HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-1002 Tree MIN ASHLAND TREE COMMISSION MINUTES October 2, 2007 CALL TO ORDER –Chair Laurie Sager called the Ashland Tree Commission meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. on October 2, 2007 in the Siskiyou Room in the Community Development and Engineering Services Building located at 51 Winburn Way, Ashland, OR. Commissioners Present Council Liaison Laurie Sager Russ Silbiger - absent Kelly Cruser John Rinaldi Jr. Staff Present Zane Jones Amy Anderson, Assistant Planner Anne Rich, Parks Department APPROVAL OF MINUTES Cruser/Sager m/s to approve the minutes of September 6, 2007. Voice vote: all AYES, Motion passed. The minutes of September 6, 2007 were approved as presented. PUBLIC FORUM None present PUBLIC HEARINGS PLANNING ACTION: 2007-01400 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 542 A Street OWNER/APPLICANT: David Gremmels / Carlos Delgado DESCRIPTION: Request for a Site Review approval, Administrative Variance to the Site Design Standards to eliminate the required landscape buffer between property lines, a Variance to reduce the required number of off-street parking spaces as allowed for renovation of historic buildings, a Variance to use more than 50% of the provided off- street parking spaces as compact spaces and a Variance to provide the required disabled parking space on street to allow for the operation of a coffee house/wine bar for the property located at 542 A Street. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Employment; ZONING: E-1; ASSESSOR’S MAP #: 39 1E 09AB; TAX LOT: 5400 Site Visits: Rinaldi, Cruser, yes; Jones, no. Commissioner Sager recused herself since her office drew the plans. Amy gave a staff report about the project proposal. Applicant Testimony – None present Public Testimony – None present Commission Discussion – Commissioner Jones asked about whether power lines were in the vicinity of the proposed street tree, Amy responded that there are no overhead lines in the area of the proposed tree. Commissioner Rinaldi asked about the proposed tree, the Bowhall Maple and whether the street tree is required to be irrigated, according to the standards it is. There were no recommendations from the commission. ACTION ITEMS Tree of the Year Ballot – Amy passed out the tree of the year nomination forms. The tree commissioners discussed the different trees and chose the five that will be on the ballot. Amy explained to the commissioners what the paragraph for the ballot purpose is and what is done with the ballot. Each commissioner chose which tree they would want to write about and th determined to have the ballot paragraphs back to Amy by October 12. DISCUSSION ITEMS Heritage Tree Program – Amy stated that she found the old Heritage Tree lists and told the commission that Lea Light in the GIS department went through the distinctive tree list that the Tree Commission in 2003 drafted and mapped it to the best of her ability. Amy explained to the commission that the reason there is deed restriction language is because that is how the previous members of the commission wanted the ordinance written. Rinaldi suggested that maybe the Tree Commission pursue changing the ordinance at a future date to eliminate the deed restriction language. Sager asked the commission if they want to do something with the ‘distinctive trees of Ashland’ lists. Jones said that he would be interested in putting some effort into a tree list but he is not interested in going to route of the Heritage Tree deed restriction on the already recognized distinctive trees. The commission thought it would be a good idea to have a map of the trees shown on a map and have a walking tour guide of the distinctive trees. Rinaldi asked if it is possible for the commission to seek financial contributions from nurseries, arborists, etc. to help defray the costs of printing a ‘tree tour guide.’ Amy will contact the finance department to find out what restrictions there are. If the commission cannot come up with the money to do a publication they are still interested in creating a handout. Back Page Articles – Tree of the Year article was submitted to the Daily Tidings on October 2. Fred Stockwell labored over the photograph of last year’s tree of the year winner. The editor at the Tidings, Scott Bolsinger said that the Tree Commission should just bring in their article whenever it’s ready. The next article the Tree Commission discussed was a beetle kill article. Sager said that on the ISA website there are tons of articles on beetle kill and that it seems too technical to be coming from the commission. Sager feels that the article should come from an arborist or from the state forester. Anne Rich pointed out that education is part of his job duties and that he may appreciate the opportunity to write for the local paper. The Tree Commission then discussed writing an article about live Christmas trees. There was a live Christmas tree article written last year that could be modified. Sager stated that it would be great if each Commission chose a topic that they were passionate about and begin to write an article or get ideas then there would be a backlog. Jones suggested that the Tree Commission approach area Arborists to see if they would like to write articles that the Tree Commission could get published in the paper. Anne said an ‘Ask the Arborists’ section would also be good. Sager suggested at next months meeting the commission could draft a letter soliciting articles from other sources. Commissioner Cruser noted that there are many great minds out there that could share their knowledge. The commission determined that they could have a disclaimer or chose not to use articles that the commission did not agree with. Revision of Street Tree Guide – Last month the Tree Commission had asked who had input into the creation of the Recommended Street Tree Guide; Amy found out that the list was created solely by the commission. Amy suggested that the first steps should be the commission going through the guide and finding the trees that they think should be removed or added. Sager suggested that a few Arborist be consulted about the guide, Sager said she would consult with Tom Myers. Donn Todt already has suggested that the Raywood ash be removed from the list. Rinaldi asked why the guide is only for street trees when so many of them are good for yards. Maybe the guide could be expanded to a ‘city wide’ guide to give it greater appeal to a broader audience. The commission thought that maybe it would be beneficial to add a bullet to the existing guide about what trees are also good for patios, yards, small spaces, etc. Sager finished the discussion by suggesting that the commission go through the list and find the trees they think should be added or removed. Amy is going to draft the ‘planting specification’ language from the Site Design and Use Standards. Cruser is going to take the list to her friends that have a nursery and see what type of recommendations they would have. Everyone should bring their initial ideas to the next meeting. ITEMS FROM COMMISSIONERS Liaison Reports – Anne Rich told the commission about a big storm drain replacement project along the SOU ball fields on Walker Avenue where parks department removed 5 trees and cut one down. The five trees that were removed have been moved to the upper parking lot and are being stored there until they get transplanted at the new neighborhood park on Scenic Street. A new sidewalk may be installed in the future along the street frontage. Anne said the trees were the largest she has ever seen moved. They are maples and according to Donn Todt they are easy to transplant. Anne also told the commission that the tour of the park with Arborists to bid on next years tree removals is coming soon and she will let the commission know when it is occurring so that they may attend. New Business – No new business Current Balance – $ 740 ADJOURNMENT - Commissioner Sager adjourned the meeting at 8:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Amy Anderson, Assistant Planner 2