order to allow overhang for the vehicles. Mr. LeComte acknowledged that because of water issues with the irrigation some of the plants have died. Siewert suggested more of a staggering vegetation hedge style fence which would offer more blockage of light. Pritchard would like to make sure that the landscape material gets established and does well. She suggested to the applicant to err on the side of spending more money and purchase bigger plants. Public Testimony – Arlen Gregorio, 474 Williamson Way Ashland. Mr. Gregorio said that because of a lack of maintenance a lot of the landscaping plants have died. They would like to have landscaping but have no confidence that the landscaping would be maintained. Mr. Gregorio said that the developer at the February Planning Commission meeting proposed a three foot fence at the parking lot curb. Pritchard asked Mr. Gregorio what height of fence does he feel they need to provide them privacy and help block out the sun. His answer was six feet. Angela reminded everyone that the conditions of approval stated that the hedge or fence would go next to the property line not the curb. – a Mark Knox, 276 West Nevada, Ashland.Mr. Knox suggested that it might beppropriate to ask the developer to post a bond for a three year vegetation period to allow the vegetation to establish itself. Another possibility is to utilize what’s called a “Use Benefit Easement.” Essentially the neighbors become the responsible party to maintain that area and eventually they own the property. Mr. LeComte reminded everyone the land they are talking about is vacant land with no buildings, cars or businesses. They would like an opportunity to do their job in regards to the landscaping. Recommendations: 1) That the concept of a vegetative fence be considered by all parties and that a financial and legal mechanism be put in place to assure irrigation and maintenance for three years. 2) That plant materials chosen shall be evergreen and of adequate size to provide immediate screening. PLANNING ACTION #2006-02357 Request for Outline and Final Plan approval for a seven-lot subdivision for the properties 165 Lithia Way123 N. First St. located at and Site Review approval is requested for the proposed parking lot and perimeter landscaping. A Tree Removal Permit is requested to remove four trees six inches diameter at breast height and greater in size. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: ZONING: ASSESSOR’S MAP # TAX Commercial; C-1: 39 1E 09 BA; LOTS: ; APPLICANT: 10100, 11601, 11701, 9000, 9001, 9002 & 9003Archerd & Dresner, LLC Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts – Pritchard, Holley, Siewert, and Sager did a site visit. Angela reviewed the staff report and noted that the Chinese Pistache needs to be replaced with something from the recommended Street Tree list. Evidently the applicant did not have the current list in which the Chinese Pistache had been removed. Applicant testimony – John Mark Knox,Urban Development Services,320 E. Main Suite 202Ashland and Galbraith, Landscape Architect were present. Mr. Knox gave a short planning review of the project citing the differences between this Planning Action and the previous one. Mr. Galbraith said the intention was to install all the landscaping prior to the buildings. The Commissioners discussed the possibility of delaying some of the planting to protect the trees. Recommendations - 1) That an alternate tree from the Lithia Way recommended street tree list be chosen in place of the Chinese Pistache for the street trees along Lithia Way. 2) That a conifer be planted in the northwest corner, near the parking area. 3)That street tree grates larger than 4-foot by 4-foot be used, such as 4-foot by 6-foot grates, and that applicant consider state of the art tree grate options. 4) That the Tree Commission is concerned about the timing of landscaping in relationship to construction and recommends consideration of . phased installation of the trees to minimize damage to the trees PLANNING ACTION #2006-02354 Request for Site Review approval to construct a two-story office building located on the the intersection of N. Main St. and Glenn St. vacant parcel at the southeast corner of A Variance is requested to allow a 10- foot front yard setback where a 20-foot front yard for properties abutting arterial streets is required. An Exception to the Street COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Standards is required to provide a curbside sidewalk on Glenn St. ZONING:ASSESSOR’S MAP #:TAX LOTS Employment E-1 (with Residential Overlay) 39 1E 05 DA; : 3600; APPLICANT: Raymond J. Kistler Architecture Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts – Pritchard, Holley, Siewert, and Sager did a site visit. Angela reviewed the staff report. The application did not include a Tree Protection plan or address the impact of installing the pervious paving around the Walnut Tree. A condition of approval was attached to the staff report requiring the Tree Protection plan and the assessment of the pervious paving be submitted with the building permit application. Applicant testimony – None present 2 Recommendations - 1) That the applicant reconsider the tree species for the two entry trees on Glenn Street to address potential vision clearance issues. A species with an upright branching habit is recommended. 2) The applicant monitor and work carefully on installation of the pervious paving around the walnut tree that is to be preserved. ACTION ITEMS Goal Setting – Sunday January 21, 2007 at 1:00 p.m. in the Siskiyou Room at the Community Development Building. Amy stated that the meeting needs to be Publicly Noticed and be ADA assessable. Holley will be meeting with Mayor Morrison and Martha Bennett on January 16, 2007 to discuss how he will be going forward with the Tree Commission. Re drawing of the Street Clearance Graphic (City Source) – Needs to be prepared and turned in by the second week of February. DISCUSSION ITEMS Plaza Tree Replacement Event – The tree is scheduled to be here in early February. The Commissioners decided it should be planted as soon as possible and then have a dedication on Arbor Day. It was suggested to do a back page article on the planting of the tree. Arbor Day Planning – Amy informed the Tree Commission they will not be having the banner the first week in April unless the Library backs out. Paige Prewitt will be doing the Earth Day activities this year at the Science Works Museum on Saturday April 21, 2007. The Commissioners decided to participate again this year and give a $25.00 donation. ITEMS FROM COMMISSIONERS Liaison Reports – Angela passed out a report from Anne Rich regarding the Parks Tree Removals. The report in the packet was the maintenance list. Chapman commented that he would like to see a group of people go up to the Hargadine Cemetery and have a “mistletoe party”. Siewert said that new science says that the mistletoes is not always bad. It makes its own food and is not parasitic and helps the uptake of water. This is only true for certain species and when there is less then 50% in the tree. Sager mentioned that the Woodland Trails Group might be interested in helping with that project. OLD BUSINESS Land Use Ordinance Review (Siegel Report) – Mr. Stalheim stated that the Committee is working on taking care of the easy simple items that need corrected. Those Commissioners that are interested in helping can bring their list back next month with the corrections. Dedication Plaque for 2006 Tree of the Year – The Commissioners will work with Paula Brown and Rocky regarding the installation of the Dedication plaque at the cemetery. Holley suggested that the plaque come out to the sidewalk so that it can be easily seen by citizens. It was suggested to Invite the group of people who work at the cemetery to the dedication. NEW ITEMS Amy announced that Kelly Cruser was appointed to the Tree Commission at Tuesday’s City Council meeting. There is interest shown in expanding the Ice Rink in Lithia Park. If that happens the Rink will expand towards the street which would change the Park Row which may involve moving some existing trees. Holley encouraged the Commissioners to take a look at the area when they drive by. Tree Clinic – 15 people have signed up and more on a waiting list. Loftus will be providing trees to Pritchard for the class. Sager will write a back page article on the planting of the new Tree at the entrance to Lithia Park. Amy will forward Donn Todt’s past article to Sager. ADJOURNMENT - Commissioner Holley adjourned the meeting at 9:59 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Carolyn Schwendener, Account Clerk 3