HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-1009 Tree MIN ASHLAND TREE COMMISSION MINUTES October 9, 2008 CALL TO ORDER –Chair John Rinaldi called the Ashland Tree Commission meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. on October 9, 2008 in the Siskiyou Room in the Community Development and Engineering Services Building located at 51 Winburn Way, Ashland, OR. Commissioners Present Council Liaison Laurie Sager Russ Silbiger, Absent John Rinaldi Jr. Zane Jones Staff Present Amy Anderson, Assistant Planner Anne Rich, Parks Department APPROVAL OF MINUTES August 7 and September 4, 2008 PUBLIC FORUM Cleo Smith 938 Oak Street has a standing Minor Land Partition approval and was requesting advise on the required sidewalk installation. The sidewalk was approved at 6-feet in width with a seven-foot parkrow. She does not want to install the sidewalk and was asking for the Tree Commission support. Chairman Rinaldi explained that the Commission could not give recommendations without an application and that the Commission recommended she come back with a application so they could then give her comment. MEETING NOTE: Commissioner Sager recued herself due to conflict of interest, the Type II applications were informally reviewed and the following comments were provided: TYPE II Review (informal due to no quorum) PLANNING ACTION: 2008-00911 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 2300 Siskiyou Blvd. APPLICANT: Steve Asher DESCRIPTION: A request for Site Review approval to construct thirteen condominium units for the property located at 2300 Siskiyou Boulevard. Also included are requests for a Physical & Environmental Constraints Review Permit to allow tree removal and parking space installation on Flood Plain Corridor/Riparian Preservation Lands adjacent to a culverted section of Clay Creek; Tree Removal Permits to remove 36 of the site’s 78 trees; and an Exception to Street Standards to not install sidewalks and curbs along Siskiyou Boulevard frontage. (The approval of this application would replace the previous Performance Standards Options subdivision approval from PA #96-131). COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION:ZONING:ASSESSOR’S MAP Low Density Multi Family Residential; R-2; #: 39 1E 14 CA; TAX LOTS: 7700, 7800, 7801, 7802, 7803, 7804, 7805, 7806, 7807 and 7808 Amy gave the staff report. Applicant Testimony: Mark Knox, Urban Development Services, Wendy, Sager and Associates and Steve Asher, property owners were present to represent the project. Mr. Knox explained the minimum density requirements and that they are construction the minimum number of units required. He discussed the various requirements that shaped the development and how they had to balance the various aspects of the Site Design and Use Standards, Parking and Fire Access. There are 72 trees on the site and 38 will be removed. The applicant had concerns about the mitigation requirement of the code. They didn’t feel it was appropriate to be required to mitigate the trees were being removed because they were hazardous or had diseases. They were concerned about the value of the trees to be removed and whether it was an assessment or the cost of replacement. Tree Commission Discussion: Commissioners Rinaldi and Jones discussed the proposal and the choices of trees to be preserved and those to be removed. They had some concerns but felt that based on the site constraints there were still going to be a lot of trees preserved. The Commission stated they would support the non-mitigation request for the trees that were defined as poor or hazardous by the Arborist but the others needed some sort of mitigation either on-site, as street trees or on the applicant’s other properties in town. A mitigation plan would be necessary with the building permit submittals or survey whichever comes fist. Commissioner Rinaldi also expressed concerns about how close some of the buildings and the sidewalks were to the existing trees and the tree protection zones. The Commission agreed that any trees that perish or are damaged by construction will be required to be mitigated for after the project is complete. PLANNING ACTION: 2008-01318 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 2200 Ashland Street APPLICANT: Coming Attractions Theatres DESCRIPTION: Request for Site Review approval to redevelop the existing 5,418 square foot, single-story office building located at 2200 Ashland Street into an 18,791 square foot, three-story office and retail building. The property is located within the Detail Site Review Zone and the development is subject to the Additional Standards for Large Scale Projects and Ashland Boulevard Corridor Design Standards. Also included are requests for: Administrative Variance to the Site Design and Use Standards and Exception to Street Standards relating to the reconfiguration of off-street parking between the building and Ashland Street and to Ashland Street improvements, and Tree Removal Permit to remove six trees greater than six-inches in diameter-at-breast-height. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Commercial; ZONING: C-1; ASSESSOR’S MAP #: 39 1E 14 BB; TAX LOT #: 300 Amy gave the staff report. Applicant Testimony: Mark Knox, Urban Development Services and Wendy, Sager and Associates The applicant’s stated that they were removing six tree and thirty were going to be planted on the site. They did intend on landscaping the Oregon Department of Transportation right-of-way which is where the driveway is located and also landscaping the adjacent tax lot between the subject property and Ashland Street. There is only one significant tree, an Oak, on site is proposed to be preserved. Commission Discussion: The Tree Commission expressed concern that irrigation should not be added to the landscape bay where the preserved oak tree will be located. MEETING NOTE: Commissioner Sager returned to the meeting. TYPE I REVIEW PLANNING ACTION: 2008-1450 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 282 Ninth Street APPLICANT: Joseph Powell DESCRIPTION: Request for Tree Removal Permit approval to remove a 6.5 inch in diameter at breast height Mimosa (Silk) Tree located at 282 Ninth Street. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Multi-Family Residential; ZONING: R-3; ASSESSOR’S MAP #: 39 1E 09AA; TAX LOT #: 2202 Recommendations: No recommendations. PLANNING ACTION: 2008-01529 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 260 N Laurel APPLICANT: Sanford Design and Renovation, LLC DESCRIPTION: A request for Site Review approval to construct two condominium units for the property located at 260 N Laurel Street. The existing single-family residence is proposed for demolition. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Multi Family Residential; ZONING: R-3; ASSESSOR’S MAP #: 39 1E 04 CC; TAX LOTS: 502 Discussion: The Tree Commission was concerned that the choice of the Chinese Pistache may not be the best for the parking area and parkrow. They also had concerns that not all of the trees on the site were shown on the application. Recommendations: That a revised Tree Protection and Preservation plan addressing all of the trees on the site and all trees within 15 feet of the property lines shall be shown on the plan. The Tree Protection Plan shall be submitted prior to the issuance of a building permit. If any trees which require a tree removal permit have not been addressed as part of this planning action, a separate Tree Removal permit shall be applied for. DISCUSSION ITEMS Tree of the Year Ballots: This year there were 16 trees nominated for Tree of the Year. The Tree Commission had reviewed the trees and reduced the number to the five they thought were the best. Each Commissioner, Amy and Anne took a tree that 2 they will write a brief description about for the Tree of the Year ballot. The Tulip tree at 582, the Silk Tree at North Main & Wimer, Oak Tree at 174 Church, another Oak at 192 Mountain and the Spanish Fir at 128 Wimer. Amy will contact the property owners to inform them that their tree has been nominated. The ballot paragraphs will need to be th given to Amy by early the week of the 13. ITEMS FROM COMMISSIONERS Liaison Reports Anne Rich spoke about the next Tree Walk. The commission decided it would be scheduled the last Saturday of Arbor Week at SOU from 2 – 4 PM. The Tree Walk will be advertised in the North Mountain Nature Center guide. Old Business Distinctive Tree List Recommended Street Tree Guide New Items $485.00 Current Balance - ADJOURNMENT - Commissioner Rinaldi adjourned the meeting at 8:00 PM. Respectfully submitted by Amy Anderson, Assistant Planner 3